I perfectly understand. Sixthform? O: And I'm pretty good, I feel better now.
Cherrybberry. How're you doing? O:
Yup, that's right. We can talk on MSN if you want, I still have yours. (:
Hello there. I drew this during mathematics at school, lol I was bored so I decided to sketch someone cool, but a friend of mine helped me with Itachi's face, I keep forgetting what it's like. :/ Anyway, here it is: Spoiler
Nice outfit. O;
I found some photos that I took last summer. Spoiler Very nice one. Spoiler Lol, I was about to fall here. XD Spoiler I like this one. Please, don't mind my hair, it looks horrible, and I've changed hairstyle. >_>
I'm pretty good, too, thanks. Lol, it's been almost one year since we last talked. XD
Indeed. My profile is a lonely place.... How are you doing? (:
Pretty good, and bored. What about you?
I know, imagehost hates me today, I'll re-post them tomorrow.
Hey .
V for Vendetta.
Yeah, I know, it sucks. >_>
Nah. Tuesday will be the last day of hard work. I have an oral test, a written test a computer test and a presentation of a project. **** I'm...
Yeah, me too. We've had 6 written tests and 3 oral tests this week, it's almost over though.
Pretty good, thanks. How about you?
Kayleah. [IMG]
Liek? I have ninja abilities, too! )<
I love how the girl in your avatar covers herself with an Italian flag, and I'm Italian. Wohohoh. I dunno why, but I keep reading potato. :P
Heeeeeeeeeeeeey you too. O: