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  1. blacknumbers
    where all the lines of code is. thanks!

    does it take a certain type of save dump? ar max? gameshark? what?

    EDIT: ok, I got it in there, but nothing in the values and addresses changed!

    I guess I will just quit, since I am just stupid when it comes to this kind of thing, I mean, I want to, but every time I try to make a code, it doesn't work, even with the freaking saves!

    UPDATE: I am starting to try again, and again, nothing happened. none of the addresses/values I was looking at changed. I did this with multiple games and saves.
    Post by: blacknumbers, Feb 5, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  2. blacknumbers
    Thanks man, that put a weight off my solders =)

    but seriously, oh man, I still kinda feel like a noob. here is why though:

    what do you mean, by drag and drop onto ps2dis? I looked at file, edit, preference, view, analyzer, and even about, but I still can't find how to load it in there/drag it.
    Post by: blacknumbers, Feb 5, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  3. blacknumbers
    I don't know if this goes here, but this isn't spam so.....

    I have a question. I had an ok rep thing, but all of a sudden, I don't! I don't know how, I looked at the history of my rep, and it looks normal, except for the fact that now I have -5 rep.

    still, everything is normal.

    I have one good thing and one not so good thing, but I had the bad rep before the good rep. what the heck!

    Can any of you mods check out what is going on?

    P.S- I had one infraction, but that expirered before I got any rep.
    Thread by: blacknumbers, Feb 5, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: Discussion
  4. blacknumbers
    What the crap!

    Didn't the cops notice "black subjects" in a bright colored car!

    What the crap. that is low. I mean, we need more equiptment then just our sight, to spot things like this.

    Oh, I just noticed that the robbers strated driving when the cops came, and they didn't notice that too!

    What the crap once more.
    Post by: blacknumbers, Feb 5, 2008 in forum: Production Studio
  5. blacknumbers
    Watch him make a money mod, and I won't...........

    Anyway, I hate to be a n00b when I ask this question, and I really did search on google on this but found squat, but how do you use a save dump with ps2dis? (DON"T KILL ME!)

    Serioulsy, though, I want to learn as much as possible about this.....
    Post by: blacknumbers, Feb 5, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  6. blacknumbers
    do you need a dump for every cheat?

    @ videogamecrazyboy - I am sure that kh220 will do a ps2dis anatomy tutorial for you if you ask him.
    Post by: blacknumbers, Feb 5, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  7. blacknumbers
    oh, right yah, I don't got FFIV so I will wait till he makes a tutorial using a game that I have!

    a.k.a. = chain of memories/RE: chain of memories, kingdom hearts/ kingdom hearts 2, ratchet and clank series, jak combat racing, and others that I have.
    Post by: blacknumbers, Feb 4, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  8. blacknumbers
    beyond that subject, where can you get the FFIV rom legally?


    if what I think I saw; the syntax, within the lines that were exactally above the those lines, I think I can add to them, and it will effect the game via bolts.

    trust me, I know what I am doing.

    if you want to know everything about all 4 lines, ask me in this thread, and I will give you the lines, the syntax, commands, ect.


    EDIT: OK, I havn't tested it yet, but I just wanted to say I am sorry for doubting you, If you want, I will get a dump, but where do I get a dump and where do I plug it in?
    Post by: blacknumbers, Feb 4, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  9. blacknumbers
    dude you are a saint!

    I am working on a ratchet and clank 1 bolts mod:

    here are two codes I came up with; they are NOT tested.

    x015f274 yyyyyyyy


    x015f27c yyyyyyyy

    x = 0, 1, or 2, depending on y; 0 for 2 hex digit amount and under, 1 for 4 to 3 hex digit amount, and 2 for 8 to 5 hex digit amount.

    y = amount of bolts in hex.

    like I said, it isn't tested, and I hope it works because those are the only 2 addresses that had "00000000" under the "bolts" string label, and plus, with the bolts string label, you cannot refer to another address, leaving only those two addresses.

    what do you think?
    Post by: blacknumbers, Feb 4, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  10. blacknumbers
    But seriously though, I wish this was home to anyone who liked the game as much as I do.

    thanks for being here guys, fo rsupporting the fact that you want the same!
    Post by: blacknumbers, Feb 4, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. blacknumbers
    Thanks Kh-Vids, for making me feel home. I know that I have gone up and down from mature to imamture, but you guys know how to act. that is special.

    To tell you the truth, I USED to think that this place was ok, but I think it is home to me now, because this is a place where I can learn about my favorite game, and yet I can just hang out.

