Grimm's Cadet Academy// OOC Thread I don't know how many people would want to do this kind of RP, but it's worth a shot. It's set up to be an Academy/Fantasy/Action RolePlay, so yup... Lemme just get to the point: Everyone in this RP is a reincarnation of a fairy tale, fantasy, or any make believe story. The teachers, the students, everyone. Everyone has their own special gifts and abilities based on their fairy tale character, and you don't have to follow the exact traits of the character. For example, the wolf in Little Red Riding Hood can just be half human, half wolf. Not only the protagonists are going to be in the RP, but also the antagonists. Like Snow White's step mother would be the Chemistry Teacher, and the witch from Hanzel and Gretel would be the cafeteria lady. Also, family members that relate in the original stories don't have to relate in the RP if you don't want to. Just make sure they seem familiar to you in some way. Here's what I have in mind for the rules: Rules: 1. No Goddmodding 2. Nothing over PG-13 (Although that new Red Riding Hood movie... ew. ><) 3. Absoultely no powerplaying! 4. WAIT FOR ME TO POST. (Don't go past me. If you do like two pages without me, you're dead.) 5. It's going to be a very slow moving RP after this week. I'm a senior after all with somewhat of a life you know. Plus, I have ADD. I might get distracted with other things. I'll try not to though, just keep me motivated. 6. No Auto-Kills. (Must get my permission and the other character's permission. Yeah, you could probably get killed) 7. Don't exceed over four characters, for now 8. Read the rules, post baa, baa, black sheep somewhere in your character layout to show me you have. 9. I can change this any time, but I'll be fair. 10. Have fun! 11. You must have at least ONE staff member to start off with your student character 12. I don't care who joins, just jump in and enjoy the party. ^^ List of Fairy Tale/ Make Believe Stories: Alice in Wonderland~ 1. Chesire Cat [Student]: {Red Robin/Jabberwocky "Neko" Fantasmo} 2. Mad Hatter [Student]: {Morgan Haden/Monochrome} 3. Dormouse [Student]: {Maka/Peter Periwinkle} 4. Mad March Hare [Student]: {Open} 5. Red Queen [Theater Teacher?]: {AndrewTemari101/Mrs. Dorothy Regina} 6. White Quen [English Teacher?]: {Open} 7. Alice [Student]: {AndrewTemari101/Gracie Meraviglia} 8. White Rabbit [Student]: {Open} Beauty and the Beast~ 1. Belle [Student]: {Open} 2. Beast [Student]: {Open} 3. Gaston [Student]: {Open} 4. Lumière [French Teacher/Math Teacher]: {Terra/Lucian} 5. Cogsworth [Guidance Counselor]: {Open} 6. Mrs. Potts [Lunch Lady]: {Open} 7. Chip Potts [Student]: {RESERVED} 8. Featherduster [Girl's Dorm Janitor]: {Open} Little Red Riding Hood~ 1. Red Riding Hood [Student]: {Open} 2. Wolf [Student]: {Open} 3. Granny [Home Economics Teacher]: {Open} 4. Woodcutter [Student/Wood Shop Teacher]: {Open} Hansel and Gretel~ 1. Hansel [Student]: {Open} 2. Gretel [Student]: {Maka/Natasha Skov} 3. Witch [Cafeteria Lady]: {Maka/Ms. Crempton} Cinderella~ 1. Cinderella [Student]: {Open} 2. Lady Tremaine (Wicked Step Mother) [Head Janitor]: {Open} 3. Anastasia [Cheerleader/Student]: {Open} 4. Drizella [Cheerleader/Student]: {Open} 5. Gus [Student]: {Open} 6. Jaq [Student]: {Open} 7. Lucifer [Student]: {Open} 8. Prince Charming [Student]: {Open} 9. Fairy Godmother [Principal]: {Open} The Pied Piper of Hamelin~ 1. Pied Piper [Music Teacher]: {Open} Sleeping Beauty~ 1. Aurora/Briar Rose [Student]: {Open} 2. Phillip [Student]: {Open} 3. Maleficent [Vice Principal]: {Monochrome/Daemoni Igneo} 4. Flora [Secretary]: {Open} 5. Fauna [Counselor]: {Open} 6. Merryweather [Counselor]: {Open} Snow White~ 1. Snow White [Student]: {Open} 2. Prince Charming [Student]: {Open} 3. Wicked Step Mother/Queen/Witch [Science Teacher]: {Open} 4. Happy [Student]: {Open} 5. Sleepy [Student]: {Open} 6. Dopey [Student]: {Open} 7. Doc [Student]: {Open} 8. Grumpy [Student]: {Open} 9. Sneezy [Student]: {Open} 10. Bashful [Student]: {Open} Rapunzel~ 1. Rapunzel [Student]: {Open} 2. Mother Gothel [Dean and Detention Management]: {Open} 3. Prince/Theif (I haven't seen Tangled ><): {Terra/Flynn Ride} 4. Maximus [Weapons Teacher]: {Terra/Maximus} Fantasia~ 1. Master Yen Sid [Magic Teacher]: {RESERVED} Character