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  1. John Clay Rice
    I never played the NES version But from what I heard from Angry Video Game Nerd it sucks.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Dec 21, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  2. John Clay Rice
    Batman Forever. It sucks Now and it Sucks forever. Yes I said it from Angry Video Game Nerd.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Dec 21, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  3. John Clay Rice
    As you know that join.... Godzilla heading back to theaters? Any thoughts? Are you excited? And which monster should he fight?
    Thread by: John Clay Rice, Dec 20, 2010, 1 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  4. John Clay Rice

    Jurassic Park

    I've watched it the other day for the first time ever. It blew my mind. Has anyone seen it?
    Thread by: John Clay Rice, Dec 12, 2010, 9 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  5. John Clay Rice
    Profile Post

    Yeah Sure.

    Yeah Sure.
    Profile Post by John Clay Rice for Kaidron Blaze, Dec 8, 2010
  6. John Clay Rice
    He was the best Dracula behind Bela Lugosi.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Nov 29, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. John Clay Rice
    I hada good day today but now it sucks.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Nov 28, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. John Clay Rice
    As you know I'm a huge Godzilla fan. Well have you played any Godzilla games? If so what's you're favorite? Mine was Destroy All Monsters and don't hate me but I liked Super Godzilla.
    Thread by: John Clay Rice, Nov 16, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Gaming
  9. John Clay Rice


    Since Godzilla is coming to Theaters in 2012... Who should be director? Who should be in the cast? And which monster should he fight?
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Oct 31, 2010 in forum: Movies & Media
  10. John Clay Rice
    Profile Post

    What's up?

    What's up?
    Profile Post by John Clay Rice for Sumi, Oct 20, 2010
  11. John Clay Rice

    Charlie Brown

    Anybody a Charlie Brown fan? If so who's your favorite character and what's you're favorite Charlie Brown episode? Mine was the Christmas one.
    Thread by: John Clay Rice, Oct 10, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  12. John Clay Rice
    I'm gonna see it cause it's about a triple crown winner and me being Kentuckian. I'm proud to be from this great state.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Oct 8, 2010 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  13. John Clay Rice
    At the Diner part 3

    Soon there were orders coming from both Kuzco and Yzma while the others hid cleverly to avoid suspicion. As Yzma and Kuzco waited for their meals Sonic in his Urkel disguise whisperd to the Waitress about Yzma as she replied "No Problem honey, we do that all the time. Yzma was quite curious about the 'woman' at the other table.....

    "One two three four... Happy, Happy Birthday!
    From all of us to you! We wish it was our birthday, so we could party, too!
    Happy, Happy Birthday!
    May all your dreams come true! We wish it was our birthday, so we could party, too! Hey!" Kronk came back in stirring. "Hahaha. It's you're birthday?" He asked.

    Meanwhile as the heroes went outside. "What are you guys doing?" Asked Kuzco. "They're are two people looking for you." Sonic describe as he was putting his disguise off. "Yeah. A big guy and an old woman. "Wait wait was this woman scary beyond all reason?" "Oh yeah. Pacha answered. "That's Yzma and Kronk." Kuzco exlciamed as he wiped his face. "I'm saved. Knuckles grabbed Kuzco's shoulders. "Kuzco they're not here to save you." "There here to kill you!!" Tails yelled. "They can't do that. My whole world revolves around them.
    "No we won't let you." Said Sonic.

    Kuzco was bewildered by this sort of behavior when he came to the wrong conclusion

    "I see…. You guys don't want to take me back to the palace; you want to keep me stranded out here forever!"
    "No you got it all wrong." Sora and Sonic excliamed. "I should have known that it was an act. All you care about is your stupid hilltop and you guys sided with him. I guess none of you really cared about me." "But... Fine." Pacha yelled. "But..." "Let's go Sora." Sonic said as they were walking away from Kuzco.
    "This is all your fault Kronk."
    Yzma yelled at Kronk as he gets ready to carry the tent.
    "Why me?" Kronk asked

    "If you didn't mix up those potions Kuzco would be dead by now. Now, there will be no more diversion until we track that llama down and kill him!" Kuzco was shocked and hid from the bush so they would'nt see him.

    "I said I was sorry. You won't let go, even on your birthday."

    As she was riding on tent with Kronk carrying her. Kuzco went back to diner but found that the Sora and the gang were gone. Kuzco sighed and pulled off his hat.

    That's it for right now. Hopefully I'll be finished by end of year. After this I may make another Kingdom Hearts crossover with one of my childhood heroes.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Oct 8, 2010 in forum: Archives
  14. John Clay Rice
    Profile Post

    Hey remember me?

    Hey remember me?
    Profile Post by John Clay Rice for Roxas's Afterlife, Sep 29, 2010
  15. John Clay Rice


    My favorite part was the Baby Ruth in the pool.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Aug 4, 2010 in forum: Movies & Media
  16. John Clay Rice


    Has anyone seen this classic?
    Thread by: John Clay Rice, Aug 4, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  17. John Clay Rice
    He retired today but I predict he'll come back in two weeks.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Aug 3, 2010 in forum: Discussion
  18. John Clay Rice
    You think Brett Favre will come back?
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Aug 2, 2010 in forum: Discussion
  19. John Clay Rice
    I can tell you, The NFC East is pretty intrestiing since Donovan McNabb is the Redskins QB and Michael Vick could be Eagles QB.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Aug 2, 2010 in forum: Discussion
  20. John Clay Rice


    I really hope the 2012 Godzilla film is better then 1998 one.

    That scene was awesome cause Godzilla showed justice to that piece of crap.

    Since Godzilla is coming to Theaters in 2012... Who should be director? Who should be in the cast? And which monster should he fight?

    [video=youtube;-c8dRcu6kvk][/video] If that was real then I Crap my pants.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Jul 31, 2010 in forum: Movies & Media