☢The Main Roleplay Thread☢ {"Read a story of a family who will never be in the RP at all... Or will they?"} Spoiler: The Normal, Grisly Wednesday September 7, 2016 It was a normal Wednesday morning for the Scott household. Fifteen year old Addison hogged the only bathroom in the hall, painting her face to look like a doll while ten year old Jacob did the potty dance outside. He banged on the door a few times, only to have the reply “Go away, Jacob!” Seven year old Annie had been sent back to her room the third time to change into something normal for school; rainbow stockings, bright blue cowboy boots, purple shorts with a black tutu, a green tank top over a white turtleneck with orange mittens with a cat’s face on them did not fly with mom. Four year old Bobby was helping himself to a serving of cat food on the floor, and eighteen month old Annemarie was busy flinging oatmeal across the room from her high chair. Mrs. Scott, or Janet, was putting out the fires left and right. She made Addison get out, and Jacob was able to make it on time, Annie settled with a plaid skirt, a black button up blouse with white knee highs and black loafers (something mom picked out the night before), Bobby was escorted to the table to help himself to pancakes instead, and blue berries was replaced by the oatmeal, which Annemarie devoured right away. Mr. Scott, or Dean, was sitting at the table with his two youngest children, reading the paper and drinking orange juice. He was oblivious to the chaos, which was fine for Janet. Dean worked odd shifts after all and hardly had the time to relax. The TV blared in the background of the noise of the morning, which was the daily report. The news lady talked in a serious tone. “There has been a report of a strange illness floating around the United States. It seems to start off as a flu with a fever, nausea, and some cramping, irritability, lethargic, and then the symptoms become increasingly worse over time-” Dean looked up from his paper, staring at the TV screen before him. A few of his co-workers went home with flus yesterday. “-vomiting, shaking,glassy eye look, and even some patients claim they see hallucinations. Some even show violent behavior. And this all happens within a 24 hour period-” Jacob and Annie stormed into the kitchen, fighting over a seat by their Dad. Dean hushed them, raising his hand up to tell them to be quiet. The kids gave each other a raised eyebrow, shrugged, and then Jacob shoved Annie on the floor. “Ow! JACOB!” “Shh, quiet!” Dean seethed, giving a cold glance at his children before looking at the screen Janet raised an eyebrow as she dried her hands with a dishcloth, standing behind the table. Usually she did not pay attention to the news, but she never seen her husband react this way in a while. Annie sulked and moved to another chair, sitting down with a huff and folding her arms over her chest. “-a couple of medical staff has been attacked by these patients, biting them and scratching them on faces and arms. It seems those that come in contact with the infected become sick in under a couple of hours. Again, normally behaved people are acting like cannibals with this odd flu floating around-” “Ugh, Jacob, you put a stink bomb in the bathroom again-” Addison was hushed immediately. She raised her eyebrows and folded her arms over her chest, glancing at the TV screen. “It is advised that if you are experiencing a flu, please do not take it lightly. Please go to the doctor immediately for an evaluation of your health. It is unsure if this is linked to Ebola, the Bird Flu,the Mad Cow Disease, or the Swine Flu, but we will keep you posted.” “Sounds serious,” Janet stated in a low voice, clearing out the breakfast dishes. “Do you think the people that got sick turned into zombies?” Jacob asked with wonderment. “Ew.” Addison made a face as she grabbed a piece of toast and nibbled at the corner of it. “I’m serious! The news lady says that the sick people bit the doctors and act all weird.” Jacob stretched out his arms and kinked his neck to the side, moaning as if he was the walking dead. “Stop it, Jacob, you’re scaring me,” Annie said, hunching in her chair. “Alright, finish with your breakfasts,” Dean said, finishing off his cup of orange juice. “We’re heading out shortly.” Janet’s attention was turned to the window. It was strange, but she swore she could hear screaming. She walked towards it, and saw people running down the street. Raising an eyebrow, she looked down the street and listened intently. There were no gunshots, or smoke… People were panicking, running out of their homes. “Honey…” Dean looked up, seeing Janet staring out the window. His eyebrow creased in worry. “What is it?” he asked, sensing something was wrong. Janet shook her head. “I’m not sure…” she fiddled with her tiny golden cross around her neck. Her motherly instincts were kicked into gear, but she didn’t understand why. He stood up and joined her by her side. He saw neighbors leave their homes, rushing to put bags in their cars or just taking off down the street. Dean laid a hand on Janet’s shoulder, and then left the kitchen. He went through the front door, out to his lawn, and then stopped. Down the street was a sea of people, walking in an odd way. He watched as some went to the houses, and ran into windows or doors, pressing their hands on them and clawing down as if they had forgotten how to use the door. He could smell decay in the air, and he felt a lump in his throat. One neighbor hobbled to their front door, only to be swarmed at once by the strange group of people. He heard her screams rip through the air as hands dug and tore at her body. Dean almost froze in place, watching this horrible scene before him. He couldn’t believe it. It was as if the world stood still. Was this just a practical joke? It had to be. Suddenly, he came back to when he saw the swarm was coming closer. He had to move, fast. He bolted in the door, going for the toddler in the high chair. “We need to go, now!” {"For those who hate reading."} If you couldn’t guess, this is a zombie apocalypse, survival RP. There will be death. There will be hardships. There will be carnage. Are you up for the challenge? So a strange illness has broken out in a general area of the United States. We’re staring at the point where things had gotten crazy, and everyone is reeling from having their lives turned upside down so suddenly. Points to keep in mind: There is no electricity No radio There are generators and gas Some cars may work, some may not, some may have zombies in them Have to be creative The government fell into anarchy Every man for himself So far everyone knows that zombies are around If zombies bite or scratch you, prepare to turn into mindless zombie Zombies travel in hordes or trickles of individuals Weapons can break, guns run out of ammo Survive or Die Find others you can trust, stick together This is a laid back RP, yet you must use your head We are going to start out in a general location, and it is this; Wooded Area just on the outskirts of a city. Some cabins are lying around, farm houses, junk yards, mobile homes, abandoned cars, etc. Zombies are sparse for now, but they are around. No one is safe. The further you get in the city, the more zombies and hooligans you will find. It’s better to stay away from there, despite the abundant supplies around. Don’t talk about the fight club (jk) Godmodding forbidden; controlling other characters not as your own through posts without the creator’s permission [this includes murder/untimely deaths], complete immortality [zombies die too man], being One Punch Man [meaning obliterating people/things in one hit out of the blue. Build up to it] Give people heads up about timeskips [can’t have some be walking around in daylight while others are still in nighttime going “Uh… why you all awake ? Daylight…. Yo…? What happened, when? “] Be respectful of other survivalists/creators Expect death and carnage With that, keep that PG-13 as possible [KHVs Rules and all] Take super mature scenes elsewhere [Hot romance/Sweeney Todd scenes. I don’t want to be your mother and monitor your behavior… Or make sure you put stuff in spoiler tags and warn people… Just… yeah. Elsewhere. Please.] One character to start off with. [Perchance if they die, you are free to make a new one if you wish. If this becomes a successful RP, I might allow more characters to be made. But to not add confusion, restrain thyself to one character… for now. ] FEEL FREE TO SPAWN ZOMBIES! MAKA CAN NO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THAT ALL TIME. ZOMBIES CAN POP OUT OF SNOW LIKE DAISIES. PLEASE, FEEL FREE. [just give your characters breaks here and there, darling.] ^Above rule stated, if you have a new zombie in mind to add, something the characters have never experienced before, please come to me first and tell me about it. I dun want people being mad at someone else for coming up with something… not everyone is a fan of. This is mostly to protect you. Questions? Ask me. Concerns? Tell me. Comments? Say them. Communication is key in an RP. If you are not happy with something, or have a new idea to try, let me or the group chat try to work with you. Rules will be added if problems continue to occur. This is to ensure quality of this RP. It’s laid back, and I want it to be fun, but I will put my foot down if necessary. Weapons break, guns run out of ammo, ya gonna be hungry sometimes. In other words, it’s gonna be one of those realistic type RPs INACTIVITY FOR TWO WEEKS WILL RESULT IN INSTANT ZOMBIFICATION (aka, death and deletion of your character). Feel free to make another character if you want to join again later, otherwise, please communicate with me if something is going on in your life and you can’t be active. Inactive RPers hold up everyone, and kill RPs slowly. No thank you Code: Name: Nickname: [optional] Photo ID: [Appearance] Age: Personality: Brief Bio: Occupation?: Special Skills: [4-6; Think survivor, fighting, medical, or creative skills that would be helpful] Weapons of Choice: (3) Theme Song: [Optional] Other Tidbits: Maka Albarn Aelin FireHeart Glen Captian Arch Hexin Name: Kytheria Z. Farrow Nickname: Kat, Kye, K.Z. [a play on Casey] Photo ID: doop Age: Twenty-one Personality: Observant, sarcastic, tends to get serious quite often, cautious of others until she knows them better, loyal and protective once trust has been established with those she comes in contact with, generally alert of her surroundings. Often keeps to herself and only involves herself when she's needed. If you get on her bad side, she tends to hold a grudge for quite some time. Brief Bio: It had been survival from day to day for Kytheria since she could remember. If she wasn't dealing with issues at home, she was dealing with them at school or places she worked when she turned sixteen. She found solace in writing books under a pen-name; namely romance, horror, or fictional books. With that hobby, she often found herself wanting to get away from society for a while and disappear in the woods for a weekend. It was there she learned skills to survive, like making a fire and setting up camp, and often included her experiences in her notebooks. She was away on one of her camping trips when the flu epidemic began. Occupation: Secret Creative Writer and Intermediate Survivalist Special Skills: Able to get a fire started with flint and steel, can build a shelter from things off the land if needed, can identify edible and medicinal plants to eat/use, has some archery/crossbow skills (her parents forced her to try a sport, she chose archery), always researches/question/plans everything and writes it down in notebooks, able to handle gore normally (hunting/gutting small game experience), thinks quick under stressful situations, light on her feet. Weapons of Choice: Carbon Express® X-Force® Advantex™ Crossbow, Machete, hunting knife Theme Song: Light Em' Up Other Tidbits: She has a hiker's backpack on her now Name: Dante King Nickname: Mr. Awesome (But no one calls him that) Photo ID: This Age: 27 Personality: Dante is full of himself and believes that he is the best at everything. He loves to show off and flirt with anything in a skirt. He is a very touchy sort of guy, as in he is always hugging you or hitting you or something like that. He also thinks every insult is just a light hearted joke. Brief Bio: Dante was a lackey child, his parents, rarely home. Without anyone around he found himself getting bored and trying to create new things for himself. His family never had much money so he never got too many toys. This lead to him recreating his toys and making them into something different. He wasn't good at this, but he liked to think he was. So as he grew older he made a career out of this. He managed to sell just enough of his inventions to move out, but then it went downhill and he wasn't able to sell as many. Barely able to afford his small apartment he started a job as a pizza delivery person on the side, it was a few months after that, when the sickness began to spread. Occupation?:Inventor (Failed), and Pizza delivery man Special Skills: Can make something sort of useful out of nothing. He is good at scavenging for things and seeing the use in items. He knows how to take a part most things and find useful little pieces out of them. He is good with tools of all sorts. And he might have had a few rough years in which he learned to pick locks Weapons of Choice: A horseshoe on a wire (kinda like a mace type thing), The panago pizza car topper sign, a sling mini catapult type thing that lights a match and sets a mickey on fire to toss it (Works about half the time, the other half it falls at his feet and he is running from a fire Theme Song: Here you go Other Tidbits: N/A Name: Nasir Nickname: A Guy ("I know a guy who can hook you up") Photo ID: [Appearance] Age: 26 Personality: Bit of an a*****e, very rude and bossy. Doesn't like loss of control, and if he doesn't get his way he will resort to whatever means necessary to get it, unless it directly endangers him. Brief Bio: Nasir is a drug dealer, relatively well known to many of the users in the city. Before the mysterious illness struck, he quite often visited the shadier areas of the town, selling his supplies for an excessive amount of money. Once the sickness hit, however, he found his clients no longer wanted to meet out in the open. Many people were afraid to go outside, so he had to start visiting them. It was a pain in the ass for him and he hated it, but so long as he was making money there wasn't a damn thing Nasir wouldn't do. Occupation: Uh...."medicinal supplier" Special Skills: -Has basic self defence training due to his dangerous occupation -Knows some very shady people in the city, and as such has the potential to acquire some of the not-so-legal things that can be hard to come by otherwise -Knows how to hot-wire a car -Knows basic first aid Weapons of Choice: -Dagger -A revolver, with exactly six shots. -Knowledge of every curse word known to mankind. Theme Song: WIP right now. Other Tidbits: God damn this guy was very, very nearly Tobias instead. This seemed more fun. Name: Gareth Cartwright Nickname: Hates nicknames. Photo ID: Here Age: 29 Personality: Distant and prefers silence to talking. Gareth is indifferent to the concerns of others and does his best to keep out of anyone's business and keep others out of his. Despite this, he will always be the first to jump in when he sees someone in harm's way. Brief Bio: Gareth has had more than his fair share of "life experience" for a man of his age. He had a brief stint in the military where he received an honorable discharge. When he returned home he took the odd job here or there until tragedy struck his family. Gareth left his hometown and moved from place to place, never wanting to look back but always seeking for the peace of mind he once held. Occupation: In between jobs at the moment. Special Skills: An excellent tracker and marskman. Gareth is very physically capable person in terms of strength and stamina. Weapons of Choice: Hatchet, 4-Round Bolt-Action Hunting Rifle Theme Song: Presence Other Tidbits: Call him Gary and you will be punched. Name: Lionel RIPP Nickname: RIP Photo ID: Age: 39 Personality: (Forgive my lack of words) Relaxed, talkative, but somewhat tight-lipped when he doesn't feel/find the need to speak. A little hyper-active on the inside with a tint of ape-**** crazy. He's well-rounded as a typical good guy, but he'll do what he needs to do to survive... Only becomes explosive in personality when pushed over the edge. (Gotta do what you gotta do right?) Has keen insight, and can learn things quickly. (Kind of have to now unless you're just that lucky) Brief Bio: In his younger days he was just a typical Caucasian man trying to make a living with what little fortune he has. Often times he'd find himself at bars with co-workers after a job, and often times he'd find himself with bruised face outside of said bar. E.R. was a place of peace for him every once in a while. As he got older, he became wiser and stopped acting like his usual jackass self. Manned up and eventually found himself a nice woman to spend his life with. He softened up because of her and found himself a job to make their ends meet. Working with contractors has made his hands rough, given him far from normal strength/endurance, from the hardship of lifting planks, boards, handling tools, splinters, on sight accidents. Was on a work trip and He was actually on his way to the work site when **** all of a sudden hit the fan. Lost his bag o'l tools too save for his pipe wrench. When you're surrounded by those cannibals, you just grab what you can to defend yourself and go. Has no idea of his relatives or loved one's whereabouts or whether they're even alive now. Has been making his way back home ever since, hoping Bae is alive. Occupation?: Worked with a contractor in home renovation, or construction. When he first started off he knew very little, but time tempers skill. Carpentry, electrical, A/C installation, construction. Mind you he knows how to do the work and can do it well enough, but he isn't specialized in any. Special Skills: 1) Brawler. Not a combat specialist, but has been in enough brawls to know how to defend himself against tough folks. Ever see those 80's-90's action flicks? Most don't know martial arts, but still kick ass. Lulz 2) Basic Nursing Skills. Use needle and thread for stitches, how to use an I.V, proper sanitizing procedures, c.p.r., can use small surgical tools, understands some labeling for specific medications(and amount of mili to grams required). Understands orthopaedic procedures; primarily popping joints back in place or applying self made casts to support broken bones, sprained joints or muscles. 3) Handyman. Handy with tools, like duct tape, nuts and bolts, screws, wrench, etc. Knows his way around 14 gauge wires, and basically anything requiring fixing like with construction (Carpentry) or repairing non-functional pieces of hardware. 4) Basic Gun Knowledge. Knows how to handle a gun. Clean a gun, and fix a gun. Applies to handguns, rifles, and revolvers only. Weapons of Choice: Heavy Duty Pipe Wrench. Theme Song: Other Tidbits: Will smoke if you give him one. Carries a photo of bae with him always. {"Just roll around a little, and you'll be fine!"} NO ONE IS DEAD YET, YAY! Normal Zombie Name: "Average Zombie" Class: Normal Type Physical Traits: Human appearance, decaying blue/yellow/cream flesh, drags feet while walking, some growl, some gurgle, can smell it from far away Speed: Slow walk to speed-hobble walk Best Way To Kill It: Head-shot- 90% result in instant death Special Notes: Can move postmortem unless head is severed, attracted to light of any kind (fire, flashlight, headlights), loud noises (clapping, singing, music, motors, shouting, gun shots, etc.), moves faster to warm flesh vs. freshly killed, seems attracted to blood as well, speed is affected by temperature (colder it is, slower it is)
Name: Nickname: [optional] Photo ID: [Appearance] Age: Personality: Brief Bio: Occupation?: Special Skills: [4-6; Think survivor, fighting, medical, or creative skills that would be helpful] Weapons of Choice: (3) Theme Song: [Optional] Other Tidbits:
Yo, long time no see, no chat, ladedada. So my creative self has been craving a group RP setting, but my adult-self has grounded me down several times to come forward with an idea. But, seeing how the RP arena's been a bit dead (pun not intended, or was it?) lately, I'm kind of hesitant to make a full fledged RP yet. So anyways... Anyone wanna RP a zombie apocalypse survival story with me? I hadn't fleshed out the juicy details yet, but it'll come in time. If your answer is yes, does anyone want to correspond and help me run this bad boy? Obviously I'm still working full time, so I need some eyes and ears to help keep things moving. Not saying I would up and abandon things once it got started, just that I will help put the skeleton together, make a stable foundation first. I think you guys don't want a half-dead creator solely running this. No? Yes? Maybe? Doesn't matter, not everyone has to be up for helping to run an RP. What kind of zombie apocalypse should we do? One that stems from scary drug use (iZombie type of scenario), sickness and no one realizes there's an outbreak till weird stuff starts happening (Walking Dead scenario), or there's a bio-war afoot? Whichever one we choose will determine what kind of RP this will be. Either it's straight up survival mode where zombies are purely evil and we discover the living people that are left can be even eviler monsters, Warm Bodies where there's a misunderstanding with zombies and humans, that all that zombies need is a little love to be cured, zombies be purely evil and there is a cure out there somewhere whilst surviving, or some other story I hadn't thought up yet. I'll wait to see the interest before I start throwing more ideas out my brain into virtual pixels.
