Bender would join that in a robot heartbeat.
Glyde, with his player finally succumbing to the epidemics of fourth-wall-breaking and inspiration loss, continued battling Heartless. He refrained from using his Shoot ability, as he felt the need to save his last shot. With his improved maneuverability, he felt confident enough to engage the Heartless up close. He rolled a second time, attacking several Heartless as they charged. Enemies Defeated: 5 Shadows 1 Neoshadow Enemies Remaing: 0 Shadows 88 Darkballs (12AP) 58 Neoshadows (16AP) 44 Yellow Operas (4AP) 40 Red Nocturnes (4AP) 39 Blue Rhapsodies (4AP) AP:12/38 HP: 33/75 MP: 12/30 DP: 3/3 Used Another Dodge Roll. MP Haste Restores 1 MP.
Between the bouts against Heartless as they whipped and lashed about, the dramatics between Illiana and Qamar, and the overall lack of will of anyone to focus on securing any sort of safe zone, Glyde's patience was wearing thin. As Shadows passed, they tore against his skin; the blue, floating Heartless directed their magic, railing him with ice cold spells that exacerbated his nervous shudders. This is getting to be too much. He knew he couldn't keep taking hits the way he had. He had to avoid it if he could. He thrust his Keyblade to the sky, calling forth the power of wind through Aero. At hearing a muffled call from Boreas, and seeing that Illiana had parted ways from the confrontation, he turned his attention back to the Heartless. He shouldered his Keyblade, and rushed an incoming group of enemies. With a sweeping, spinning slash, he felled four of the flying yellow Heartless as they passed low to the ground. He followed through, Shooting through three Shadows, slaying two more with two additional thrusts, and a fifth with a slash on a quarter turn. He ran towards Tinarah and Qamar cutting down a Darkball as it made a pass. He slowed his run briefly, glaring at a flustered Qamar. "If it wasn't my battle," he shouted, "then why am I still here?" he reoriented, and moved in the direction he recalled Boreas having been. He turned back quickly, yelling, "Just consider that my overdue thanks." He turned forward once more, and moved to join with Boreas, Dodge Rolling to avoid further immediate combat. "I'm not gonna last long on my own like this," he called. "I promise I won't get in your way though." AP: 15/38 HP: 47/75 MP: 11/30 DP: 3/3 Shots Remaining: 1/3 Glyde Cast Aero Used Vicinity Break Glyde used Doge Roll MP Haste Recovered 1 MP(?) Enemies Defeated 4 Yellow Operas 6 Shadows 1 Darkball Enemies Remaining 46 Shadows (2AP) 107 Darkballs (12AP) 60 Neoshadows (16AP) 56 Yellow Operas (4AP) 54 Red Nocturnes (4AP) 62 Blue Rhapsodies (4AP)
Glyde's eyes shifted between Illiana, and Qamar, whom he then noticed to have been in the midst of a scuf with the former; the visage of a bruise on Qamar from a hit from Illiana, and Qamar having seemed to have hurled a Heartless at Illiana soon before his arrival. Puzzled and nervous, he backed off slightly. "SERIOUSLY!" he shouted, dispatching a gang of Heartless with Fira. "What in the Hell is with the in-fighting?" He rushed forward, placing himself between Illiana and Qamar. He held Keyblade on his side facing Illiana, but held it defensively as to deter a retaliation. In stance and expression, he read of one calling for an end to the undo aggression. Heartless Defeated: 5 Blue Rhapsodied (67 Remaining) AP: 38/38 HP: 71/75 MP: 21/30 DP: 3/3
The onslaught of Darkness swelled in intensity. What had started as a mass-influx of Heartless into the city, gave way to a storm-force cataclysm. Thunder roared; lightning cracked the skies overhead. As a fierce gale swept with a tunneling effect through city streets, tress and building were ripped and thrown. Taking some hits from either a Heartless or a passing shard of debris, Glyde remained otherwise well. That is, his physical self was without much harm. However, in his mind, he grew heated and rushed; his face flared red. In an instant it passed to a coldness and a pale tone. He had seen this all before. It should all be so familiar. It's what happened before; when you... Glyde tore off back in the direction he had originally come from. In the bearer distance he spotted several figures that seemed to be his allies. If he couldn't find Thallasa, at least he could move to rejoin someone amicable towards him. As he drew closer, he could see them more clearly: Qamar, Tinnarah, Illiana... were most readily visible. He pressed his approach, cutting down a handful of Heartless in the process. "This... everything..." He stammered, shivering as he struggled in futility to string a thought together. "We can't stay here," he said finally. "We really should get- what's up with her?" He trailed off, nodding towards an increasingly frustrated looking Illiana." Heartless Defeated: 1 Neoshadow, 3 Shadows AP: 20/38 HP: 71/75 MP: 30/30 DP: 3/3
