Glyde let loose a long, heavy, and disheartened sigh; one composed of a long held anticipating breath of air. What had expected to get out of Atmos? Even after asking the questions that weighed most… and, in his opinion, the easiest ones to answer, he was left with no answers, and a growing mound of questions. How can she be certain I’ll be able to fend for myself here any better than at the castle? At least there, he’d have had plenty of places to stay low. Pfft. A lot of good that’d do you, a stray thought in his own voice chimed into his inner monologues. All the good it’s already done; you’d be swallowed into Darkness, just like… “Shut it,” he muttered. He pulled his attention back to the apparent task at hand, quietly observing Atmos’ interaction with the shopkeeper. The matter didn’t carry much weight with him; at least, not at that moment. He was far more concerned with piecing together what happened before he had fainted. But then, he thought, maybe that’s all related to this, somehow… but then how would… how could we have gotten involved in it? And how could he… “I take it this person isn’t really an “acquaintance of ours?”” Glyde whispered to Atmos while the shopkeeper was. “Could you at least tell me what’s going on here and now? I’m a bit… patchy on the details and I think I’ll be a lot better for this if I’m more up to speed.”
Struggle Tournament RP I’ve been getting into the mood for more tournament-oriented roleplays lately. As it happens, I’ve also had an idea for one such RP lurking around for quite a while now. Other places I’ve tried to run it generally don’t seem to like the idea. But, I’m hoping that I can take this shot in the dark and get some traction out of it here… Basically, it’d be an RP functioning with the Twilight Town Struggle Tournament events lying close to, if not at, its core. The characters involved would be competitive hopefuls, fighting, and possibly training (depending on the play format that ends up being used) towards the end goal of being crowned champion. Format Possibilities I am entertaining two main possibilities (and contemplating a third) for play format for this ‘event.’ Before I give what details are available for either, I will say that I’m looking at both having some shared elements. Namely: First and foremost, the end results of each battle will be open ended until their conclusions, rather than being planned or plotted. Ultimately, a judging factor will be implemented to determine winners. Naturally, however, should the event format allow for it, there would be nothing stopping people from prearranging their own battles for the sake of character development. Secondly, I mean for this to act as somewhat more of an ‘event’ RP, and that on that spirit I intend to somewhat keep this RP metered in terms of its timeframe. Specifically, that its span, I would hope, will be able to align with or close to the timeframe within which the Twilight Town Struggle would be held (the late-spring through late-summer months); though on this, I am somewhat flexible. The first format option, which would likely be utilized to some extent, would be more of a pure tournament competition. Threads would be created to facilitate the engagement of a series of Struggle-styled battles over the course of several months, until such a point at which a final tournament would be held to cap off the event; in effect, this style would likely invoke rulings for franchise RP’s on this site. More than likely, a relatively large influx of interest would beget this style. Just about any number of participants above the range of 10 to 12 would likely require this in order to keep the event moving. The second format option would be a traditional roleplay, utilizing the Struggle at its center plot device; kind of like the tournament arcs of the Dragonball series. We would get to play out snippets of training and character interactions, all interspersed among the competitive events. This would also give some room for characters not involved in the fighting to have weight in the RP. A smaller number of participants (around 8-12) could work well under this manner of play. And, from the looks of the community, it might be the more popular option. The third way of approaching in it that I am contemplating would involve a hybridization of the previous two. Essentially, a ‘home’ thread serving as the more personally interactive/character development ground would be accompanied by a set of threads to facilitate battle events. I should also note that, with my being a stickler for things like forming (and by extension, carrying out) traditions and such, my ultimate goal (which I would consider a great accomplishment) would be to have this be the start of something that could be revisited and built upon through later installments (in a sense, a recurring sporting season of sorts).
Depends on how we're defining 'inside.' Assuming we're talking about at home/in someone else's home, then generally, no. I will, however, wear shoes in the house if: A) Exercising in my basement. B) Doing some manner of constructive work/operating tools. Basically anything that would necessitate shoes. C) I'm only stopping by on my way through. D) If I'm at some sort of house party, particularly one where I may be in and out between house, patio and/or deck.
A dude after my own heart right here^ OoT is, without question, the number one game that I'd love to be able to go back and experience for the first time again.
Personally, I find it to be one of the more compelling elements of the series; though it's mostly because it gives me some leeway for my own head-canon stuff. Same though, on the phone gameplay. Never really appealed to me from a gameplay perspective; although, I could've dealt with it if it didn't require an internet connection; of course, that's an issue with, I think, most mobile app games.
Certainly something so consequential within the history/lore of KH is deserving of a more mainline title? Or am I just getting an exaggerated sense of the event's importance to the series?