Profile Layout: *Special Note*: While filling this out, remember the little rule to show me that you read the rules, and put the dorm number you want to be in. Puppeteer: {Username} Name: {Name of character} Former Self: {Name of original character your character is reincarnated as} Gender: {Self explanitory} Age: {Youngest I'm accepting is 9 and the oldest I'm accepting for students is 20} Race: {This is mainly for those characters that have animal characteristics} Student/Teacher/Staff: {If you put teacher, list what class you're teaching. It's right by the character name} Personality: {Basic personality of your character. Get creative as you want with this, but be sure it matches sort of close to your character you're reincarnated as} Picture I.D.: {Link would be nice} Breif History: {At least 5-8 good sentences of your character's past} Likes: {Again, get creative as you want. List at least 5 things} Dislikes: {Like so for likes, list five things} Weapon of Choice: {Optional, but you can get creative} Magic Abilities: {Do only magic that is close to your reincarnated character. You can only have 4 magic abilities. List them, and briefly explain what they do. Remember the rules, and don't get too crazy.} Theme Song: {Another fun optional thingy. You can use what ever you want} Other: {What ever you want to put here} Accepted Characters : [Students] Puppeteer: {Maka} Name: {Natasha Skov} Former Self: {Gretel} Gender: {Female} Age: {16} Race: {Human} Student/Teacher?: {Student} Personality: {Very curious of things around her, tends to get lost in large places from time to time, and has a love for both people and nature. She's very caring to those she holds close to her, but has a spunk about her and can't stay in one spot for very long. Can be very sensative when people tell her she can't do things right and Natasha has her mood swing days and expresses sadness and anger from time to time, but she usually has a good reason to. Most of the time though, she has a smile on her face and tries to not let things get to her.} Picture I.D.: { Characters/337941.jpg } Breif History: {Natasha had a normal life living with her mother and her father when she was very young, but when she turned six, her mother died. Her dad of course remarried right away since he didn't want his little daughter to grow up without a motherly figure in her life, but it wasn't the best thing for her after all. Like all fairy stories, the step mother proved to be cruel to her step daughter, and then one day, Natasha had enough hiding it. That's when her powers "sprouted", but instead of having the effect she desired her step mother found out about the Grimm's Cadet Academy and told her father about it. Seeing that it was the right place for Natasha to go, and she would be away from home for a long time, they sent her there.} Likes: {Forests, butterscotch candy, hot chocolate, unusual fashion, insects and animals} Dislikes: {Dark enclosed areas, fire, being left alone in a big place, anger (can't focus), and math classes} Weapon of Choice: {Just likes a good stick or staff. She doesn't do well with swords or anything sharp and pointy} Magic Abilities: {1. Plant Whisperer: This is the ability that unlocked inside of her when she was face to face with one of her step mother's cruel moments. She can control plants by making them grow, but she can mostly control vine like plants. If there's no plants, this ability is practically useless 2. Quick Future Seer: Can see at least thirty seconds into the future, but can't see any time past that or she'll use up all her energy. Kind of happens on accident and gets little headaches when she gets a random vision, but she keeps it mostly to herself. 