    Thanks Kh-vids.

    P.S- mods and admins, and others in that catagory, you guys have done a good job, so stay the way you are, and everything, and ANYTHING, that happens in this site, will be A-O-K!
    Thread by: blacknumbers, Feb 4, 2008, 17 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. blacknumbers
    so 20139c00 24a575c1 would activte it, and 20139c00 24a3575c0 dis-activates it?
    Post by: blacknumbers, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  13. blacknumbers

    I am trying to hack guitar hero, and I ran into this label called "cheat_beat_song".

    I am trying a code right now.
    Post by: blacknumbers, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  14. blacknumbers
    ok thanks, thought the pj roxas code was in the video (who in the orld do I think I am? lol)
    Post by: blacknumbers, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: New Releases
  15. blacknumbers
    I han't tried it, but someone please because...well, I just don't want to because I think I am one the verge of making a guitar hero code.bu anyway, I think it would be cool to do that with pj roxas.

    by the way, does anyone have the pj roxas code?
    Post by: blacknumbers, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: New Releases
  16. blacknumbers
    ok cool, anyone else?
    Post by: blacknumbers, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. blacknumbers
    can you guys post the pajama roxas code in RAW please? I want to look at something.
    Post by: blacknumbers, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: New Releases
  18. blacknumbers
    this is a sample of my new rp that I just made 5 minutes ago, not apart of the story and dialog, since I JUST made it, just by me, acted out by me too.

    sora: "I just don't think I can leave the keyblade here with myself, it is just......mickey, the other....axailas, and maybe the heartless too, might be coming, so I have to leave it here with you....."

    axaila montblanc: "NO!!!!" he started, as he looked at the keyblade with great sorrow, " You HAVE to have this, it is your only weapon!"

    sora: "You don't really get it do you..........I have a heart, and that, my fellow friend, is the only weapon I need to stand up to my enimies" He said with a great smile.......

    how do you like guys?
    Post by: blacknumbers, Feb 2, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. blacknumbers
    Ok, now that I have got a good Idea, I want to play with it.

    It is about the axailas, a race of pure data, copied into real life a rae ultra computer found in the nobodies world, made into real life humans. they are the only known computer to obtain life like feelings and a virtual heart so to speak.

    Anyway, they are split into goodguys and badguys; the goodguys, like me, will have control over an assortment of weapons and gadgets, and abilities; not keyblades, and the bad axailas are formes into a group, which have control over darkness, and soon the power over heartless.

    the objective of the goodguys is to protect soras keyblade. He gives it to them, so that he can stay with King Mickey and his castle to finish some left over buiness. The badguys are trying to steal the keyblade, and want to study it for their own good, and want to make a god-like creature known to man as decurkassendran, who came along time ago beofore man learned of the old ways to live.

    here are the goodguys and badguys, as well as people who aren't on any side.


    people who aren't on any side:

    sora: me (I have to, to maintain the story)

    is the same as in the kingdom hearts franchise

    drex:rukiakuchiki (supposed to be an assasin, though he isn't hired)

    weapons: ALOT of weapons (so if you want to be him, you can have any)

    abilities: none

    gender: male

    race: elf



    axaila montblanc: me (this is the guy I control throughout my entire story)

    weapons: two triple barrel pistols

    abilities: can open many types of portals (time traveling, fusion, darkhole, ect.)

    gender: male

    race: moogle

    axaila riku: ?

    weapons: syphrus (sword used with everything but hands, like a bad a** lop sided hackysack)

    abilities: cosmic flares

    gender: female (yes, they represent them, but they don't have to be their gender or anything like that, in fact, they could be todally different)

    race: Human

    axaila kairi: ?

    weapons: 20 bound silver spike ball (controls with her mind)

    abilities: light

    gender: female

    others if you wish



    axaila vexen (looks nothing like him): ?

    weapons: bombs

    abilies: blood summon (can sommon the dead with cutting himself)

    gender: male

    others if you wish

    Like I said, others if you want. Plus, those like axaila riku, who is a girl, don't have the EXACT appearence, just kinda look like them, as long if I say so, unless you make the character.

    so who wants to play!


    also, no spamming or god-modding, ect.
    Thread by: blacknumbers, Feb 2, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  20. blacknumbers
    so like capcom classics collection?

    @ kh1212 - do you know how to access the find string function in ps2dis?

    EDIT: nv....

    anyway, I am going to try to hack guitar hero's menu with a new trick I learned at cmp!
    Post by: blacknumbers, Feb 2, 2008 in forum: Code Vault