Oh god what made you do that? But you're right it hurts like fudge D:
BTW I posted this on my tumblr o.o I must be tired HOPE IT MAKES YOU LAUGH XD PLUMS... If you ever see this… We have a love and hate...
LIES!! Bl ; ;..... MEAN PLUMS!!.... Sleep well <3
plums is not here ; ;
I'm sad. OH WHERE HAS MAH PLUMS GONE >.> -gets frying pan again- :'D
You're welcome :lolface:
That's great, I'm happy for you : )
I know. It was just a joke sorry D: Really?! Thats wonderful :=D:
She is you're girlfriend right? Ahh yes men and their young love :lolface:
Fragile - Phil Joel
I see. Thats great!! x3
Oh wow I'm sorry. Are youable to get ahold of anyone else?
Thats good : ) It's always nice to have fun and supportive friends
Ya .
Yes I know. I just finally relized that last night @_@
Ya you're right ^^
Not to well. Going through a real rough time in life right now. ; ;. But after having sence knockned into me by friends Im starting to stand up...
Good to hear <3
I'm sorry I havnt been here for you at all. But I just saw you're thread and I hope eerything is going to be alright. You are in my prayers and I...
I'll be on khv all the time again. <3 I want to come back and be able to talk to everyone again! I also still MAJORLY suck with Tumblr xD I hope...