รץภςђє๔ ~OOC Section noun,(used esp. in the phrases in sync and out of sync) 1. synchronization: The picture and the soundtrack were out of sync. 2. harmony or harmonious relationship: Management wants to be in sync with the client's wishes. verb (used without object), verb (used with object) รקєςเคl ภ๏tє This roleplay is based off of a book idea of mine that I want to write someday. I modified it to be a roleplay for others to have fun with, but I added my own characters that I've created into this roleplay. This story and the characters are my babies, but I'm trusting y'all with it. ๒ครเς קl๏t Spoiler: The Basics of Basics The setting is earth, in the city of Reno, Nevada. The only supernatural thing in this plot are telepathists and telekinesises and they live in a sanctuary mansion of sorts (Called The Perpetuity Academy) on the outskirts of the city. You’re either on a good side, or a bad side and use your powers for either. Then there’s an organization/cult called the Raven Sun that’s located in Las Vegas, Nevada.The people in the Perpetuity Academy know of the Raven Sun, but don't know much about them save they are a rich organization of some sorts. Raven Sun work in the background of normal human lives, hunting those that threaten the balance of the world. They believe no one in the world is supposed to have any super powers, and they know telepathists and telekinesises are out there. But in order to be supported in their endeavors, Raven Sun puts on a good face to the public eye by doing volunteer work, donating to charity, and finding missing persons, anything they can do to help the community out. And then, of course, there’s the pesky government officials and scientists to keep both sides under control and are neutral for the most part (unless they have other hidden agendas). Also as secretive as the Raven Sun, but they don’t want to kill the ones with the supernatural abilities, rather “study” them and research them. Some want to hunt down the ones with super powers though and kill them. Who are you going to be? What are you going to do? ๓๏гє เภ-๔єקtђ รt๏гץ Spoiler: Behind Academy Doors When their family was murdered ten years ago in South Carolina, Jex Dominic Ingrao, Danni Riley Simon, and Errol Dan Ingrao were at a loss of what to do. The family got off to a shaky start, trying to pick up the pieces and establish their own lives again. They had a choice to either live in fear, or embrace what had happened and move on. Errol Dan Ingrao made the choice of moving what was left of his small family to Reno, Nevada to a large mansion on the outskirts of the city and had Danni and Jex continue their studies in public school. It was then that the small family realized that there were more out there just like them with similar abilities, and Errol did everything possible to establish a sanctuary of sorts for them, a place where kids and young adults like Danni and Jex can train to control their psychic abilities to benefit them and others around them. They called it The Xavier Institute for The Especially Gifted. Nah, that name has already been taken. It’s just called The Perpetuity Academy its philosophy “There is no limit in life, only above and beyond from today.” The Perpetuity Academy The kids and teens are to stay there until they get a better handle on their unique gifts, but they are free to choose how to live their lives outside of training, so long as it benefits them and others around them as stated earlier. If there’s any reports or witnesses to bad or uncontrolled “behavior”, limits are placed on the student until they pass a probationary period of sorts and gets approved by Jex or Danni and Errol. If students rebel to all the rules and regulations of the Perpetuity Academy, they could be “expelled” and go back to their families to try to figure things out for themselves. But Jex, Danni, and Errol do everything possible to make sure that never or ever will happen because they know what it’s like to be alone. There are two kinds of psychic power as listed earlier: Telepathists and Telekinesises. Telepathists are the defense side of the psychic realm. They deal with the mental side of things and focus on the thoughts, emotions, and feelings of the human mind. The telekinesises are the offense side. They deal with the physical side of things like objects moving and thwarting the reality that the human eye can see. Both are respectfully train. There’s only one or another, not a combination of both, unless you’re Errol Dan Ingrao. They have no idea what Raven Sun is about, just that they're a rich organization that give back to the community. Spoiler: Before the Public Eye And then there’s Raven Sun, an organization/cult that’s been around for about 325 years, ever since the Salem Witch Trials happened. Ravens were often a symbol of a bad omen in many cultures, but the Native Americans believed that the raven is a sign of healing or a medicine bird and are seen as signs of good luck and the light always reveals what tries to hide in the darkness. They’re located all over the place, but the main headquarters are in Las Vegas, Nevada. The Raven Sun believes that those who hold true psychic abilities are a danger to the human race and vow to exterminate them in any means necessary to keep a balance in the world. They only allow certain people in, and very few get to walk away once they decide to join. If someone walks away, they’re either eliminated or closely watched for the rest of their lives, it just depends why they left. Although it used to operate in the shadows, it’s now beginning to see the light of day after being taken over by Benjamin Landen the VI. Raven Sun's Main Headquaters Benjamin believed it was better to blend into the world than to shun it so that members of the organization can gain more life experiences. Thus he let everyone in his family and apart of the organization follow their dreams as they pleased, but also made them aware them aware of the world unseen. Those who want to dedicate their lives to hunt the supernatural are supported greatly so they won’t get discourage. And instead of killing the ones with psychic powers on the spot, Benjamin instilled a new “Psych Watch” policy where those that revealed they had psychic abilities were to be watched, and if they threatened the balance of the world, they were to be wiped out. Even those of non-psych abilities will be put on this list if they threaten the organization and what they stand for. Benjamin is reaching the end of his days though and is looking for someone more capable to take over than his children, who have either decided to take their own paths in life or is threatening to corrupt the new Raven Sun system (which they already have). He’s train and taught members how to outwit those of psychic abilities by inventing technology and having them go under hard psychological training to face whatever will happen to them when engaged in battle. Sometimes they get help from the government and scientists, but they usually like to stay out of their business as much as they can. Spoiler: Beyond the View of Mankind The government is just being the usual noisy government it is; wanting to keep things unusual under wrap while conducting their own research and studies in the shadows with the scientists. They have worked with Raven Sun in the past, but the Raven Sun likes to keep out of government affairs as much as possible because it just ends up in a messy situation that no one likes to be involved in. However, some government officials are fighting the urge to start hunting those with psychic powers down. The scientists are working in a place called Ariel Research Institute. It's a lab located nearby Area 51, but has it's own operations and does their own things... Not much is known about them, save that they help Raven Sun once in a while and come up with awesome research studies. tђє гยlєรPlease Take A Special Note: Maka works from 12pm-6pm Monday through Friday in a very high stressful environment, goes to school, sometimes get called into work early, has to deal with real life obligations, and thus she won't be on 24/7. She trusts you. Mostly. Spoiler: Read Them All, Please • These rules are subject to change at any time the need arises. I will announce it when it does happen. • Keep it PG-13. No explicit contents, an overload of profanity, black out at gory or sexual scenes, etc. • Avoid godmodding ("God Modding" is in essence when someone’s character has the ability to do practically anything without limits or boundaries. An example is when they simply cannot be harmed by any and all means other RP-ers try. See:http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=god modding) • Avoid Powerplaying (Power playing occurs in role playing, and it's when you control someone else's character, as well as your own, without the other person's permission see:http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=power playing) • You can have as many characters as you want, so long as you keep track of them. This rule may change if this RP takes off or not • Remember Raven Sun/Scientists/Government Officials, before you engage with a telepathist/telekinetic, be sure to be properly equipped. You can’t bring a stick to a gun fight. • ALL PLAYERS, be aware you all can be defeated at some point • Ask permission of other Roleplayers before engaging in battle • You can die (ask others AND me first before killing them though, like seriously. No one wants to be told they’re going to die without warning) • ALWAYS be ready to give a summary if you decide to post back and forth between each other for one or two pages and leave others behind, even though they’re not RPing with you and your group. (Especially me, because I need to know what’s happening, and I’m not going to be on 24/7 to monitor the RP) • To roleplay in this lovely story, fill out a character sheet, wait for approval from me and for me to post it in the accepted characters list, and THEN you can RP • Be courteous, and let others you are interacting with know you’re going to be gone or busy so they don’t have to guess if you’re going to be back or not or reply to their post • Telepathists/Telekinetics: Be aware you may or may not be put on the Raven Sun’s watch list whether or not you interact with them at any time • Mission Boards are for those that are stuck and needing a prompt of sorts. You don’t have to do them, lol, no one is going to force you to • Some missions are time sensitive and won’t stay up forever • For those that leave the RP at any given time, we understand. We won’t talk bad about you or belittle you for suddenly taking off. Just let us know what’s happening, and we’ll be happy to work with you. If you choose to come back after a while, I’ll save your profile somewhere in case it happens or just list you as inactive in the accept characters list • Have any questions? Feel free to shoot me a PM! Or ask others in the RP for opinions and help on the matter of the mind. • You will be added to the Raven Watch List at any given time if it seems logically for me to put your character on there. Just a heads up • Due to Maka's crazy work/school schedule, and everyone's real life obligations and schedules we're going to use this formula: One day in the RP equals two (2) weeks in real life.This means we will start on a Saturday, and end on the Friday of the second week we started. This will prevent others from time-skipping at any given time, leaving people behind, and then me or other people have no idea how far anyone skipped and what is happening, and has everyone stuck on ONE day. Unless we all agree as a group to go ahead and time skip to the next day, week, month, or even perhaps a year or two if it's plausible for the story we're creating together. With this formula, the Saturday we start will be in early morning hours, the follow Friday will mark Noon, and the remaining week will be the late afternoon to midnight hours. On that second Friday, you will be required to end your day. It can either be putting your character to sleep, having them work late into the night, or something. Just make a post that makes sense to your character to have them rest/be able to carry out to the next day. I will be posting the date we start, the date the noon hour will happen, and the date to end the RP day so we can keep track. Yay! The reason why the wait is so long is because I don't want everyone to dedicate their life to this RP. I want y'all to relax and enjoy working on a story together and just have fun. I want people to be able to do homework, go to work, meet responsibilities, do hobbies and what not without worrying to post all day long, day in and day out. So yeah, relax and enjoy~ A lot can happen in one day. If this formula is too short or too long of a wait, we can talk about it and change it up. NEW RULE: For now on, if anyone has a secret power in Raven Sun, and they get found out, they WILL be eliminated, no questions asked. ALSO, if you THINK your character is going to end up having powers of some kind, their level one abilities MUST be listed in their character profile sheets BEFORE you RP. After you begin RPing as your character in Raven Sun, I will not allow for any changes if they have powers or not be added to their character sheets. You will STAY normal. CONCERN OF TIME IN THIS RP (Last Updated, June 6th, 2015) Time Skipped: Transisition to Next Day Day In the RP: Saturday, July 11th, 2015 Day it Was Previously in the RP: Friday, July 10th, 2015 Time in the RP: Early Morning Hours Weather In Las Vegas: Sunny Weather in Reno: Cloudy Weather Wherever the Scientists are: Cloudy Day We Start On: Monday, May 25th, 2015 12am (US Central Eastern Time) Day It Becomes Noon In The RP: Saturday, May 30th, 2015 12am (US Central Eastern Time) Day We End With Night And Begin With A New Day In This RP On: Saturday, June 13th, 2015 12am (US Central Eastern Time) This is subject to change depending how smooth the operation of rescue in the Ariel Labs occur tђє קєгקєtยเtץ คςค๔є๓ץ Spoiler: The Perpetuity Academy Location: The Perpetuity Academy Job Board, Reno, Nevada Alright, settle down everyone." Errol sighed as he ran his fingers through his unkempt hair, waiting for his students to be quiet enough for him to speak above them. "I know, Monday's are a drag, but this is a mandatory meeting for the month." The middle-aged man gestured to the bulletin board behind him, indicating to it. "This is the job board. It gets updated every day or so. Levels are shown here for what job you can take. Jobs that you take without permission will be met with serious consequences. Yes, even if you're going to baby-sit an old lady." He earned a couple of snickers here and there before he continued. "Why? So we can keep track of what jobs you take up, AND to make sure you are not taking a mission that's above or below your level. The job board is for everyone." Errol's tired eyes scanned the crowd, making some of the kids shift in place while others looked down. "Jean, Jex, and I work very hard to make these available to you. We need to show the world that we're not as bad as they think we are. I believe you will learn a lot more taking up these jobs than training all the time. Get more involved with the community and get out of here for a bit anyways." Errol cleared his throat and clapped his hands together. "Speaking of which, today is Testing Day!" The kids moaned and groaned, but Errol paid no mind. "We need to see where you all are individually." He gestured to his nephew and niece standing on either side of him. "Jex will be testing the Telepathics while Danni will be testing the Telekinetics." Testing days were always hard. Everyone had to go through a training simulation while their teachers and mentors took notes on a clipboard. There would be guns with powdered bullets, lights, sounds, things falling, and so much more chaos in Danni's Testing Room. Jex's Testing Room was not so extensive as Danni's, but it did test the mental mind. Jex stood there in silence, keeping his eyes to the floor. He didn't want to be here, he wanted to be elsewhere. The bags under his eyes proved that he hadn't had much sleep lately and his demeanor was somewhat depressed. He occasionally kept glancing at the Job Board, especially under the Missing Persons category. Yeah, anywhere but here was better. Meanwhile, Danni was standing by with a smirk on her face. Although it was early in the morning for her, she loved Testing Days. She loved pushing people to their limits and seeing how far they really had come. Colton Dare was definitely on her watch list today. She always had butt heads with him in the past, quietly competing against the unsuspecting teen, but she loved every minute of it. "The Tests are mandatory. Should you choose to opt out of them, you will not only lose your privileges to the Job Board, but also lose other privileges I, or your mentors, see fit. As usual, Level Fours are exempt from Testing Days. Meeting is dismissed, choose your day wisely." Danni smirked and pulled out her clipboard while stepping out to the front of the crowd. "Alright Telekinetics, hustle up! Let's get this done. Who wants to be first today?" tђє гคשєภ รยภ Spoiler: The Raven Sun LOCATION: The Raven Sun Headquaters, Mission Board, Las Vegas, Nevada The room was silent as Benjamin Landen the IV stood in front of his organization. His eyes were solem, yet sparkled with a hidden energy of sorts. His hands were on his treasured raven cane as he scanned the group before him. He was well pleased. "Thank you fellow members of Raven Sun for coming to this meeting. It means a great deal for me for all of you to be here today. Reports have been flooding in of how great Raven Sun is and the good deeds that come from it. I am very proud of all of you. We are living up to our standards. We are keeping the world in balance and in harmony, one deed, one mission at a time." He smiled pleasantly, which showed his softer grandfather side for just a moment before he straightened and gestured to the large computer plasma screen behind him. It flashed as many different columns of missions filed on screen before everyone's view. "Our mission for balance will never be completed though. There is so much to do and little time to do it." Kytheria was standing towards the back corner of the room, her katana brandished, but she was calm. She listened to her leader as he spoke, showing her silent respect for him. When the Mission Board flashed, a glint shown in the older teen's eye as she smirked at the names on the missing board. 'I know something you don't know~' She thought in a sing-song voice as she snaked her pierced tongue out, carefully licking the blade of her sword. "My children, friends, allies, comrades... There will always be something for you to do to keep the world at peace. Choose your path well and make all of us proud. That is all." Benjamin tapped his cane to the floor once, indicating that the meeting was over and done with. Everyone was free to take up a new job from the board, or carry out their own business for the day. Kytheria sheathed her sword in one swift motion while pulling out her phone. She leaned against the wall, placing one foot in contact with the wall, and scanned her contacts until she found Lucas and smiled half-way as she began to text him. Old fart is done. Where are we greeting? ;) รςเєภtเรt/ﻮ๏שєгภ๓єภt ฬ๏гкєг Spoiler: Scientists/Government Officials LOCATION: EITHER SOME REMOTE LOCATION UNDERGROUND SOMEWHERE OR JUST ANYWHERE WHERE YOU THINK IT'S BEST TO BE. YAY! All of these wonderful people received an email that reads: Good morning. Please check the Mission Board daily. Report jobs and research you are taking upon yourselves. Have a good day. -Ryan G. Spokes, Pentagon Head Researcher
รץภςђє๔ Main RP Thread: Here noun, (used esp. in the phrases in sync and out of sync) 1. synchronization: The picture and the soundtrack were out of sync. 2. harmony or harmonious relationship: Management wants to be in sync with the client's wishes. verb, (used without object), verb (used with object) CONCERN OF TIME IN THIS RP (Last Updated, June 5th, 2015) Time Skipped: Transisition to Next Day Day In the RP: Saturday, July 11th, 2015 Day it Was Previously in the RP: Friday, July 10th, 2015 Time in the RP: Early Morning Hours Weather In Las Vegas: Sunny Weather in Reno: Cloudy Weather Wherever the Scientists are: Cloudy Day We Start On: Monday, May 25th, 2015 12am (US Central Eastern Time) Day It Becomes Noon In The RP: Saturday, May 30th, 2015 12am (US Central Eastern Time)Day We End With Night And Begin With A New Day In This RP On: Saturday, June 13th, 2015 12am (US Central Eastern Time) This is subject to change depending how smooth the operation of rescue in the Ariel Labs occur รקєςเคl ภ๏tє This roleplay is based off of a book idea of mine that I want to write someday. I modified it to be a roleplay for others to have fun with, but I added my own characters that I've created into this roleplay. This story and the characters are my babies, but I'm trusting y'all with it. ๒ครเς קl๏t Spoiler: The Basics of Basics The setting is earth, in the city of Reno, Nevada. The only supernatural thing in this plot are telepathists and telekinesises and they live in a sanctuary mansion of sorts (Called The Perpetuity Academy) on the outskirts of the city. You’re either on a good side, or a bad side and use your powers for either. Then there’s an organization/cult called the Raven Sun that’s located in Las Vegas, Nevada.The people in the Perpetuity Academy know of the Raven Sun, but don't know much about them save they are a rich organization of some sorts. Raven Sun work in the background of normal human lives, hunting those that threaten the balance of the world. They believe no one in the world is supposed to have any super powers, and they know telepathists and telekinesises are out there. But in order to be supported in their endeavors, Raven Sun puts on a good face to the public eye by doing volunteer work, donating to charity, and finding missing persons, anything they can do to help the community out. And then, of course, there’s the pesky government officials and scientists to keep both sides under control and are neutral for the most part (unless they have other hidden agendas). Also as secretive as the Raven Sun, but they don’t want to kill the ones with the supernatural abilities, rather “study” them and research them. Some want to hunt down the ones with super powers though and kill them. Who are you going to be? What are you going to do? ๓๏гє เภ-๔єקtђ รt๏гץ Spoiler: Behind Academy Doors When their family was murdered ten years ago in South Carolina, Jex Dominic Ingrao, Danni Riley Simon, and Errol Dan Ingrao were at a loss of what to do. The family got off to a shaky start, trying to pick up the pieces and establish their own lives again. They had a choice to either live in fear, or embrace what had happened and move on. Errol Dan Ingrao made the choice of moving what was left of his small family to Reno, Nevada to a large mansion on the outskirts of the city and had Danni and Jex continue their studies in public school. It was then that the small family realized that there were more out there just like them with similar abilities, and Errol did everything possible to establish a sanctuary of sorts for them, a place where kids and young adults like Danni and Jex can train to control their psychic abilities to benefit them and others around them. They called it The Xavier Institute for The Especially Gifted. Nah, that name has already been taken. It’s just called The Perpetuity Academy its philosophy “There is no limit in life, only above and beyond from today.” The Perpetuity Academy The kids and teens are to stay there until they get a better handle on their unique gifts, but they are free to choose how to live their lives outside of training, so long as it benefits them and others around them as stated earlier. If there’s any reports or witnesses to bad or uncontrolled “behavior”, limits are placed on the student until they pass a probationary period of sorts and gets approved by Jex or Danni and Errol. If students rebel to all the rules and regulations of the Perpetuity Academy, they could be “expelled” and go back to their families to try to figure things out for themselves. But Jex, Danni, and Errol do everything possible to make sure that never or ever will happen because they know what it’s like to be alone. There are two kinds of psychic power as listed earlier: Telepathists and Telekinesises. Telepathists are the defense side of the psychic realm. They deal with the mental side of things and focus on the thoughts, emotions, and feelings of the human mind. The telekinesises are the offense side. They deal with the physical side of things like objects moving and thwarting the reality that the human eye can see. Both are respectfully train. There’s only one or another, not a combination of both, unless you’re Errol Dan Ingrao. They have no idea what Raven Sun is about, just that they're a rich organization that give back to the community. Spoiler: Before the Public Eye And then there’s Raven Sun, an organization/cult that’s been around for about 325 years, ever since the Salem Witch Trials happened. Ravens were often a symbol of a bad omen in many cultures, but the Native Americans believed that the raven is a sign of healing or a medicine bird and are seen as signs of good luck and the light always reveals what tries to hide in the darkness. They’re located all over the place, but the main headquarters are in Las Vegas, Nevada. The Raven Sun believes that those who hold true psychic abilities are a danger to the human race and vow to exterminate them in any means necessary to keep a balance in the world. They only allow certain people in, and very few get to walk away once they decide to join. If someone walks away, they’re either eliminated or closely watched for the rest of their lives, it just depends why they left. Although it used to operate in the shadows, it’s now beginning to see the light of day after being taken over by Benjamin Landen the VI. Raven Sun's Main Headquaters Benjamin believed it was better to blend into the world than to shun it so that members of the organization can gain more life experiences. Thus he let everyone in his family and apart of the organization follow their dreams as they pleased, but also made them aware them aware of the world unseen. Those who want to dedicate their lives to hunt the supernatural are supported greatly so they won’t get discourage. And instead of killing the ones with psychic powers on the spot, Benjamin instilled a new “Psych Watch” policy where those that revealed they had psychic abilities were to be watched, and if they threatened the balance of the world, they were to be wiped out. Even those of non-psych abilities will be put on this list if they threaten the organization and what they stand for. Benjamin is reaching the end of his days though and is looking for someone more capable to take over than his children, who have either decided to take their own paths in life or is threatening to corrupt the new Raven Sun system (which they already have). He’s train and taught members how to outwit those of psychic abilities by inventing technology and having them go under hard psychological training to face whatever will happen to them when engaged in battle. Sometimes they get help from the government and scientists, but they usually like to stay out of their business as much as they can. Spoiler: Beyond the View of Mankind The government is just being the usual noisy government it is; wanting to keep things unusual under wrap while conducting their own research and studies in the shadows with the scientists. They have worked with Raven Sun in the past, but the Raven Sun likes to keep out of government affairs as much as possible because it just ends up in a messy situation that no one likes to be involved in. However, some government officials are fighting the urge to start hunting those with psychic powers down. tђє гยlєรPlease Take A Special Note: Maka works from 12pm-6pm Monday through Friday in a very high stressful environment, goes to school, sometimes get called into work early, has to deal with real life obligations, and thus she won't be on 24/7. She trusts you. Spoiler: Read Them All, Please • These rules are subject to change at any time the need arises. I will announce it when it does happen. • Keep it PG-13. No explicit contents, an overload of profanity, black out at gory or sexual scenes, etc. • Avoid godmodding ("God Modding" is in essence when someone’s character has the ability to do practically anything without limits or boundaries. An example is when they simply cannot be harmed by any and all means other RP-ers try. See:http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=god modding) • Avoid Powerplaying (Power playing occurs in role playing, and it's when you control someone else's character, as well as your own, without the other person's permission see:http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=power playing) • You can have as many characters as you want, so long as you keep track of them. This rule may change if this RP takes off or not • Remember Raven Sun/Scientists/Government Officials, before you engage with a