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  1. Chie Satonaka
    ONLY FOUR SUBMISSIONS THIS MONTH????? it's okay~~ everyone did very well as always!

    Now this motif was very very challenging cuz ANYTHING can represent power. I love how everyone took this in their own way.

    Dinny - WOAH SO COLORFUL!! Love how the colors contrast (the red hair with the green background, the blue and orange background). The blending was done very well! Is she gonna be the next Avatar, after Korra??

    Jiku - So cute~~~ I love the character designs so much!! I would totally love to see the other designs too! As always, Jiku, your style is very cute~~ I guess it's kinda like a video game, picking your job in Final Fantasy, or like picking what type of fairy you'd be in ALFheim (SAO).

    Midnight - Wonder what the runes say? Where did you get the runes from? Lord of the Rings or something else? Just by looking at it.... I don't really get the motif from it... Maybe if I knew how to read it, it would fit better?

    Everyone did very well this round too! I hope to enter something next month too, so please look forward to it!
    Post by: Chie Satonaka, May 4, 2013 in forum: Competitions
  2. Chie Satonaka
  3. Chie Satonaka
    Profile Post Comment

    Woooow...... Lol

    Woooow...... Lol
    Profile Post Comment by Chie Satonaka, May 3, 2013
  4. Chie Satonaka
    Profile Post Comment

    I WANT IT!!!!!!!!! *preorders*

    I WANT IT!!!!!!!!! *preorders*
    Profile Post Comment by Chie Satonaka, May 1, 2013
  5. Chie Satonaka
  6. Chie Satonaka
  7. Chie Satonaka
  8. Chie Satonaka
    > Mood - HUH??
    > Location - Hospital

    Shou bolted upright. He was in an unknown room. It took him a while to remember what happened.

    "Oh yeah..." Shouta remembered the forest fire. He got separated from Sebas during the scavenger hunt and he suddenly found himself surrounded by flames. He had run to the edge of the forest, before collapsing.

    A nurse with brown hair in a low bun and rectangular glasses entered his room. "Oh, you're up?" The nurse clutched her clipboard.

    "Yeah." Shouta replied.

    "That's good. You don't seem to be injured too badly. Just a few burns and scrapes that we have already treated. I think you will be able to be discharged today." She smiled. "But, let's just let the doctor know and he'll confirm, kay? I'll go call him right now." She turned and left to room.

    "Alright." Shouta said after her.


    After the doctor had confirmed that Shouta was able to be discharged, he got dressed and left for the dock. Taking the taxis that were provided there, he headed back to camp. Staring out at the blue sky, he was so glad that he was able to see it once again.
    Post by: Chie Satonaka, May 1, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Chie Satonaka
    OOC : on phone so will put a short version. Will update when I get the chance. Btw gonna be a bit busy this week so my online time is going to be weird.

    Shouta headed over to he camp circle in the evening. Scavenger hunt time~~

    Gripping the flashlight he was given, he went over the rules in his head once more. Look for objects, protect counsellor. That sounded easy enough. Shouta walked around the circle, looking for his cabin mates.

    Bryan assigned him with Sebastian. Spread out and go East. "Alright," Shouta said to Sebas, "Le'ts go."
    Post by: Chie Satonaka, Apr 29, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Chie Satonaka
    > Mood - Don't know...
    > Location - Dining Hall/Beach

    "Hi. I'm Alexandra..." She introduced. "I play electric guitar. I'm not pro, but I've been playing for about two years now, and I've been told that I'm pretty good..."

    "Shouta." He introduced himself again, in case one of the girls didn't hear his name. "Alrighty then, let's head out. I'm getting tired of just sitting here and doing nothing." Shouta got up. "See you, Emalynn."

    Lexi and Shouta headed over to the beach. The waves were small, making quiet wooshing sounds. The sky was pretty much cloudless and there was a slight breeze. Just perfect. Shouta hoped that someday, he would be able to take his partner on a date to the beach and the day would be exactly like this.

