Hey, does anyone have the roxas as partner or dw sora codes?
so what makes it so special? it isn;t as powerful as the best keyblades! all I am saying is, you would probably be on lv. 67 or higher.
then what is its ability then?
twilight town. because it introduces the other side's home.
it is my favorite Kingdom Hearts so far. I love the gba version more than the ps2 version, also, but I have the ps2 version too! I finally got ultima weapon, metal chocobo, and lionheart. I got spellbinder a long time ago. I am trying to get one winged angel and diamond dust. the other unrare keyblades I have also. I am also stuck on that...on the ps2 version. I beat the gba version of the game along time ago, but still playing it.
35538. this is boring; we will never do this.
cool! but there is a problem. by the time you get it, you are already at lv.67 or over!
that is a stupid ability!
another question. the keyblade you get from the mushrooms, what is it called? and what is its effect?
cool. Hey, why not post the tutorial now? also, can gameshark 2 dump?
what does the keyblade from the roxas battle in Kingdom Hearts 2: Final Mix, two across, do? What I am trying to get at is.....what is its ability?
they don't have dumps? thought they did. anyway, are you going to change the name of the gun, or are you going to make a bolt mod?
use a dump from gamefaqs, and copy it, and then play with it in ratchet and clank. find out everything, and then imply it to what you are re-coding in Ps2Dis. I know what kind of thing you are going to teach us. I am prepared. if you are trying to change the name, that is.....
I have a game shark, and if I am correct, those dump codes were in RAW, and gameshark can take RAW and dump saves too! I am a happy camper!
I don't know, but what they just posted were RAW format.
Oh yah, a dump code. I feel stupid, lol. Thanks I don't think that is a dump code. you NOPed somethng. anyway, how do YOU know that is supposed to be the dump code, when you were completely clueless about it a while ago.
I have never heard of a "dump" code. but I am ready to hack. but if you are going to hack a naruto game, I will just watch. besides, it is not fair. I own ratchet and clank 1, yet no one cares and they want to do it on a stupid naruto game that is so hard to even pronounce. seriously, no one cares about anyone here. listen to what he says, or I will turn to a defencive plan that might turn things around.
no it is ok.....post it back, I don't have time to get them.
sorry....it is just I wanted to post them.
I already knew that....I was just about to try to get them. thanks for absolutly ruining this thread for me and others.