telepathist/telekinetic, be sure to be properly equipped. You can’t bring a stick to a gun fight. • ALL PLAYERS, be aware you all can be defeated at some point • Ask permission of other Roleplayers before engaging in battle • You can die (ask others AND me first before killing them though, like seriously. No one wants to be told they’re going to die without warning) • ALWAYS be ready to give a summary if you decide to post back and forth between each other for one or two pages and leave others behind, even though they’re not RPing with you and your group. (Especially me, because I need to know what’s happening, and I’m not going to be on 24/7 to monitor the RP) • To roleplay in this lovely story, fill out a character sheet, wait for approval from me and for me to post it in the accepted characters list, and THEN you can RP • Be courteous, and let others you are interacting with know you’re going to be gone or busy so they don’t have to guess if you’re going to be back or not or reply to their post • Telepathists/Telekinetics: Be aware you may or may not be put on the Raven Sun’s watch list whether or not you interact with them at any time • Mission Boards are for those that are stuck and needing a prompt of sorts. You don’t have to do them, lol, no one is going to force you to • Some missions are time sensitive and won’t stay up forever • For those that leave the RP at any given time, we understand. We won’t talk bad about you or belittle you for suddenly taking off. Just let us know what’s happening, and we’ll be happy to work with you. If you choose to come back after a while, I’ll save your profile somewhere in case it happens or just list you as inactive in the accept characters list • Have any questions? Feel free to shoot me a PM! Or ask others in the RP for opinions and help on the matter of the mind. • You will be added to the Raven Watch List at any given time if it seems logically for me to put your character on there. Just a heads up • Due to Maka's crazy work/school schedule, and everyone's real life obligations and schedules we're going to use this formula: One day in the RP equals two (2) weeks in real life.This means we will start on a Saturday, and end on the Friday of the second week we started. This will prevent others from time-skipping at any given time, leaving people behind, and then me or other people have no idea how far anyone skipped and what is happening, and has everyone stuck on ONE day. Unless we all agree as a group to go ahead and time skip to the next day, week, month, or even perhaps a year or two if it's plausible for the story we're creating together. With this formula, the Saturday we start will be in early morning hours, the follow Friday will mark Noon, and the remaining week will be the late afternoon to midnight hours. On that second Friday, you will be required to end your day. It can either be putting your character to sleep, having them work late into the night, or something. Just make a post that makes sense to your character to have them rest/be able to carry out to the next day. I will be posting the date we start, the date the noon hour will happen, and the date to end the RP day so we can keep track. Yay! The reason why the wait is so long is because I don't want everyone to dedicate their life to this RP. I want y'all to relax and enjoy working on a story together and just have fun. I want people to be able to do homework, go to work, meet responsibilities, do hobbies and what not without worrying to post all day long, day in and day out. So yeah, relax and enjoy~ A lot can happen in one day. If this formula is too short or too long of a wait, we can talk about it and change it up. tђє гคשєภ รยภ ฬคtςђ lเรt (Always check here often) "And instead of killing the ones with psychic powers on the spot, Benjamin instilled a new “Psych Watch” policy where those that revealed they had psychic abilities were to be watched, and if they threatened the balance of the world, they were to be wiped out. Even those of non-psych abilities will be put on this list if they threaten the organization and what they stand for." Errol Dan Ingrao Jex Dominic Ingrao Isabella Maria Terros Cynthia Drew Enger Lief Walker Ken Halzez Tobias Greipr ςђคгคςtєг รкєlєt๏ภร tєlєקคtђเรtร คภ๔ tєlєкเภєtเςร Use these links to figure out your abilities, unless you can figure out your own psychic abilities, but you have to describe them in depth of what they do (strengths, weaknesses, etc.) Telepathists: http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Telepathy Telekinetics: http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Telekinesis Spoiler: Telepathists/Telekinetics Code Name: (Username) Full Name: Student I.D.: (Appearance) Date of Birth: (mm/dd and age) Telepathist/Telekinetic?: (Unless you are Errol Ingrao or have an awesome back story of who, what, why, where, and how you have both, choose one or the other) Personality: (3 sentences minimum) History: (Brief Bio of 4-5 sentences minimum) Level of Abilities: (Level 1-4. If you are a Level 4, you will have to train others, plus I’m going to make the RP extra hard for you in some instances, so think before you pick.) Abilities: (Use the wiki-power links above to figure this out. Level 1; 2 basics, 1 advance, Level 2; 3 basics, 1 advance, Level 3; 4 basics, 2 advance, Level 4; 4 basics (unless telekinetic, then 5), 3 (telepathists may have 4) advance, 1 ultimate *SPECAIL NOTE*: If you have an idea for a psychic ability that’s not listed in either link, please message me first and describe how your ability works in this slot. Thank you.) Strengths: (Other abilities besides psychic ones, like cooking great meals or having a high IQ) Weaknesses: (Must have something here) Role in the Academy: (Cook, job hunter, student, teacher, mentor, lazy bum, etc.) Hobbies: Other Things Not Covered: Side: (Good, Bad, Neutral? If you’re bad, you’re on your own for the most part. Cannot be at the academy and you will be watched by the academy as well and might land on the Raven Sun’s watch list) гคשєภ รยภ ๓є๓๒єгร You do not have powers. You suck. I kid, you have to be inventive and figure out how to get around those with the supernatural abilities. Think you can do it? Spoiler: Raven Sun Members Code Name: (username) Full Name: Date of Birth: (mm/dd and age, you can start pretty young in Raven Sun) Photo I.D.: Personality: History: (Brief bio 3 sentences minimum, why did you join/are apart of Raven Sun?) Member Title: (Trainer, Scout, Cook, Inventor, Financial Advisor, Piolet/Cab Driver, Butler, Cleaner, Assassin, etc.) Time in Raven Sun: (How many days, weeks, or years have you been apart of the organization) Weapon(s): (2-3 MAX) Special Gadgets: (Things that could protect you from someone of psychic abilities or help you move around/fight better) Strengths/Abilities: (High IQ, fast runner, martial arts, etc.) Weaknesses: Hobbies: Other: Side: (Some can be bad, good, or in between.) รςเєภtเรtร/ﻮ๏שєгภ๓єภt คﻮєภtร You will not have much to do in the beginning. Trust me. This is just optional for those that really, really, really want to be apart of this. At the beginning, you’ll be probably studying weird plants or astros… Just a heads up. Unless this RP picks up from the ground and something interesting comes up Spoiler: Government Officials/Scientists Code Name: (username) Full Name: Date of Birth: (mm/dd and age, be a kid genius for all I care) Photo I.D.: Personality: History: (Brief bio 3 sentences minimum) Area of Study: (If you’re a scientist of sorts) Employee Title: Weapon(s): (2-3 MAX) Special Gadgets: (Things that could protect you from someone of psychic abilities or help you move around/fight better) Strengths/Abilities: (High IQ, fast runner, martial arts, etc.) Weaknesses: Hobbies Other: Side: (Good/Bad/Neutral) คςςєקtє๔ ςђคгคςtєгร tєlєקคtђเรtร/tєlєкเภєtเςร Errol Dan Ingrao Danni Terra Simon Jex Dominic Ingrao Colton Dare Sharleton Christie Yoshiro Jean Annuziato Leif Walker Noah Rebecca Nixon Ryan Colfree Luna Dreamea Alex Forrester Kiki Jinx Brendan Ingomar Royce Shane Daniel Ware Abi Barry Code Name: Maka Albarn Full Name: Errol Dan Ingrao (AKA Uncle Errol, Old Man, Sir) Staff I.D.: Here Date of Birth: 04/16, 45 years old Telepathist/Telekinetic?: Both Specially Inclined Personality: Ooberly sarcastic when others are bothering him, can be charming when he wants to be though, witty, and somewhat organized. He is a heavy drinker from time to time though and can get really angry when pushed over the edge too much by others. Says things he doesn’t mean a lot of the time and can get impatient but only happens when he sees potential in someone and they’re not unlocking it sooner. He is a pretty chilled guy though and lets his “kids” make their own decisions and choose their own path with a little guidance. Doesn’t like to keep secrets and is very smart so he can help with homework and whatnot. History: Errol Dan Ingrao was born into a long line of telepathists and telekinetics. He grew up in a small family with one older brother, Valais. As a youth, he had trouble controlling his own powers and abilities, but Valais had the time to teach him since Valais was a telekinetic. Eventually, through rigors training, Errol unlocked not only telekinetic abilities, but also telepathic ones as well since that was what he was born with but just didn’t know it. Through the years, the brothers still remained close. Valais went and married a telepathist named Zayna while Errol was married to a beautiful young woman named Charlotte. Errol and Charlotte couldn’t have any kids and the couple were thinking of adopting their own children until Zayna’s Roxana was having issues with her own child, Danielle. Danielle, who liked to be called Danni, was having a hard time controlling her telekinetic powers and causing chaos at home and almost at school as well. Errol and Charlotte took her under their wing, treating her like she was their own kid. Then Charlotte suddenly became mysteriously ill and passed away. Soon afterwards, the mass murder of both sides of the family happened, and everyone that was connected to them were wiped out. The ones that carried out the mysterious slaying didn’t find Errol and Danni, but Valais and Zayna were killed, their only son Jex in critical condition. When Errol and Danni found out that Jex and they were the only ones left alive, they waited until the police investigation was over (and they didn’t find any clues to who had killed them, just concluded it was a crime of passion), and Jex was well enough before they decided to move away to the other side of the United States. There, Errol decided to establish a sanctuary of sorts, always looking out for the ones that killed his brother and his family. Level of Ability: 4 Abilities: Basics: Binding (on a Telekinetic basic level, not a telepathist advance level), Levitation, Psychic Communication, Mind Reading, Telekinetic Bullets Advance: Thought Manipulation, Spatial Sense, , Psychic Shadow, Mind Walking, Telekinetic Blast Ultimate: Lightside View Strengths: Good memory and quotes books, poetry, and movies all the time, knows people and when to leave them alone and when to bother them, strong willed, does physical work outs with weights every day Weaknesses: Blunt, goes to drinking when very stressed or sick of everyone, which weakens his abilities or makes them too strong (depending how much he drinks), often times an introvert when overwhelmed, brash from time to time, very proud, can only use so much energy at a time even though he's very experienced, will start spitting up blood if he goes too long using his powers without a break of sorts Role in the Academy: Head Master, Mentor, Teacher, Job Board Coordinator Hobbies: Reading complicated books, chess, collecting vintage and antique items, and listening to classical music Other Things Not Covered: He hates rock music, and he gets a little touchy when people talk about his drinking problems Side: Good Username: Maka Albarn Full Name: Danielle Terra Simon (AKA Danni, Wreck-It-Ralph, She Hulk) Student I.D.: Here, Here, and Here Date of Birth: 07/07, Age 18 Telepathist/Telekintic?: Telekinetic Personality: Danni has an iron will with anger issues, but she can be nice (picks on Jex a lot), one that takes charge of the situation if she can. She hates being told no, she’s independent, sometimes bossy, and usually doesn’t accept help from other people unless she absolutely has to. She can also be a trickster to if she feels especially playful. If she makes any friends, she is loyal to them to a fault (Just like the dwarfs in the Hobbit). History: Danni grew up having issues controlling her telekinetic powers, especially since she would be angered easily. Uncle Errol saw much of himself in her and took her under his wing with the support of his wife to stay just for the summer when she was eight, but ended up staying with him permanently after his wife died and her family murdered. She tries not to think about not being there to protect her older sister and parents, and secretly sees her cousin Jex as a little brother she never had (even though she acts like she hates him sometimes). She often got dentation in school for ditching classes all the time, but is a smart kid overall. Now that she’s mastered most of her abilities and graduated high school, she’s ready to teach others the ropes and the know-hows of a telekinetic. She's thinking about taking college classes to study biology and living things, because that seems to calm her down the most (living animals, not humans) or culinary school. She hasn't decided which yet. Level of Abilities: Level 3 Abilities: Basics: Psionic Strength, Telekinetic Choking, Telekinetic Push/Pull, Levitation Advance: Telekinetic Compression, and Telekinetic Destruction Strengths: Boxing, martial arts, high IQ, great baker, stronger than she looks cupcake maker superstar Weaknesses: Angered easily (DANNI SMASH!), clumsy, scared of complete and total darkness, sometimes will lose focus and not be able to conduct her abilities properly (which would be bad with a few of them to go wrong), hates failing others, body will start to wear down after she pushes herself over the edgeRole in the Academy: Trainer, Baker, Job Hunter Hobbies: Baking, plays the drums, weight training, boxing, martial arts Other Things Not Covered: Has a bat tattoo on the back of her neck, enjoys strange fashion, ninjas, and is a sucker for cherry lollipops and scented candles Side: Good Code Name: Maka Albarn Full Name: Jex Dominic Ingrao (AKA J.D. and Ghost) Student I.D.: One Date of Birth: 10/13 and 17 Years Old Telepathist/Telekinetic?: Telepathist Personality: Calm and carefree to cover his insecurities and the turmoil from being flooded by everyone’s feelings and thoughts and his past nightmares. Like Danni, he’s loyal, and like Uncle Errol, he can be sarcastic as well. He’s very caring though and wants the best for others all the time. He can be sociable when the duty calls for it but likes to keep to himself as much as possible to stay out of trouble and collect his own thoughts. Jex can also act aloof, which makes others think he’s ignoring them when he really isn’t. He can’t be angered openly, is a bit of a dreamer, and can be impulsive when pushed over the edge or under pressure. History: Jex lived a quiet happy life with his mom and dad until the day he turned seven. Masked men in dark cloaks broke into their house one night, catching everyone off guard and chaos ensued. Jex’s parents were killed in front of him, and he himself received life threatening injuries. The boy ended up on life support for a few months in a coma until his uncle found him and was able to help him wake up again through Mind Walking. As soon as he was well enough, Jex moved with his cousin Danni and his Uncle to the other side of the country to start a new life. Instead of letting the events make his life as miserable as possible, Jex decided to get lost in training with his uncle and be an active participant in the community as well as his school. He even made a couple of close friends during his high school years, one which allowed him to test Mind Walking (which almost ended up in a disaster, but they're still friends). He cleans a house for an old lady on a regular basis, helps with book keeping at his high school’s library during lunch, and does tarot card readings, but he doesn’t like to do that much. Level of Abilities: Level 3 Abilities: Basics: Mind Reading, Telempathy, Telepathic Speaking, Psychic Communication Advance: Mind Walking, and Psychic Shield Strengths: Hard worker, can read others emotions without using his powers so he somewhat knows when to approach someone and when to leave them alone Weaknesses: Gets headaches often, sometimes results in migraines that knock him out, eyes sensitive to sun so is usually seen wearing sunglasses when outdoors, takes medications for PTSD, sometimes gets overwhelmed with everyone’s thoughts coming in all at once at big exciting events (band concerts, prom, dances, etc.), and is terrified at the sight of blood Role in the Academy: Trainer, Job Hunter, Book Keeper Hobbies: Walking/Taking Long Strolls while listening to music, pottery, reading, and sketching Other Things Not Covered: Jex is addicted to root beer candy barrels, has some gnarly scars on his chest and one peeks out from under his shirts on his left arm Side: Good Code Name: ~Phoenix~ Full Name: Colton Dare Sharleton Student I.D.: here Date of Birth: 12/19 age 18 Telepathist/Telekinetic?: Telekinetic Personality: Colton has always been very introverted, never cared much for people. Colton comes off as angry and hostile a lot of the time but in reality he is quite lonely. He prefers to read, listen to music, or practice hand to hand combat, over interacting with other students, attending any type of class or anything. He often has to be forced to do much. History: Colton was abandoned when he was eight and discovered his powers. His parents didn't know how to handle him nor did they want to get into trouble so he was abandoned on the streets. He had spent two years getting in trouble in town in an attempt to survive, struggling to control his powers. He was found and brought to The Perpetuity Academy. However the damage was done to the boy and although brought into this home he no longer trusted anyone, and cut himself off making him feel very lonely but at least safe. His anger and abandonment issues means he often will get into trouble at the academy and stubborn and they have to force him to go out a lot. Because of his moody and angry personality he finds gaining control over his powers a lot more difficult. After eight years he is at a level many would get to in a couple of years. Level of Abilities: 2 Abilities: Basics: Telekinetic bullets, telekinetic maneuver, telekinetic push/pull advanced: Object manipulation Strengths: Hand to hand combat, sneaking, listening, spying. General street smarts Weaknesses: He isn't good at working with a team or trusting others. He was never very good with weapons. Although intelligent he doesn't know as much as he should simply because he doesn't pay attention. Role in the Academy:Student/lazy bum Hobbies: Reading, drawing, listening to music, hand to hand combat Other Things Not Covered: Side: Neutral/Doesn't care enough to chose sides. Code Name: Dr_Wigglz Full Name: Christie Yoshiro PhotoI.D.: Here Date of Birth: 3rd of September, 19 years of age. Telepathist/Telekinetic?: Telekinetic Personality: Optimistic yet can be very mature if needed. Naturally energetic and jumpy, a fun-loving girl. History: Christie Yoshiro, a girl who had always been bright and bubbly. She'd had a relatively happy childhood, always joyful and a real pleasure to be around. This continued throughout the majority of her teenage years, right up until she was about 17 and a half. Around that time, her younger sister, born as a telepath, lost control of her powers and caused a riot with the town she was in, ending in the deaths of herself and several other people. Christie wasn't cheerful that day, she was most certainly not smiling. After that incident, Christie focused on helping people with their powers. The girl was naturally gifted, and always had been, and her personality made it remarkably easy to get along with others, so she signed up to the academy to help those who needed it, always being that bright spark of joy and laughter that was needed so much in the dark days that would arrive whenever Raven Sun took the lives of one of their own. Level of Abilities: 3 Abilities: BASIC: Levitation, Telekinetic pull/push, Binding, Psionic Strength. ADVANCED: Object manipulation, Telekinetic Flight Strengths: Optimistic, strong-willed, good at thinking on her feet. Weaknesses: Rushes into things, has a fear of spiders. Role in the Academy: Mentor Hobbies: Playing around with her telekinesis Other Things Not Covered: Side: Good Code Name: Kids Next Door! NUMBAH 365: HEXIN Full Name: Jean Annuziato Student I.D.: here (Too lazy to draw one) Date of Birth: (02/20 and 23) Height: 5’ 7 Telepathist/Telekinetic: Telekinetic Personality: Not Animated. This man holds many layers in his heart. Tends to hide most of his emotions when in unfamiliar environment or when around unfamiliar faces. Animated. He’ll tend to be animated in the ways he acts around people. If it’s saying no, he’ll shake his head, if it’s getting caught off guard, he’ll jump in surprise. Perhaps watching and reading Anime has had too much of an influence on his body language. Being himself around others comes with its quirks. When he feels comfortable around someone, he’ll usually strike the person as awkward or weird at first. However once they peel all the layers that guard this man’s heart, they’ll find a sweet, gentle, and caring man child that you just want to be around. Sometimes he can get very hot tempered when things don’t go according to plan; special situations. Be very careful when trapping him in a corner… he absolutely hates not feeling in control. History: What is there to say? He always thought of himself as a nobody; just some kid who needed to grow up and become another person in the work force. During middle school, he was your typical nerd. Cool was not in his description. The boy was always intrigued with fantasy. He’d spend time thinking of stories, drawing out panels on paper for the sake of practicing his illustration skills. English and Science were subjects in school that for him were just easy for him to comprehend, which was an advantage because that gave him more time to focus on the other subjects like Math. Boy did he suck at math. Thankfully, it became easier for him as he developed over the next passing years. High school was pure boredom for him, and like in middle school he wasn't popular. It was not until he graduated that things…just clicked. He had no idea how, but somehow he gained a form of enlightenment. It was like he could see the world in a different perspective. The understanding of how and why things in this world worked the way they did had somehow painted a new picture for him. He had realized just how connected everything was. The elements that made up Earth, society, the way mankind worked, and the way society in general was structured. It was the world in magnificence. Suddenly, it just happened. Extending a part of himself out into the earth, he was able to manipulate at a molecular level. At 18, he was able to manipulate molecules with nothing more than a mere thought! Of course, the first few attempts gave him migraines, and he bled from his nose more times than he can remember. However, just as passionate as he is for Science and fantasy, he became passionate about developing this new found ability. For the next five years he’d go on into honing his skills, and really…it was all thanks to the academy he attended. Now he's a post high-school student at the academy while volunteering at the schools library. Being in the library tends to give him that freedom. Level of Abilities: 4 Abilities: 5 basics: Telekinetic Pull/Push, Telekinetic Bullets, Telekinetic Maneuver, Levitate, Binding 3 advance: Molecular Manipulation, Telekinetic Constructs, Telekinetically enhanced condition 1 ultimate: Particle Manipulation Strengths: Comprehensive Reader. Enjoys books, ranging from any and all categories. E.g. Fiction, Non Fiction, Educational, comic books, manga, etc. The sciences is something that he is passionate about. Whether it be Earth & Space, Life Science, Social Science, Physical Science, you name it. If he lacks knowledge in a particular science, you can bet every dollar that he’ll spend time to read up on it, and to comprehend it; to point that his knowledge of the said science becomes PHD level. He is a focus oriented individual, in other words, once he’s got a goal or has his mind set on something, there’s no stopping him. Outstanding fortitude, and will to keep on going. Loves to Observe and analyze. Weaknesses: Girls. He tends to be very timid about approaching the opposite sex, and rather introverted towards people he does not know too well. It’s because of this that he tends to hang back, and observe. If approached by a woman, he can hold a conversation, but it’ll mainly be stale at best unless it’s someone he can relate to. E.g. has similar likes and dislikes. Role in the Academy: Lazy Bum, Student, Librarian’s Assistant (Volunteer), Head of Research and Development/The R & D team itself Hobbies: Loves Watching Anime, Reading educational/manga/comic books, and writing. Heavy exercising is an important part of his life for the sake of being fit which constantly pushes him to will through exhaustion (Athletic, not bulky with muscles), and enjoys listening to lyricless music (Although lyrics doesn’t bother him either). Other Things Not Covered: Outside or inside the heat of a moment, he tends to have a keen sense of processing thoughts in nearly zeptoseconds. In those moments, it's almost like he's playing a film in his mind, nearly a kin to a chess match. Very good as tapping into his subconsciousness to access information (Basically he's quick to remembering information). Aside from that it's meh. Doesn't know what to do with his life. He still thinks of himself as a nobody, but yearns to be more than an average person. Side: Neutral. He has no reason to BE bad, but has no reason to be GOOD either. He does good deeds, but so can bad people. ;3 Code Name: master of keyblades Full Name: Leif Walker Student I.D.: ♙ Date of Birth: 4/27 18 Telepathist/Telekinetic?: Telekinetic Personality: Leif can easily come off as someone who loves to start fights with others, that's due to living on the streets for two years. Put him in a more stable environment where no one rats you out just to make a quick buck and for starters he doesn't act as cocky in his own strength. He'll still be confident, but that just how he is regardless of what his environment is. That aside he's also quiet, but has no issues with speaking with someone should it be needed. History: After his mother had divorced his father, Leif had chosen to stay by his father side with the hope that things would not only work out in the end, but that his parents would also get back together. It was a simple hope for a simple boy at the time, but things did not turn out as he’d hoped they would. In fact they actually got worse. The finical situation his father was in had gotten worse and it had gradually started to affect Leif. As the years went by, more and more of him had started to lose faith in his father. The last straw however was when in an attempt to free himself from the current lifestyle they were living, sold out his own son to the Raven Sun Cult. This had left Leif in a state of anger and shock. Though there wasn’t much that could be done for his father was already long gone by the time the information had reached him. So Leif did the one thing that he could do at the time, which was to run. Level of Abilities: 2 Abilities: Psionic Strength, Telekinetic Maneuver, Levitation, Homing Effect Strengths: Boxing, High stamina, parkour Weaknesses: There are times where his cockiness/over confidence leads him to bite off more than he can chew. So far he's been able to get out of those situations, but that may or may not last long. Role in the Academy: Student Hobbies: Boxing, Playing cards Other Things Not Covered: He keeps a deck of cards with him most of the time. Side: Good Code Name: The guy running this entire thing is my pal Mysty Full Name: My full and completely awesome name is Noah Rebecca Nixon. Just ignore that middle name. Student I.D.: My gorgeous face Date of Birth: Febuary 29th Telepathist/Telekinetic?: I clearly have both. Why? Because. That's why. Okay fine, its Telekinesis. Personality: My personality is one that is just awesome. My pride is everything. There isn't a damn thing you can say about it either. To be honest, I really don't care what you think about it all. History: I grew up over in this town known as Nowhere, Oklahoma. It was a pretty quiet place but that is to be expected when you live in a place called Nowhere. So anyway, I grew up with some of the local boys, they kind of sucked, I kind of wish I knew what happened to those little animals though. Probably got lost in one of the corn farms. You get lost in that and your only hope of getting out is by getting