Though it left him unsettled and exposed, Glyde reluctantly obeyed Master Atmos’ beckon, and set off in her wake. Carefully keeping an arm’s length away, he followed her in a northerly direction. As they drew closer, their destination became quite clear: a small flower shop, lights glowing through the growth of the flora that hung obtrusively in its windows. It was a strange thing to see open at such an hour, at least on a world such as that, where most other shops would have surely been closed until daybreak. "That was some 'nap' you had earlier. What aren't you telling me?" Glyde didn’t respond right away, waiting, instead, until both he and Atmos were at the shop’s door. “If a ‘nap’ is what you want to call it,” he said, doing nothing to veil his sharp tone. “I haven’t told you much of anything.” He kept his eyes away from Atmos, looking through the flower shop windows, where an old woman was tending to the flowers. “And I’m afraid that’s how it will have to stay… It’s… You see, it’s all just… a blur at best. And if I’m being honest, I’m not sure I want to remember anything, seeing as the only thing I can seem to remember… well, it doesn’t sit well with me, if I can leave it at that. “Now.” He turned his head and looked up towards Atmos with a hard stare. “What about my questions? What was that castle? What happened to me when I got there? And why don’t you send me back there? I mustn’t be any good to you here.”
((I guess it won't be an issue for me to throw my two cents in here)). I've not been particularly interested in seeing the 'future' of the current KH characters, or even seeing a far-flung future rehash of the story. At least, it's been a while since I've had any interest in that sort of material. Personally, I'd prefer it if, post-KH3, they, at some point, send us backwards through the KH timeline. There's been so much hype built up over the whole 'Keyblade War' backdrop, and I'd love to see that become less of a backdrop, and actually get some sort of media that covers that event. Frankly, I've always felt that it would make for a cool way to incorporate an online multiplayer aspect to the KH games. At least, that's how I'd want it done.
The cluster of people grew tight in the alley, centering around the two adults. Following in turn, Glyde, maintaining as much a distance as he could without catching any eyes, tensed his limbs inward: His arms held close to his torso, shoulders crunching in towards the center of his chest; his legs snapped together completely. Somehow, he even managed to tuck his head down along his spine, like an earnest attempt at becoming a turtle. If not for the discomfort caused by this pose, it might have been impressive that he could take up as little a space as he was. Remaining separated from the group, he kept his visual contact through periphery. Yet, he remained focused on what he was listening to, cuing most earnestly onto what he found to be the more relevant and consequential information. Atmos and Choma. Glyde made mental note of the two names, and did his best to memorize the names of the younger ones, knowing he’d find a reason, intentional or otherwise, to forget in a moment; knowing the adults by name, at least, would be a safe bet. The business seemed oddly familiar, though to what extent he could safely connect it all, he couldn’t be certain just yet. A breath escaped him when the pairings were decided; only then did Glyde come to the awareness that he hadn’t been breathing much since he had entered the alleyway. "Since there's no one else to pair you off with, Glyde, I'm sorry but you will come with me. "I would like to have a word with you away from the others, anyway." Slightly lightheaded from having held his breath, he cocked his head to the side, indirectly meeting Atmos’ face, and then, quickly turned just a pinch away again. It seemed she, and the man, Choma, were the ones in charge of the two groups; teachers, it seemed. If he was going to have to pair with anyone, Glyde supposed, he might as well be paired with someone who knew what they were doing. His eyes bounced around the alleyway, watching the others as they began dispersing. When it seemed they were mostly getting out of earshot, he replied, just as soft in volume, but quite firmly. “If you’re going to start asking…”
Glyde remained still, gapping slightly and quite taken aback at the manner of response he had been given. In his mind, it seemed that he hadn’t been given much greeting; a rude gesture, considering that he had just recovered and woken from a mini-coma. He had anticipated with near certainty that the older woman would have at least spared some time to put him somewhat in the loop. Of course, Glyde knew little of the mission the group was going on; nor did the thought cross his mind that, perhaps they were simply pressed for time, and the possibility that his arrival was little cause for a halt to an important errand. To him, he had just been ignored, blown off, save for a brief nod or two from the others standing at the other end of the room. Already, he found himself finding reason to distrust them. It was for this reason that he was just as taken aback by his own proceeding: almost without realizing it, he had crossed the room, following behind the others as they vanished through the shining portal. He too, passed through the portal. In the back of his mind, one voice or another was telling him that he’d get more out of going with them than he would out of staying behind; all he could do was hope that it wouldn’t prove another poor decision. He emerged on the other end, just a second or two before the portal through from the castle shut. He knew then, that for better or for worse, he was stuck with this group, and he wasn’t sure how to feel about it. "It’s too soon," he said softly. He swallowed heavily down his throat. As more people made their way towards them from the other side of the alley, he backed away, placing himself at the back end of his cluster of people, wishing, of all things, that he had had the time to search for his cloak before passing through the portal.