    Shouta took off his shoes and socks, so that sand won't get on them. Barefooted, they walked along the shoreline for a bit. The water lapped at Shouta's toes. This felt perfect.
    Post by: Chie Satonaka, Apr 28, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Chie Satonaka
    > Mood - Indecisive
    > Location - Dining Hall

    [/url] Only when Shouta got up, he noticed that another girl was sitting at the table. The brunette silently ate her breakfast, avoiding eye contact with anyone. "Um..." Shouta asked. "Would you like to come with us?"

    Once again, he had no idea why he actually spoke up. He didn't even know who she was in the first place. Obviously she was a camper, but other than that, nothing.

    While he waited for the others to finish up, he asked them about what instruments they played. "I play bass and guitar, as well as vocals. I'm mainly into rock music."

    One of his goals here at Fortissimo was to start a rock band. Even though the members would most likely be far apart, they can still do band covers like the ones on YouTube. Shouta never got the chance to ask people to make a band with him. His "friends" were just people he hung out with and killed time with, but he's never had any close friends. Shouta hasn't really bumped into anyone who played an instrument he needed in a band.
    Post by: Chie Satonaka, Apr 28, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Chie Satonaka
    This is a pic i drew for TotM #8. Just wanted to post it here so more people can see it. A million layers for this project....


    It was inspired by episode 3 of Uta no Prince-sama! season 2. Syo (the guy in the pic) was playing in this action drama, where his character needed to jump across a half broken bridge in one of the scenes. He didn't want to use a stunt double to prove that he was not a newbie, but couldn't do it in the beginning. In the end, with his friends' help and encouragement, he was able to make the jump.

    So how is it? CnC is appreciated~~
    Thread by: Chie Satonaka, Apr 28, 2013, 1 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  13. Chie Satonaka
    > Mood - Eating
    > Location - Dining Hall

    [/url] "May I sit with you guys?" Shouta heard another girl's voice. He looked up, seeing Elisa.

    "Sure." Shouta said. After a while of silence as they ate, Shouta wondered out loud, "What are we gonna do today?" He vaguely remembered something about a scavenger hunt that night, but there was lots of time to kill. What should I do? There were many options for Shouta to kill time. He decided that he was going to take a walk around the beach.

    "I'm going to the beach for a walk." He said to the other two, "Would you guys like the come along?" It doesn't hurt to ask. Besides, he was actually trying to make friends. Especially since he had recently moved schools AGAIN, leaving all his old friends behind. His parents traveled all over Japan for work. Shouta was dragged along because he was still a minor and technically couldn't live alone. Plus, his parents were slight helicopter parents.

    Shouta got up to bring the tray of empty dishes back to the counter, offering to take the girls' trays too. Returning to his seat, he waited for their answers.
    Post by: Chie Satonaka, Apr 28, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Chie Satonaka
    Here's my submission : LINK

    The theme/motif for it is "You have the power to do anything." It was inspired by Episode 3 of Uta no Prince-sama! when Syo (this character) couldn't jump across a broken bridge while he was in the shooting of this movie. So he kept trying and trying, and with his friends' encouragement, he jumped across it!
    Post by: Chie Satonaka, Apr 27, 2013 in forum: Competitions
  15. Chie Satonaka
  16. Chie Satonaka
    OMG I CAN'T WAIT FOR FREE! I love ALL the voice actors in it, especially the guy that's the rival and the guy who's image colour was green. LET THE FANSERVICE BEGIN~~~~~~~<3 kyaha~~


    Oh and they also need to do this for the female fan base of KyoAni. Cuz their previous anime were aimed toward the male fans (NOT NECESSARILY ONLY GUYS WATCHED IT. I SAID THAT THE DEMOGRAPHIC WAS FOR MALE. don't kill me....)