abducted. Yes they exist. Anyway, I left the city of Nowhere and found myself Somewhere, here with a bunch of other freaks who use their minds for fun games! What do you mean I need to add more? I'm not a writer, don't expect much! Level of Abilities: This question is like asking how many pushups Chuck Norris can do. The answer is the same. All of them Abilities: Telekinetic Grip, Telekinetic Pull/Push, Psionic Strength, Levitation, Telekinetic Constructs, Telekinetic Blast Strengths: Yes Weaknesses: Is this a joke? Role in the Academy: My role is the role that kicks people's asses Hobbies: Kicking ass! Childish card games, Ignoring my peers, making fun of everyone that isn't meeting my standards, Oh and sometimes I just like to screw with those less fortunate. Other Things Not Covered: Well... I guess my face isn't covered. Neither is my neck. My body is pretty covered. As a whole its covered in greatness. Side: I-I'm Good. Why would you think anything else. Totally on the good guys team. Team player right here, yeah. Code Name: Fish Full Name: Ryan Colfree Student I.D.: Date of Birth: June 16th. 15 Telepathist/Telekinetic?: Telekinetic Personality: Ryan is cheerful most of the time. He is grateful for what he has, and tries to look at the positive to the point of annoying others. However, he has trouble with the idea of harming someone and backs out very often from uncomfortable situations. He also has trouble talking to girls he likes as this is also uncomfortable for him. He pictures himself as someone who can be more confident, but fails to push for what he truly desires. History: Ryan was a normal kid before yesterday. He went to high school and stayed quiet. He had an ordinary life. Perfect parents who loved him, a brother who looked out for him, and family who kept him happy. Things have been strange over the last few months though. For example, one day, he thudded his fist on a school table after losing balance due to concentrating on a question he was studying, and after the impact, the table had a huge dent with the print of his hand. The class was shocked. Later, he accidentally smacked someone in the face after stretching his arms, which caused the person to be launched 100m through the hallway. Then his whole life fell upside down. As soon as he stared at the flame on his birthday cake yesterday. As he wished for a girlfriend before the end of the year went, the flame suddenly made a wave around the table, burning his family's faces. They screamed, and his brother, the person who looked out for him his whole life fell to the floor with his hand on his face. He was scarred. Ryan ran away, freaked out, not knowing what to do. He kept running until men stopped him. They heard the commotion, and began to ask if he had any powers. He saw one of them clutching something in his pocket. WAS IT A GUN!? Sensing he was in danger, he began to run again, panicking, wondering if they hurt his family, scared, lost, alone. The problem is, he didn't know how to get back. He must have run for hours. Hiding by the alleyway trash can, Ryan waited for the sunrise to come, still freaked out about what he did. How could this happen? He eventually fell asleep, knowing that the men who were after him were probably long gone. Level of Abilities: He is level 2. He only knew about his powers yesterday. Abilities: Basic: Telekinetic Grip, Psionic Strength (Will learn them as story progresses) Advance: Elemental Manipulation (Fire) (This he will also learn how to use it as the story progresses) Strengths: He tries to look at the positives of everything. He is smart. Weaknesses: When under pressure, he loses composure and starts to panic. He also worries too much about people. He can be persuaded easily as he always looks in the good of people. He's terrible at cooking. Suffers with OCD; he has to do things multiple times. His OCD gets worse whenever he's stressed, and in the beginning, he'll be at his worst. Role in the Academy: Student Hobbies: He likes to run, swim, and plays soccer and video games. He also loves to go camping. Side: Good Code Name: Myst Full Name: Luna Dreamea Student I.D.: ~ Date of Birth: Jan 21, 2000 Age 15 Telepathist/Telekinetic?: Telepathist Personality: Quiet and reserved. She has trouble making friends except for the ones that she has made herself. Although she is shy, she is very kind and polite to everyone she meets. History: Luna was born on the day of a lunar eclipse, right at the moment it had reached its climax even. The family she grew up with was one of high class with many riches and power. The girl at a young age was seen to have special powers and talent. She could create objects with her mind and they would float around her. Unlike most Telepathsts, her imaginary friends had actual voices and could communicate with the rest of the world. Eventually, she grew old enough to attend the special school. She was frightened of the idea of leaving her comfort of home and being with strangers, but her parents knew it would also be good for her to experience more of the world instead of playing with her illusions for the rest of her life. A little history on her imaginary friends. Each friend she has is a reaction to her emotions. Each one of these can be killed because Luna feels they are real. If all of them die, her imagination becomes void and her entire person is blank. This has happened in the past before, an incident occurring where she almost drowned and her illusions came to save her, however, they died in her place. It took several months to make Luna regain any form of emotion. She does not lose the emotion if one dies, in example, if her imaginary friend of love dies, Luna will not lose the ability to love. It is only when they all die that she will become emotionless. Level of Abilities: Level 1 Abilities: - Basic: Telempathy, Telepathic Speaking - Advanced: Illusion Manipulation - Master (it fits with her character...) Psychosomatic Illusion Strengths: Reliable if someone is in danger, high IQ but doesn't like to show it, powerful imagination Weaknesses: Afraid of water, poor communication skills, physically weak Role in the Academy: Student Hobbies: Playing with her friends, reading books, watching fantasy cartoons/ anime, drawing. Other Things Not Covered: Her "familiars" might look a tad familiar. Hahaha... puns. Side: Good Code Name: Snowfall Full Name: Alex Forrester Student I.D.: (Appearance): http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/275/4/4/card_mage_sword_man_by_longjunt-d4bdfmf.jpg Date of Birth: (mm/dd and age): 11/02 and 20 Telepathist/Telekinetic?: Telepathist Personality: Alex gets tempered easily by the people around him, bu keeps his own emotions to himself. He tries to not get involved with other people, especially with people who have these powers because they die so easily from the Raven Sun. However, if he sees that someone is upset, he'll come up to them and ask them what's wrong. History: Alex has had a tormented history. When he told his parents about his powers at the age of 15 because of how much pain it was giving him, they pulled a gun out and tried to shoot him. They didn't like him very much to start with, but they also thought telepathics weren't supposed to be a part of this world. He ran away, never seeing them again, shocked that the people who have raised him would turn on him in the instant. He learned then not to get attached to anyone or they would just turn on him like his parents. Shortly afterwards, he found his way to the Academy, and has lived there ever since. Level of Abilities: 3 Abilities: Level 1: Mind-reading, and Telepathic Speaking Level 2: Thought Manifestation, Psychic Torture, Emotional Manipulation, Psionic Induction Level 3: Psychosomatic Illusion Strengths: Can wield a sword. Weaknesses: Keeps to himself, not much of a team player as he doesn't trust many people. Role in the Academy: Job Hunter Hobbies: Walking, entering into other people's emotions, watching TV. Other Things Not Covered: Side: Good Code Name: Maka Albarn Full Name: Kiki Jinx Student I.D.: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl...zVaCXH87XoASDuIDoDQ&tbm=isch&ved=0CDIQMygOMA4 Date of Birth: June 1st, 2001 (14 years old) Telepathist/Telekinetic?: Telepathist Personality: Super "bubbly", naïve, energetic, aimless with where to go or what to do with her life, friendly, absent minded, carefree, a little childish, and extremely cheerful. When faced with the opposite of happiness, she tries to keep a smile on her face and stay positive~! It's sometimes hard to tell if something is really wrong with her or not. History: Kiki grew up in a loving "home" with humble beginnings, so she learned at a young age to enjoy the simple things life. When things started to get "weird" around her (even more so than usual) Kiki decided to set out on her own to see the world for herself and figure out who she really is. Level of Abilities: Level 1 Abilities: Mind Reading, Basic Psychic Wall (cannot protect minds other than her own, blocks other mind readers unless they make her barrier come down somehow), and Illusion Manipulation Strengths: Keeping a cheery attitude in stressful situations, making junk into something useful, and is very artistic. Also has a knack for being useful when it's either convenient or not. Weaknesses: Can be careless, useless in emergencies or intense battles (sometimes), and has a fear of butterflies (will often place them in bubbles or just run away arms flailing) Role in the Academy: None yet since she doesn't even know about it Hobbies: Coloring, collecting odd things, singing, painting, and exploring Other Things Not Covered: She LOVES to make bubbles and feathers with her illusion manipulation. That's all the illusions she'll make for now, because bubbles and feathers keep her happy. Very, very happy. Side: Good Code Name: Krowley Jr. Full Name: Brendan Ingomar Royce Student I.D.: here Date of Birth: 4/04 Age 20 Telepathist/Telekinetic?: Telepathist Personality: Brendan is one of the more mature people at the academy. He takes things serious when they need to be taken serious but he isn't so serious that he won't joke around. He is a well rounded person in most ways, good to talk to and good at focusing on multiple things at once. He always wants to feel like he is impressing people though. He doesn't want to feel as though he hasn't done enough. He will learn what he has to and take on what he must to make that happen. He will often over work himself do to this. History: Braden has always been top of his class. He does whatever he must so succeed. When he discovered his powers it was not a surprise, nor was it a surprise when his parents urged him to hide them. He didn't know much of his parents past but he knew enough to know that they were terrified of people discovering the abilities. His mother was a telekinetic, her father a telepath like himself. They taught him how to use his powers in private. His parents one day heard rumours of a place for people with powers. and soon shipped him off there where he would be safe. That was nine years ago. Since that day he has not spoken or seen his parents. He has been under the care of Errol and the others of the academy since. He has worked hard on his powers and impressing the people around. Using all his resources to help the academy in any way possible. Level of Abilities: Level 4 Abilities: Basic: Mind reading Psychic communication Telempathy Telekinetic speaking Advanced: Psychic Navigation Knowledge Replication Omnilingualism Thought manifestation Ultimate: Omnipathy Strengths: Excellent with anything to do with computers. He can hack almost anything without much issue. He can program and create most things you can on computers. He is a quick learner and great with following instructions. He is also incredibly good with multitasking. Weaknesses: He cannot turn his Omnipathy/mind reading off in a room. He always hears everyone's thoughts in that room which can be quite bothersome. He does not have a high amount of Physical strength. Role in the Academy: Teacher, Tech expert Hobbies: Creating games, hacking random things, learning new things on the computer. Other Things Not Covered: He tends to work within the academy hacking to try to find information for different students assignments. Teaches on any subject that is needed. He also tries to to impress Danni more than anyone else. Side: Good Code Name: Shu Full Name: Shane Daniel Ware Student I.D.: Here Date of Birth: October 31st, 17 Telepathist/Telekinetic?: Telepathist Personality: Loyal, quiet, tends to look out for himself. History: Spoiler Shane Ware was raised in a life of poverty. Never knowing true happiness or any sort of privilege, his childhood was a sad one until the age of seven, where he discovered his powers. At first he came to see them as a gift, practicing them where he can and thoroughly enjoying his newfound gift. Eventually, he began using them to his advantage, playing guessing games with people for a small fee and putting the idea in their mind that was the wrong one. It wasn't much money, but it was enough to improve his family's standard of living enough that they began to be able to relax just a little. Spoiler This was not to last, however. At the age of 14, his mother was struck down with an incurable illness, Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease to be exact. Knowing no cure for it, his family could only wait and watch his mother's health deteriorate. For all Shane's powers, he could do nothing but watch and attempt to restore any memories his mother lost. A few months after his 17th birthday, Shane went to a party to celebrate his father getting a promotion, but at the party people began bullying him, jealous of the money he was making from a simple trick. They tried several times to best him, but by pure dumb luck they didn't guess correctly a single time. The bullies began to abuse him both physically and shouting horrible things at him. This continued for several minutes until his father came over to see if he was okay, but upon seeing the bullies he backed off and returned to the party, pretending he hadn't seen anything. More upset then he had ever been, Shane felt truly alone. He found himself wishing they would kill themselves, wishing they would just leave him alone and take their own lives. Completely unintentionally, he used his powers and the bullies did just that, as well as everyone else there with the exception of Shane's father. After seeing what had happened and knowing of Shane's powers, his father turned on him. Pulling out a handgun, he pointed it at his son and began screaming at him and cursing him, saying he wished he had never been born and saying specifically he was nothing but a burden, a mistake, a monster. Shane yelled out to his father and pleaded for him to listen, but the man would not. Amidst his pleading, Shane used his most powerful ability on himself, knowing if he was to survive there was no other way. He used his powers to bring out the darkest side of his personality, and then he used his Psionic Inundation to bombard his father with such powerful psychic waves the man's brain completely shut down, dying immediately. Shane left that area the only survivor, the police labelling it as a mass suicide pact and moving on, but the boy knew better. He began looking into things to help him with his power, which he now thought of as a curse, and he stumbled upon a single name after reluctantly reading the minds of several government agents. Lyle Strain. He had experience with people with powers, perhaps he could help him. Shane decided to go to mr Strain, needing help and wanting answers to four questions: Why did he have the powers when so many others could have been chosen, was there any way for him to ever become "normal" again, how deep down was his darker side, and most importantly...why had every part of him found enjoyment when he saw the people killing themselves? Level of Abilities: 4 Basic - Psychic Communication, Mind Reading, Telempathy, Telepathic Speaking Advanced - Memory Reading, Psychic Shield, Pushing, Psionic Inundation Master (rather than Ultimate): Darkside View Strengths: Is extremely good with puzzles, dogs seem to love him, is good at reading people Weaknesses: Paranoia on certain things comes easily, can be forgetful, not so good with names Role in the Academy: Not in academy Hobbies: Reading, writing, practicing his powers. Other Things Not Covered: While he is very good with using his powers, he is hesitant to use them due to a fear of not understanding why he has them fully. He has a Master Level ability instead of Ultimate seeing as how it's listed before it. Also, if his first post could be going to Lyle for help that would be awesome. I would state these things in private but Maka is unavailable currently. Side: Neutral. Code Name: cstar Full Name: Abi Barry Photo I.D.: Abi & Buttercup Date of Birth: 8/15; 16 Telepathist/Telekinetic?: Telepathist Personality: Abi is psychically hyper, but doesn't like to talk to people. She gets easily bored (mostly due to parental restraints) but she's also easily excitable. She's kind to people when she has to be, but can easily come across as rude because sometimes she will just outright not respond to someone. History: Abi was born into a family with a very controlling father, and while at first she went to a normal school, she was pulled out of society when she was 6 after an inside-the-house incident with telepathic speaking. After that, she was kept home-schooled and was encouraged to find something to do within the safety of her home. Because of this (and the fact her family ended up giving her a pet dog named Buttercup) she found herself becoming more acquainted with animals. On her 13th birthday, she finally began her phase of sneaking out of the house to hang out with mostly birds, but humans started to finally grow on her as well. What she doesn't know is that her prying is eventually going to get someone to notice her powers. Level of Abilities: 1 Abilities: -Telepathic Communication -Mind-Reading - - Zoopathy- The ability to communicate with/understand animals. Strengths: Works well with animals, has a better understanding of the human and animal psyche due to this. She's very good at sneaking out/ breaking into places as well. She also has a good eye for nature and can take pretty good pictures. Weaknesses: Abi has a baby's understanding of the world still and is very not street smart and doesn't know to not talk to strangers and such. She is terrible at expressing her emotions based on the scenarios. Role in the Academy: Unaffiliated (for now) Hobbies: Picture taking, Animal/Human observation (not stalking, just sitting at the windowsill watching people walk by and talk kind of observation), Breaking out of the home. Other Things Not Covered: She knows nothing about papa Barry's work. Side: Neutral tђє гคשєภ รยภ ๏гﻮคภเzคtเ๏ภ Benjamin Landen the IV Kytheria Orenstien Tobias Greipr Cynthia Drew Enger Jason Matthias Enger Tyson Romas Walter Miles Joshua Barry Code Name: Maka Albarn Full Name: Benjamin Landen the IV Date of Birth: 03/25, age 72 Photo I.D.: He wears a shirt, I swear, This is him when he doesn't cut his hair/trim is beard Personality: Warm and cheerful grandfather figure, but behind enemy lines he is cold and calculating. Intelligent and willing to make necessary sacrifices to reach his goals, even if it’s killing people. History: Benjamin grew up sheltered and secluded, learning only about the supernatural things. He didn’t even go to school. When he was sixteen years old, he was a skilled assassin and worked hard under his father’s cold eyes. He then met Jodene Knutson and was assigned to assassinate her when we was stopped when he saw Jodene’s compassion for helping other people. He was in awe of her simple life and how happy she seemed. He failed to kill her and ran away from home, befriending the one he was supposed to kill. She in turn showed him the world from a different point of view than what he grew up with. Eventually, he fell in love with her and they were going to elope when suddenly, an old love of Jodene’s came back into her life. The lover revealed what Benjamin really was, a small battle happened, and Benjamin escaped. He came back to his father, begged for forgiveness, and had to earn his trust again. Benjamin had to prove himself through rigorous training while being belittled by his family until he was able to assassinate someone that was supernatural with no thought. After that, he was able to get back into Raven Sun, fell in love with someone who was tormented by a telekinetic and saving her, and then they got married and had a few kids. Eventually Benjamin’s father died and he ended up taking over the organization and changed the rules. Based on new technology, Benjamin believed it was better to blend into the world than to shut it out so they could gain more experience. He still kept the operations of the Raven Sun in the shadows, but puts a good face to the organization by donating to charity and helping the public out in any way they can. Member Title: Leader, Inventor Time in Raven Sun: About 70 Years Weapon(s): A cane with a gold raven’s head engraved at the handle that can spout out fire when he opens the beak with a special switch, and it can also turn into a sword when unsheathed Special Gadgets: Wears a fedora, cuff links, and a tie pin, that little electronics that have a high pitch whine that only telepathists and telekinesises are sensitive to, thus throwing off their abilities (wears a hearing aid that he can use to control the frequencies and how loud/intense they are), a strong laser pointer with bright blue light that can temporary blind anyone, flash bombs, and smoke screen bombs. Strengths: Thinks logically and thoroughly before making any decision, Judo Black Belt, Jen-Jitsu Black Belt, very physically fit for someone of his age Weaknesses: Has a constant cough that bothers him, is slower in his old age, sometimes can be forgetful but does exercises to make sure he remembers things as he was trained to do, sometimes has too high expectations for members, thus stressing them out or putting a strain on him. Hobbies: Chess, Darts, yoga, weight draining, and leisure swimming Other: Likes to visit his wife’s gravestone from time to time, and loves to drink sparkling non-alcoholic cider. Side: Neutrally Dangerous Code Name: Maka Albarn Full Name: Kytheria Orenstien (AKA “Kye” or “Kitty”) Date of Birth: 09/27, age 19 Photo I.D.: Here (Note: She only wears high heels when she knows she's not going to fight. Other than that, it'll be combat boots or ninja like shoes) Personality: Kytheria is a danger-loving, arrogant, go-getter kind of character. Sometimes she can come off as an oddball due to past experience and surviving a telepathic kind of torture, but she has intelligence that comes to light from time to time. She’s very dedicated to her jobs, the people she's assigned to work with, and missions. Kytheria is also stubborn, sometimes nosy too, but she can also put on another face and can be serious, calculating, and coldblooded at a turn of a switch. History: Kytheria grew up in a rather wealthy household since her dad was a lawyer and her mother was a famous actress. Although she didn’t see her parents much unless they took her with them on their business trips or movie shoots, she loved them very much. When she was ten, someone broke into her house and her parents died while confronting the trespasser. Something was strange about the robbery though and Kytheria saw the intruder and what he did. Kytheria remembers the being extending his hand out to her parents, and then they moved on their own as if being controlled by invisible strings. Then when the robber got what he wanted, they collapsed and never woke back up. The figure then turned to Kytheria and then she remembers the room changing suddenly and being faced with one of her greatest fears, which almost drove her completely insane. She was then rendered unconscious due to the mental tortures she underwent. When she woke up, she was in the hospital and was told her parents were dead, that she had experienced some kind of episodes of seizures, and that the intruder had gotten away. Kytheria was then found by Raven Sun due to her unusual case, and was then educated about telepathists and telekinetics. Believing the intruder was either one of those, Kytheria enlisted herself in Raven Sun on her eleventh birthday, and from that point on, trained hard to hunt down the murderer that killed her parents and turned her life upside down. She has since been one of the best agents of Raven Sun, and though the experience of her past had made her unusual and weird to most that meet her or get to know her, she gets the job done well while putting on a good appearance for the public eye. In fact, she’s the one that deals with most scientific and government relationships since no one else really wants to handle those types of things. She formed a partnership with Lucas after they went after the same guy, Kytheria thinking it was the guy that killed her parents, and thus been partners with him for three years now. Member Title: Scout/Spy, Body Guard, and sometimes Cook Time in Raven Sun: Eight years, thirty-six weeks, and four days Weapon(s): A stainless steel katana she calls “Red”, and 92FS Fusion 9mm, 15 round, she calls “Ruby” Special Gadgets: The gloves she wears helps her climb and stick to slick walls better, so in a sense she could be like Spider-Man. Her top hat has metal plating in which not only does it deflect telepathic attacks (like tinfoil hats deflect government radio waves and frequencies), but it can transform to become different styles of hats so it’s not so outlandish while dealing with the public. Top hat also has a flashlight built into it that she can use to get around in or blind enemies and has its own radio frequencies that can make intensified sound waves that any person can feel to throw off even normal people. It’s like turning up the bass on extreme loudness. Sound waves can be activated and deactivated through her tongue piercing if she presses it to the roof of her mouth, and can reach up to three levels of intensity if she flicks out her tongue. Top hat was made especially by Benjamin Landen the IV. Strengths/Abilities: Can come up with nonsense phrases in her head on the spot while fighting enemies, just in case they try to find out what she’s thinking, nimble, flexible, great actress and can play any role required of her rather well, knows sword fighting, also studied Kung Fu Weaknesses: Hates being left alone for long, freaks out when she doesn’t or can’t wear her hat, so she’s not as focused on the task at hand as she usually is. Fears those with psychic abilities, but tries to remember her reason for joining Raven Sun. Can act a little insane when fighting those with powers, which hinders her ability to think clearly. Also sound frequencies from the hat tend to temporarily deafen her ears after each use and give her slight headaches that annoy her. Hobbies: Sharpening her sword, cooking while using her katana as a chef knife, and making origamis Other: Can be found licking her sword sometimes, because she likes the metallic taste of it. Also has been working alongside of Lucas Beaumont for about three years now, and prefers to be called by her nicknames. Code Name: Smurfasaurus Full Name: Tobias Greipr Date of Birth: 25th February, 16 years of age Photo I.D.: Here Personality: A little sadistic, little bit of a massochist too, but driven and very strong-willed. Friendly enough until injury comes into play. A bit of a prankster at times. History: Not much happened during Tobias' childhood. He grew up in an abusive household, being yelled at and injured all over the place. Eventually, he came to like it to an extent, almost as much as he liked harming others. This didn't change as he got older, shown in many ways. He found work as an assassin, doing jobs for small amounts of money, but over time this began to bore him. He wanted more, he wanted more challenging jobs. And so, he joined Raven Sun. He got to kill less people in general, but hunting down people specifically with powers was amazing and he loved it. It wasn't just people with powers though. If there was a traitor among them, someone proven to be leaking information and therefore that became marked for death, Tobias was always the first to put up his hand. He got the work done quickly and quietly, so naturally he became a popular candidate for these missions. People began to vanish from Raven Sun. They would go home one day, then never be seen again. At first it was a rare occurence, but eventually it became all too common, happening as often as twice a month, and each time Tobias would begin his jobs at Raven Sun with a sadistic grin on his face, always suspicious but no evidence being left to warrant a thorough examination. Member Title: Assassin Time in Raven Sun: Two years, 3 weeks and a day. Weapon(s): The claws you see displayed in the picture. Special Gadgets: Has a ring on his index finger that prevents his body from being manipulated by telekinesis. Strengths/Abilities: Very agile, is extremely good at parkour, and is excellent at thinking on his feet. Weaknesses: A tiny bit reckless and just a bit too