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  1. blacknumbers
    roms are illegal though........
    also, what ps2 game do you think is perfect for hacking?
    Post by: blacknumbers, Feb 2, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  2. blacknumbers
    ok, can someone please explain why I need a dump!

    anyway.....since that over with, I seriouly want to try something like "items * 99" mod or something like that, and I need to the "find string" thing to do that......

    but seriously, I know that YOU KNOW what I am talking about, it is just that you guys are stalling me because you don't me to have that kind of info...well, atleast that is what my gut feeling is telling me.

    anyway, PLEASE!

    by the way, I have the beta form of ps2dis, so is that my problem?
    Post by: blacknumbers, Feb 2, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  3. blacknumbers

    it is found on this tutorial:

    that is all I asked for, and I want to find something.

    plus, you do not need a dump! I am following the guide lines on the tutorial!

    jees....ok, I am cool.
    Post by: blacknumbers, Feb 2, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  4. blacknumbers
    this isn't random. I am trying to find a hp mod. foumd this tutorial:
    Post by: blacknumbers, Feb 2, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  5. blacknumbers
    ok, seriouly, I need that "find string thing" found on this tutorial:

    but please, I want to try something.
    Post by: blacknumbers, Feb 2, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  6. blacknumbers
    ok, don't try to pull a prank on us so that you can be a coder....

    but if you aren't, please make him one.

    anyway, what will you teach about.

    seriously, don't be so mean. I am just testing to see what it will do.

    oh, here is what I mean by the "find string thing" ......

    just go to the link and look at the "hacking with strings section"
    Post by: blacknumbers, Feb 2, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  7. blacknumbers
    actually I know what I am doing............

    I went to the "beast" address and went to the first code thing, and changed the offset to "0000" so the syntax looked like "ldl sp, $0000"

    I added the "sp" in there so it would point to the last part of the block.

    I DO know what I am doing.....kind of.

    but seriouly, I don't need any tutorials from you, no offence, but I have CMP to find tutorials on how to do this stuff.

    now anyway, "g" just sends me to send to a specifies address, when I want to look up a a hex string. got it?
    Post by: blacknumbers, Feb 2, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  8. blacknumbers
    yah, I know all about the syntax, but thanks for puting here for all of us.

    but hold, "g" is only to find a specific address, not to find a string.....

    anyway, has anyone tested any of my codes?
    Post by: blacknumbers, Feb 2, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  9. blacknumbers
    thanks, but can you explain the bit thing for me?

    anyway, it was a quote label (duh, because all but 5 are quote labels in kingdom hearts 2!), oh, and it is kingdom hearts 2! (american)

    EDIT: I got I got the bit thing!

    0 - equal to or under 000000ff

    1 - equal to or between 00000100 - 0000ffff

    2 - equal to or between 00010000 - ffffffff


    by the way, here is all the codes that need testing!

    2011A630 42000039

    1011A630 00000812

    2011A630 80808080

    203788f8 42000039

    103788f8 00000812

    203788f8 80808080

    2037c00c 3c1d001

    2037c010 3c1d001

    0037c014 00000001

    2037a2f0 17534f42

    2037b8d0 6b7d0000 (or 6b7d0001) - beast code

    0016ee4c 00000001

    0016ee50 00000001

    Thanks in advance!

    P.S.- does anyone still know how to do the "find string" thing? I tried, but when I pressed ctrl + f, it sent me to another thing.
    Post by: blacknumbers, Feb 2, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  10. blacknumbers
    ok, I can't believe this, but nothing is working!

    I tried one of the tutorials and I came up with this:

    1016ee4c 00000001
    1016ee50 00000001

    nothing happened!

    and the beast cheat......nothing happened!

    stinks.......CMP teaches crap

    wait...I think I did bad....I think (well I think it is supposed to be 1 in the front since the values are lower than 000000ff.)

    anyway, how do you get to the "find string" thing in ps2dis? I tried pressing ctrl + f, but it did nothing but sent me to another thing. help me please!

    here is the guide I am using -
    Post by: blacknumbers, Feb 2, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  11. blacknumbers
    ok, guys, I found some sweet codes, but I didn't do something. the command "1".

    0037b8d0 6b7d0000 - does nothing because the beggining of the address is "0", which is the command.

    we want it to be one. comes out like this.

    1037b8d0 6b7d0000

    I think it will do something, so I am going to check it out.

    see ya, and thinks evil man for telling me about CMP (where I got the info)
    Post by: blacknumbers, Feb 2, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  12. blacknumbers
    ok, I went to cmp, and it looks awsome, but there is one problem.

    it leaves out alot of stuff in the hacking tutorial, like for instance, here is what people would say; "where did you get this address, you didn't show this at all!", and stuff like that....

    Here is a new code I am working on, it has to do somehting with "beast". like the beast.

    0037b8d0 6b7d0000

    syntax is "ldl sp, $0000(k1)
    Post by: blacknumbers, Feb 2, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  13. blacknumbers
    what do you mean everything is there? where did you post the it.....
    Post by: blacknumbers, Feb 2, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  14. blacknumbers
    sign me up too!
    Post by: blacknumbers, Feb 2, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  15. blacknumbers
    ok, post the link here.
    Post by: blacknumbers, Feb 2, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  16. blacknumbers
    what is CMP stand for?
    Post by: blacknumbers, Feb 2, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  17. blacknumbers
    How the heck are we supposed to know what we are doing, you guys won't tell us some of the most important; you guys keep all your tricks to yourselves.......

    P.S- if you ARE going to link us to a tutorial or make one, don't let it be one of those tutorials where it leads us into a code, yet it doesn't us what we are doing exactaly! (kinda like that one tutorial erks did, you know, with the hp modifier)

    @ Keyblade of destiney, it did the same thing.
    Post by: blacknumbers, Feb 2, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  18. blacknumbers
    for kh2 american?

    anyway, my cheat: 0037a2f0 17534f42, did absolutly nothing but....well, you need to go to a disney world with a disney world party character in it to see this but..........when you arive ther, everything is normal, but when you swich out characters, it only shows the characters that are out in action in the start menu.

    for exaple:

    1. went to the collosium world

    2.pressed start menu, everything was fine

    3.switched out party

    4. in the start menu, sora was in his spot, goofy was in his own spot too, but auron was in donals spot, and donald wasn't there.

    try it and see if you get anything different!

    I am going to try:

    0037a2f0 00000000
    Post by: blacknumbers, Feb 2, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  19. blacknumbers
    for what my code?

    I am using kingdom hearts american....that is what the codes are for.
    Post by: blacknumbers, Feb 2, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  20. blacknumbers
    Thnaks in advance.

    anyway, I will be testing it too, but you need to tell me what you see when you test it.
    Post by: blacknumbers, Feb 1, 2008 in forum: Code Vault