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  1. NemesisPrime
  2. NemesisPrime
  3. NemesisPrime
    While I do admit there was a certain charm to not knowing and chalking it up to magic or for the church folks out there, God but as I've gotten older I've become more of an advocate for children to have access to information though a bit filtered because there is stuff that NSFW out there and should be reserved for older audiences.

    As for Santa, I found out it was my parents when I was 12 and since then I learned it's not so much about Santa but the spirit of the season and the idea that we can come together even if just for one day.
    Post by: NemesisPrime, Feb 5, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  4. NemesisPrime
  5. NemesisPrime
    Profile Post Comment

    Yes I do!

    Yes I do!
    Profile Post Comment by NemesisPrime, Feb 5, 2013
  6. NemesisPrime
    Profile Post Comment

    Nice to meet you too! ^_^

    Nice to meet you too! ^_^
    Profile Post Comment by NemesisPrime, Feb 5, 2013
  7. NemesisPrime
    Nemesis or my Nobody anagram, Daxam.
    Profile Post Comment by NemesisPrime, Feb 5, 2013
  8. NemesisPrime
  9. NemesisPrime
    I'm of the school the government should only intervene when it's necessary.

    As our government in the US has shown now that it has practically married itself to that of big business we have a shrinking middle class, little to no job creation, and a society that is barely making minnaum wage and living paycheck to paycheck as well as not knowing when their job will be outsourced by someone overseas who can do the same job for less.

    Too much intervention and you have the US as it is now and too little will result in collapse. There needs to be a middle ground.
    Post by: NemesisPrime, Feb 3, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  10. NemesisPrime
    I feel you.

    My dad sometimes goes off on rants about how we never do anything to help and just paints me and my brothers in a bad light like we're worthless and sadly it's affected my self-esteem.

    But he's had 6 back surgeries and a massive heart attack and add on to the fact he has to vent he can't bottle it.

    Is your father like that as well?
    Post by: NemesisPrime, Feb 3, 2013 in forum: Help with Life
  11. NemesisPrime
    What are your favorite teas?
    Iced Tea
    What kind of methods do you drink tea? (Hot in a mug, cold tea from vendors etc.)
    I prefer homemade iced tea I can pour into a glass
    Any preferred brands?
    Lipton, Tetley
    Any additives?
    Usually sugar but I'm partially to adding True Lemon to my tea
    Post by: NemesisPrime, Feb 2, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  12. NemesisPrime
    I did enjoy the turn-based RPG game in Recoded and it felt very much in the vein of FF.

    I would enjoy it as a mini-game.
    Post by: NemesisPrime, Feb 1, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  13. NemesisPrime
    How about the 99% versus the 1% and it's effect on policy?
    Post by: NemesisPrime, Jan 31, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. NemesisPrime
    The Emperor's New Groove and Hunchback were the best.

    Why? Because Kuzco was awesome and funny and nothing, NOTHING can match Hellfire!
    Post by: NemesisPrime, Jan 31, 2013 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  15. NemesisPrime
    I hold no view on the universe but I think it is both wonderful, mysterious, and scary.

    Compared to the universe our planet is but a small speck in a backwater spiral galaxy amongst many others but too us it represents the ultimate step for mankind.

    I agree that the universe is continuously expanding but there may be a time where the universe will rescead and return to nothing.

    I've always been of the school of thought that multiple universes exist and that a version of ourselves exist in every one but each one is different form subtle differences in personality to an entire different genetic makeup.

    The universe is something we cannot comprehend as it is too vast for us to ever know for sure and what we do know we've only scratched the surface of.

    I'm for The Big Bang Theory as given what we know supports most arguments but we could find evidence that contradicts it like maybe the universe was always here and will be here for infinity.

    I think there are other intelligent beings out there I mean humanity could not be on the one planet that supports life in the entire universe! As for the reason they have not appeared to us is ether they haven't found us yet or more likely they have deemed we're not far enough into our growth as a species to be let loose on the universe at large I mean one only has to look at the current state of our governments and the endless wars that are being fought to gather that we haven't advanced from our early caveman days we're just more polite and cunning about it. So we are being looked after and studied, not constantly but every so often I think they observe us to see how far we've come and one day they will land to extend to us an invitation to join the rest of the citizens of the cosmos.

    Will all universes develop like ours if the conditions were similar? Perhaps or perhaps not. Much like how there are planets which cannot support life one can assume that such a result could come about as even if that universe and ours were alike in structure the randomization probability meaning that as far as we know things go life develops by chance if the conditions are correct so it's possible there could be a dead universe though highly unlikely since the universe is incredibly vast so there is a good chance life would develop on some planets now whether said life evolves or dies off is another matter.

    In my opinion the universe does not serve a role but rather the background or the stage in which the game of life is played or acted out. It acts as a divider or curtian and only by crossing it do we truly learn.
    Post by: NemesisPrime, Jan 29, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  16. NemesisPrime
    I absolutely adore the boxart! Really captures the spirit of the three games and once this comes out in English I will proudly display it!
    Post by: NemesisPrime, Jan 25, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  17. NemesisPrime
  18. NemesisPrime
    I have no words to say other than this is bullcrap.

    OF THE HIGHEST CALIBER. It's exploitation of tragity to advance a political agenda and don't think it will stop at Missouri. It will spread unless we stamp out this here and now.

    What do you think?

    Spread the word around.
    Thread by: NemesisPrime, Jan 17, 2013, 10 replies, in forum: Gaming
  19. NemesisPrime
    Having grown up with a father who likes guns and is very much in favor of loose gun laws I have to say There should be a middle ground on gun control laws because banning all guns won't solve anything and seeing how if citizens are unable to defend themselves they are very likely to be trampled underfoot by those who do including their government and seeing how the US has been making laws and decisions recently that haven't been made in the public interest like the NDAA which has been resigned into law WITH THE PROVISION OF DETAINING US CITIZENS INTACT, I don't exactly trust them NOT to abuse their power.
    Post by: NemesisPrime, Jan 9, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  20. NemesisPrime
    Starters look lame and X/Y?

    I shall henseforth call these titles Pokemon Male and Pokemon Female Version.
    Post by: NemesisPrime, Jan 9, 2013 in forum: Gaming