confident for his own good. Hobbies: Practicing with his claws and playing tricks on people. Other: Code Name: ~Phoenix~ Full Name: Cynthia Drew Enger Date of Birth: 09/16 age 18 Photo I.D.: here Personality: Cynthia enjoys her job, perhaps a little too much. She has a very sadistic nature and is always blood thirsty. She believes herself to be better than she is. She has a habit of looking down on other members, especially those who hadn't been there as long or from as young of an age as her. She was raised to be a killer and that is what she is. History: Born to a mother with powers and a father without, Cynthia was at first raised thinking they were okay to have. However she met one too many people who thought other wise and didn't like her because of her mother. For this Cynthia started to despise her mother. One night when she had enough of the bullying she had grabbed a knife from the kitchen and stabbed her mother numerous times with it when she was asleep. It was later revealed that her father was not a loving husband but a spy for Raven Sun, sent to keep an eye on her mother to make sure that she didn't become dangerous. It was also revealed that he was not her father but simply her step father. He took her back to Raven Sun where she began to train to help them in their endeavor. However after her first kill her blood lust only grew making her dangerous but also effective at her job. Some people fear her, others just think she needs to go to a mental hospital instead of being there, but she always had her step father to protect her, or the others as it was. She was often inclined to try to hurt or kill other members when they pissed her off and her step father often had to intervene. Member Title: Assassin Time in Raven Sun: 9 years 5 months and 18 days Weapon(s): Scythe Special Gadgets: Gravity (deifying if needed) boots, They can both stop people from making her move or levitate as well as let her hover. Strengths/Abilities: Highly trained with her scythe, as well as highly trained with hand to hand combat. She is light on her feet and good at keeping out of sight. Weaknesses: She loses her temper easily and causes her to be reckless. Is a little too bossy and not many people like her. Hobbies: Training. fighting. killing things: people, small animals, large animals, anything she can get away with. Other: Code Name: ~Phoenix~ Full Name: Jason Matthias Enger Date of Birth: 01/21 Age: 40 Photo I.D.: Here Personality: Jason is laid back but he always gets the job done. He rarely argues with orders. If there is a problem he will shrug it off and not give it a second thought. He is loyal to Raven sun and has been for many years. If he is stressed no one would ever know. He is serious but not to the point he won't smile and laugh, in fact he has a soft spot for his step daughter and often finds joy around her when he isn't breaking up one of her fights. History: Jason was brought into raven sun at a young age by his father. His mother had died of natural causes and because of that his father had the time to dedicate himself fully to the cause and he took his son along with him. However he was kept away from fighting until he was sixteen as to not screw over his mind and make him too violent. He has never been one to go out on gruesome missions but doesn't decline any mission he is given. At one point he was given a scout mission, it was a little under nineteen years ago. He was given the mission to watch a woman with Telepathic powers. She was pregnant as well. His instructions were to win the heart of this woman to be able to watch her and her child closely, in case the child also had powers. He did this mission as any other and won the woman's heart, married her and was father to her daughter Cynthia. The night Cynthia killed her mother, Jason was home and awake, he did't bother stopping the girl, instead he pretended to sleep through most of it. After the mother died he was going to simply leave the child to whatever horrors would come to her, but looking in the child's eyes he found a soft spot for her. After ten years he returned from his mission to his home in Raven Sun taking the girl with him. He trained her to fight and find a place in the organization, using her anger and molding it. Though plans backfired when she became overly sadistic and tried to fight and kill anyone, friend or foe. He now stays at Raven Sun base watching closely over the members but more particularly his daughter. She caused great fear for Benjamin and thus he had to do whatever he could to keep her in check before she became the next target and he would have to take out what he created. Member Title: Trainer, assistant to Benjamin Time in Raven Sun: 30 years Weapon(s): Long sword, Gun, A claw type gantlet (as seen in the picture) Special Gadgets: Earing that prevents any kind of mind reading or walking. Strengths/Abilities: Trained in any and all martial arts. Knows the workings of most powers due to be pitted against them for so long Weaknesses: He has a soft spot for Cynthia. He is getting older so he doesn't have the same stamina as the younger kids. Hobbies: Training, reading, doing puzzle games to sharpen his mind. Other: Code Name: Tyrant Full Name: Tyson Romas Date of Birth: 10/11 and 29 Photo I.D.: https://www.google.ca/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CAcQjRw&url=http://japandailypress.com/artist-of-award-winning-black-jack-manga-to-give-away-work-royalty-free-2310043/&ei=8UQsVcXXBIeXgwS_n4LwCA&bvm=bv.90491159,d.eXY&psig=AFQjCNGG69f1yPFxu0qcEwLyHmpTOlG4Ww&ust=1429050937248465 Personality: History: Tyson has lost a lot. His home, his wife, his son, and his parents. On one day, one telepathic crazy decided to burn down an apartment building and take himself with it. According to reports Tyson was able to receive, this person decided to take down as many as people with him after being isolated from his powers. He had enough of hearing all of these horrid peoples' thoughts surrounding him in the busy apartment building. According to a letter he wrote, "he had enough of the voices." Tyson had a lot of military training as well, and was decorated with many awards. He's seen war, can handle a gun proficiently to the point of being agent worthy, and has over 1000 kills. He, at first was not proud of that number, but he is beginning to see flashes of the people he has killed. What if those people had daughters and sons to look after? Now, he's declared as served his country, and now takes the fight to these telepathic freaks. They killed his family and his best friend from the army, Bruiser, and all he has is his daughter. He wants to save her from being hurt, and he will take every single telepathic down mercilessly. That kid just got lucky. He joined the Raven Sun after the incident shortly afterwards. Member Title: Assassin Time in Raven Sun: 1 Year Weapon(s): Knife, AK47 Assault Rifle, and a shotgun. Special Gadgets: Bulletproof vest Strengths/Abilities: He is proficient in martial arts and armed combat. Weaknesses: Can be tempered easily, cannot be stirred from a fight; if he is faced with a telepathic, he will not rest until finding them and killing them. He is always haunted by the burning apartment complex. Hobbies: Looks after his daughter, watches a movie to keep his mind off what happened. Side: Bad, he fights for human kind in the wrong way.[ Code Name: TwilightBlader Full Name: Walter Miles Date of Birth: 09/06 Age: 35 Photo I.D.: Here Personality: A nonchalant and eccentric personality, Walter remains cool though most things he does throughout his life. It is extremely difficult for him to get upset, a true accomplishment if it ever does happen. He likes casual banter as well as annoying others with his words, but that tends to be something he doesn't try to do, finding it more of a natural thing. Regardless he had quite the twisted mind when it comes to the telepaths and doesn't really hide it History: His past is truly an enigma but at the age of 8 the young boy was brought over to the Raven Suns by a government official that had ties to the organization. The official believed that the child would truly fit in such a position and after being tested the young Walter met expectations and even surpassed them. The child showed great skill in combat, a true killing machine who never taking interested in what he did however the child who never showed interest at all suddenly took interest in working with tools and weaponry. Left to these instruments, the child began to change, growing into a more expressive person. Though his greatest skill had always been combat, the man would stay back and work and tinker with new weapons. Member Title: Inventor and Medic Time in Raven Sun: 27 years Weapon(s): A set of knives, a broadsword sword and a pistol Special Gadgets: Walter possess a chip that is connected with his brain, preventing the use of telepathy affecting his mind. It is widely believed that the mask upon his face is responsible for this, however the mask only strengthens it. With the mask on, Walter can reflect mental attacks back at the user, effectively utilizing the caster's ability for a couple of seconds. In addition to this Walter carries a tiny box that sets off a silent sound wave that is very difficult to even hear. Once a person uses telepathy or telekinesis while the box is active then the user will be assaulted with a terrible headache, preventing them from using their ability. In addition to this he holds gloves with electric property, able to be used to electrify his sword and knives along with a pair of smoke bombs. Strengths/Abilities: Great skill involving weaponry, whether it involves fighting with them or creating them. He possesses a high IQ as well. Weaknesses: Greatly does not put effort in things that do not interest him. Hobbies: Tinkering with machinery, experimentation, chess, combat. Other: N/A Side: Neutral Code Name: cstar Full Name: Joshua Barry Date of Birth: 6/30; 45 Photo I.D.: Joshua Personality: To most people, Joshua is a smiling, warm personality that loves to make jokes and has an eloquent way of speaking. To victims/fellow members/family members, Joshua is a cold man who knows just what to say to get under the skin. While he is able to get along with people just fine, Joshua prefers to have people "take him seriously at the office". History: Joshua was born into a family that already had connections to Raven Sun. Because of this, he was trained to become a member pretty much since birth. When Joshua was 21, he became an official member of the Raven Sun. His speaking skills made him the go-to guy to get the police to turn a blind eye or get people to respect the Raven Sun organization. When he was 27 he met a woman, fell in love with her, and got married at 28. When he was 29 he had his first and only child, Abi. It was not hard for him to discover his daughter was a telepath and he was deeply disgusted yet immediately concerned. Being a man who was good at brushing incidents under the rug, he was not sure how to get a psychic daughter out of the picture he ended up homeschooling her instead and keeping her out of the public eye. In the end, Joshua ended up with a psychic daughter, and Raven Sun didn't know a thing about it. Now his daughter is a troublemaking teenager and he doesn't know how long he can keep it quiet. Member Title: Spokesperson (shows up to charity events when others can't on behalf of the organization), "Clean-up guy" [the one who deals with police manners when an accident of the Raven Sun needs to be swept under the rug]/Call-in Assassin [for those last minute jobs]. Time in Raven Sun: 24 years Weapon: A pocket knife, 2 hand guns, and a taser (no one ever suspects a taser!) Special Gadgets: His glasses are modified so illusion abilities on their own do not work as well. He also has earpieces that release frequencies that make it difficult (but not entirely impossible) to read/manipulate his mind. Strengths/Abilities: Joshua is very good at speaking, and very good at lying too. He's intelligent, knows how people tick, and has fantastic reflexes as well. Weaknesses: Joshua may have fast reflexes, but his weakness is his physical nature. He isn't strong, he can't run for long, and is completely blind without his glasses on. Hobbies: He doesn't really have a hobby, but he must complete his sudoku every morning, as is daily ritual. Other: Despite his hatred for psychics, he loves his daughter. Side: Neutral tђє รςเєภtเรtร/ﻮ๏שєгภ๓єภt ๏ŦŦเςเคlร Isabella Maria Terros India N. Ulysses Lucas Daniel Beaumont Lyle Richard Strain Noel Alexander Callum Code Name: ~Phoenix~ Full Name: Isabella Maria Terros Date of Birth: 02/18 age 20 Photo I.D.: Here Personality: Bella is supper hyper and upbeat. She can be serious but chooses not to. She is a super fast worker because of her photographic memory. If she is allowed she will have music playing as she sings and dances around the lab. History: Isabella was born the daughter of two scientists working for the government. At a young age it was revealed that she not only had a photographic memory but she also had telepathy. Her parents didn't know what to think of this but soon decided to train her in her powers to allow her to use them for study purposes. Bella was okay with this, allowed it and decided she quite liked being around the lab in fact. She liked it so much that she decided to become a scientist herself. The girl being a genius was able to power her way through school and university and started at the labs at the age of seventeen. Three years later she is working hard studying numerous things as well as lending herself to experiments whenever needed, no matter what they are. She has a few scars from said experiments but she wears them as badges, and takes great pride in them. Area of Study: Telekinetic powers and their origins, as well as some studies on deadly poisons and explosives on the side for the fun of it. Employee Title: Professor of fun (Self named title) Abnormality specialist (actual title) Weapon(s): gas bombs (created herself) Tranquilizing darts (also created by her) and a hand gun just in case Special Gadgets: Glasses the prevent mind reading Strengths/Abilities: photographic memory, great knowledge of chemistry, and telepathy powers. Weaknesses: A little too bubbly and care free. Sometimes experiments can get too much but she doesn't care to stop them putting herself in danger at times. Hobbies: Creating deadly poisons and explosives, listening to music and messing with peoples minds cause it is funny. Other: Telepathy abilities- Basic abilities: Mind reading, Psychic communications, Telempathy, Telepathic speaking Advanced abilities: Illusion manipulation, Mind walking Side: Good Code Name: Beucefilous Full Name: India N. Ulysses Date of Birth: 12/3 21 Photo I.D.: ~ Personality: India is extremely manipulative and secretive. He can be somewhat of a wise-ass in conversation, and is always in control of the situation. His motives are never quite clear to anyone outside of himself. History: India is an enigma among society. For one thing, as far as most official records are concerned he literally appeared out of thin air within the past year. His past is one known only to him, and he's not one to share information without some sort of repayment, no matter what he may be giving. Only the most well informed of people could hope to dig up information on his early life. Area of Study: The inner workings of the mind Employee Title: "Mental specialist" Weapon(s): Glaive Special Gadgets: Short range teleportation device: By causing a disturbance in the force, this device allows him to disassemble his atoms, move them elsewhere, and reassemble them in less than 0.012 seconds, creating an effect comparable to teleportation. Though he can't move more than a few meters at a time, it is generally implemented in close quarters combat to confuse his opponent or opponents by never being in the same place for long. The device generates heat by being used, so repeated use within a short period of time will cause malfunctions, and should not be overly abused. Magnetic Glaive Manipulator: Through use of magnetic force, India has installed a device into his glaive allowed it to mimic the effects of levitation. Force absorbing gloves: A pair of gloves which can absorb large amounts of force to the inside while retaining the exiting force, protecting his hands in combat. Strengths/Abilities: India is a brilliant inventor. He is quick witted, capable of talking his way out of most situations even without the use of psychic powers. He is skilled in hand to hand combat. In addition, he is a level four telepath. Basic: Mind Reading - The ability to read/sense the thought of others. Basic: Psychic communications - The ability to open up secret conversations and relay covert information. Basic: Telepathic Speaking - The ability to speak telepathically. Advanced: Telepathic Prediction - The ability to know an opponent's moves and attacks by reading their brain waves. Advance: Mind Walking - The ability to enter the mind of another. Advanced: Emotion Manipulation - The ability to make one feel pleased, happy, pained, or any other emotion. Ultimate: Inception - The ability to plant information or a concept into the mind of another, while they are unaware it was given to them. Weaknesses: Hubris, finds it difficult to cope when his plans go awry, has a habit of making too many enemies. Hobbies: Study. Creating conflict. Other: N/A Side: Chaotic Evil Code Name: Gexln Full Name: Lucas Daniel Beaumont Date of Birth: 7th November. Age 26 Photo I.D.: Here Personality: Serious, sarcastic to an extent, tactical, and likes to think things through a lot. Has a menacing side to him, which he will only show when he is prepared to do anything to get what he wants. Absolutely despises those with powers. History: Spoiler: It's a big one As a child, Lucas Beaumont was interested in two things; detective stories, and superhero shows. At the young age of six, Lucas was advanced for his age, showing phenomenal growth intellectually, and reading books that were intended for much older people. His favourite was detective books. There was just something about the idea of mysteries being solved that nobody else could solve, the idea of putting away criminals behind bars in such a spectacular fashion that it left all who knew of the mystery in awe. When he wasn't reading, he was watching television. Usual comedies and action shows were alright, but it was the shows about superheroes that interested him. The way it showed them using their powers, the way it showed them protecting others; it really made Lucas enjoy watching them. He found himself wishing they were real, wishing they actually existed. He got his wish pretty early, at the age of 9. The Smiling Butcher. That's what the police had called him. A man who had telekinesis, and whose preferred method of killing was rumoured to be holding people against a wall, and cutting them in neat pieces, using his telekinesis to hold all of it together and then arranging the pieces in the shape of a bloody, happy smile. Lucas left to go to school, and came home to the carcass of his dead father and his mother being violently raped. He heard her scream and tried to run for the door, tried to run for help, but he didn't make it before the door telekinetically slammed in his face. He would never forget that afternoon. The butcher had continued on with what he was doing, utilising his telekinesis to keep Lucas' eyes open while he did it. Then, when he had finished, he cut the woman's throat, letting her bleed to death before cutting her and her husband into pieces, again all while that 9 year old child watched on in fear and horror, unable to do anything but kick and scream, held against the wall by an unseen force. Once it was over, the Smiling Butcher just left the kid alive, knowing that he was broken emotionally. Most kids would have given up, some may have tried to kill themselves, fewer still may have tried to go after the man there and then, but Lucas did none of those. Even as a 9 year old, he was tough. He stopped his sobbing, and began to research the Smiling Butcher. Over the next four years, he would put pieces of evidence together until he'd figured out who the man was and what his motivation for killing was. Two days later, the Smiling Butcher was brought in. Behind it was a 14 year old boy who wore a grim face, yet the flicker of satisfaction was there. He'd seen the superpowers he had wanted to, and he'd wished he hadn't. The day his parents died was the day all hope for people with powers doing good for the world went with it, and the day that their killer was brought in was the day Lucas was set on the path for greatness. He continued working as a junior detective, helping the police with solving crimes as he built up a reputation, and then at the young age of 18, he joined the government as one of their most promising investigators. Lucas didn't slow down though, in fact the amount of criminals he was bringing in rapidly increased. And then there was William Velt. He was wanted for murder, theft, and vandalism. People said he was a large man with huge muscles and possessed some kind of strange power. It reminded Lucas a little of his parents' murders, and so he took the case. He tried for a while on his own to solve the case, but this one proved to be beyond even his capabilities. So he found help. Kytheria Orenstien was her name, though she preferred to be called Kye. Her methods weren't always the most suitable, but her way of thinking was truly unique; in some ways, she reminded Lucas of himself. Together, they solved the crime. Apparently William hadn't had any powers, he had just tricked people into thinking that. Though to find that out, they'd had to go through many, many of his lackeys. Three years later and Lucas had solved many more cases, and was highly recommended as an investigator. Soon enough, he would probably be the head of that department, but he wouldn't be happy then. No, he wouldn't be happy until every last one of those with telekinetic and telepathic powers were dead. They were a stain on humanity, and though it would sometimes seem they were doing good, he believed that in the end the only way to truly advance would be to kill them, for power corrupted people; he knew that better than anybody. Area of Study: Not a scientist, but a government official. Was sent to keep an eye on the scientists and keep them focused, or at least that's what he claims. He was really sent there to monitor those with powers, mainly, and to weed out any possible traitors. Employee Title: Investigator/Undercover agent Weapon(s): Beretta M9 (standard handgun used by US armed forces) Has a vicious looking dagger. Special Gadgets: Has a small chip that was placed inside on the inside of his skull that prevents any form of telepathy being used directly on him. Note that this does not stop abilities that don't directly affect him (for example, if someone used an illusion so that EVERYONE saw them as something else, he would see them as that something else just like the others affected, but if someone was directly making him see someone as something, it would not work). This is achieved by speeding up his brain's processing of things and heightening its activity, allowing him to focus even whilst being manipulated by telepathy, though it does completely nullify mind reading. Strengths/Abilities: Has a high IQ, high enough that he could easily pose as a scientist if he so chose. Also is very good at hand to hand combat, and is pretty good at telling when someone is lying to him. Weaknesses: While he is a threatening man normally, if someone is found to have powers, he will do anything and everything to apprehend or kill them; leaving himself open at the same time. Hobbies: Reading, reflecting on his recent actions, and doing things that get a reaction from others. Other: Is Kye's work partner. Side: He believes he is on the side of Good, though that depends on your perspective. Code Name: Maka Albarn Full Name: Lyle Richard Strain Date of Birth: 10/11, Doesn't Like to Say His Age Photo I.D.: Here and here Personality: Has a heart of stone when it comes to human life, ambitious about his line of work and study, comes of as arrogant from time to time when he speaks, sometimes can be demanding on his staff or subjects, finicky with testing and the way things are suppose to be done, mannerly generally when he has to be, neat in appearance and in his work, and a little obsessive when it comes to robotics and mechanics of things. History: Lyle was one of those quiet, ordinary smart kids. He kept to himself, he received excellent marks in school and even won some honor awards,even graduated from high school early,but he had a hobby of taking anything that had any mechanical mechanisms in them and then put it back together again. Sometimes when he put items back together again, they would come out as they did when someone first bought them, or even better with new features and whatnot. Soon Lyle became obsessed with mechanics, which eventually led him to the subject of robotics. He then devoted his time to how machinery and man could really coexist, even doing some tests on himself to gain a better knowledge. When he eventually became bored of his research, that's when he discovered society's pests; supernatural psychic humans. Area of Study: Robotics Employee Title: Dr. Jenkins of Robotics And Inventions Weapon(s): One of his arms is robotic and can transform into a plasma gun of sorts that puts holes in cement. If that's too much, he can also transform his robotic arm into a short sword and use that when he needs to. Special Gadgets: Has metal plating in his skull due to a laboratory accident of sorts that acts as a shield for his brain, which also protects a special microchip he wired in his brain, and has a mechanical eye on his left side he uses to analyze a human body so he can detect their weaknesses and strengths, which also can give him a sort of edge if someone has supernatural abilities or not. Mechanical arm can also turn into a multi-tool of sorts that can function as a screw driver, wrench, wielder flame, drill, small knife, and also a spork. Strengths/Abilities: Has high intelligence and can come up with inventions that are in need of in a short period of time. Also has a photographic memory thanks to the chip that's installed in his brain so he can literally take mental pictures. Weaknesses: If he receives a head injury of sorts, it could probably short-circuit his mini brain computer and could cause a "malfunction". Will often tune others out if they're not interesting to him or worth his time. Also has agoraphobia and ornithphobia. Hobbies: Ballet, carving, crocheting, drying flowers, and inventing Other: Is a fan of angel food cake Side: Neutral Code Name: Hexin Full Name: Noel Alexander Callum Date of Birth: 05/2/1990 Age 25 Photo I.D.: Here Personality: The silent type. Doesn't say much with words, but a lot through actions. Strong convictions, yet capable of turning that switch off when on the “hunt” or fighting for "survival". Emotionally stunted after the program, he can be perceived as cold. However that is far from it. Think of Noel as Mellow, but at the same time aggressive due to the program; which can sometimes come off a bit as a threat to others. History: After High school, he served his country by joining the navy. The benefits of joining the army helped him pay for his studies as well as his eventual applying for the CIA. On duty in the Navy he received extensive training, and off duty he focused on his studies; Majoring in International Affairs. If he was going to serve his country, he might as well study up on such things, right? After graduating with his Bachelors in science and 3.4 G.P.A, he transitioned to work for the CIA. Upon approval, he was immediately chosen for a special project. For one year Noel endured a rigorous special training program. It was what most people would call, “Training from Hell.” Not just any agent could forgo this program. Through strenuous challenges, Noel exceeded all expectations after having a rough start. The man came back to society different afterwards. That one year changed the Agent in ways not many could appreciate; however the agency sure does. Now that he’s a full-fledged Agent, Noel does whatever the Agency or people of higher authority tell him to do. Consider him the go to guy when extreme measures are necessary. Area of Study: Internal Affairs Employee Title: Agent Callum A.K.A. The Daimon Weapon(s): Anything is a weapon to him. Carries a Heckler&Kotch USP Pistol. (Always carries it in HK USP Compact mode [.45 ACP/12 rounds]) Gun can be modified for other uses/caliber. Special Gadgets: None. Strengths/Abilities (Some were acquired through the 1 year program, while others were acquired over the years, which includes the 1 year program) · Psychic Shield · Enhanced Dexterity · Enhanced Reflexes · Enhanced Combat and all of its applications · Peak Human Agility · Peak Human Endurance · Peak Human Stamina · Trajectory Manipulation (Only true psychic ability he knows) Basically superior than an Olympic athlete, and on par with or perhaps better than a master at martial arts. The man’s body is at its prime, with toned muscles, brain function, and