No good.Whatever it was Glyde was hoping to accomplish sulking on the outskirts of the battle, it was getting him nowhere fast. He knew this. Running another block down, he found an alley that let out back to the street the battle had started on. He cut through it suspecting that he would be able to regroup with some fraction of his party. A cluster of Shadows emerged before him as he neared the opposite end. Four in total lined conveniently in single-file. Quick to respond, Glyde aimed and Shot. The bullet broke through the first Shadow, continuing through the two behind it, dissolving just short of the fourth. The near-miss provided enough of a surprise the last Heartless to allow Glyde a clean sweep, dispatching it with an easy swing if his weapon. AP: 36/38 HP: 11/75 MP: 15/30 DP: 3/3 4 Shadows Defeated
"Dammit!" Glyde huffed, skimming through nearby alleyways, dodging pools of darkness as he ran. "Dammit! Dammit! Dammit! Not again!" The city would be torn asunder, dragged into the Darkness if nothing could be done to stop it. Thrice, now, he had borne witness to the felling of a world. And thrice, then it seemed, the weight of the loss would fall upon his shoulders. That's why he was cutting through the backstreets. Something about Thallasa and a keyhole. But where could either have been? The underground seemed like a sensible starting point, but he needed to find a way down that didn't involve backtracking. What was happening among the others, he hadn't the slightest idea; amid the chaos of Light Chasers and Heartless, he had managed handily to get himself separated from the rest. All he had really gotten out of it before he had been dispersed was that finding the Master and the Keyhole was pivotal. "Master Thallasa?" He called out, hopeful that he'd receive a response, yet knowing he probably wouldn't. If I get left behind here...
Glyde Leveled Up by 7! (Prompto sings battle ending music in background) - Glyde's HP increased by 5! - Glyde's HP increased by 5! - Glyde's HP increased by 5! - Glyde's AP increased by 2! - Glyde's AP increased by 2! - Glyde's AP increased by 2! (buffering... buffering...) - Glyde's AP increased by 2! Glyde is trying to learn MP Haste... but Glyde can only learn... wait... what? Oh, yeah. Wrong game. Glyde learned MP Haste!
"Finally." Glyde caught himself panting heavily. He had been seeing his share of rough battles since embarking on this 'adventure,' but those on this world had, thus far, surpassed any challenge he had faced previously. Though the final confrontation felt subpar for his personal strife when compared to the encounter at Edna Mode's, he had found himself in the persisting sensation of having held his breath the whole way. There, seeing Mr. Incredible back in his right mind, Mezmarella defeated, and the debilitating energy of the Magitek generator cut off, he regained a sense of comfort. On a final breath, he righted his posture in time to meet eyes with a rather disapproving looking from Mr. Incredible. "I did say I was no hero," he muttered, resuming his typically dry tone. With little left to do in the undergrounds, Glyde followed the supers back to the surface. Immediately the lot of them were flocked by the masses of the city. Everyone, save for Glyde himself, was effectively mobbed by praise and inquiry. With a subtle smile, and a rolling of his eyes, Glyde began to slip out of the thickest share of the mob. He set the end of his Keyblade to the ground and propped himself up from it; though he wasn't so badly injured from the battle, it was good to not have to be entirely on his feet. From a relatively safe position, practically invisible to the droves, he watched on in slight amusement while the crowd bombarded his companions with questions and commentary. Just another good reason to not wear those costumes, he mused.
It was a somewhat difficult choice, but I cast my vote for the Space Pirates idea. I just really like the idea of doing an RP that's set in a more science fiction environment. But I'd definitely be down for elements of the other two ideas coming into play. Adventures through space could result in word catching on about relics lost about the cosmos; being out in space opens up to a variety of character builds (normal human beings, androids and cyborgs, aliens. There could even be a manner of "magic" found in beings with psychic powers.
A rush of inspiration seemed to sweep across the party, and Glyde was no exception. Motivated by Boreas' call, he felt a wave of strength fill into him. The further damage done against the generator left him greater confidence; their cause was regaining lost ground. Untouched from the previous bout of combat, and empowered by his ally, Glyde took a gamble. He continued to move with his Keyblade in a firing position. This time, he followed the direction of the fighting, closing towards Mr. Incredible and Mezmarella. He fired a Shot at Mr. Incredible, hoping to keep in check as he he rushed to direct a series of strikes against Mezmarella. HP: 11/60 AP: 20/40 (Directing 20 AP Against Mez) MP: 15/20 1 Turn Remains for D-link 1 more Shot left.
Welcome to The Crow's Nest!