3. Little Cure: Can heal small cuts and bruises. When it comes to bigger wounds, all she can do is soothe it until real medical help or a bigger cure spell takes care of the victim. } Theme Song: {Bring Me Down by Pillar} Other: {Has a burn scar on her left shoulder that she keeps hidden. So she wears T-Shirts with long sleeves when she goes swimming, or scarfs over that shoulder when she has to dress formally} Puppeteer: {Maka} Name: {Peter Periwinkle} Former Self: {Dormouse} Gender: {Male} Age: {11} Race: {Half mouse, half human} Student/Teacher: {Student} Personality: {Quiet, tends to fall asleep in class regulary but tries not to, can be shy to new people at first but can warm up to them after a while. A timid little fellow, but when it comes to training in fighting, he can be quite fierce} Picture I.D.: { (This is just dress up, not what he actually looks like all the time. XP} Breif History: {Lived a peaceful life with his mother, who's an author, and enjoyed growing up in a quiet country side. He's been homeschooled up to this point since he really do well around new people due to being so shy and having "unusal" characteristics (like mouse ears and a tail, due to a curse from a witch but that's another story), so he's ahead of most kids in school. One of his mother's book got published and became a huge hit, and she was invited to go on a book tour around the world. She couldn't resist the offer, and so she found Grimm's Cadet Academy and enrolled Peter in it right away so he could stay close to home without being such a display for the rest of the world. And so poor Peter is left alone to start a new chapter in his life.} Likes: {Long naps, quiet areas, herbal tea, dancing and weapon trainging classes, and lemon bars} Dislikes: {Vegitables, scary strangers, heights, cats (unless they prove they're not going to eat him), and breaking the rules} Weapon of Choice: {He perfers daggers since he's small, but wants to learn how to weild a sword} Magic Abilities: {1. Transform: Can turn into a tiny mouse and sneak around places or hide in small areas. 2. Bubble Blast: (No, not Pokemon!) Shoots a storm of bubbles at a target to confuse them and hender them from finding him.} Theme Song: {Exploration from the Coraline Soundtrack} Other: {Keeps it a secret since it's girly, but he likes to sew things in his free time. He even carries a small pocket sewing kit with him where ever he goes just in case} Puppeteer: LilBueno Name: Jabberwocky "Neko" Fantasmo Former Self: Cheshire Cat Gender: Male Age: 17 Race: Werecat Student/Teacher/Staff: Student Personality: Mischevious, flirty, playful, with only the slightest bit of sarcasm. He has an unnatural affection for shiny things, the color purple, and miniskirts (though obviously not on himself! While rather smart, school bores him. I mean, who wants to stay sitting down listening to lessons you will never use in real life when there is a tree you can climb outside, right? Picture I.D.: Brief History: Neko doesn't remember where he's from. He just appeared out of nowhere when he was five years old to a young couple. When asked his name, the little boy grinned as big as he could and said "Jabberwocky!" Nicknamed "Neko" for his cat-like appearance, the couple adopted him. At certain times, the couple would go crazy when he would be nowhere to be found. Other times, the couple would be plagued by a small purple kitten that they had never seen before. As Neko grew older, his adopted father would often spot the boy disappearing into thin air. However, the couple was fascinated and enjoyed playing hide-n-seek with young Neko, despite his obvious advantage. When Neko was thirteen, he admitted to being the cat that they had seen several times over the last 8 years. Thus, Neko was both a son and a pet. They enrolled Neko in Grimm's Cadett Academy when the "normal" kids kept picking on him resulting in Neko playing very mean spirited pranks using his powers. Likes: Neko loves anything shiny. If it's dull, it has to be the color purple or else he reserves the right to deny its existence. Being the flirt he is, miniskirts is also high on his list. Scarves and butterflies, Neko couldn't live without. What he like most though? To confuse those around him with pointless riddles. Dislikes: Dogs, water (he is often found skipping gym class on swimming days), loud noises, sticking things. Anything that stays perfectly still is prone to his attack. Weapon of Choice: His fingernails turn to claws. Magic Abilities: 1. Invisibility - Neko can make himself, any part of his body, or small objects around him invisible. He loves to make his body disappear but leave his head floating about. The last things that turn invisible are always his bright green eyes and finally, his smile. 