intelligence being way above average. Weaknesses: Has a conscience for someone in this line of work. Could possibly defect loyalty later if he grows aware of any situation that does not sit well. Despite his augmentations (Enhancements) he is still susceptible to being overpowered by high level telekinetic users (The cunning, tactical kind.) or anyone that can match him in the same level of skill. Can be overwhelmed by grunts, albeit if there are enough of them doing enough things. Hobbies: Enjoys action flicks, hardcore parkour, playing the gEEEEEEtAAAAUUr Other: Has vast security clearance in the CIA. Safe houses Hidden armory throughout the cities Warehouses Facilities 70% Security Clearance at HQ Side: Good NPC ςђคгคςtєгร (So we can keep track of all the random NPC Characters) Raven Sun Missing Person's Board Other People Academy Staff? Name: Kassandra Rachel Landen Age: 32 First Appearance: ??? Psychic?: No Extra Tibits: Middle child of Benjaming Landen the IV, works in the technical program. Not married, not seeing anyone, works very hard to gather information of various types for Raven Sun. Trained with field work, police combat, martial arts, and military combat. Kept hidden away mostly by her father because she's his only daughter and he tends to be a bit protective of her. Status: Alive Name: Mai Kendrick Age: First Appearance: ??? Psychic?: Yes, Telepathic Level of Power: Level 2; Psychic Shield, Mind Reading, Telempathy, and Psychic Communication Extra Tibits: Has a living Grandmother and parents, seems to have some kind of connection with Lief Status: Alive Name: Carter Justice Age: 8 First Appearance: ??? Psychic?: Yes, Telekinetic Level of Power: Level 3; 4 basics (Telekinetic Pull/Push, Telekinetic Grip, Binding, Levitation) 2 advance (Telekinetic Constructs, Spatial Sense) Extra Tibits: Older brother of Molly Justice, son of Nicole Justice. Seemed to have been kidnapped by someone hired by Ariel Lab Institute. Was killed by one of Lyle Strain's robots that went haywire after Colton messed with its inward mechanics the previous day during a testing period. Status: Deceased Name: Rose Ryer Age: 16 First Appearance:??? Psychic?: No Level of Power: Zero, formed a Mind Link with Jex after events had happened, Mind Link was recently broken though when Jex was beaten to a pulp Extra Tibits: Best friend of Jex, knows some people at the academy through passing, used to hang out there often, seems to have a will-power of steal for someone so young Status: Alive Name: ??? Age: ??? First Appearance: Page 17, Post #325 Psychic: ??? Extra Tibits: Seems rather young, in same cell asAbi Status: Alive Name: Nicole Justice Age: 24 First Appearance: ??? Psychic: No Extra Tibits: Mother of Molly and Carter, was previously married to an abusive man, broke up the marriage and fled from Canada to America in 2014, been trying to make a better life for her children. Carter was kidnapped by someone she never met. Worked as a reporter for a newspaper company, knows how to act and helps out with any way she can with academy affairs Status: Alive Name: Molly Justice Age: 4 First Appearance: ??? Psychic: Yes, Telepathy Level of Ability: ??? Extra Tibits: Seems to not talk out loud at all, selective mute. Reads minds and people though. Acts rather mature for her age, only communicates with those through the mind who she's the most comfortable with. Status: Alive Name: Nurse Alyce Mikelsen Age: ??? First Appearance: Page 17 Psychic: Yes, Telekinetic Level of Ability: 4 (Basics= Binding, Levitation, Telekinetic Maneuver, Telekinetic Pull/Push, Telekinetic Bullets), (Advance= Elemental Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation, Electrical Healing) (Ultimate=Has No Ultimate) Position in Academy: Nurse, Protector Extra Tibits:???? tђє קєгקєtยเtץ คςค๔є๓ץ ן๏๒ ๒๏คг๔ Q&A For Job Board Missing Person's Section HOW DO I GET A JOB?: To obtain a job, simply post in the OOC Thread like so: "Maka Albarn, reporting for Baby Sitting duty for four year old" and the job shall be granted if it hasn't already been taken. If you want to do it in an RP format, take the job to Errol, Danni, or Jex in the RP and a character interaction will happen. All jobs have to be approved by me, or if you chose to take a job without asking first, we'll just see how it turns out. HOW MANY PEOPLE CAN SIGN UP FOR A JOB?: More than one person can obtain a job if it's in plural form like "NEWS PAPER CARRIERS NEEDED", or you can choose to team up with someone for one of the jobs. Up to you. HOW MANY JOBS CAN I HAVE AT ONCE?: I prefer everyone to just pick one at a time for each personal, but the max is probably two. Just make sure you get where you need to get to on time, or you might miss out on other job opportunities in the future if you fail to show up at your previous jobs. WHY CAN'T I GET CERTAIN JOBS?: You have to be a certain level to do some of the jobs. WHY ARE THERE LEVELS ON THE JOBS?: It matches with the power and ability your characters. If you're a level three or lower, there's always room to progress within the RP to eventually reach a higher level. It's not set in stone, unless you're a Level Four. It takes lots of training and discipline to go passed Level 4. HOW ARE THE LEVELS CALCULATED TO DIFFERENT JOBS?: It's like missions in Naruto or Fairy Tail. If a mission is too tough for a level one, like the missing person's board, it's going to be off limits because that person may or may not still be training to use their powers. If someone of a lower level tries to take a job that's for a higher level, they might receive severe consequences if caught. CAN I ADD JOB IDEAS ON THE BOARD?: If you have ideas for jobs, feel free to share them and I will probably post them. HOWEVER, if you made the job to be posted on the board, you are the ones who HAVE to be in control of it and the subcharacters running around in it. I can't read minds and know what you expect me to do with the job you created, unless you tell me I have free reign of them or not. CAN I CONTROL THE PEOPLE IN THE JOB? LIKE WHO I'M WORKING FOR/WORKING WITH?: Only if you want to RP all by yourself, lol. Just let me know if you want to take full control of one of the jobs listed and I'll let you know if you can or not. I may ask others to post for me on days I just can't be on at all, but only for certain jobs. HOWEVER, repeating again, if you made the job to be posted on the board, you are the ones who HAVE to be in control of it and the subcharacters running around in it. I can't read minds and know what you expect me to do with the job you created, unless you tell me I have free reign of them or not. WILL YOU KEEP TRACK OF THE MONEY WE MAKE? I'm not going to keep track of the money you make... It's just Monopoly Bills to me WHY ARE THESE JOBS HERE?: This is just to help with when you're stuck with what to do next. Each job will have surprises big and small. More will be constantly added, and some will be time sensitive, so get it while you can. DO WE NEED TO PROVE THAT WE CAN GIVE THE KISS OF LIFE OR PUT A BAND-AID ON A BOO BOO?: No. If a job says you need to have a background check or CPR/First Aid certificate, just pretend you have it already if you really want the job. I'm just trying to make it realistic-ish, lol Name: Carter Justice Age: 8 Date of Birth: March 23rd Last Seen: Eight months ago at Idlewild Park, Reno Nevada Recent Photograph: Here Extra Helpful Information: Has a birth mark that looks like half of a heart under his right ear, was last seen with a black backpack with a blue shark keychain on it. Levels Qualified: 2-4 Taken By: Hexin (Ask him permission if you want to join in the quest/job) Name: Mai Kendrick Age: 17 Date of Birth: January 3rd Last Seen: Two years ago at Starbucks Cafe on Main Street, Las Vegas, Nevada Recent Photograph: Here Extra Helpful Information: Has an infinity tattoo symbol on her left ankle Levels Qualified: 2-4 Job Taken by: Moksha, ask him if you want to be included in this quest Name: Rose Reyer Age: 16 Date of Birth: June 14th Last Seen: Three weeks ago at Torren High School Music Festival Night, Reno, Nevada Recent Photograph: Here Extra Helpful Information: Has a freckle on the right side of her cheek Levels Qualified: 2-4 In Que To Be Taken By: Hexin (Ask him permission if you want to join in the quest/job) Name: Josse Savege Age: Missing, 14. Current, 23 Date of Birth: September 30th Last Seen: Nine years ago at the Reno City Library, Reno, Nevada Most Recent Photograph: Here Levels Qualified: 2-4 Name: Arlo Haggard Age: 20 Date of Birth: February 13th Last Seen: Two years ago at John's Pizza Place, San Diego, California Most Recent Photograph: Here Levels Qualified: 2-4 Name: Tomas Mullane Age: 13 Date of Birth: May 28th Last Seen: 1 year ago, Las Vegas, Nevada Most Recent Photograph: Here Levels Qualified: 2-4 tђє гคשєภ รยภ ๓เรรเ๏ภ ๒๏คг๔ Q&A For Job Board Missing Person's Section Bounty Bulletins HOW DO I GET A JOB?: To obtain a job, simply post in the OOC Thread like so: "Maka Albarn, reporting for Baby Sitting duty for four year old" and the job shall be granted if it hasn't already been taken. If you want to do it in an RP format, take the job to Benjamin or someone in Raven Sun in the RP and a character interaction will happen. All jobs have to be approved by me, or if you chose to take a job without asking first, we'll just see how it turns out. HOW MANY PEOPLE CAN SIGN UP FOR A JOB?: More than one person can obtain a job if it's in plural form like "NEWS PAPER CARRIERS NEEDED", or you can choose to team up with someone for one of the jobs. Up to you. HOW MANY JOBS CAN I HAVE AT ONCE?: I prefer everyone to just pick one at a time for each personal, but the max is probably two. Just make sure you get where you need to get to on time, or you might miss out on other job opportunities in the future if you fail to show up at your previous jobs. CAN I ADD JOB IDEAS ON THE BOARD?: If you have ideas for jobs, feel free to share them and I will probably post them. HOWEVER, if you made the job to be posted on the board, you are the ones who HAVE to be in control of it and the subcharacters running around in it. I can't read minds and know what you expect me to do with the job you created, unless you tell me I have free reign of them or not. CAN I CONTROL THE PEOPLE IN THE JOB? LIKE WHO I'M WORKING FOR/WORKING WITH?: Only if you want to RP all by yourself, lol. Just let me know if you want to take full control of one of the jobs listed and I'll let you know if you can or not. I may ask others to post for me on days I just can't be on at all, but only for certain jobs. HOWEVER, repeating again, if you made the job to be posted on the board, you are the ones who HAVE to be in control of it and the subcharacters running around in it. I can't read minds and know what you expect me to do with the job you created, unless you tell me I have free reign of them or not. WILL YOU KEEP TRACK OF THE MONEY WE MAKE? I'm not going to keep track of the money you make... It's just Monopoly Bills to me WHY ARE THESE JOBS HERE?: This is just to help with when you're stuck with what to do next. Each job will have surprises big and small. More will be constantly added, and some will be time sensitive, so get it while you can. DO WE NEED TO PROVE THAT WE CAN GIVE THE KISS OF LIFE OR PUT A BAND-AID ON A BOO BOO?: No. If a job says you need to have a background check or CPR/First Aid certificate, just pretend you have it already if you really want the job. I'm just trying to make it realistic-ish, lol Name: Carter Justice Age: 8 Date of Birth: March 23rd Last Seen: Eight months ago at Idlewild Park, Reno Nevada Recent Photograph: Here Extra Helpful Information: Has a birth mark that looks like half of a heart under his right ear, was last seen with a black backpack with a blue shark keychain on it. Levels Qualified: 2-4 Name: Mai Kendrick Age: 17 Date of Birth: January 3rd Last Seen: Two years ago at Starbucks Cafe on Main Street, Las Vegas Nevada Recent Photograph: Here Extra Helpful Information: Has an infinity tattoo symbol on her left ankle Levels Qualified: 2-4 Name: Rose Reyer Age: 16 Date of Birth: June 14th Last Seen: Three weeks ago at Torren High School Music Festival Night, Reno, Nevada Recent Photograph: Here Extra Helpful Information: Has a freckle on the right side of her cheek Levels Qualified: 2-4 Name: Josse Savege Age: Missing, 14. Current, 23 Date of Birth: September 30th Last Seen: Nine years ago at the Reno City Library, Reno Nevada Most Recent Photograph: Here Levels Qualified: 2-4 Name: Arlo Haggard Age: 20 Date of Birth: February 13th Last Seen: Two years ago at John's Pizza Place, San Diego, California Most Recent Photograph: Here Levels Qualified: 2-4 Name: Tomas Mullane Age: 13 Date of Birth: May 28th Last Seen: 1 year ago, Las Vegas Nevada Most Recent Photograph: Here Levels Qualified: 2-4 Name: Twilight Sorrow Appearance: Here Wanted For: Theft, Kidnapping, and Murder Wanted: Alive Bounty: $100,000 Name: Ezekiel Banks Appearance: Here Wanted For: Black Mail, Loitering Wanted: Alive Bounty: $50,000 Name: Dagger Appearance: Here Wanted For: Murder, Assault Wanted: Dead or Alive Bounty: $75,000 Name: XXX Dragon Appearance: Here Wanted For: Kidnapping, Murder, Embezzlement, Theft Wanted: Dead or Alive Bounty: $73,000 Name: Known as the "Silent Killer" Appearance: Here Wanted For: Theft, Murder, Breaking and Entering Wanted: Dead or Alive Bounty: $500,000 Taken By: ~Phoenix~ and Shu (Ask permission if you want to join them) รςเєภtเรt/ﻮ๏שєгภ๓єภt ฬ๏гкєг ๒ยllєtเภ ๒๏คг๔ Q&A For Job Board Research Requests Missing Person's Section Bounty Bulletins HOW DO I GET A JOB?: To obtain a job, simply post in the OOC Thread like so: "Maka Albarn, reporting for Baby Sitting duty for four year old" and the job shall be granted if it hasn't already been taken. If you want to do it in an RP format, take the job to Benjamin or someone in Raven Sun in the RP and a character interaction will happen. All jobs have to be approved by me, or if you chose to take a job without asking first, we'll just see how it turns out. HOW MANY PEOPLE CAN SIGN UP FOR A JOB?: More than one person can obtain a job if it's in plural form like "NEWS PAPER CARRIERS NEEDED", or you can choose to team up with someone for one of the jobs. Up to you. HOW MANY JOBS CAN I HAVE AT ONCE?: I prefer everyone to just pick one at a time for each personal, but the max is probably two. Just make sure you get where you need to get to on time, or you might miss out on other job opportunities in the future if you fail to show up at your previous jobs. CAN I ADD JOB IDEAS ON THE BOARD?: If you have ideas for jobs, feel free to share them and I will probably post them. HOWEVER, if you made the job to be posted on the board, you are the ones who HAVE to be in control of it and the subcharacters running around in it. I can't read minds and know what you expect me to do with the job you created, unless you tell me I have free reign of them or not. CAN I CONTROL THE PEOPLE IN THE JOB? LIKE WHO I'M WORKING FOR/WORKING WITH?: Only if you want to RP all by yourself, lol. Just let me know if you want to take full control of one of the jobs listed and I'll let you know if you can or not. I may ask others to post for me on days I just can't be on at all, but only for certain jobs. HOWEVER, repeating again, if you made the job to be posted on the board, you are the ones who HAVE to be in control of it and the subcharacters running around in it. I can't read minds and know what you expect me to do with the job you created, unless you tell me I have free reign of them or not. WILL YOU KEEP TRACK OF THE MONEY WE MAKE? I'm not going to keep track of the money you make... It's just Monopoly Bills to me WHY ARE THESE JOBS HERE?: This is just to help with when you're stuck with what to do next. Each job will have surprises big and small. More will be constantly added, and some will be time sensitive, so get it while you can. DO WE NEED TO PROVE THAT WE CAN GIVE THE KISS OF LIFE OR PUT A BAND-AID ON A BOO BOO?: No. If a job says you need to have a background check or CPR/First Aid certificate, just pretend you have it already if you really want the job. I'm just trying to make it realistic-ish, lol Understand and Document a brain of a Telepathist/Telekinetic Researching Fund: $500,000,000 Develop Weapon(s) Against Rogue Psychics Researching Fund: $1,000,000 Name: Carter Justice Age: 8 Date of Birth: March 23rd Last Seen: Eight months ago at Idlewild Park, Reno Nevada Recent Photograph:Here Extra Helpful Information: Has a birth mark that looks like half of a heart under his right ear, was last seen with a black backpack with a blue shark keychain on it. Levels Qualified: 2-4 Name: Mai Kendrick Age: 17 Date of Birth: January 3rd Last Seen: Two years ago at Starbucks Cafe on Main Street, Las Vegas Nevada Recent Photograph:Here Extra Helpful Information: Has an infinity tattoo symbol on her left ankle Levels Qualified: 2-4 Name: Rose Reyer Age: 16 Date of Birth: June 14th Last Seen: Three weeks ago at Torren High School Music Festival Night, Reno, Nevada Recent Photograph:Here Extra Helpful Information: Has a freckle on the right side of her cheek Levels Qualified: 2-4 Name: Josse Savege Age: Missing, 14. Current, 23 Date of Birth: September 30th Last Seen: Nine years ago at the Reno City Library, Reno Nevada Most Recent Photograph:Here Levels Qualified: 2-4 Name: Arlo Haggard Age: 20 Date of Birth: February 13th Last Seen: Two years ago at John's Pizza Place, San Diego, California Most Recent Photograph:Here Levels Qualified: 2-4 Name: Tomas Mullane Age: 13 Date of Birth: May 28th Last Seen: 1 year ago, Las Vegas Nevada Most Recent Photograph:Here Levels Qualified: 2-4 Name: Twilight Sorrow Appearance:Here Wanted For: Theft, Kidnapping, and Murder Wanted: Alive Bounty: $100,000 Name: Ezekiel Banks Appearance:Here Wanted For: Black Mail, Loitering Wanted: Alive Bounty: $50,000 Name: Dagger Appearance:Here Wanted For: Murder, Assault Wanted: Dead or Alive Bounty: $75,000 Name: XXX Dragon Appearance:Here Wanted For: Kidnapping, Murder, Embezzlement, Theft Wanted: Dead or Alive Bounty: $73,000 Name: Known as the "Silent Killer" Appearance:Here Wanted For: Theft, Serial Murders, Breaking and Entering Wanted: Dead or Alive Bounty: $500,000
It's like Christmas, yet in the middle of Spring because you might see family or get presents... Mixed with adult themed birthday parties, mixed with Halloween and Thanksgiving where you gorge yourself on junk food, drinks, or food in general.. And be someone else you're usually are not... mixed with Saint Patty's Day... And maybe Easter if you gorge yourself on more candy and start seeing Easter bunnies running all over the place... Maybe New Years Eve and the Forth of July would be thrown in the mix if you have bonfires or fireworks exploding... ... I'm just going to go with my Spring Break was like Christmas in spring... With lots of naps... And talking... I think it's just a confusing holiday week in general...
So after talking with a friend from here last night, I realized I've been trying to ignore an issue for a while, but it keeps coming up in my life. If anyone could read this out and maybe just help me with whatever suggestion you have, I'd greatly appreciate it. Even if it seems dumb or easy, please. I really need a clear direction of what to do. When I was younger, I used to have terrifying nightmares. Like I remember dreams from when I was a toddler and I'm freaking 22 now. A lot of them are so scary and morbid, I don't want to post those ones here in detail. But I would have dreams of my mom driving me down the road, and then suddenly she would vanish and the car would crash or go off the road, dogs and wolves howling outside the car or the house and try to break in and I would be trapped, Bloody Mary coming after me and my family, family getting killed, getting chased, faces popping up in the window at night, being attack by unknown entities, getting into fights, me getting killed, having to jump off of cliffs or roofs to try to escape nightmares, etc. When I was in third grade, I started to stay up as long as I could at night by reading exciting stories, drawing, or writing my own stories. I was hardly exposed to violent video games, TV shows, or movies, but I did have a lot of domestic violence happenings around me. When a family member left because one of those incidences summoned the police, the nightmares intensified and then they started to dissipate after a while. I went to a child counselor, but my mom said that she said I was fine. I was normal, happy as could be, but I was constantly afraid and enjoyed being alone. More things happened in my life that were scary and unusual, but I dealt with them. I learned to just turn on a fan at night, not listen to music because my brain started to warp the sounds to create a scary vibe or image, keep a small light on at night, etc. And then all the sudden it seemed to stop when I was around thirteen to fourteen. Maybe it was because then I started to realize the "demons" in real life were scarier than the ones I dreamed about, or because I would stay up late and just get about 5-6 hours of deep sleep, or maybe it was because I was getting very depressed because of family, peers, school, and just things of the past that weren't taken care of before. Fast forward to when I was around 19, my depression spiraled out of control. It got up to a point where I had to be under close supervisions by doctors, counselors, and therapists. I didn't have nightmares until they started to give me medications. Some of them intensified my nightmares while others seemed to make them disappear all together. I found a good mix that worked for me, and been on them for about a year and a half now. Jump to today, I have really nothing to worry about. Yeah my family is still crazy and dysfunctional, but I'm away from them and that environment. I'm going back to school, have a job I love, getting good grades, got invited to an honor society program at my school, getting asked to sing more often in public, starting to be more at peace with myself and who I am, talking to a therapist who knows my family and me by phone weekly (which is a big deal, because she doesn't charge me and people pay big, big money to see her), going back to church, and so forth and so on... But the nightmares are coming back. They're not what they used to be though. They're now adult themed and creepy, but it seems normal. They happen so often that I don't get scared anymore and sometimes I don't remember them. It's just the feelings I get from them that leave me so tired and groggy in the mornings, like I only get three hours of sleep. I take two medications at night, one of them for depression and the other for PTSD to help me sleep, and after I take them I go to sleep in like an hour to two hours max (or I just get so sleepy I can't physically stay awake) which is like 9pm to 10pm at night. But then I have the hardest time waking up, and sometimes I don't start moving around till like 8am to 9am in the mornings. I do a lot of sitting at my job, so I try to walk around the block or do some stretches and light exercises at my home, but my body is so exhausted. I just feel tired and sore through out the whole day. I don't know if it's because of my medications, my diet or lack of it, lack of rigorous exercise, or what. I'm trying to walk myself through my dreams (lucid dreaming), but sometimes I don't know I'm dreaming until something bizarre happens and then its too late to control it. It just feels like I'm wide awake and that the dream is just a normal day, but it's not. And I'm in my bed sleeping. I used to get night terrors where I couldn't wake up, and I panicked and woke up in cold sweat and pain. There was a dog that used to sleep with me and would lick my face to wake me up, but now she sleeps with her owners because the night terrors stopped happening much after that. Here's what I try to do to go to sleep: Read scriptures Say deep prayers Take my medications Turn off all electronics one hour before bed Drink milk with my medications Do some light stretches Try to elevate my head until my neck and back hurts Write in my journal Clear my mind Listen to relaxing music Turn on my fan for white noise Tell myself I'm going to sleep and what happens will be just cause I'm dreaming I just... I dunno. Any suggestions or insights would be greatly appreciated. I'm just so tired of feeling like I got little to no sleep, and I'm tired of getting these realistic nightmares.
In summary, "news" flashes like these make my day.
Personally, I love old fashion/steam punk styles and this show sticks close to the time era it's based in as much as possible. They show things we take fore-granted in our lives when solving crimes, like knowing finger prints to know who did the crime and florescent lighting to show blood splatters. It's pretty much showing as accurately as possible how solving crimes has evolved over time, starting in the late 1800's. It sounds boring, but they keep it really interesting and even bring in famous figures and icons during that time quite well. I find myself on the edge of my seat sometimes because of how they tell the stories. Don't tell me I'm the only one that watches this awesome crime show.
... I guess I'm back? Sort of. Kind of... Long time, no see... No talk, no text, no email, no Skype... Who wants me to lea- *shot* *shuffles awkwardly around the forum*
I come back in May, and then I don't post till like July. :'D I'm sorry. For those of you who have talked to me before, I got a job in my desired field: Child Development. I'm working with 6 week olds to 6 month olds right now(though it's 2 months old to 10 months old right now) as a part time teacher. As soon as I pass a six month mark, and take one more class, I'll be a full time teacher and maybe advance to other age groups. Eventually I'll be studying American Sign Language and then after that I'll be perusing a bachelor's or master's in occupational or speech therapy. So yeah, my shift is from 12pm-6pm (sometimes 7am-6pm) so I won't be on much. But I'm happy to say that it's not my depression keeping me away this time, it's my job that I love. ^^ I'm sorry I fell out of touch with most of you. I had to remap my phone because I locked myself out, so I have yet to download Skype again (plus I got a whole new account. Most of you already have this new one though). You can contact me there. If you live in the USA, I'll be happy to text you if you're comfortable with that. Skype, texts, and tumblr is where I can talk to you the most. I might be working on a story and post it the Creative Corner, but other than that, I'll be active on and off. So no more RPs for me, at least for a while. (Sorryyyyy) Thank you for all the friendships and the great patience with me through the years. love and hugs to everyone, Maka
So originally, I thought of this as a book idea. But the more I thought about it, the more I saw that it was better as an RP idea than anything. The Basic Storyline: So pretty much, we see in a lot of films and books that magic is good and that the humans have been ridiculing the magic world and fearing it so long. I was thinking to twist that image around; the magic people fear the humans and wage war on them. So I was thinking there has been a war for a long time and we're coming close to the end of the war. The humans are almost extinct, it looks like the magic people have the upper hand, and then something changes the tide. Don't know what exactly though, and I guess we can come up with that as we RP. Maybe they won't come up with it at all. The Catch: Humans CANNOT have any magical properties whatsoever. They can't wield a magic sword, any magic relics, nothing related to those things because they don't have that ability. Think of it as like the nonbenders in Avatar: The Last Airbender or Legend of Korra. They can make things to make it look like they can do magic, but they can't. (Also think of Wizard of Oz where the "wizararound. My Questions: So yeah, I have a lot of questions. If you can answer them in the post instead of saying "Oh yeah, this idea is great, sign me up" Lemme know how this would be a good idea in the first place so I know what the hell I'm doing. xD Should we just focus on the humans and their survival? Or should we focus on both sides? If we focus on both sides, should we have slots to limit how many people can sign up for each side? Should we start at the beginning of the war? Or near the end of the war as I said in the Basic Storyline? Do you think this would go in the advanced RP section? Regular? And why. Should we keep the restrictions on the humans not being able to use anything magic? Or let them have some freedom to flex and stay alive...? Actually now that I think about it, it might be more diabolical to just not let them use anything magical at all. lol. Is it going to be up to me to completely run the whole story? Or should we make it all together and rely on each other instead of depending on the creator to move us along? Are you interested in this story? Do you have any ideas to add on to what I have? Or have anything to completely change the story? Should I completely change the story? Or change it just a bit? And how. Thank you so much for your time and input in advance!
