I love you're ava. TOS is the best game <3
Thank you so much : ) This is going to take a long while and I must admit it is getting annoying. If I already took one step how do I take another?
Bo ?
Good point xD Hmms another I shall look into! cx >< SOUL EATER IS EPPPPIIICCCCCCCC D:
I can never seem to do anything right or make anyone happy and I often (without knowing or thinking) hurt the people I care about dearly.. But...
Oh...My....God... You're still alive!!! D: Nice to see you again tis been a long while. Hope all is well~ Drop me a VM so we can catch up : D
I have no other family I can go to about this. I can't really talk to my aunt. Alot went on with her and I when I was young.. But we are working...
This had been going on for years. They rather be on some stupid online game all day. I've tried to tell them they are on it to much and that I'm...
WolfiexFayt :'D <3
You're most welcome. Hmm Really? That is weird... Family stuff has gotten worse so it seems. My parents still never talk to me. I try to talk to...
Okay ; ; Hmm. I will look into those! I need new stuff to watch :'D Oh yes just what I need more anime series. I read and watch wwwaaaayyyy to...
Oh D: never mind then xD Comedy Romance and some action x3 I feel so stupid cause im so into romance.............. ; ;
Hmm. I should look into it x3 Though how horror are we talking? I get scared easily ; ;.... XD
I know right! Plus it could even ruin you're computure. If people want it they can buy it. Plus it helps out the company 8D Haha okay xD What ish...
Alright ; ; Bleh I hate the whole download thing @_@ Yes you must watch!! Though the second season is like 10x better than the 1st. Not saying...
cx Sorry I didnt mean to blurt all that out O.o xD I have just recenlty started buying alot of animes. Its so great having them around the house...
Maybe you have a point : O Thank you so much :'D <3 Oh wow. xD Crazy sleeping hours for you D: Honestly? Lol My depression keeps me awake for...
No really I'm the wost person ever. ; ;. But now I must ask why are you up so late>.>
You're wecome x3 I'm not but thanks :'D
You are awsome XD