Morning everyone~ Ready for some serious Tumbling, Facebooking, Skyping, MSNing, whatever you can think of to do today besides KHVidsing? :3
I was stressed out, had the day off... And this is what I decided to do. :3 Please comment and rate. I love you all. <3 Thanks for watching!
Discuss, throw cookies at it... whatever pleases you.
I am making my mic (and my vocals) work overtime! xD So.... wasn't too confident posting this until I shared it with a friend and they gave me the little boost to share it with all of you... Here we go then. The Original Song (Just to show you all): The Dub Version (The one me and sumomo sings in): Thank you so much for watching~
I dunno, you tell me. Spoiler Spoiler Why so serious? :sly:
Yeah! Finally got my new microphone. :3 I'll let my YouTube quote speak for me: Contains MAJOR SPOILERS for those who have not played 385/2 Days, so watch at your own risk if you haven't played the game and don't want to be spoiled. Also, I realized my voice is super quiet at most parts. Sooooorry. D: Being a dying person is a bit difficult, and I tried my best to stay in character. There are subtitles... I'll improve... SOMEDAY! Thanks for watching, and enjoy. ^^ Spoiler
This Texas storm is really freaking me out. T~T *Hiding under blanket*
"You are in the Hunger Games! Go to your profile, and your first eight friends are in them too." Steals your food: Whαt? Betrays you but you kill them instantly: Plums (T~T) The career: Llave de Espada Your mentor: Krowley The one who gets killed by nature: moshimoshi!!!(Watch out for the butterflies. xD) 1st to die: Bushy Brow The one you form an alliance with: Gerdneek The one you have to kill to win: Saxima (... Makaze would not approve. I do not approve. ><) Oh that would be so depressing if KHVs turned into the Hunger Games. :\
The Broadway musical Wicked was made into an animated film based on the Disney style? Spoiler I'd totally would love to be a voice actor in this. :3 *Dreaming big*
They're all gone. It's so sad. T~T Like most of them haven't been on here for like two-four years.
This so lovely, no? :3 Practically perfect in every way. ;D
There's only like... six people on. Two are you are invisible... Going back to bed, GOOD MORNING! 8D
... when they find out I'm single? :\ *At work* Me: So did you have a good Valentine's sir? Grandpa: Yes I did, ma'am. I spent it with my wife and it was wonderful. Me: *smiles* That's good Grandpa: Did you do anything special for Valentine's day? Me: Um... no... I just got candy from my friend and her mom. Grandpa: Your boyfriend didn't give you anything?! Me: o.O I don't have one. Grandpa: WHAT?! What do you mean you don't have one?! A pretty girl like you SINGLE?! Fellow associate: *whirls around* You're single?! Another worker: Nu way! Dashie, you can't be single! Another customer: Shame... Seriously, not dating material here.
... I seriously need some happiness... ;~;
/5eva Scared :/D=:
HappySingles Awareness Day! No seriously. xD Haven't been in a relationship for... four months-ish? WOO HOO! Party all night! So singles, buy yourself a box of chocolate, pick out a lovely cheesy stuff animal for you to cuddle, other Valentine candy, roses, what evs and have fun! Oh yeah! :Awesome: No serenading or worrying about a gift for my love one for me! 8D Celebrate the singles~
This T-shirt... is sold out. I WANTED IIIIT! *cries* It looked so cool! D:
Spoiler Lol, kudos to those that remember this picture. xD * nostalgicneeeeessofoldtimes*
Makaze... whyyyyyyy? ;~; But yup... I decided to do all three because Makaze dared me to sing ONE song to him... but I couldn't choose. :'D Enjoy or let your ears bleed Makaze... And everyone else who voted for the songs. The Song Makaze Voted For: Spoiler SKIP TO 0:58 to hear me! I decided to leave Aladdin out. I can't sing his pitch... or higher than that. I just suck, okay! D: The Winner Vote (By ONE): Spoiler Kiss the Girl (Likes my "Jamaican" Accent? :3) The One That's Left Over: Spoiler Friend Like Me COMING SOON! (My nose is too stuffy to do voice changes. It was hard enough to do Kiss the Girl. xD) Recommendations for future songs? *shot*
And post it in the Spam Zone. But... I'M SO STUCK ON WHAT TO SING! D: Why? So I have selected THREE songs! But I don't know which one to do! D:< Help Dashie out by voting? D8 What should I sing for Makaze? 1. A Whole New World (both parts) 2. Friend Like Me (From Aladdin) 3. Kiss the Girl (Little Mermaid)