YAH RAWRRRR. Damn caps lock.
Thank you. :3 Some parts are crappy though, I didn't respect the "light position" rules....
Thank you. XD I wanted some comments about it, they help to improve and to go on.
Lol, nice to know. XD Nope, this is just a visit. I wanted to say hi to my friends, then I can disappear in the darkness again.
I just came back to say hi to my friends, I have posted only in the Traditional Art forum, I finished another drawing, and I wanted to see what...
Nah, maybe it's just a bad moment, a good sleep always helps, trust me. ;P You just need some rest, stop drawing for a while, then you'll not feel...
But Japan isn't full of nature....Well, I could buy some cool videogame or action figure there, hmm....
It's ok, don't worry. Well, first of all, I'd totally like to go to the mountains, we'll pass there a few days, I wanna try what I learned from...
Well, that's true. Cool, then you'll come with me in my adventures. And no, actually I can't for some reasons, but I don't want to think about it.
Lol, are you crazy? XD Too much caffeine, I hate being bored, I wanna live adventures, and see cool places, explore cool places with my friends.
I'm pretty good, just bored.
So, how are you today Taffy?
Thank you. That's very nice to hear. X3
Lol, no problem. XD
Lol, finally I finished another drawing, here you go, if you wanna see it. ;D http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=92354
So, yeah, it's been a while. I drew a sketch 2 days ago, at school, it was only an eye, a Sharingan, then it's become this: Spoiler I personally think it's very cool, one of my best drawings, the shading is a bit crappy, I need to practice, but the proportions are right in my opinion. Well, hope you like it, waiting for your comments. ;D
Yeah, I'm making Kakashi, the guy in my avatar. Really? What's the matter? :mellow:
Lol, your welcome. I like drawing too. I'm actually about to finish a sketch that I've started at school, if you know Naruto.
Ok then, if that's really what you want.
Aahh, I see. I am a really curious boy, but I kinda suck at solving love problems, so I can't help you this time. XP Well, you could tell me...