THAT SMIRK FROM 0:46 flaksdjfldkasfjdslkafj;lgdansfl *DIES*
IKR!!!!!!!!!!!! I LIKE HIS OUTFIT FOR THE DANCE SEQUENCES!! his hairstyle reminds me of hijikata-san from Hakuouki! long-haired mamo-chan is...
....BUT THE AGE DIFFERENCE!!! O_O he's pretty much an ossan to meeeeeee!!! (and i will stick with 2D for now thank you very much) orz
hmmm i didn't think that posting a YT link imbeds the vid... oh well... ENJOY SOME エロイ MAMO-CHAN!-- *bricked* TAFFY PLEASE HELP ME DYING OF BLOOD LOSS MAMO-CHAN<3 (it's the MV for his latest song, IDENTITY)
hmmm it was kind of mixed... mostly JP though... Hey... i'm REAALLLY insignificant to Tatsun.
Hey guess what. Tatsun (tatsuhisa suzuki) appeared in my dream last night. Should i be worried? orz i just randomly bumped into him and we just...
Alaskan - mostly older people, so the teen program was meh.... Caribbean - more families, so they invest more in the teen program AND YES IT WAS...
no problem ^__^
LOL daijoubu~ and i've been drawing for about five years (anime style) just keep practicing! i try to draw something everyday. i started out...
SUGOI SUGOI SUGOI!! I would TOTALLY like it, but don't have YT... orz and i went to alaska and the west coast~ cruises are fun ^__^ but there...
I'M BACK~~~ i went on vacation and just got back (which is why i wasn't online much for the last 2 1/2 weeks) you're not on pixiv much...
hello calxiyn~ a new follower yay~ but i'm just wondering what got you into following me? if it's my artwork, you can also check out my pixiv...
I just watched the last episode of K again... feel like crying... BUT I can't wait for the movie!! Next year! Next year!
Ahh... why did I just watch the last episode of K? TT^TT Mikoto!! Shiro!! Heyyyyyyyy my latest project!! i'm procrastinating on the shingeki one... orz...
Chie here~~ Long time no see (again... orz) This time, it's a lineart of the five boys from Free! (aka the swimming anime) i drew the three friends who stuck together. rei is walking towards the three because he is going to join the swim club. rin is walking away from his childhood friends all alone. i really like this anime with the fanservice( >__< kya~ ) AS WELL as the interactions between the characters. i'm also starting a pencil sketch of another poster for Free! it's a two page spread of the five boys as well as Gou-- i mean Kou-chan. (LOL) i'm planning on drawing them in more casual (?) swimsuits, like not their competition swimsuits. Kou-chan as well~ (she's so kawaii~~<3) Please look forward to the finished work, as well as the next project!! ^__^ Thanks for looking! CnC is much appreciated, as well as ratings and bookmarks (if you have a pixiv account - if not, that's okay!)
I'm in!! For sure this time! (it's summer, so i have LOTS of time on my hands...)
REI-CHAN WUT O__O FAILLLlL LOLOLOL!!! then at the preview - REI-CHAN, THOSE STRETCHES *nosebleeds*
HOLY CRAP! not even to the op of free! and i'm dying already. HARU-CHAN'S SNEEZE SO SOOOO KAWAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII<3<3<3<3 >__<