"Alright then." Glyde turned his head back to the path before him. He sped his pace, allowing Frozone to enact his strategy without the risk of anyone getting caught in whatever crossfire there would be as a result. Seconds later, Glyde was tugging his cloak more tightly, shielding his exposed arms from a biting sensation of a rapidly dropping temperature. He looked back towards Frozone; the hero had created miniature blizzard, sweeping through the tunnels. While Glyde, and no doubt the others, where feeling the effects thereof, the Helping Hats were the ones getting hammered by the storm, freezing through, and shattering as they were blown against the walls of the underground. "That was a hell of a lot better than just putting up a wall," Glyde said, abandoning his prior tone of sarcasm. As he followed the tunnel further still, Glyde registered the swelling sound of a mechanical humming emanating from somewhere ahead of them. The source of the noise, revealed as the group reached the end of the passage, was a massive machine, housed within a circular room. The entire space was gleaming with a red light, thrown from the machine. Must be the generator, Glyde thought. And we won't be dealing with it any time soon. His gaze, previously staring up at the ceiling and the magitek generator, fell to ground level, where Mezmarella and Mr. Incredible. "So basically what I figured would be the case," he spoke, softly within the range of his allies, citing the presence of Mr. Incredible as the guard for the generator. Gotta get around the big guy, somehow. Glyde looked upward again, completely to the ceiling. "If you can help me, now would be a good time." Glyde's hand quickly set itself upon his chest; an odd feeling flared in his Heart, as though it were reaching out, and being reached out to in return. The feeling of some power returning swept through him. Thank you, Master. Glyde Activated D-Link: Atmos Then, as always, arrived the question: what would he do now? He surveyed the room. It was a rounded space; if the generator wasn't present, the space would constitute a true circle, but otherwise, was more akin to a doughnut. That would make circling a very natural approach to the battle... natural, but therefore expected. Given his previous encounter with Mezmarella, Glyde was certain that she would be less involved in actual fighting than Mr. Incredible... She'll probably try to tire us out by hiding behind him. Glyde looked to his left, and then to his right. He was already placed on the right side of the group, but then, he could always cut behind everyone and circle to the left. Tinarah's opening engagement , however, sealed Glyde's own plan. If Mr. Incredible was to be used as a human shield, it wasn't as likely that he could protect against attacks from every direction. "I'm going for her," he said, softly enough that only those remaining within the cluster of the hero party would have heard. Not so inclined as to waste the window of Tinarah's attack, Glyde sprinted around to the right side. He raised his Keyblade to a firing position, and fired a Shot at Mezmarella. HP: 11/60 AP: 30/30 MP: 15/20 (It's to my understanding that entering Drives and D-Links provides a bypass to restore MP). DP: 3/3 Attempting a use of Glyde's Shoot ability against Mezmarella.
"Thanks!" Glyde called over in response to Take while he regrouped himself in the wake of his previous attack. "Just doing my best to not be dead wei-wait up now..." He drifted off midsentence, becoming aware of the reconstructing hats. Those that hadn't been as severely damaged harvested parts from their ruined kin, and coalesced into larger, assumedly more lethal versions of themselves. Glyde, anticipating another assault, braced himself against the lashing of the robotic fiends. Preparing to respond in turn, he readied his Keyblade for another offensive. He was prepped to strike another hat, and stopped in mid-swing as Frozone explained that the machines would be less aggressive if they weren't being attacked. "You neglected to mention THAT part!" He chided. He retracted his Keyblade, resting it across his shoulders. He turned on the spot, and began to run as instructed. "I hope the plan us to cut off the tunnel with those things on the OTHER side of whatever barrier you put up."