The young teen rustled beneath the heavy spread of bedding. Wrestling against the sensation of sinking into a mattress that wasn’t quite firm enough, he shed the sheltering cocoon of fabric one layer at a time until only his head poked out at the open end. With some effort, in part due to a persisting feeling of fatigue, and the other part owed to the apparent weight of his sheets and comforters, he turned himself from his stomach onto his back, and stared up at the vaulted ceiling of his room, where he remained in stillness for some time before finally stirring again. When he did, it was a sudden movement, voluntary, but ill-informed in the making: a quickly rise, finding his strength against the heft of the covers, sitting upright with the bedding hanging down over his shoulders. He regretted this move as soon as he made it; no sooner than he had set his spine upright, did the sharp, gripping pain take hold of his head. He reacted just has quickly, smacking his hand across his forehead and holding on for dear life, as that the pressure he placed on the outside could quell the sudden discomfort within. Yet, almost as quickly as it had set upon him, the pain subsided, then leaving the young man dizzy for a short count. Only when certain of his ability to move without repercussion did the boy rise from the bed completely, setting a pair of bare feet upon a surprisingly warm stone floor. Slowly, and steadily, he made his way across to a nearby dresser, upon which he found a set of black and silver-gray clothes and boots that he remembered were his laying clean and neatly folded. Thinking nothing of the fact someone had unclothed him, he redressed himself back into his own, rejuvenated attire, and exited the room into the corridor outside. As much as he would have loved to have stayed tucked securely under the sheets and blankets, where warmth and comfort seemed a promise rather than a hope, he had fast resigned to the fact that laying around in bed wouldn’t bring him the answers he thought. As he had dressed himself, the only things that passed through his mind were: What had just happened, and how long he had been passed out. He vaguely remembered a conversation with a denizen of this castle, one that he had had when he had first arrived, somewhat worse for the wear not more than a week earlier. “It’s not uncommon for people who have been through trauma to come out of it with their memory damaged.” That’s what she had said. And indeed, his memories felt jumbled and blurred, especially what had happened immediately preceding his arrival at the castle. He wondered just what he had said… hopefully not too much; it was dangerous, these days, to say to much to people. As if by some form of instinct, the young boy found himself wandering into the Great Hall of the castle, where several people stood, engaged in conversation. One, he could just recognize, was the very woman that had spoken to him before. He looked across the room, roughly in the direction of the platinum blonde woman, though laboring at evading direct eye contact. “Ma’am?” he said.
I do have a Discord. I'll probably await your coming post to intro, as I'm about to go into work right now.
If I may, this seems like a solid opportunity to reboot an older character of mine into a more stable development. Name: 'Glyde Tyler' Age: 15 Gender: Male Appearance: Glyde Keyblade: “Standoff” Homeworld: Wayfarers’ Homestead Master: Atmos Personality: Cautious and skeptical; socially withdrawn and highly selective of interactions; has thus far evaded close emotional bonds with his peers. Comes off as harsh and cold, even towards those that would be his friends, though only when conversation drifts closer to more personal matters. Nonetheless, he proves himself a reliable ally, and a highly motivated pupil. Other: He claims to have lost most of his memories, though he may remember more than he let's on. More than likely, only his Master will truly see through his mask at first, and it does seem likely that his name is a pseudonym.
I'm not 100% sure what sort of angle this idea is getting at, but it kind of brings to mind a project I've been working on since the summer. Basically, it'd be a KH Universe, with each world constituting an RP thread in and of itself. But characters would be able to travel through the worlds, and therefore jump, within reason, between threads depending on what worlds they were going to. At times, events on one world could potentially affect things on other worlds. Am I kind of in the right mind frame?