    Plus it's good to try out new things...
    Post by: Chie Satonaka, Apr 27, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Chie Satonaka
    > Mood - Huh?
    > Location - Mice comfy bed/Cabin
    > Outfit - This one

    [/url] The sound of a bugle abruptly woke up Shouta. "Huh? Wha--?" Shouta bolted upright in his bed. Oh right... I'm at Fortissimo...

    Getting out of his bunk, he grabbed his toiletries and a new set of clothes from his suitcase. Walking to the bathroom, he brushed his teeth and fixed up his hair. He got dressed and headed back to the cabin.

    After dropping off his stuff, he headed over to the dining hall. Wonder what's for breakfast? There was a whole bunch of different options for breakfast. Shouta chose a Belgian waffle with bananas and Nutella on top, along with a glass of chocolate milk and an orange. Sitting down in at the table he sat at the night before, he dove in.

    Eating silently for a while, he wondered what they were going to do today. He heard someone stop near his table and he looked up, seeing a girl with shocking blue hair in two ponytails. He almost choked on his waffle.

    She looked terribly confused and shy. "What do I do? Everyone else already made friends, or know each other, except for me..."

    "Um..." Shouta was surprised that he actually spoke to her, "There's a seat here if you like." GAHHHHHH THE HELL WAS THAT?? SOUNDED LIKE I WAS TRYING TO PICK HER UP. KILL ME NOW.
    Post by: Chie Satonaka, Apr 27, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Chie Satonaka
    I'm entering and working on something right now~~
    Post by: Chie Satonaka, Apr 27, 2013 in forum: Competitions
  19. Chie Satonaka
    I need something like Burst Link, so I can basically accelerate my speed and pause time and think things through before slowing down again. It would be so helpful when it comes to sports... It's from an anime Accel World, but technically Burst Link is from a video game inside the anime.
    Post by: Chie Satonaka, Apr 27, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Chie Satonaka
    > Mood - Bored, slightly sleepy...
    > Location - Showers/Cabin

    Shouta[/url] went over to his suitcase to grab his PJs and a new pair of undies. During Secret Time, Sebastian had actually said that he had the Brew as well. Shouta was not very proud of having that stupid toy, so he stuffed it into the back of his suitcase to hide it.

    "I'm gonna go for a shower." He said to his cabin mates and he went out. Shouta quietly walked to the nearby showers and went into the male side. There were a couple of other campers there at the time. Quickly stripping off his vest, tshirt and jeans, he slipped into on of the shower stalls. The truth is, Shouta actually had this huge scar on his back.

    It was from the time when kids from his school found out that he was homosexual and the bullying got way out of hand. One of the kids thought it was smart to shove Shouta in the classroom near the open window. Shouta had lost his balance and fell out the window. They were on the second floor, so, luckily, he didn't die. But that incident gave him a broken arm, a concussion, and the scar on his back caused by falling on some broken glass.

    Stepping out of the shower, Shouta felt refreshed. He had been sweating all day after all. Looking down at his nails, he noticed that the black nail polish on his index finger was chipped. He decided that he was going to redo them back in the cabin.

    Back in the cabin, he noticed that Sebastian had already turned in, as well as Elisa. He opened up his suitcase once again, dropping his amazing fruit-scented shampoo, conditioner and body wash into the suitcase. Then he rummaged through his stuff and fished out his nail polish remover, bottle of black nail polish and a pack of cosmetic pads. Climbing up to his bunk, he settled down and re-did his nails.

    When the polish was done drying, he returned the nail stuff back to his suitcase and took out his KISHOW plushie. The model from GRANRODEO's single, DARK SHAME. Yep. A guy like this has a plushie, but at least it wasn't a teddie bear or something like that. He went up to his bunk for the last time of the day and turned in, drifting off into sleep. Today was extremely tiring for Shouta.

    OOC: Yes there is a KISHOW plushie. I saw it on the GR official site recently and facepalmed. They're sooooo cute~~~ I needed to put that here, just cuz.
    Post by: Chie Satonaka, Apr 27, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home