2. Cat Transformation - Neko can turn into a dark purple cat. Neko keeps his trademark green eyes and a light purple star under his right eye. Unlike other cats, Neko has an unusually large grin. He still retains the ability to become invisible sometimes being a cat without a grin or a grin without a cat. 3. Floating - Neko doesn't use it much as he'd rather climb, but he can float small distances in the air. His favorite way to use this ability is to become invisible, save for his head, and cartwheel in the air, causing his head to appear to spin. Theme Song: I'm Odd Other: n/a "]Puppeteer: {Terra} Name: { Flynn Rider [How original. XD] } Former Self: {Eugene/"Flynn Rider"} Gender: {Male} Age: {18} Race: {Human} Student/Teacher/Staff: {Student} Personality: {Flynn is a very curious person, often going out of his way to satisfy whatever he has in mind even if it could get him in trouble. He's confident and often finds himself being distracted by girls. He's normally not a serious person but when it comes down to it, he's a nicer person than he lets on to be.} Picture I.D.: { Link Just pretend he's a little younger looking. } Brief History: {Flynn was born into poverty as both his parents abandoned him as a child. In the orphanage he stayed at Flynn banded together with the others to get themselves out of poverty. They stole to survive and found themselves being good at it. Within two years the group gained enough wealth to actually buy the orphanage and give the others there a better life. As time went by, Flynn's friends became more greedy and he was eventually forced to turn them in before they would hurt someone. He left the orphanage, finding himself uncomfortable with staying there any longer and enrolled in the Academy since he had nowhere else to go.} Likes: {Adventure, books, girls, anything sharp, and the outdoors.} Dislikes: {Confined spaces, people who are too loud, dull people, Max, and Miss Crimpton.} Weapon of Choice: {Never carries one of his own but is good with a sword.} Magic Abilities: {N/A} Theme Song: {Mm...can't think of one...} Other: {N/A} ]Puppeteer: AndrewTemari101Name: Gracie MeravigliaFormer Self: Alice LiddellGender: FemaleAge: 15Race: HumanStudent/Teacher/Staff: StudentPersonality: Alice loves to explore. She thinks outside the box on numerous occasions, which usually gets her out of a tough situation. She is a very curious young girl as well. Alice tries to always be happy, no matter what happens. Overall, she is a very bright girl who has a few kinks to work out.Picture I.D.: Spoiler Breif History: Gracie does not remember much about her past. Her parents died when Gracie was only 3 so she doesn't remember much about them. All she remembers about them is that they gave her her very first parasol before they died in that tragic car accident. She was put into an orphange at a very young age, parasol in hand. She was picked on in numerous occasions by older children (specifically older girls) because she always carried around her parasol. One day when she was 12, a much older 17 year old girl was getting ready to punch her. Gracie put her parasol in front of her and it turned to metal. She was later kicked out of the orphange and decided to enroll in Grim's Cadett Academy to hone her newly found abilities. Likes: 1. Exploring 2. Flowers 3. Dresses 4. Rabbits 5. RibbonsDislikes: 1. Rude people 2. Cars 3. Holes 4. Heights 5. TeaWeapon of Choice: ParasolMagic Abilities: 1. Parasol Chance- Gracie can automatically summon her parasol to her. 2. Parasol Spin- Gracie throws her umbrella up into the air, it spins rapidly, and targets an enemy of which she chooses. 3. Parasol Shield- Gracie puts her parasol in front of her, it turns to metal, and defends her from attacks.Theme Song: N/AOther: Her last name literally means "wonder." Puppeteer: {Monochrome} Name: {Morgan Haden} Former Self: {The Mad Hatter} Gender: {Male} Age: {17} Race: {Human} Student/Teacher/Staff: {Student} Personality: {Has a cool demeanor and doesn't typically get emotional about things, but can be quite the trickster. Loves to pull pranks and trick people and has a weird sense of humor. As time goes on he has been getting more and more odd.} Picture I.D.: {Here.