ooc-ok then......
ooc-are there any heartless here?
"Wakes up"What a sleep.Wonder where the heartless are?
It gives you mickeys reaction mod and rikus and other stuff
ur back!? thats the new thread http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=37573 ps whats the terra replaces party members code
i thinks erkes did if im not mistaken
Guess ill take a nap"riku streaches"
ooc-thats not good I wonder where sora and kairi are doing?Riku wonderd
Did the armax ask you to insert your game and did it start sfter that?
"hmmmm well at least there someone here"riku thought to himself,suddenly he felt that something was wrong
Wow thats really good
"Theres the screaming again"riku thought to himself but where is it?"
ooc-lol forgot about this "looked around"Well there nothing new or unordinary
ooc-what has happened so far
nope dont think so
anything that needs testing?
"Hello"Riku yelled
"Riku starts running"I heard that scream over here.Where did it go?
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