Yuki smiled, "Most definitely! I'd love to!" Yuki inhaled some air and smiled, 'Today is such a good day.' Yuki thought to herself.
I know right?! xD About the Alice one... it's because I'm sooooo excited for the Alice in Wonderland movie! xD
Yuki sighed and ruffled Miteta's hair, "Silly girl... do you think I'd ever get angry at you? You're my friend, and I'd never hate you." She smiled and wiped away some tears from Miteta's eyes.
Yuki looked at Miteta in shock, "H-hold on! D-don't cry!" Yuki was panicking, so she just knelt in front of Miteta and hugged her. "You don't have to cry... just don't. Crying won't get you anywhere." She rubbed Miteta's back, hoping that eased the pain.
The fifth Alice looked at the dark piece of cloth, "What oh what do you think this is?" She asks to her companion. Her companion looks at her and...
Right Round - Flo Rida & Ke$ha
glad that it amused the both of you. ^^;
Yuki, feeling a bit downgraded, had a big frown on her face as she walked toward the port, throwing her camera onto the ground, breaking the lens. "Jeez. This is all just a waste of my time." She looked back behind her, at her supposed-to-be-friends. "Should I even tell them?" She sighed and walked away.
at least you forgave him. ^^
The panda pooped it out. Do you like pie?
What?! why?! DD: Tell me whut happened. =w=
Yuki went out from the bushes and sighed, "Then what is this all about? You guys do know that I've been spacing out for too long. And for some reason I can't remember anything that has happened..."
It's cold there? Wow... it's burning up in here. O: Because summer's coming. -w- I hope I don't faint or anything like that. D:
xDD Why hello there Mr. random person of the worlds coolest lava chamber that is occupied by giant leprechauns!!! :))
Yuki looked behind her, and saw Miteta and Riku. Her eyes then glinted mischievously. She brought out a camera she was hiding and giggled to herself as she walked towards Riku and Miteta, who were locked in a tight embrace. "This is just too cute~! When I get this developed... I'm gonna make soooo many copies of it! And just drool at the cuteness`nipah!!" Yuki covered her mouth, "Crap... did I say that one out TOO loud?" She hid behind one of the bushes to get a better view of the scene.
Well, I'm fine thank you. :D How about you? ^^
^^ Aww... I missed talking with you too. :D don't worry. by the end of March or something.. I'll be back. ^^
Thank you very much for leaving a comment on my thred. ^^ And thank you for the compliment, even though you didn't know much about me. =^^=...
Gay sleepless nights. D8 Who won the race? The turtle or the sloth?
Yuki looked around, 'Where's everyone?' She asked herself. And more importantly, "Where the heck am I?!" Then she took further notice of her surroundings. "What on Earth... where am I... and why can't I remember?" She looked around, but there didn't seem to be anyone around.