} Brief History: {His parents are typically traveling throughout the world, rarely coming home. But they send gifts to him and his sister at least once a month. The first gift ever left for him was a hat, which started his hat obsession. He dislikes them for never being there and feels ignored. Thus creating his need for attention which is why he acts out - it is to get people to notice him.} Likes: {Hats, tea, parties, tricks, pranks, sweet things, and people who can take a joke.} Dislikes: {Bitter things, people who are too serious, people who are mean, party crashers, spicy foods, and the color red.} Weapon of Choice: {Doesn't currently have a weapon other than his cards, though carries smoke bombs and stuff of the like for his quick getaways when someone catches him in a prank.} Magic Abilities: {Card Toss: With his deck of cards which he always have with him (in a thing on his leg kinda like what they have in Yu-Gi-Oh XD) he can toss them and their edges become sharp enough and basically act like throwing knives. Card Wall: Cards change size to become a protective wall. Card Walk: Again, cards change sizes so he can use them as steps. Ten Faces: The trick which is the hardest to pull off for him. He can summon the people within the face cards who may or may not fight for him. Each have their own personality and some do not see him as a worthy master. Called ten faces because he can only summon ten max, but for the moment he cannot even do that. And though he can change the size of cards he cannot change their shape.} Theme Song: {The Joker and The Thief} Other: {Likes hats but doesn't normally wear them to school.} [Teachers/Staff] Puppeteer: {Maka} Name: {Miss Crimpton} Former Self: {Wicked Witch from Hansel and Gretel} Gender: {Female} Age: {36} Race: {Human} Student/Teacher/Staff: {Staff Lunch Lady} Personality: {Acts very sweet, but can turn into a nasty lady in seconds (So technically, she's bipolar). She acts kind when she wants to get what she wants, but has a knack for coming up with evil schemes if someone ruins her day or something along those lines. If she offers you a treat, run.} Picture I.D.: { Very pretty lunch lady, but does not wear Japanese outfits all the time. ><} Breif History: {Miss Crimpton had a love for making goods and irristable food ever since she can remember. She trained herself to cook large meals in a short period for a large crowd, and so she was hired at the Grimm's Academy as one of the lunch ladies. She enjoys her work, but she has a history of having a short temper when it comes to kids. So she mostly keeps to the kitchen so that she won't be tempted to make their lives a living nightmare. To her, kids are just a nuisance.} Likes: {Baking pies, new cooking supplies, a warm fire, fresh food, and creating new recipe ideas} Dislikes: {Snitchers, obnoxious kids, a dirty kitchen, disorganized herb/postions cabnet, and mice} Weapon of Choice: {Her magic, and also if needed, a frying pan} Magic Abilities: {1. Flames: Can control fire and create her own to help her with cooking, baking, or for self defense (or to catch a victim on fire *coughs*) 2. Levitation/Teleken.: Can cause herself and other objects around her to levitate to create a scary effect or to ward off snitcher from the kitchen. Can only levitate things and herself for only a short period of time.} Puppeteer: {Terra} Name: {Maximus [It's an awesome name!]} Former Self: {Maximus} Gender: {Male} Age: {30} Race: {Centaur} Student/Teacher/Staff: { Teacher [Weapons] } Personality: {Maximus has little to no tolerance for trouble makers and has more than once kicked a student out of his class for playing around with the weapons. Though Maximus is stern, he's a very kind person to those who are on his good side. Maximus is also known for being stubborn and never budges on his position over his own ideals.} Picture I.D.: { Link } Brief History: {Maximus had never been one to break rules as a child and when he grew up he took his father's position as the leader of the centaurs. Having such a position meant that he was supposed to be strong, unwavering, and just. Despite accepting the position gladly it did not take long for Maximus to realize that it was not his place to be the leader of his people and felt as if something was missing. He handed over the position to his brother and sooner than he thought, found himself hired by the Academy due to his great deal of experience with weapons. He much preferred to be a teacher and ever since he has not regretted becoming one.