LOLOLOL Well the ZetsuTem manga stops there I think.... There's only so much someone can write for a story like ZetsuTem... AND YES EVERYTHING...
I'm probably gonna go and watch Magi just for the voice actors. Yuki Kaji<3 kawaii uke voice~~ btw have you guys watched Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi? I...
Yay~~~ Who's next? Kagamine-cchi? Or one of the Kiseki no Sedai?
LOL same... the only other anime that made me cry was Clannad.... THAT was sad....
Yush, but a lonnnnng time ago.
LOL it's ok! My fault I haven't logged on for a while.
It's all because of my impatience.... I'm right-handed, so i color from left to right. You can tell i got lazy after a while...... Thanks for the feedback! Ganbarouze! I will work harder and practice with color pencil more! Yeah! *fired up*