To everyone really… To those who forgot, this is Maka. I left KHVs about five months ago because I didn’t think highly of myself anymore, which led me to think I wasn’t worth anyone’s time, which led me to think everyone would be better off without me, etc. Well guess what. I’m back. I don’t know how long because I’m planning to go to school and get a job working with little kids or kids with special needs, but I’m here. I changed. I’m not as dramatic as I used to be, and I’m doing a lot better with my confidence and pride. I know a lot of people care for me, most of you just didn’t know what in the world to do with me. And that’s perfectly okay. I know now how to keep my boundaries and where to stand. If we can be friends again, great. If not, that’s okay too. You have your life, and I have mine. I can’t please everyone, and that’s just something I have to live with. No one is really my enemy, and some aren’t even my friend. It’s just all neutral to me. I’m not perfect, I’m a human. I’m more than just a screen name and an avatar. There’s going to be a lot of mistakes from me, a lot of sorry’s, and a lot of other things that I don’t see yet. If I cause problems, I’m sorry. I’m not planning on dragging everyone down when I have an issue, or abandon ship when things don’t go my way. I learned that I can’t always run away from my problems. So here I am. If you want to reconnect with me, you can shoot me a PM or a VM. Otherwise I’m going to think you want to stay away from me and that you don’t want to talk to me. It’s not that I think I’m going to annoy you, I just want to respect your space and your time. To those who don’t know me, hi. I’m Scissor Dance now, but everyone knows me as Maka (the character from Soul Eater). That nickname has never changed for me no matter how many times I switch names, so yeah. I love to RP, write, listen to music, make music, learn music, eat sushi, drink vanilla bean frappichinos, I play the drums in a band, I think I’m too old for this website, but I’m still a kid at heart. :3 I also love to do voice impressions and make up my own voices too, and sing my heart out even though sometimes I’m off. EDIT: Ignore the poll. I have a black cat that loves to roll on the keyboard at the most inappropriate times. xD
◆Genre: Horror, Psychological, Puzzle/Mystery◆Rating: PG-13~ PG-16◆Idea Inspiration: Cover of Come, Little Children by katethegreat19, Cupid’s Brew, Coraline, Ib, The Witch’s House, Jayn’s countdown/day system, my psychology class, and my weird brain◆Setting: Pediatric Psychiatric Hospital (Very beginning), Alternate Dream Reality◆Link to OOC Thread: http://kh-vids.net/threads/❖-ome-ittle-hildren-occ-thread-☾.142636/#post-4120463 The Saint Rose Pediatric Psychiatric Hospital... Home to the abnormal kids ages eight and eighteen. Some can go outside to get fresh air, others are imprisoned indoors- sometimes in their own rooms. ]You don't know why you're here, or maybe you do. You're sick, but it's not a cold or a flu, something everyone can see. It's something no one can see. Perhaps you're not sick. Your parents or guardians probably thought something was wrong with you, but there's nothing wrong. But you can't leave for some reason. All that is true is that you are forced to take medication day in and day out. It could make you feel funny, it could make you feel better. Nurses and doctors check on you daily, and every day a patient or two may have a break down because they can't handle the state they're in. Another thing that you know for sure; your parents or guardians just signed you up for an experiment. Scientists and researchers have come up with this new medication called "The Miracle". You only have to take one pill, and one pill only. It's suppose to work with the chemical balance in your brain and stabilize it, fixing all psychological problems big or small. The only downside seems to be you'll be sleeping for a long, long time. The doctors and nurses told you that you'll be asleep, because your body is repairing your brain. But it's not just you who's going to undergo this experiment; some of your peers are going to do this with you too. Tonight is the night, you're going to take this medication whether you want to or not. What will happen? No one really knows. Now is the time to say goodbye for now to your loved ones and friends. Visiting Hours only last for one hour. You have ONE HOUR to say and do what you figure you need to do before you go into hibernation. Use it wisely.Time~ 7:37pmSaint Rose Pediatric Psychiatric Hospital"Miracle" TimeDay 1 The rest of the day went on almost like any other day. You all had dinner together around 5:30pm (except for Trevor, who had to eat in his own room), and Ainsley probably gave you that piece of banana bread you were look forward to. After dinner, you didn't go back into your main pod like usual. Nurse Anthony let you all know ahead of time that you would be going to a different place in the hospital after dinner. The "Miracle" had to take place somewhere else after all. You (and Trevor) are all led into one big room. There are hospital beds lined up on either side of the wall, just enough for your group. You're all instructed to change into hospital gowns, and then each of you are assigned to a bed. The nurses that you are most familiar with are in the room with you, helping others get comfortable and ready. As soon as everything is situated, Nurse Anthony takes a step to the head of the room and looks at all of you. "Head Researcher Ms. Izanami will tell you what to expect." Doctor Izanami didn't bother to correct Anthony. She liked to be addressed as Doctor, but she read over the patient's files. Some of them were afraid of even the word. As soon as Anthony stepped aside, Doctor Izanami took his place at the head of the room and smiled warmly. "Hello everyone," she began with a slight nod of her head. "It's nice to finally meet all of you in person. I have spoken with your parents and loved ones over the last few months and have heard so much about all of you. I know I am a complete stranger to you. I am Ms. Izanami as Anthony had said, and my goal is to help all of you feel better and help you get a hold of your lives once more. Most of you have been in this place for a very, very long time and I'm sure you want to get out of here as soon as you can." She paused for a moment, letting her with everyone."That is why you have all been opted to try a new medication, generally known as "The Miracle". As you might have heard, it is a medication that will help you feel better, more relaxed, and with help you carry on a normal life outside of this hospital. Yes, you will be asleep for a while, but I and your nurses will be watching over you to make sure you are receiving the best care as you're healing. Your parents and loved ones will also visit you as you sleep, and they will be watching over you too."She glanced over at each of the patients. They were all so young... Life was cruel sometimes to let these children suffer for so long. "Your parents all signed a permission slip for all of you to take this medication, however, if you do not wish to participate in this, you may opt to not take it at all. I will not force any of you to take it. It is solely up to you, and you alone."Her smile faded just a bit, growing very serious. "If you choose not to take this medication though, it might take you months or even years to become stabilized enough to leave the Saint Rose. Most of you are close, or have reached the age of eighteen. At this point, you could be transferred to another hospital where they are more strict and it will most defiantly be an unpleasant experience..." She took in a little breath of air, relaxing her shoulders. "Now, do any of you have any questions or concerns?"Part OneDay 2It doesn't take you long to fall asleep after all. Some of the nurses and doctors told you that you probably wouldn't dream, but something seems to be happening... You hear this strange voice singing some sort of poem, something about beckoning children to come to a land of enchantment. Suddenly, you have the ability to open your eyes. Is it done? Is the experiment over? Apparently not, you might think to yourself as you look around you. It's night, it's somewhat dark, but there's a full moon out that's shining brightly. Everyone that you saw with you in the big room with all the hospital beds earlier are here with you to. Is this some kind of joke? You were told you would probably not dream. Yet here you are, in some sort of dream, with the people you know, hate, or love. You may feel something different about you. All your fears probably have quieted, your rage is at peace within you, and most of all you can think very clearly. There is a thick wall of trees behind you that shapes into a semi-circle. They look impossible to go through. Up ahead, you see a strange looking house, and a beautiful elegant woman. Behind the woman are people dressed very nicely, but not as nicely as the woman before you. The woman smiles warmly, opening her arms to you and everyone else. "Welcome, children. Welcome to my realm of dreams." The woman's voice is calm,and even soothing. Most of you probably can't help but to be drawn to it. The woman lowers her arms, still smiling at you. "I am Dream Maker, mistress of all dreams. What ever you wish for shall be granted... Most of the time." She then gestured to the small group behind her. "These are my servants; my butler, my two maids, my three gardeners, and my cook. They are all at your disposal. And this is my mansion." She motioned to the strange looking house you saw earlier. "It looks more pleasant on the inside, trust me." She clasped her hands in front of her. "I hope you will all love it here very much so... Is there anything I can do for you before my butler gives you a tour of the place? Anything at all."Should you ask for your deepest desire? Dream Maker said that not all your wishes will come true though. What does that mean exactly? Should you ask her what the hell this is all about? Or go along with it?Make your own choice. You can die There will be puzzles/mysteries to solve Five days in reality equals a day gone by in the RP You can trigger events any time anywhere (good or bad) This might make people VERY depressed, so heads up There will be “Chances" to build your character up before all hell breaks use. Use them. There are twists and turns in the story. Be prepared. There will be "COUNTDOWNS" ✄Please read VERY carefully ✄No Godmodding (EXCEPT ME. You’re fighting against me, my NPCs, my Triggers, and my puzzles. I will be fair, but DO NOT let your guard down at all costs.)✄No Powerplaying (Except me: Only the beginning, death scenes, Triggers, etc)✄ONE character for each person (I think this is best, let me know if you have other ideas)✄You have no "Super Powers". You only have your wits, brain, and maybe items you come across.✄Expect to die (Dead, gone, death, you’re finished. No if, ands, or buts✄No drama, No Crazy Llama (Meaning, the less hassle you give me about anything, the nicer I will be: Deadlines, posting, rules, ANYTHING.)✄If you think you can run this RP better than me, then please, don’t join. Be willing to work with me.✄Five days in our time equals ONE day in the RP.✄Midnight PST Timezone is the deadline and the next day in the RP will start. If you do not post an ending for the day, or a stop off point for your character before that deadline, you lose a “Chance”. Meaning, expect to be active during the week and then finish. (If you live in a different timezone and don't know what midnight Pacific Time is in your time, message me and I'll help out)✄The more posts you can get in during the “Five Days IRL” thing, the better your survival will be later. Trust me.✄More rules will be added as the story progresses
◆Genre: Horror, Psychological, Puzzle/Mystery◆Rating: PG-13~ PG-16◆Idea Inspiration: Cover of Come, Little Children by katethegreat19, Cupid’s Brew, Coraline, Ib, The Witch’s House, Jayn’s countdown/day system, my psychology class, and my weird brain◆Setting: Pediatric Psychiatric Hospital (Very beginning), Alternate Dream Reality◆Link to Main RP: http://kh-vids.net/threads/❖-come-little-children-☾.142659/ The Saint Rose Pediatric Psychiatric Hospital... Home to the abnormal kids ages eight and eighteen. Some can go outside to get fresh air, others are imprisoned indoors- sometimes in their own rooms. ]You don't know why you're here, or maybe you do. You're sick, but it's not a cold or a flu, something everyone can see. It's something no one can see. Perhaps you're not sick. Your parents or guardians probably thought something was wrong with you, but there's nothing wrong. But you can't leave for some reason. All that is true is that you are forced to take medication day in and day out. It could make you feel funny, it could make you feel better. Nurses and doctors check on you daily, and every day a patient or two may have a break down because they can't handle the state they're in. Another thing that you know for sure; your parents or guardians just signed you up for an experiment. Scientists and researchers have come up with this new medication called "The Miracle". You only have to take one pill, and one pill only. It's suppose to work with the chemical balance in your brain and stabilize it, fixing all psychological problems big or small. The only downside seems to be you'll be sleeping for a long, long time. The doctors and nurses told you that you'll be asleep, because your body is repairing your brain. But it's not just you who's going to undergo this experiment; some of your peers are going to do this with you too. Tonight is the night, you're going to take this medication whether you want to or not. What will happen? No one really knows. Now is the time to say goodbye for now to your loved ones and friends. Visiting Hours only last for one hour. You have ONE HOUR to say and do what you figure you need to do before you go into hibernation. Use it wisely.Time~ 7:37pmSaint Rose Pediatric Psychiatric Hospital"Miracle" TimeDay 1The rest of the day went on almost like any other day. You all had dinner together around 5:30pm (except for Trevor, who had to eat in his own room), and Ainsley probably gave you that piece of banana bread you were look forward to.After dinner, you didn't go back into your main pod like usual. Nurse Anthony let you all know ahead of time that you would be going to a different place in the hospital after dinner. The "Miracle" had to take place somewhere else after all. You (and Trevor) are all led into one big room. There are hospital beds lined up on either side of the wall, just enough for your group. You're all instructed to change into hospital gowns, and then each of you are assigned to a bed. The nurses that you are most familiar with are in the room with you, helping others get comfortable and ready. As soon as everything is situated, Nurse Anthony takes a step to the head of the room and looks at all of you."Head Researcher Ms. Izanami will tell you what to expect."Doctor Izanami didn't bother to correct Anthony. She liked to be addressed as Doctor, but she read over the patient's files. Some of them were afraid of even the word. As soon as Anthony stepped aside, Doctor Izanami took his place at the head of the room and smiled warmly. "Hello everyone," she began with a slight nod of her head. "It's nice to finally meet all of you in person. I have spoken with your parents and loved ones over the last few months and have heard so much about all of you. I know I am a complete stranger to you. I am Ms. Izanami as Anthony had said, and my goal is to help all of you feel better and help you get a hold of your lives once more. Most of you have been in this place for a very, very long time and I'm sure you want to get out of here as soon as you can." She paused for a moment, letting her with everyone."That is why you have all been opted to try a new medication, generally known as "The Miracle". As you might have heard, it is a medication that will help you feel better, more relaxed, and with help you carry on a normal life outside of this hospital. Yes, you will be asleep for a while, but I and your nurses will be watching over you to make sure you are receiving the best care as you're healing. Your parents and loved ones will also visit you as you sleep, and they will be watching over you too."She glanced over at each of the patients. They were all so young... Life was cruel sometimes to let these children suffer for so long. "Your parents all signed a permission slip for all of you to take this medication, however, if you do not wish to participate in this, you may opt to not take it at all. I will not force any of you to take it. It is solely up to you, and you alone."Her smile faded just a bit, growing very serious. "If you choose not to take this medication though, it might take you months or even years to become stabilized enough to leave the Saint Rose. Most of you are close, or have reached the age of eighteen. At this point, you could be transferred to another hospital where they are more strict and it will most defiantly be an unpleasant experience..." She took in a little breath of air, relaxing her shoulders. "Now, do any of you have any questions or concerns?"Part OneDay 2It doesn't take you long to fall asleep after all. Some of the nurses and doctors told you that you probably wouldn't dream, but something seems to be happening... You hear this strange voice singing some sort of poem, something about beckoning children to come to a land of enchantment. Suddenly, you have the ability to open your eyes. Is it done? Is the experiment over?Apparently not, you might think to yourself as you look around you. It's night, it's somewhat dark, but there's a full moon out that's shining brightly. Everyone that you saw with you in the big room with all the hospital beds earlier are here with you to. Is this some kind of joke? You were told you would probably not dream. Yet here you are, in some sort of dream, with the people you know, hate, or love. You may feel something different about you. All your fears probably have quieted, your rage is at peace within you, and most of all you can think very clearly. There is a thick wall of trees behind you that shapes into a semi-circle. They look impossible to go through. Up ahead, you see a strange looking house, and a beautiful elegant woman. Behind the woman are people dressed very nicely, but not as nicely as the woman before you.The woman smiles warmly, opening her arms to you and everyone else. "Welcome, children. Welcome to my realm of dreams." The woman's voice is calm,and even soothing. Most of you probably can't help but to be drawn to it. The woman lowers her arms, still smiling at you. "I am Dream Maker, mistress of all dreams. What ever you wish for shall be granted... Most of the time." She then gestured to the small group behind her. "These are my servants; my butler, my two maids, my three gardeners, and my cook. They are all at your disposal. And this is my mansion." She motioned to the strange looking house you saw earlier. "It looks more pleasant on the inside, trust me." She clasped her hands in front of her. "I hope you will all love it here very much so... Is there anything I can do for you before my butler gives you a tour of the place? Anything at all."Should you ask for your deepest desire? Dream Maker said that not all your wishes will come true though. What does that mean exactly? Should you ask her what the hell this is all about? Or go along with it?Make your own choice. You can die There will be puzzles/mysteries to solve Five days in reality equals a day gone by in the RP You can trigger events any time anywhere (good or bad) This might make people VERY depressed, so heads up There will be “Chances" to build your character up before all hell breaks use. Use them. There are twists and turns in the story. Be prepared. There will be "COUNTDOWNS" ✄Please read VERY carefully ✄No Godmodding (EXCEPT ME. You’re fighting against me, my NPCs, my Triggers, and my puzzles. I will be fair, but DO NOT let your guard down at all costs.)✄No Powerplaying (Except me: Only the beginning, death scenes, Triggers, etc)✄ONE character for each person (I think this is best, let me know if you have other ideas)✄You have no "Super Powers". You only have your wits, brain, and maybe items you come across.✄Expect to die (Dead, gone, death, you’re finished. No if, ands, or buts✄No drama, No Crazy Llama (Meaning, the less hassle you give me about anything, the nicer I will be: Deadlines, posting, rules, ANYTHING.)✄If you think you can run this RP better than me, then please, don’t join. Be willing to work with me.✄Five days in our time equals ONE day in the RP.✄Midnight PST Timezone is the deadline and the next day in the RP will start. If you do not post an ending for the day, or a stop off point for your character before that deadline, you lose a “Chance”. Meaning, expect to be active during the week and then finish. (If you live in a different timezone and don't know what midnight Pacific Time is in your time, message me and I'll help out)✄The more posts you can get in during the “Five Days IRL” thing, the better your survival will be later. Trust me.✄More rules will be added as the story progresses✄You may join any time. Just be aware, the later you join, the harder it is to earn chances✄What are Chances? Click this link to know what it is and how it works [http://kh-vids.net/threads/❖-ome-ittle-hildren-occ-thread-☾.142636/page-2#post-4122823">❖ ome, ittle hildren: occ thread ☾] Code: ▼Puppeteer's Name: {Username} ▼Puppet: {First AND Last Name of Character} ▼Age: {8-18} ▼Sex: {Basically if you're a boy or a girl, or relate more to being a girl than a boy, etc} ▼Photograph: {Appearance: Use Anime} ▼Personality: ▼History: {Brief biography, BRIEF} ▼Diagnosed Psychological Disorder(s): {Need help? Ask me! I am taking a psychology class after all. Use Google too if you want} ▼Talents: ▼Hobbies: ▼Favorite Things: ▼Fears: ▼Hospitalized: {Days, months... years? How long have you been in the hospital?} ▼Favorite Song: {Optional: Basically the Theme Song} Dr _Wigglz as Samantha Pleygian Cat~ as Kyle Bradley hyuge as Leah Marker cstar as Xyloh Cloe-Hall Twilight Blader as Laurence McClean Lucy Heartfilia as Ainsley Fitzgerald Bite the Dust as Trevor Blackmore Sebax as Kyla Garnet Moksha as Leon Vaal, Allen, Vincent, and Xavier Saxima as Elton J. Desrosiers ~Phoenix~as Analise Frasier TheWorldThatNeverWas as Lilica Scott ▼Puppeteer's Name: Dr_Wigglz ▼Puppet: Samantha Pleygian ▼Age: 9 ▼Sex: Female ▼Photograph: Spoiler ▼Personality: Naturally shy, has little to no self confidence, doesn't like to see people get hurt, gets paranoid extremely easily. ▼History: Samantha, or "Sammy" as her family calls her, was a pretty ordinary kid. She grew up in a loving household, where her parents would often do what was best for her even if she didn't want it. She didn't have many friends, so the only sense of companionship she ever knew was from her stuffed bear, simply called "Bear". She developed depression at the early age of seven, something that worried her parents to no end, especially with how often she spent in her room alone away from the world. After a year of going through depression and having little to no contact with people other than her family, Samantha started to see things. Things that weren't actually there, usually in the form of a bird. It was at this time her parents decided that she needed help, and decided to send their little girl to the hospital for treatment. ▼Diagnosed Psychological Disorder(s): Depression, sees things that aren't actually there. ▼Talents: Has a very active imagination (if that could be called a talent), is exceptionally good at reading. ▼Hobbies: Reading, drawing, playing with her stuffed bear. ▼Favorite Things: Her toy bear, her few books. ▼Fears: Large phobia of birds, also afraid of spiders and bugs in general, has an intense fear of heights. ▼Hospitalized: Seven months ▼Favorite Song: N/A ▼Puppeteer's Name: {Cat~} ▼Puppet: {Kyle Bradley} ▼Age: {18} ▼Sex: {Male} ▼Photograph: { Spoiler: appearance } ▼Personality: {He's very ill-tempered and doesn't tend to listen to any sort of authority. He's usually foul-mouthed and doesn't tend to get along with anyone, though he does love his music -- particularly screamo and heavy metal. His behavior has gotten him into a lot of trouble in the past, and this time is no exception.} ▼History: {After having rebelled against his parents for 17 years, he was taken to Saint Rose in the hopes that his "disorder" could be corrected. Even after his 18th birthday, he was told he had to stay and though his parents have tried time and time again to set him on the "right path," Kyle's proven that he's determined to take the troublemaker's road instead.} ▼Diagnosed Psychological Disorder(s): {Schizophrenia; though it's more of a minor case, he got the short end of the stick when it came to emotional responses. His parents can remember him having vivid hallucinations as a kid though.} ▼Talents: {He's actually a decent singer, though he never lets that part of him slip around anyone. He's also a talented artist, despite his more macabre tastes.} ▼Hobbies: {He draws in his notebook, often while forsaking some other duty that's been assigned to him by an authority figure or elder.