dude....I think that is a glitchy address.......anyway, it says "nop" which in MIPS language that means that address and value is canceled.........
Thaks guys, I did it...... to get the gathering ending in normal mode, all I did was beat all the worlds! ya!
I thought if you played as bosses or side characters with no hp/mp bar you wouldn't be able to control them?
weird....but could you control him?
I KNOW it only works with sora now that I seen what is does...... ---------------- Hey cloudstrife252, what about that alternitive riku code you wanted me to test? and also, I was wondering if you could do this.... address and values together in this order: riku glitch fix (any other glitch fixes) joker command for last line last line- riku code could work........maybe not
Hey, I know some basic html and some basic python, which I am learning more of, so lets just decide to put in a forum about programming, which we could have the MIPS language included in there for the coders sake.
Hey, at least I might be wrong, though I am sure I am right. Anyway, there probably is another way....