I edited my post above yours, so look at it.
yah its raw... Hey the value with 00000000 is the nop value. it cancels out the address's effect, making it do nothing. I heard if you put 00000001, you fix a bug or something that the nop code does. Edit: can you tell me what these addresses do while you are at it: 0037c00c 0037c010 0037c014 I am working on this code, if you want to try it out and look at its syntax: 0037a2f0 17534f42
can you tell me the tutorial you are using?
yes, everything is legal. but what are you doing, trying to find a code or trying to test mine? @ key of destiney - by the way, can you lead me throught th e steps on what YOU are doing when using ps2dis, and then telling me what I NEED and MUSt know?
yah, I need these codes tested too......don't know what they do though.... american: 2011A630 42000039 Final Mix: 1011A890 00000812 and 2011A890 42000039 can you guys?
EDIT: I THINK I found it......; I think it puts jump and attack in the shortcut without the shorcut mod...? EDIT2: nv...that was already in the game,though I think it is an after effect of the riku code for the american ps2 kingdom hearts 2 please TRY to find what it does!!!!! EDIT3: Ok! I need even more codes tested, so I will post all the codes I need tested here: 0011A630 42000039 0011A630 00000812 0011A630 80808080 003788F8 42000039 003788F8 00000812 003788F8 80808080 those are the codes need to be tested, and Ihave been testing them, but I don't see an effect, so hopefully you do. P.S.- it is for kingdom hearts 2 american...
ok, I got why the letters in the syntax are there. anyway, can anyone test out this code I made yesterday, in fact two codes: 0011A630 00000812 and/or 0011A630 42000039 anyone? I am just trying something with this specific address...... P.S- it is for Kingdom Hearts american
Hey, can someone test out this code for final mix please: 0011A890 42000039 Thanks in advance!
what about DW sora
well, on page 23 of this thread, a kid found his first code. how in the world did he do that? by the way, what mips tutorial do you use?
ahh...forget it, I can never learn..... unless you tell me, of course, how to replace those stupid letters in the syntax.
When ever I click on the link, It says http not found. so make sure you have the link right. EDIT: found it, but that tutorial tells you abosultutly nothing about how to find the data/value, but instead, they replace the numbers within the syntax with a bunch of letters which makes it confusing!
I am still clueless though. you teach how to get to the code, but we want to leaarn how to make codes for ourselves. so please, tell us how to actually make codes!!! not just to get to a code!!! basically, how do you find the right "data" (or value, whatever) in ps2dis that you want?
You guys need to give the site more freedom. Combine it with drupal, and change the way we see the KH games coverage, the forums (implement the phorum5 module in drupal, and implement drupal into the site), a chat room (implement the chatroom module into drupal, and implement drupal into the site). Also, ask what sp dude wants, so that he could change it to the way he wants to own it. But seriouly, give the site a new look, because you know we all want it, even though V3 wasn't to long ago.
xigabyte, were those codes you posted in kh2 american, or kh2 jap/kh2fm?
He is talking about the anti code that was in your newest video.
I just noticeed that Roxas had his own AI. That is an improvement as well as "amazing". If I am correct, We could have the ability to change the AI within the bosses, Yes?
Thanks Erks! Hey, I do not really care about getting the code for once. I mean, I have always wanted all the new codes ( I mean, I have wanted all the new codes in that video for a long time!), but I am just happy for the new riku code for ps2.....
C all the way baby!
it is for both. I have the jap/fianl mix code, but in the video it show s the american version.