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  1. NemesisPrime
    1) Trickmaster kicking my tail about 60+ times before beating him, he was so easy in the PS2 version but here he's hard as hell to beat!

    2) Captian Hook boss fight. That fight was so close it wasn't funny. Those Airship Heartless don't make it easy

    3) Looking for those chest with the dalmatians before finding out some of the chests were changed around in Final Mix so I spent alot of time In Halloween Town looking for it (Not that I mind cause it's my favorite world)

    Yeah, alot of these were embarrassing cause they were so easy for me in the original version and as a veteran player I should not be having these problems lol
    Post by: NemesisPrime, Dec 25, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  2. NemesisPrime
    *gets on computer*

    Alright let's see what we've got here...Porn...Wolverine fan page...Sells of our AWESOME game....THE DOODS ARE BACK?!?

    *rushes in*

    Hey everyone! I'm back from my....Training yeah that's it! I was in no way on a cruise in the bahamas looking for buried treasure and do you smell charred flesh?

    *sees feet on fire from friction*

    Thank you cue cards I can see that...
    Post by: NemesisPrime, Dec 24, 2013 in forum: Forum Families
  3. NemesisPrime
    Or perhaps it will be like Pokemon X/Y where it has a multi-language option which features both an English and Japanese voice track.
    Post by: NemesisPrime, Dec 24, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. NemesisPrime
    I'm kinda still scratching my head over why it needed to BE three movies in the first place. Material-wise The Hobbit is the shortest of the LOTR series. I really think this is just Hollywood not having a franchise to make money off of so they're cutting up the book so they can have one and if Pete adapts The Similarion I'm afraid it will fall victim to the same fate.
    Post by: NemesisPrime, Dec 24, 2013 in forum: Movies & Media
  5. NemesisPrime
    The game looks and sounds awesome in English! Now we just need a release date....
    Post by: NemesisPrime, Dec 24, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  6. NemesisPrime
    Banned for not going down the rabbit hole.
    Post by: NemesisPrime, Dec 23, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  7. NemesisPrime
    Uh no. Demyx's personality in KH2 matches with his attitude in Days which was that of a coward and aloof to other people. But even if we just go by KH2 when you beat him he goes: "Oh man, I blew it."
    Post by: NemesisPrime, Dec 23, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  8. NemesisPrime
    And before that says: "I told them they were sending the wrong guy..."

    Then in the Underworld: "Run, run away!"

    Then later on: "Right, man did they pick the wrong guy for this one..."
    Post by: NemesisPrime, Dec 23, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. NemesisPrime
    Kinda have to call bullcrap on that. Demyx by and large was nice but a coward and preferred not to fight whenever possible. Again, because they wanted to use Roxas and Xion to gather the hearts need to make Kingdom Hearts. The recruiting of new members was again so they could get their hearts back by any means.

    I'm not defending their actions but by their nature they operated on moral ambiguity or self-interest.
    Post by: NemesisPrime, Dec 23, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  10. NemesisPrime
    Really the best advice I can give is hit and run. Get your licks in and dodge roll the hell away.
    Post by: NemesisPrime, Dec 23, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  11. NemesisPrime
    Never said I agreed with them only that it could be seen that way and again as I said it was in pursuit of a lie. There were some like Demyx who didn't have a mean bone in his body and Luxord who given what little information we have didn't seem to be evil or malicious and was in all respects fair.

    And if I'm correct they didn't create heartless but attracted Heartless to them but some thought the greater good was getting their hearts back by any means.
    Post by: NemesisPrime, Dec 23, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  12. NemesisPrime
    Gonna have to disagree with ya there. You make it sound like an airport cant do anything you know "nice" out of the goodness of their heart?
    Post by: NemesisPrime, Dec 23, 2013 in forum: Current Events
  13. NemesisPrime
    I'd like Zexion's power of illusion and the more I studied it the more accurate the illusion.

    Failing that I'd want Master Xehanort's abilities.
    Post by: NemesisPrime, Dec 23, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  14. NemesisPrime
    Sora's was more flashy but ineffective to me in the long run outside of Wonder Meow/Meowjesty while Riku's offered more opportunities for combos and damage.
  15. NemesisPrime
    I have cleared the castle once again and the Challenger's Pin is now mine!

    No one is tinkering with MY memories! Special thanks to @Elizabeth
    Post by: NemesisPrime, Dec 23, 2013 in forum: Community News & Projects
  16. NemesisPrime
    I lay on both sides.

    Organization XIII was comprised of three colliding goals between members. Xemnas/Xigbar who wanted to turn of the members into copies of Master Xehanort, Marluxia and Larxene who wanted to usurp Xemnas and take over. The rest generally bleaved the lie Xemnas told them that they had no hearts and the only way to fix that was to use Kingdom Hearts to restore them to Somebodies except for Axel and Saix who were also trying to take over but more so Saix than Axel.

    So in a sense the majority of the members bleaved in what they were doing (the obvious aforementioned members excluded) and saw Sora as a means to an end for a greater good because If they could control the Keyblade they could gather the hearts needed to restore themselves. The machinations of the organization were evil at it's core but most of the members thought they were doing good or at least self-interest.

    Sora not exactly being the brightest bulb on the tree just blindly thought the organization and it's members were evil and in a sense he was right but again, alot of the members were being lied into helping Xemnas and in general were misguided so it could be seen that Sora was the villian in this case even though he's not.

    The entire idea behind the Nobodies at it's inception was that they were beings of Nothingness. Not light nor dark which could be seen as moral ambiguity or the gray area. Doing deeds that were not good but not entirely evil.
    Post by: NemesisPrime, Dec 23, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  17. NemesisPrime
    Theme park rides aside this game just looks more and more glorious.

    Sora fighting the Rock Titan...So maybe we'll see Olympus Coliseum make one final appearance and adapt the movie's plot?
    Post by: NemesisPrime, Oct 15, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  18. NemesisPrime
    That's the thing about Critical Mode, it's SUPPOSED to be hard yet rewarding. I kinda stopped around Port Royal but that was only because other things came up.
    Post by: NemesisPrime, Oct 7, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  19. NemesisPrime
    It's not really a possibility they won't do 2.5 it's a question of WHEN not IF.

    That aside I'm so glad that the people who have worked on this series for so long have so much passion for it! So simple and clean. xD

    But that's Kingdom Hearts for ya.
    Post by: NemesisPrime, Sep 25, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  20. NemesisPrime
    Halloween Town in the ruins of Oogie's Manor.
    Post by: NemesisPrime, Sep 24, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX