Next up!! 13 days left till BROTHERS CONFLICT starts!! (excited) Today, it's Ukyo. A 28 year old lawyer. Likes to read. Not my type... so I feel like I didn't put in much effort to this.... orz[DOUBLEPOST=1371690932][/DOUBLEPOST]NEXT!! 12 days till BroCon starts!! WOOO! Today is Kaname. A 26 year old monk (?) who's a player (how does that work??). He's good at reading people's feelings. Sooo.... up next is Tsubaki-kun!
TWO WEEKS UNTIL THE BROTHERS CONFLICT ANIME STARTS! Brothers Conflict is based off a Japanese light novel. The concept was created by Atsuko Kanase, and the novel was written by Takeshi Mizuno and was illustrated by Udajo. The basic story line - Ema (the heroine) moves into the Sunrise Residence complex after her dad marries a famous fashion designer. The complex is owned by the designer, and all the residents are her sons. THIRTEEN OF THEM. So, Ema suddenly has 13 new step-brothers, ranging from 30 years old to 10 years old. (I wonder what has the designer been doing....) Of course, this novel is being adapted into a PSP dating sim (I WANT IT!!!! >.<). I still haven't read the novels, so I hope the anime will be good. So, to commemorate this, I'm challenging myself to draw a pic of everyone, in order from oldest to youngest, and the last day will be the heroine. I will keep updating on this post, so please look forward to my drawings! ------------- First up is Masaomi. He's a 30-year-old pediatrician who loves eating candy. It's on pixiv as usual..... Please CnC as usual~~ *i finally figured out how they do the coloring so prettily~~ ''''ORZ tip: use the water tool in on some of the shadows to blur it instead of the airbrush or blur tool. go perpendicular to the side you want to smudge, pulling out the darker color, rather than smudging it parallel.
Chie again~ It's my goal to draw something everyday this month... Kay so here are the links to the works on Pixiv. Shinya Kougami - LINK Makishima Shougo - LINK I drew these two on the same day earlier this week. (It's the post date on Pixiv) Kougami in the morning and Makishima in the afternoon. I used the airbrush tool and it looks like I used Copics.... LOL I feel like I drew Kougami better than Makishima (probably cuz I like Kougami better--*shot*) Yeah... I tend to work harder on characters I like better... orz Anyways, please comment as usual. And anything I can do to get better? Oh BTW these two are a wallpaper set. you can use them if you want~~ (i'd be really happy if you used them!!) just let me know in the post if you used it~~ thank you~
LOL diajoubu~~~ thank you~~~ I'm working on another thing right now - a pic of STARISH in their outfits from the Maji Love 2000% idol song covers....
fl;djkafd;slakfjds;lfadjaglkdsflkjdsalkfjhjflksdjflkajf;lda *dies of bloddloss* MEGANE TOKIYA IN EPISODE 11!!!!...
WHERE ARE YOU????? not on skype much, girl Q__Q i posted something on pixiv and in the Trad Art section. Plus Utapri stuff to spaz about...
LINK UFUFUFUFUFUFU~~~~~~~~~~~~~ this was for my desktop of my new laptop... Felt like drawing the three main boys from Karneval (the Tsundere, the Man-Child, and the Half-human LOL) BTW Tsundere is Gareki (the guy in pink, cuz pink is a manly color), Man-Child is Yogi, (the blonde guy with a dark side to him), and the Half-human is Nai (silver-haired kawaii shota). I used the colors from the anime, using the dropper tool. I used the pen tool for the base color, and the marker tool on another layer with the "Fringe" effect on. How is it? PS - to fans of Yogi, please don't kill me. the first version i uploaded, i forgot his allergy patch ''orz I'm sorry >__<
OH RIGHT I FINALLY STARTED WATCHING PSYCHO PASS!!! LOL shuusei... draw kogami-kun toooooooo <3 Luv how you did some of the outline in white (for contrast against his black clothes, right?) I'm not that far in PsyPass yet, so no spoilers pleez~ such a late reply... gomen orz
SHE'S SHO KYUUUUUT <3<3<3 as always taffycchi, AWESOME JOB!!! you're really good at imitating styles!! i'm still trying my best with my stuff!
[RESERVES SPOT] will work on something after exams... may need some extra time (?) though...
Thanks guys~ Thanks so much!! Of course I'll be doing TAotM! Especially cuz i't's summer vacation soon!! Thanks Enzy~~ You can always check my Pixiv (LINK). Of course I'll let you guys know when I post something new!
Hey KHV, Even though i'm still kinda a newbie here, I think i'm gonna stop by less and less. I don't know what to do here anymore... I'm satisfied having a pixiv to post my art, and I can still talk to my friends over Skype and stuff. I don't know... It's just starting to get a bit boring here (sorry!!!) I'll still drop by every once in a while when I'm bored, but probably not as often as before. See you!
Hellooooooo~~ It's been a while (once again).... I've done some sketches these couple of months. I finally scanned the best ones. They're pencil sketches and I'm working on the digitally colored versions of some of them right now. I don't know how long it will take, but I will update here, since I plan to post lots of stuff. If you want, check out my Pixiv. I post the better things on here. ----- Here is the album. I'm not posting these on Pixiv just yet. Maybe I will post them with the final copy... ----- Oh right! Please CnC~~ Just put the name of the piece and any comments~~ I appreciate feedback on anything that I need to improve, or change. Thanks guys~~ ----- Please look forward to my next updates~~~ BTW - Links are located on the underlined and bolded words... Spoiler: PASSWORD ChieSatonaka
O__O I think everyone's tied right now....
LOL what program? Illustrator?
Omg super kawaii avy!!! <3 ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
Kanon (カノン) by Mamoru Miyano (宮野真守). Love this song!!!!!
> Mood - confused? > Location - Ferry > Music - HEAVEN by OLDCODEX > OOC - anyone want to interact with shouta? i don't mind. and sorry for the delay! [/url]Shouta was totally confused. He had gotten off the ferry to the island to find his stuff being thrown at him and he was pushed back onto the ferry. That fire must have been bad... Shouta was on the top deck of the ferry, listening to his music, playing his bass to the song. Currently, HEAVEN was playing. He sang along with the vocals. Dance! wanted more timeDance! wanted more blueDance! wanted more mirrorDance! dance the night awayRide! wanted more rainRide! wanted more fuseRide! wanted more glowRide! ride the night away He didn't care if anyone saw him. Shouta pretended that he was playing in a concert, head bobbing to the drums, fingers plucking at the strings of his bass guitar. He was so glad that his baby wasn't damaged in the forest fire. Luckily, the flames didn't reach his cabin.
Sorry bout being inactive for a few days! Been busy with some stuff, but i'm good for the time being! Let's get back to business!