The hats that had survived the first wave of combat moved wildly about in the wake of the offensive. Too focused, perhaps, on the hats against which he had been battling, Glyde was caught in the cutting fury of the six hats that remained. They tore at him, removing shreds of his cloak and shirts, cutting through to the skin. For all of their toil, it was a relatively tame set of injuries: cuts and scrapes, one or two of them deep, but not near vital spots. Though hurting, he wasn't terribly phased, and continued to move with the battle. No hiding out this time. No running; nowhere to run. While he held to his vigilance in watching the hats, he heard the orders from Frozone. He nodded, agreeing to the idea without word. He'd have been inclined to press further ahead right there and then, but the alarms set off by the six hats yielded a necessary change to that plan. The party moved onward, emerging against a second wave of hats. Putting the orders from Frozone and Boreas into action, Glyde continued forward, keeping his position closer to right side wall of the tunnel. Engaging the oncoming hats, he took them one-by-one as some moved in his direction. One... Two... Three... Glyde breathed out with each mental count as three hats knocked into shambles on the ground. "Four... Five..." A fourth hat crashed into left wall; a fifth and final would find itself struck through upon the end of Glyde's Keyblade. Not his preference for fighting; certainly not ideal considering the design of his Keyblade. Yet, it worked well enough. He knew he could muster more, but this was only the beginning of a longer battle to come. Conservation of strength and energy was necessary. HP: 21/60 AP: 0/30 MP: 0/20 Enemies Defeated: 5 Helping Hats Enemies Remaining: 27 Helping Hats
Somewhat self-assured by his plan for a worst-case scenario, Glyde fell in behind Frozone's lead as they headed into the undergrounds. To the fortune of the tunnel team, and a personal relief in Glyde's mind, the journey into the undergrounds was uneventful in and of itself. This was still hardly enough to keep Glyde, who was taking up his usual position at the team's rear, from keeping the occasional watch over his shoulder; they had already been taken off guard enough in this city, and Glyde wasn't about to let it happen again if he could help it. He would arrive at a grinding halt, nearly knocking into the people in front of him, when Frozone's arm flared out to hold the team from advancing recklessly. Glyde, remaining silent, gave heed to a coming sound. Soon thereafter, a wave of the enraged hats flooded into the passage. Glyde fell into a momentary paleness, recalling the vicious assault the previous hats had done him the previous afternoon. Then, his face flushed red. His eyes narrowed. "Not again," he told himself. Bearing his Keyblade for a closed-quarter battle, he charged alongside his peers. His movement set him off to the party's right side, where he met readily with four hats as they moved to attack him. Three horizontal sweeps, and a downward swing brought about a decisive end to the four Helping Hats. "These are a bit less trouble when we're in better form," he mused, catching himself in the makings of an excited smirk. HP: 27/60 AP: 6/24 MP: 0/20 Enemies Defeated: 4 Helping Hats Enemies Remaining: 28 Helping Hats
"So I guess that means that I'm heading with the Underground team." Glyde looked towards Boreas and Frozone; between the two of them, as well as Qamar, he at least felt some assurance. "If Thallasa is right about this, and that magitek thing is underground near that building, then they probably won't leave it defended by any slouches. I wouldn't be surprised if they were using Mr. Incredible for that job. But..." he pulled up his Keyblade, looking it over as if expecting to find a chip or dent. "If that lady's goggles are really what's causing him to follow her orders, if destroying them is what it takes to get him back on our side, then I'll make sure I can take care of at least that, assuming it comes down to that. I think I can get a shot off on them, as long she doesn't see it coming. And don't worry," he looked at Frozone, anticipating a snide remark about firearms, "I don't fire regular old bullets from this thing."
Wincing as he shot his vision toward Qamar, Glyde quipped back, "last I knew, we weren't here to have fun. Certainly didn't feel too fun when I had that chunk of rock hurled at my stomach." He let out a sigh, reigning in his annoyance somewhat. "The costume wasn't exactly endearing to me; not nearly lowkey enough for me taste. The thing practically shouts, 'hey! Here I am, right here!' That's not me. "Besides," he continued, "don't you reckon parading to them in those hero costumes will be just what it takes to create a buzz around town? They'll know exactly when to expect us, who and what to look for. At least in our regular clothes we stand a better chance to sneak around without catching anyone's eye... "We're not planning on taking them head-on, are we?" He was now looking to Boreas. "Couldn't we, you know, try to plan a trap of our own, or get them to waste whatever trap they might have? Or something?"
Guess she likes to block out the critics. Glyde turned back and looked the costume over several more times; he tried to see himself clad in it, but the thought of it wasn't proving endearing. As he pondered, he glanced as others reentered with their new suits on. He looked sourly back to his. The others seemed more... thought out? The coloration on them seemed less overbearing; something that the eye could behold with ease. Moreover, something that didn't overtly stand out amid a crowd. He again stared at his own costume, still in its casing, and shook his head. Still in his street clothes, he dashed towards the living room, where one of the heroes had shouted from. He read the message in the sky as it steadily faded to read "Game time. He edged his way towards the window. "This was inevitable, I guess. What exactly is our plan? We shouldn't just go charging in?"
Even in the light of Thallasa's perspective, Glyde did not restrain his train of thought from the matter of a betrayer amongst them. She's right. It couldn't have been one of us here; none of us knew where we were going after meeting with th council... could it have been someone on the council? Or did we really just hit the bad luck jackpot? He persisted, thinking the matter over and over while he absent-mindedly followed Edna Mode to a secured, costume-filled vault. His expression switched quickly to shock at the sight of a costume marked for his use. Perplexed, and slightly overwhelmed by the color clash, he moved closer. "Hmmm..." he scratched his head, and turned to Edna Mode. "A bit... bright though isn't it? I'm gonna stick out like a tree stump in a field."