Doing okay. You? x3
Hey there!!! -pounce-
I understand. Keep looking but at the same time dont let it bother you. In due time the job will come along and from there everything will take...
I feel depressed all of a sudden. Maybe I should just hurry up and be in a wheel chair
WOOOHOOOOO cx Im not but thanks x3
Then I here by declare you the most bestest Plums eva!!!!
>.> Do you swear to be the best and ripest and sweetest plums eva? Bl
; ; I feel hated D: Put you're left hand up. *waits*
*smiles and pets* It happens somtimes. And somtimes during life it is needed.
Good :'D Oh wow summer class? D: Awsome though how it starts late xD I understand. But if you're still in school I dont think you should...
>.> Do you value lyf >.> You ignore meh D: so now you die -.-
*brings out a frying pan* I think you should run for you're life -.-
Thanks sis! OMG!!!! YES I DID! I was in a wheel chair though xD BUT IT WAS AWSOME!!1 I sang on stage with Vic Mignogna he is mah fav <3 My dreams came true that day you have no idea cx Oh I see D: DO NOT FRET!! ou shal find a job soon! I believe in you!!! *hugs* I missed you!!! OH MEH GOD! You're red now!!!! You have power. I'm jealous D':
Okay good because I dont want you to think I am some crazy person... Well wait.. I am but you know what I mean xD How have you been?
OMG I DID!!!! He remmebed me! (talked to him on the net once) it was awsome! I even sang on stage with him during his concert!! it was so...
Tis I! I doubt I'm known xD I have been goone for a long time. I am back but now that I look at everything I am so lost and feel like I don't fit in anymore D: How are you all! Do tell~
I dont feel as bad for buying everything sence I already knew all my money was going twards it xD I got alot of stuff (well to me I did) and im...
Yes a number of things>.>
-pats head- Oh D: