i can't say how cute dantalion and william are... UGH this shounen-ai is killing me right now!!
WHY? JUST WHY? imma shoot you cuz you're Monokuma... UPUPUPU--*shot*
I remember you drawing the first one~! So kawaii~~ Just one thing - maybe you could have added more detail to the background of the first one? Make it look like the jagged thing was something (does that make sense?)
Kathy Reichs, the author of the Bones and the Virals series. I love her books so much~~
http://mangafox.me/manga/makai_ouji_devils_and_realist/v01/c009/13.html OH. MY. GOD. NO. DANTALION. JUST. NO.
http://mangafox.me/manga/makai_ouji_devils_and_realist/v01/c009/10.html SITORI SO PRETTYYYYYYYYYY (i'm so jelly) i wanna give him cookies~~~<3
reading the manga for Makai Ouji~~ Dantalion x William <-- this pairing is so cute!!
http://mangafox.me/manga/karneval/v10/c060.6/8.html ANOTHER AFURECO OMAKE!!! OMG SHIMONO IS TOO KAWAII!! Mamo-chan is adorkable as usual~ I...
okaeri~~~ and yup, usual time! Tonight's Makai Ouji!!! (or the karneval of this season) i'm already in love with this show! the artist of the...
http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=36802732 OH LORD NO... OTL
BTW when are ya back in UK?
OH LORD. OF COURSE I DID!!! my thoughts: - makoto, you so kawaiii - must say "pool" in front of haruka LOL - da hell happened in australia???...
my thoughts on everyone: [spoiler] - SHIMOCCHI AND GLASSES O__O (meganecon) - HiroC's eyes are really like Gareki's... like how the author drew...
LOLOL YOU GOTTA SEE THIS!!! http://mangafox.me/manga/karneval/v06/c036.6/7.html start on that page and keep reading for a few pages. a short...
Miss you, Taffy-cchi!! Have you seen my countdown for BROTHERS CONFLICT? let's watch it together and fan-girl, kay?
I want some candy...
TODAY, IT'S TSUBAKI~~ he's a 24 year-old voice actor, who's an otaku~ he's one of the asahina triplets. his brothers are azusa (which he loves) and natsume. azusa is next~~
LOL wups.... I totally forgot about Hikaru... NEXT is Hikaru. Crossdressing (?) novelist. 26 years old. Birthday is August 1. TOMORROW is Tsubaki... orz