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  1. Lovely Phantasmagoria
    Aww... thanks everyone! *hugs* Now I really want it to be the end of March. ==, I just wanna go OL again. OO:
    Post by: Lovely Phantasmagoria, Feb 27, 2010 in forum: Departure Hall
  2. Lovely Phantasmagoria
  3. Lovely Phantasmagoria
  4. Lovely Phantasmagoria
  5. Lovely Phantasmagoria
  6. Lovely Phantasmagoria
  7. Lovely Phantasmagoria
    OOC: *appears as a little ghosty* Aw man. What's going on now? D: I'm So way behind. TToTT Maybe I should make Yuki go into a comatose state? :3 Nyaa~ I was just dropping by. Hi guys. xD
    Post by: Lovely Phantasmagoria, Feb 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Lovely Phantasmagoria
  9. Lovely Phantasmagoria
    Don't mind the crappy title. xD I was bored when I thought of that...

    so yeah.. I'm not lying. I may not be able to go back for now. It's the final quarter and I have to give it my all. (school... could never be trusted. EVER.) So yeah, I'll probably be gone till the last week of March or something.

    To my RP mates: I'll be gone for a while. But please don't get rid of my characters!! TToTT

    To my friends: Well... you guys take care now. I shall miss you all. :(

    To anyone reading this: Hello... and goodbye for now. DD:

    This is Lovely Phantasmagoria, signing out.
    Thread by: Lovely Phantasmagoria, Feb 19, 2010, 5 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  10. Lovely Phantasmagoria
  11. Lovely Phantasmagoria
  12. Lovely Phantasmagoria
  13. Lovely Phantasmagoria
    Yuki had finally woken up in a new place. There was color everywhere. "Amazing." She found out that she also had this sort of power to add color to her surroundings. When she had touched some flowers, they opened up and bloomed a beautiful pink color. "I might as well familiarize myself with this place then." She walked around the places and smiled to herself, "A delightful town indeed."
    Post by: Lovely Phantasmagoria, Feb 7, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Lovely Phantasmagoria
    OOC- Err... Recap please?
    Post by: Lovely Phantasmagoria, Feb 7, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Lovely Phantasmagoria
    OOC- O.O I've been gone for so long... Sorry everyone, the measles attacked me... and all. xD GLAD TO BE BACK. :D
    Post by: Lovely Phantasmagoria, Feb 7, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Lovely Phantasmagoria
    OOC: Recap please? And where the hell is Yuki? :O
    Post by: Lovely Phantasmagoria, Jan 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Lovely Phantasmagoria
    Yuki grinned, "Awesome. And yet sad. Why'd he die?"
    Post by: Lovely Phantasmagoria, Jan 29, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Lovely Phantasmagoria
    I like to sing in high alto notes. :S

    Holy crap Batman! Is that Sherlock Holmes?
    Post by: Lovely Phantasmagoria, Jan 29, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Lovely Phantasmagoria
    Yuki smiled, "Well that sounds nice. I want to know all about it. But, I've seen a friend of mine talk about it, and I learned that L is a cool guy."
    Post by: Lovely Phantasmagoria, Jan 29, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Lovely Phantasmagoria