I'm surprised my account still exists after all the not using I've done over the years; I was sure (and was kinda hoping) they'd have axed it to oblivion for inactivity (mostly because I literally don't identify with my username anymore, lol). But that's enough rambling from me. On to the topic at hand! Are you still interested in role playing? I'm definitely still interested in RPing; if not actually engaging in an in-character project, I get a lot of satisfaction out of discussing RP-related topics. But after a nearly year-and-half long hiatus from actual participation, I'm itching to find some action somewhere. If not, why do you not like Roleplay? N/A What attracts you to an RP? (story, the person who made it, layout, style) On the whole the story is what compels me to find interest in an RP. That's the top priority in my book, because that's ultimately what most RPing is about. It doesn't particularly have to be something great or innovative to be honest, as much as something that I find enticing and stimulating. The aesthetic presentations are really just icing on the cake for me, though I've noticed that a solid layout often packages a solid story (at least in most cases). In general, I could care less about who makes an RP. The only times I stray away from something on the basis of who's running it is when it's someone I know has a reputation for shenanigans or not committing; but honestly, of all the people on the Internet that I've RP'd with (and it's been quite a hefty number), there's only been maybe three or four that I can really say that I would prefer to avoid working with outright. I've actually found that one of my biggest motivators for actually joining is the GM(s) getting their character sheets posted in a timely fashion; getting my own characters straightened out before posting an RP has sort of become a standard of mine (hence why I haven't really made a lot of RPs in the past two years or so). What's your favorite theme/genere of an RP? I'm pretty interested in RPing with fantasy, science fantasy, and science fiction settings. Other than that I'm pretty flexible. What annoys you about certain RPs? Half-Baked Setup; not so much a lack of organization, but more of the essence of feeling like some element of the RP's initial setup being incomplete or just not totally thought out in its entirety. Sometimes it's an element of the backstory that's just not totally ironed out, or is otherwise questionable for one reason or another. But I more often find that it comes with more of the RP's game mechanics, if you will. It severely irks me for example, when an RP is equipped with a stat sheet, but doesn't have a particular system outlined to explained how those stats function in practice. In one instance, a guy I know had made an RP utilizing an aura-type system as power limiter; basically, characters would have semi-unique aura types (color coded). A great concept, but there were only like three types of auras that only really accounted for a small range of powers. Narrow Focus in a Wide Setting; maybe I'm just a grouch about this one, but it annoys me tremendously when people have an expansive world/universe with a potential slew of dozens of events that could be going on, and then squander the action to focus on a relatively a small cast. Don't get me wrong, I know that, often times, there needs to be a central character or several central characters that drive the plot home. The point at which it annoys me is when it becomes a situation where characters outside of a select few are relegated to marginal roles. I was actually in an RP that felt that way when I first RP'd on this site. A Kingdom Hearts RP (Keyblade War at that); so that setting in itself begot, at least to me, a fairly expansive universe with a lot of room for a lot of people to shine. But then, when I got involved in the RP (because at the time I had no clue what to expect of it) I discovered that pretty much everything was centered around the three or four characters controlled by the GMs. Everyone else basically had to flock towards them to remain relevant. Between the frequently being left behind via speed posting and the general overpoweredness of the GM characters, it really felt like I was in an RP that was meant to be private or one that I really just wasn't invited to. What do you look for in a Roleplay? These days, I'm honestly looking for a character-building experience. I feel like a lot of my old characters never really got the love they deserved from me, so to speak. So I'm pretty much scouring all of my previous haunts for opportunities rekindle a few of them and grow them through a more natural progression. That, and there are some new character concepts that I'm looking for chances to utilize. PS On this matter. It's actually the rather sad truth on most forums these days. I've been around the web a while and there are lot of places like this one where things like RPing have all but vanished. Even places that used to be brimming with activity are really just collecting dust these days. It's mostly hitting the places where RPing isn't the main attraction, places like this that are driven by other sorts of media (IE gaming, anime, comics, etc). Basically the only forums I see these days that have any real RPing life are the ones that are built primarily on RPing.
Just read up everything on the RP thread (the plot and such). Impressive piece of work, I must say. However, I do have one question, and one small request. Firstly, my question: is there a capacity for our characters (particularly as humans) to utilize the magic listed? Or is it something that can't really be tapped into through means of body or otherwise? I imagine that the answer is "no" being that there's no indentifier for magic on the character sheet outline, but would like to confirm. Secondly, my request: it's all well and good that you've named your characters' weapons. However, it would be much appreciated if you could add descriptions (or images) to explain what sorts of weapons they are.
Maybe it can go without saying, but I'm officially calling myself out of this one. Not quite "feeling" my character. And being that I haven't contributed much of anything, I figure I'd best bow out.
Faust emerged silently from the Gummi Ship as the "team" disembarked on the Neverland shores. His stomach churned and his ears had an annoying ringing sensation. He kept a slight distance from them. Too much time was spent talking and not enough of doing. And their Kings expect these kids to fight the Darkness? Best that they have seasoned hands on deck with them. He stared out to the old style pirate ship floating a short distance offshore; it looked as though it might launch its volley of cannon fire any second, to which Faust cracked a disturbing smirk. His attention was suddenly caught by the mention of his name by the proclaimed "leader" of their team. Wincing at the boy in green his smile faded to a slight grimace. And then there was the fairy, or pixy, or whatever it was. Apparent meant to grant people flight, she sprinkled a golden glitter about the group, getting to Faust last. The Nobody scoffed at the pocket-sized person and swatted her away. "I am already capable of... aerial maneuvers, thank you very much," he said with a fake smile. First rising onto his toes, he proceeded to hover in midair and fly out a bit over the open water. "Now, if we're done with the pleasantries, we might want to come up with our entrance and exit strategies."
So then, this isn't going to be a massive crossover, but a smaller scale one.
I'm not entirely sure what you're looking for. Are you simply looking to collaborate on an original RP? Or are you looking to meld different canons together?