Well if they can explain the big ball of wibbly wobbly timey-winey curveball 3D threw I'll consider it a good video.
I have a KH2 poster in my room, an Org. XIII coat and KH2 Sora cosplay (with wig), a custom Ventus Wayfinder necklace, KH2 fleece blanket, KH2 Sora plushie, and various KH2 t-shirts. I also have a cosplay Kingdom Key weapon and metal Feiner keyblade. Yeah, I'm pretty dedicated.
Hate it? Nah. It just doesn't affect or advance the plot in any meaningful way. It's unadulterated padding. Does that make it a bad game? No, it's a fun KH game to play when you're bored but if you're looking for story prepare to be disappointed.
Yes it should! Also while I'm still iffy about going (money and all plus actually GETTING there...) if I can't I might send some pictures of me as ether Sora or my hopeful cosplay of Gokai Red from Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger playing Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix!
I'd like to as well!
Just pre-ordered! I love KH and I'm gonna be more than happy to add this to my collection! I think I'll take my time with Re:COM because I DO NOT LIKE THE CARD SYSTEM. At all.
So...Much...Water...Must get to beat.... Nah but he was a pain on Proud but Data Demyx is worse.
Until it's April 2nd I don't bleave it to be true. But one the off chance it is...WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG SQUARE?!?
The part I was looking forward to was the english dub of 358/2 and from what I've seen I'm not disappointed!
Or if you're looking for a Xemnas...
If you're looking for Master Xehanort I'm game!
An identity consists of many shades. There's the good part of us which aspires to make things better, a bad part which seeks to better ourselves even at the cost of others, a curious side which seeks yo know more, etc. Who am I? I am all of them and yet none of them because they are me and I am them.
As a gay person myself I feel like we are slowly becoming more accepted but not everyone is willing to see things so we must try and reach out to them!
So am I so your not alone!
A most belated Valentine's Day to you friend! May love fill your body and bring you much happiness!
While my sense of flow is quite low Do know that this day has been most kind to me and while I know not what tomorrow will bring I know you'll be...
I can feel you are an empathetic soul who worries for others much like me. The brush of darkness has tainted us but like Riku has made us stronger. I long to be the hero for others to admire but by my own faults I cannot. Kindred spirits we are in this world and fewer know.
Funny, some friends of mine have been streaming SAO and it's agreed in most of our group that we like it. We just finished episode 12.
I'd be delighted to!
Because I have some custom cards I've made like Xemnas, the Shogunzords and Ninjazords, and hybrid Malefic cards.