} ▼Favorite Things: {music, art, solitude, isolation} ▼Fears: {people/society ~ sociophobia -- and failure ~ kakorrhaphiophobia} ▼Hospitalized: {267 Days -- before taking the pill, that is} ▼Favorite Song: {Asking Alexandria's NOBODY DON'T DANCE NO MORE (EXPLICIT) [x]} ▼Puppeteer's Name: hyuge ▼Puppet: Leah Marker ▼Age: 16 ▼Sex: Female ▼Photograph: Click ▼Personality: Irritable, detached/distant, Avolitile [ Inability to initiate and persist in goal-directed activities ], diminished emotional expressions, tends to have an inappropriately giddy appearance and can be unintentionally blunt. ▼History: Leah was diagnosed when she was ten. Her parents thought that she was just going through a phase. Her imaginary friends and relative detachment to the world was just something that happened to kids on occasion. When it hadn't ended by the time she was ten, her parents took her in to see a professional. Leah was admitted to neurology, where the three of them learned that she had Disorganized Schizophrenia. Even after putting her on medication, her state seemed to worsen. When she turned thirteen, they brought her to the clinic where she could receive professional aid on a daily basis. Now she is just under a month away from her seventeenth birthday and has yet to show any signs of improvement. ▼Diagnosed Psychological Disorder: Disorganized Schizophrenia ▼Talents: Cat's Craddle, Word Searches, Sudoku ▼Hobbies: Puzzles and Brain Teasers [ things that keep her constantly faulting mind focused ] ▼Favorite Things: Paper, Stuffed Animals, Blood, Going Outside ▼Fears: Needles/Syringes, Restraints, Forgetting what she was doing ▼Hospitalized: 3 years, 4 months ▼Puppeteer's Name: cstar ▼Puppet: Xyloh Cole-Hall ▼Age: 15 ▼Sex: Female ▼Photograph: x ▼Personality: She tends to be very careless and curious, but can quickly become paranoid over certain things. She tends to be daredevilish to the point of self harming activities. She also tries to pull others into it with her, peer pressuring constantly. ▼History: At age 13 Xyloh and her parents got into a car accident and Xyloh was pronounced legally dead. When she was revived, she became convinced that she was dead. She thought at first the hospital was a form of purgatory, and tried doing things she was afraid of when she was younger, including dangerous activities. Xyloh ended up being transferred to Saint Rose almost immediately, which keeps Xyloh believing she is in purgatory and awaiting a judgment for Heaven or Hell. ▼Diagnosed Psychological Disorder(s): Cotard Delusion: For the curious ▼Talents: Clacking, Tolerating Pain, Beatboxing. ▼Hobbies: Playing musical instruments, Adrenaline Seeking. ▼Favorite Things: Trampolines, Cats, High Places, Clackers ▼Fears: Religious Symbols and Prayers(especially crosses and holy water), white candles, Hell, Ouija Boards. ▼Hospitalized: 2 years, 1 month ▼Puppeteer's Name: TwilightBlader ▼Puppet: Laurence McClean ▼Age: 18 ▼Sex: Male ▼Photograph: Laurence ▼Personality: Laurence takes eccentric to a whole entire level. He is a loud person who has an intense love for god. Though this love and passion for god is immense he is still one who loves all living beings and calls them his brothers and sisters. He never grows angry and instead he will weep for any negativity to his god and any disbelief his brother and sister feel for their father/mother. ▼History: Laurence's tale is a simple one really. He was born in a religious family and taught to love god with all his might. He did as his family told and loved god with all his being, but his family began to fall victim to the pubic. Their son's emotion ran too wildly and so they sent him away in order to fix him. They knew that god would watch over him and Laurence believed that as well. As he left his home he never held any hate, but found this choice one out of love. ▼Diagnosed Psychological Disorder(s): Pseudobulbar affect ▼Talents: Kicking ass in the name of God! Great Stamina! Great Opera Voice! ▼Hobbies: Praying! singing! making friends! fulfiling the will of god! ▼Favorite Things: God! Prayers!....panties... ▼Fears: Failing God! ▼Hospitalized: 5 years ▼Favorite Song: Beat a Nail with your Hammer ▼Puppeteer's Name: Lucy Heartfilia ▼Puppet: Ainsley Fitzgerald ▼Age: 11 ▼Sex: Girl ▼Photograph: x ▼Personality: Quiet, timid, is quite clever though, and imaginative. Although she seems to be very independent, she longs for someone to connect with her, hug her, and hush her fears away. ▼History: When Ainsley was seven years old, she was involved in a very serious horse riding accident that kept her in the hospital for weeks. Her head was severely injured, thus changing her life around completely. The once loving and fun little girl that was full of sunshine suddenly became quiet, distant, and sad. Being on a horse ranch, she often became very afraid to even step outside. Then the nightmares began, and so did the episodes of PTSD. Her parents went to several doctors and specialists to get help, but nothing was being achieved. Eventually, Ainsley stopped talking all together and withdrew even more. At the age of nine, she was officially admitted to the Saint Rose Pediatric Psychiatric hospital, due to the fact that she would stay up all night for weeks at a time. ▼Diagnosed Psychological Disorder(s): Equinophobia (Fear of horses), Insomnia, Night Terrors, PTSD, Withdrawn Behavior, Depression, Selective Muteness, and Acute Amnesia. ▼Talents: Use to be able to do ballet, write backwards, photographic memory, great at video games, play piano, use to be a great gymnast too. ▼Hobbies: Mask making, origamis, reading, bonsai, writing stories, and magic (not magic as the card game or supernatural stuff, just magic like pulling a coin out of someone's ear) ▼Favorite Things: Banana bread, autumn time, large blankets, company (even though she probably wouldn't say anything or do anything with anyone), Disney movies, and piano music ▼Fears: Horses, being abandoned, and scary places ▼Hospitalized: About two years ▼Favorite Song: One Summer's Day ▼Puppeteer's Name: Bite the Dust ▼Puppet: Trevor Blackmore ▼Age: 18 ▼Sex: Male ▼Photograph: ✄ ▼Personality: Remorseless • Has a reckless disregard for the safety of himself or others • Consistently irresponsible • Takes pleasure in the suffering of others • Humiliates or demeans people in front of others • Disregards other people's feelings ▼History: At first, Trevor's parents thought that his violent tendencies were nothing to worry about. They merely brushed it off as a short phase of his life that'll pass soon enough. However, around the time he was 13, he violently beatdown his own father for no good reason other than to do it. Afterwards, he was taken to a psychologist to check what was wrong with him. The doctor diagnosed him with ASPD, SPD, and OCD. Following the visit to the psychologist, Trevor was sent to Saint Rose Pediatric Psychiatric Hospital to hopefully cure him of these disorders. ▼Diagnosed Psychological Disorder(s): Antisocial Personality Disorder • Sadistic Personality Disorder • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder ▼Talents: Saying words backwards • Mimic anyone's voice • Cooking • Body Contortion ▼Hobbies: Hitting people • Hitting dogs • Tormenting anything that moves • Baseball • Reading • Collecting ▼Favorite Things: Boiled Eggs • Baseball Bat • Ropes • Chains ▼Fears: Misaligned Things • Disorganization ▼Hospitalized: 5 Years, 6 months ▼Favorite Song: Nothing Left To Fear by Slash ft. Myles Kennedy Dead Gone Bye ▼Puppeteer's Name: Sebax ▼Puppet: Kyla Garnet ▼Age: 17 ▼Sex: Asexual Girl ▼Photograph: ♀ ▼Personality: She screams a great deal, but is generally and eeirly silent. She is prone to fits of passive-aggressive rage and sobbing. She's afraid to eat or sleep. The only way she can do either is by listening to music. ▼History: She is placed in the Hospital after years of being taken care of by her kind Grandparents. She was abused by her parents[2], and faced constant ridicule in school for being "too perfect to be real". ▼Diagnosed Psychological Disorder(s): General Anxiety Disorder (GAD). Possesses an excessive and overbearing amount of strong fears that compete with her ability to function normally. Originally misdiagnosed as a Schizophrenic due to the fact there would be times out of isolation from her fears that resulted in alleviated symptoms. ▼Talents: Voice modulation, composing music, singing, painting, drawing. ▼Hobbies: Hobbies fit talents. She spends almost all her hours alone, which is forced due to her adverse reaction to being placed in the company of those unfamiliar to her. ▼Favorite Things: Being alone, very choice members of her family, Classical music, ▼Fears: [2] Fear of being touched- Aphenphosmphobia Brain disease- Meningitophobia Demons- Demonophobia or Daemonophobia Dreams- Oneirophobia Nudity- Gymnophobia or Nudophobia. Poisoned, being- Toxiphobia, Toxophobia, or Toxicophobia Ridiculed, being- Catagelophobia or Katagelophobia Self, being seen or looked at- Scopophobia or Scoptophobia ▼Hospitalized: 1 year and 352 Days ▼Favorite Song: "Take the Pill"[Explicit]- Emilie Autumn Notes: [1]She has not been sexually abused, despite having been abused. [2]http://phobialist.com/reverse.html Helped me with the list of Phobias. [3]Thanks to Maka and Hyuge for their individual analyses that helped in improving the overall quality of Kyla Garnet. ▼Puppeteer's Name: Moksha ▼Puppet: Leon Vaal, Allen, Vincent, Xavier ▼Age: 17 ▼Sex: Male ▼Photograph: Leon, Allen, Vincent, Xavier ▼Personality: Not very sociable nor outgoing, Leon's more of the kind of guy to just be there and occasionally throw in his 2 cents. Compared to Leon, Allen's even quieter though most of the time he's thinking of something in his head. Now Vincent's on a whole different category comparably, he's the kind of man who enjoys to take gambles and even more so on other people and their lives. That just leaves Xavier who is a very determined man. While that can lead him to be violent at time, that's only if he's in a bad mood or you aggravate him. ▼History: From an early an, Leon wasn't know to socialize with other people. For the most part he just talked to his sister and his imaginary friend. Eventually their parents got a divorce and he was separated from his mother and sister. That was also when his father started to notice his son's 'imaginary friends' become more active in Leon's eyes. All he did for the next few years was keep an eye on his son a bit more and started to think something was wrong when he was talking about them when he was 13. When he was 14, things changed drastically. how Leon acted, what he said, everything like that until the officials ended up getting involved due to some of the acts he was committing. In fact his father ended up sending him away due to his concerns continually getting worse and due to Leon behavior. What he never knew was that that was the last day that Vincent had control over Leon's body and one of the worst days of his life. ▼Diagnosed Psychological Disorder(s): Dissociative Identity Disorder ▼Talents: Is observant, Knows how to improvise, Cautious, Likes to think ahead, Knowledgeable at gambling, Clever, Fast Learner, Never backs down ▼Hobbies: Listening to music, Resting, Card Games, Training ▼Favorite Things: Being left alone at time, Quiet, A successful gamble, Winning ▼Fears: Losing his younger sister, Making a fatal error, Falling victim to one of his own gambles, Failing at an important task. ▼Hospitalized: 3 years ▼Favorite Song: Innocence - Disturbed ▼Puppeteer's Name: Saxima ▼Puppet: Elton J. Desrosiers ▼Age: 17 ▼Sex: Male ▼Photograph: { ❀ } ▼Personality: Elton ( sometimes referred to as "Elly" ) is a quiet, effeminate young man who is constantly aware of his surroundings and other people. He has an unstable child-like quality and innocence to him that extends to regression, his mental state's optimal choice for a defense mechanism. He is also blunt and usually can't hold back his thoughts or actions when they come to mind. He tends to isolate himself a great deal, though no one really knows why. He is actually quite vain and sometimes looks down on his peers. Through his lack of sleep and excessive creativity, Elton is a perfectionist and will often sink in mood if his goals are not completed. He also doesn't like to share. ▼Other traits: Observant ❀ Defensive ❀ Internally erratic ❀ Withdrawn ❀ Non-confrontational ❀ Posessive ▼History: As a young boy, Elton was lively and creative, but prone to fits of mania and was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, as well as Hypomania. After a certain trauma developed and he was taken from his home under the pretense that his grandmother was sure he had Stockholm syndrome, Elton became withdrawn and quiet. He stayed with his grandmother until he was twelve, when he then strangled a girl who ( he claimed ) stole his ( male ) friend. He desperately told his grandmother he didn't mean to do it, and that it just happened. ▼Diagnosed Psychological Disorders: ❀ Impulse control disorder ❀ Regression ( Not exactly a disorder, but is a mental detriment. ) ❀ Insomnia ❀ Bipolar disorder/Hypomania/Mania ( long since uneffecting ) ▼Talents: Playing cello ❀ Observant ❀ Musically inclined ❀ Drawing ❀ Gardening ▼Hobbies: Gardening ❀ Writing ❀ Taking walks outside ❀ Drawing people ▼Favorite Things: Flowers ❀ Classical music ❀ Pens ▼Fears: Isolation ❀ Silence/White noise ❀ Burning himself ❀ Bodies of water that he could drown in ▼Hospitalized: 5 years, 10 months ▼Favorite Song: Kids ❀ Poppy ▼Puppeteer's Name: ~Phoenix~ ▼Puppet: Analise Frasier ▼Age: 18 ▼Sex: girl ▼Photograph: http://i490.photobucket.com/albums/rr265/yamihanamaya/sad-emo-anime-girl.jpg ▼Personality: quiet, closed off, can be very violent and short tempered. Is very antisocial. ▼History: Analise's mother died during child birth. Her alcoholic father hated her for it. When Analise got into a fight at age 14 that nearly killed a boy, her father was given two options, either to let her go to juvy for a year or to go to an asylum to treat her social anxiety and anger issues in hopes that it would solve the issues of fights but that option was for an indefinite period of time. Analise's father chose the latter for,the pure reason of not wanting to have,to deal with his so called daughter anymore. Analise doesn't believe she should be there not does she feel a need to change. She is fine the way she is and doesn't care to change which means she tends to make things difficult in the nurses. Has attempted escape a few times. ▼Diagnosed Psychological Disorder(s): severe social anxiety and agression/anger issues. She becomes angry and aggresive when she is overly uncomfortable, therefore her social anxiety is generally the cause of her becoming violent. ▼Talents: art, painting, drawing ect. Mixed marshal arts ▼Hobbies: sketching listening to music ▼Favorite Things: some of her CDs, her mothers necklace, her sketch book ▼Fears: groups if people. Most men, especially those who remind her of her father. ▼Hospitalized: 4 years ▼Favorite Song: freakshow by skillet ▼Puppeteer's Name: TheWorldThatNeverWas ▼Puppet: Lilica Scott ▼Age: 17 ▼Sex:Female ▼Photograph: Here ▼Personality: Lili doesn't care for other peoples personal space. She is mostly cool, calm and collected, but also has a playful and immature side. She also believes that being with others is more preferable than being alone to her. Even though she does talk she doesn't say that many words at one time which lead others to think she is very quiet, which she is not. ▼History: When Lilica was little her mother noticed that when she would say something Lilica would always repeat it back before saying something else. It didn't seem like a big deal so her mom just ignored it. But a few years later Lilica would sit/slash lay in bizarre positions for hours and other times she would get overly excited over nothing. They found out she was catatonic and the doctor diagnosed her with Catatonic Schizophrenia. When she was 10 she had an episode of catatonic excitement and pushed herself past exhaustion and had to be taken to the hospital. Which caused her to be permitted into the Pediatric Psychiatric Hospital. ▼Diagnosed Psychological Disorder(s): Catatonic Schizophrenia ▼Talents: Painting, Drawing, Playing the violin, Climbing ▼Hobbies: Ninja...ing, Finding random objects ▼Favorite Things: Wheat( The gold kind that flows in the wind), Hats, Anything that opens ▼Fears: Getting a ring stuck on her finger and spiders ▼Hospitalized: 7 years ▼Favorite Song: Little Talks Spoiler Dr. Wigglz~:✪✪✪✪✪✪✪ [Three chances in beginning, 1 posting on time first day, 1 singing with group, 1 make lunch, 1 for having breakfast with Dream Maker] Cat~:✪✪✪✪✪✪✪ [Three chances in beginning, 1 singing with group, 1 for making self portrait, 1 for making collage of favorite things, 1 for having breakfast with Dream Maker ] Hyuge~:✪✪✪✪✪ [Three chances in beginning, 1 posting on time first day, 1 for having breakfast with Dream Maker]cstar~:✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪ [Three chances in beginning, 1 posting on time first day, 1 for respecting Dream Maker, 1 for poem, 1 for making dinner, 1 for singing song, 1 for having breakfast with Dream Maker, 1 for solving riddle] TwilightBlader~:✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪ [Three chances in beginning, 1 posting on time first day, 1 for respecting Dream Maker, 1 for self portrait, 1 for collage of favorite things, 1 for And How Does That Make You Feel post]Bite the Dust~:✪✪✪✪✪ [Three chances in beginning, 1 posting on time first day, 1 for having breakfast with Dream Maker]Sebax~:✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪ dead [Three chances in beginning, 1 posting on time first day, 1 for self portrait, 1 for How I Feel post, 1 for playing piano in two different key signatures, 1 for respecting Dream Maker]Moksha~:✪✪✪✪✪✪✪ [Three chances in beginning, 1 posting on time first day, 1 for singing song with group, 1 for making brain spaghetti, 1 for having breakfast with Dream Maker]Saxima~:✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪ [Three chances in beginning, 1 posting on time first day, 1 for baking/making hot chocolate, 1 for instagram food, 2 for story prompt and length of it, 1 for inspiring creator with plot, 1 for having breakfast with Dream Maker]~Pheonix~:✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪ [Three chances in beginning, 1 posting on time first day, 1 for baking/making cupcake, 2 for making song and lyrics, 1 for singing song with group, 1 for having breakfast with Dream Maker]TheWorldThatNeverWas: ✪✪✪✪✪✪[Three chances in beginning, 1 posting on time first day, 1 for self portrait, 1 for drawing things you like in collage]
▼Puppeteer's Name: {Username} ▼Puppet: {First AND Last Name of Character} ▼Age: {8-18} ▼Sex: {Basically if you're a boy or a girl, or relate more to being a girl than a boy, etc} ▼Photograph: {Appearance: Use Anime} ▼Personality: ▼History: {Brief biography, BRIEF} ▼Diagnosed Psychological Disorder(s): {Need help? Ask me! I am taking a psychology class after all. Use Google too if you want} ▼Talents: ▼Hobbies: ▼Favorite Things: ▼Fears: ▼Hospitalized: {Days, months... years? How long have you been in the hospital?} ▼Favorite Song: {Optional: Basically the Theme Song}
Finally... done... My hand hurts from doing all the little twists and cutting it out. Woo. Spoiler Spoiler
Inspiration for Ideas: Cupid’s Brew, Coraline, Ib, The Witch’s House, Jayn’s countdown/day system, my psychology class, and my weird brain Genre: Horror, Psychological, Puzzle/Mystery Rating: PG-13 to a PG-16 average RolePlay Level: Advanced Setting: Pediatric Psychiatric Hospital (for the very beginning), Alternate reality Basic Story Line: Kids and teens (8-18 years of age) are placed in a psychiatric hospital. They either have a problem and need to be treated for it, or they have been falsely placed there. That’s for you to decide. Your characters are chosen to be placed under an experiment for a new “Miracle Drug”; a drug that can cure any psychological problem big or small. There’s no more guessing, the medication works to the brain’s chemical balance and stabilizes it and wallah. No more problems in the head. One pill, that’s all it takes. So, all parents/guardians of your character(s) signed the agreement to be a part of this experiment. Whatever their reasons, that’s up to you too. Everyone takes this medication when it’s bed time, and go to sleep. When you wake up, you’re no longer in the hospital. You’re in a different world, another reality. It’s night, but it’s not hard to see. There’s a large mansion with a garden in front and a kind woman waiting for you at the gates of this place. “Welcome to Dream World Children,” she begins in that motherly tone. “Welcome one and all. Please, do not be afraid. I am what you called the Dream Mother. I make all of your wishes and beautiful dreams come true.” She explains to you then that this is her world, and you have all woken up in it. Dream Mother tells you to not worry about a thing and just let all your worries and cares go. And her servants are at your disposal. Things run smoothly at first, everything seems great. There’s no more pain, and the whole place seems to be filled with laughter and light (even though it always is night and morning never shines). Then, the children and even maybe you begin to question this place. When can you wake up? When can you go home? When can you leave? One event after another, and suddenly Dream Mother turns into the Nightmare Bringer. The world of wonder gradually turns into the world of horror. Most of the servants are no longer on your side, and become your enemy. Everything seems to become your enemy. Now you can feel pain, anguish, and mostly fear. In fact, you can die. If you die in Nightmare Bringer’s world, you die in the real world. For now, you are in a coma and your family is holding on to hope that you’ll pull through. The moment you go brain dead though, the doctors will tell your family it’s time to pull the plug and say goodbye. The Main Goal: Get out of Nightmare Bringer’s world alive. What To Expect: You can die There will be puzzles/mysteries to solve Five days in reality equals a day gone by in the RP You can trigger events any time anywhere (good or bad) This might make people VERY depressed, so heads up There will be “opportunities” to build your character up before all hell breaks use. Use them. There are twists and turns in the story. Be prepared. There will be "COUNTDOWNS" Basic Rules in Mind (For Now): No Godmodding (EXCEPT ME. You’re fighting against me, my NPCs, my Triggers, and my puzzles. I will be fair, but DO NOT let your guard down at all costs.) No Powerplaying (Except me: Only the beginning, death scenes, and Triggers) ONE character for each person (I think this is best, let me know if you have other ideas) Expect to die (Dead, gone, death, you’re finished. No if, ands, or buts) You all start with THREE “Chances” (Think of this as your three lives to live. You goof once, okay, rewind and rethink your choice. Unless you’re on the last of your “Chances”, then think carefully. You can die, remember?) You can get more “Chances” (Be on the lookout to see how) No drama, No Crazy Llama (Meaning, the less hassle you give me about anything, the nicer I will be: Deadlines, posting, rules, ANYTHING.) If you think you can run this RP better than me, then please, don’t join. Be willing to work with me. Five days in our time equals ONE day in the RP. Midnight Pacific Time is the deadline and the next day in the RP will start. If you do not post an ending for the day, or a stop off point for your character before that deadline, you lose a “Chance”. Meaning, expect to be active during the week and then finish. The more posts you can get in during the “Five Days IRL” thing, the better your survival will be later. Trust me. Okieday, after all of that, who’s interested to join this web of confusion and fright? Got an ideas or suggestions? Questions? Concerns?
Write.... Write until words start blurring together, your chest hurts, and your roommate screams when she walks in because you so look like a zombie... Even then, I might write with my eyes closed till my brain STFO! @~@ Seriously, my brain is like: "HEYHEYLISTENLISTENIDEAIDEAHEYHEYLISTENLISTENNOSLEEPFORYOULOOKATYOUHITTINGSTAYINGUPFORTWENTYFOURHOURSWITHOUTANAPYAY!"
Lately, I've been struggling with a lot of problems in my life. Heh, to people who know me, it seems like I'm always struggling but this time it is different. I feel like... I can't talk to anyone. I mean, I'm going to therapy and whatnot, and I tell people here and there about a little of my struggles, but when I'm home and not with my therapist, it seems like I don't have many people to talk to. Or at least, no one at all. I don't have a best friend I can call in the middle of the night when things get rough for me, I don't have anyone I can just drive over to their house when I'm down, I don't have anyone to really instant message when I get so broken and feeling like I can't pick myself up... And it's getting harder and harder to reach out to people, because either it seems like they're too busy, I make them uncomfortable with my problems/dark thoughts that are brewing, or they don't want anything to do with me. I try to make things happy all the time for that time being and try not to be that unsuspecting rain cloud and dump everything that's bottled up in me on them... But it seems like even if I let even a little of my trapped side out, I shut people off and they quickly want to move to happier things. Like, I can't be honest with anyone. I have to lie constantly how I'm really feeling to everyone but my therapist. For example, it seems like since I left KHVs last year because of big issues happening with me, people have assumed I didn't want anything to do with them anymore. I try to start conversations with them on Skype now, but I either don't get a reply or the conversation is short lived. I mean, it feels like I chose to be alone during that big time I was struggling, and I sort of did... But now I feel like I sentenced myself to not ever have any friends again. It seems like all my friends here, and elsewhere, have been disappearing one by one, they don't want anything to do with me anymore, or they're just not interested in me. I probably hurt a lot of people... and maybe I don't know the extent of my damage... But I don't know how to really talk about that here. I just feel like because of who I've become over the years (from a Friendly_Heartless who loved everyone, to Maka the cool chick who seemed pretty strong, to now just this broken mess...) I'm not going to ever have a shot of making friends again, or repair the friendships I've damaged... Should I just accept that I'm going to be alone for a very long time? That no one wants to get involved with me and my life because I break down too much and told myself over and over again I don't deserve friendship or love because of this? I don't know who to reach out to anymore...
It's burning/freezing my eyeball... Halp...
Hey everyone! So lately, I've been chatting with some friends that RP and mostly everyone I talked to seem to be having this problem: "I would love to make an RP, but I just can't come up with a good idea." Pretty much, I'm designating this thread for RP ideas that pop in my head here and there to help others who want to make their RPs get out of their slumps and try something Original. Now I'm not saying my ideas are the best in the world, because I know different people have different styles of doing things. You are free to take these ideas and morph them into your own creations. Yup. I'm not going to cuss or swear at anyone for taking an idea from here. You are free to do whatever you desire with what I post. Fellow RPers, if you have ideas as well and want to share it on this thread, PLEASE BE PREPARED FOR SOMEONE TO TAKE THAT IDEA AND MAKE IT THEIR OWN. Hope this helps! Happy RP making~ Note: I will try to update the ideas weekly, but this is what I have so far. Flu Shot of Death? Steal From the Rich to Feed the Poor Fluffy Band Story After getting a regular flu shot vaccination, people are beginning to develop a strange condition. Paths to maybe take with this-~people get more sick~people turn into monsters~people turn into zombies~develop supernatural powersMake it dramatic-~You have a month or two to find the cure~Scientists are starting to kidnap those infected to do more tests~Organization wants to kill you off before you infect anyone else In a city where rich and poor classes are obvious (there is no middle class), a band of outcasts get together and rob the rich to feed the poor. Possible Settings~Modern times~Futuristic Era~Medieval Times~Steampunk EraPaths this could take~leader is in prison without people's knowledge~leader turned ruthless/greedy~leader passed away~family member/trusted friend took over government/kingdomMake it dramatic~poor class being kidnapped for slavery to build/find something~leader of city disguises themselves as poor to make new leader assume they're dead~hunt is on to find the band of thieves A band is out to make their way in the world with their music. Suggestions~Limit RP with five-seven slots open~Make own songs/use songs from YouTube~Character slots could be: leader singer, one-two back up singers, drummer, base, guitarist, piano player, band manager Paths this could take ~Some band members too young to be out on their own ~Have ups and downs with successes/failures ~Band members might quit and choose a different path ~Cutesy Realistic RP for others to enjoy while conflicts pop up here and there Make it dramatic ~Rival band comes to challenge them (???members of KHVs may vote for best band???) ~Band leader disappears/dies ~All band members are super heroes/super villains in disguise ~Band members come from different dimensions and came together to try to get home, but had to find a disguise to blend in and not look so out of place (or make out of place look normal)