Wow okay so I put together the triple Sephiroth video you all wanted. I got totally murdered, even with trying to spam Reflega. But it probably is possible, as you can see from the final part of the video.
How come you fight against 4 bosses in Round 49 of the Hades Paradox Cup then? Oh and I tried three Sephiroths. Impossible unless you spam Reflega. Spamming Reflega got all 3 of them to the final form, I think. Then I got caught with DHA. >:O I'll upload a video of attempts later or something.
I'm actually rather curious about the music too. How come there are songs missing from the codes, such as KH2's final battle music. Unless I'm missing it.
Well I just recorded a Xigbar x2 & Xaldin fight (Didn't want to the same exact thing as Xaldin's video). I wanted to do Xigbar & Xaldin & Saix, but the game freezes if you try to do three different org members in that fight, so I did this instead. I'm going to upload it soon. I haven't messed around with Roxas yet, so I'll see what I can come up with. Update: The video finally processed Enjoy.
I'll try three later, I'll probably post a failed one and then maybe be lame and post a win one where I spam Reflega in hopes of winning. I'm having fun mixing up org fights right now. It's a really fun fight if you're around level 99, try it. I would try three Sephiroth's, but I know I would just have to resort to spamming Reflega to win, which is too cheap for my tastes. So I don't know. Trying to deal with three DHA would be hell, two was hard enough.
Awesome, can't wait to try them.
I didn't read every single page or anything, so I don't know of any updated character slot lists, but I was playing around with them yesterday to find out what the unknown ones are. So I'm going to list the ones I personally tested. Some are already known ones, while others I just explored. Character Slot Codes Universal Character Modifier v2 Character Slot 1 (Sora) 11CFA3FC 0000???? Character Slot 2 (Donald) 11CFA3FE 0000???? Character Slot 3 (Goofy) 11CFA400 0000???? Character Slot 4 (Guest) 11CFA402 0000???? Character Slot 5 (Valor-Form) 11CFA404 0000???? Character Slot 6 (Wisdom Form) 11CFA406 0000???? Character Slot 7 (Master-Form) 11CFA408 0000???? Character Slot 8 (Final-Form) 11CFA40A 0000???? Character Slot 9 (Anti-Form) 11CFA40C 0000???? Character Slot 10 (King Mickey) 11CFA40E 0000???? Codes 0015 - Shan Yu (Boss, 5 bar HP) 007F - Lock (Boss, 1 bar HP) - Comes back to life 015E - Hades (Boss, 6 bar HP) - Invincible 015F - Cerberus (Boss, 4 bar HP) 0323 - Dual Keyblade Roxas 040C - Blizzard Lord (Boss, 3 bar HP) 040B - Volcano Lord (Boss, 3 bar HP) 05D0 - Experiment (Boss, 6 bar HP) 0622 - Xigbar (Boss) 0711 - Experiement's Left Hand 082C - Hyena (Dummy) 082D - Riku (No coat) - T-Stance 082E - Riku (Black coat, blindfold) - T-Stance 082F - Setzer (Boss) 0847 - Shenzi (Boss, 2 bar HP) 08B3 - Nothing - Prevents Reaction Commands and Leaving rooms 08B4 - Struggle Announcer Guy (Dummy) 08B5 - Axel (Boss, 6 bar HP) - T-shaped eventually 08B6 - Sephiroth (Boss, 8 bar HP) 08B7 - Nothing 08B8 - MCP Polygon (Freezes) 08B9 - Piglet (Dummy) 08C0 - Silver Skateboard 08C1 - White Skateboard 08C2 - wooden Skateboard 08C3 - Tron Skateboard 08ED - Heartless (From Xemnas final battle) 08EE - Card - Luxord's 08EF - A Door 08F0 - Bolt Tower 08F1 - Sephiroth (Freezes) - T-shaped 08F2 - Leon (Ally) - no damage 08F3 - Cloud (Ally) - randomly gets stuck in ground, no damage 08F4 - Tifa (Ally) - no damage 08F5 - Yuffie (Ally) - Teleports upward, no damage 08F6 - Water Clone (Demyx's) 08F8 - Leon (Boss, 1 bar HP) 08F9 - Cloud (Boss, 1 bar HP) 08FA - Tifa (Boss, 1 bar HP) 08FB - Yuffie (Boss, 1 bar HP) 08FC - MCP polygon (Freezes) 08FD - Jack Sparrow (Dummy) 08FE - Will (Dummy) 08FF - Nothing (Froze) 0900 - Moogle (Dummy) 0901 - Maleficent (Dummy) - T-shaped 0902 - Maleficent (Dummy) - T-shaped 0903 - Random Civilian - Can target for some reason, no HP of course 090E - Hades (Boss, 6 bar HP) - Doesn't need Hercules 0910 - Hercules (Boss, 6 bar HP) How to use the codes These are the raw codes for a Codebreaker. You load up your Codebreaker CD, go to the Kingdom Hearts II game, and add these codes. So let's say you name one code "Character Slot 2", you would input the code 11CFA3FE 0000xxxx, where "xxxx" is whichever character code you want. So if you wanted Axel to replace Donald, you would input 11CFA3FE 00000051. Then you just follow the CD instructions to start up the KH2 game. So on another note, I have a question. Is there anyway to tweak an enemies strength or HP?
Redsonic is just a troll, ignore him. If he's the same Redsonic from GameFAQs KH2 Board, he made a topic on Gamefaqs about doing a no ability challenge but using cheats to beef up his strength and defense to that of level 50-99 at the beginning of the game, and claims he's better than Apul. What a joke.
I posted this on Gamefaqs and got all positive responses, so I suppose I'll post it here too. I made a guide video to beating Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts II (Not FM), since there are still people who just can't beat him. I didn't see anything like this on Youtube, so I'm assuming I'm the first to do it. The video is designed for low level challenges against Sephiroth, but works for both low and high.