} Likes: {His weapons, outdoors, order, students who follow the rules, and music.} Dislikes: {Children who break the rules, the thought of someone breaking the rules, anything unorganized, Flynn Rider, and dirty spaces.} Weapon of Choice: {Any kind of sword, he owns a great deal of them but knows how to use just about any weapon imaginable.} Magic Abilities: {N/A} Theme Song: {N/A} Other: {N/A} Puppeteer: {Terra} Name: {Lucian} Former Self: {Lumière} Gender: {Male} Age: {38} Race: {Human} Student/Teacher/Staff: { Teacher [French/Math] } Personality: {A man of class, Lucian prides himself in the work that he does as a teacher often to the point of coming off as arrogant. He's patient with others and a very understanding individual until someone annoys him to the point of frustration. There are times when he speaks in such a way that he might accidentally offend others.} Picture I.D.: { Link } Brief History: {Lucian was born into a wealthy family and lived a life of luxury. He never became selfish and always wanted to help others, so much so that he wished to become a teacher. Since he already knew French as was a brilliant mind when it came to Math, he was hired to teach both subjects. Though he loves his job, he finds himself keeping away from some of the other teachers as he can often say the wrong thing which might offend them.} Likes: {Students who do their homework, creative arts like music, his clothes, classy food, and his own profession.} Dislikes: {Dirt, heights, using violence, laziness, and those who are late to class.} Weapon of Choice: {Carries a rapier but barely knows how to use it.} Magic Abilities: {Fire Snuff: Lucian is able to put out any fire, regardless of the type, simply by coming into coming into contact with it.} Theme Song: {N/A} Other: {N/A}[/spoiler][/COLOR] Puppeteer: AndrewTemari101Name: Mrs. Dorothy ReginaFormer Self: The Red QueenGender: FemaleAge: 35Race: HumanStudent/Teacher/Staff: Teacher/Staff [teaches Theater]Personality: Mrs. Regina is a very kind woman. She cares for others as herself. She rarely gets angry but can on rare occasions. However, she can and will be very tough on her students if needed. She will not tolerate disrespect from anyone, even inclusing co-workers. Mrs. Regina is always seen smiling, unless she is giving a good lecture about respect. Even though she can be tough, she is fair and gives credit or compliments to a student/co-worker who is feeling down. Mose students don't like her, but eventually (and after a lot of lectures) they always thank her for teaching her about respect.Picture I.D.: Spoiler Breif History: Mrs. Regina first husband died when she was 31. He always lived by his motto, "Fairness and respect are two sides of the same coin." His motto really struck a chord when he died. Just a year ago, she remarried to a man who follows the same motto as her and her dead husband. However, her reasons for deciding to join the staff at Grim's Cadett Academy are unknown.Likes: 1. Hearts 2. Cards 3. Red 4. Gardens 5. RosesDislikes: 1. Cheaters 2. Pollution 3. Black 4. Sadness 5. DisrespectWeapon of Choice: Playing Cards Magic Abilities: 1. Card Humanizer: Mrs. Regina can turn her ordinary playing cards into giant, 3 foot playing cards. She usually uses this for demonstrations about a type of theater technique. Theme Song: N/AOther: Her last name literally means queen.[/COLOR] Puppeteer: {Monochrome} Name: {Daemoni Igneo} Former Self: {Maleficent} Gender: {Female} Age: {34} Race: {Half Human/Half Dragon} Student/Teacher/Staff: {Vice Principal} Personality: {Acts friendly and helpful to everyone, keeping her place on staff and making it easier to get info from students when needed to in order to give out detention and such to those who caused trouble. On the inside she dislikes students.} Picture I.D.: {Here.} Brief History: From birth she was raised to be a proper lady in society since her kind were being hunted down and such. Luckily, she was able to keep a human form so her dragon origins were kept secret. She hates most of humanity and seeks to gain power for whatever reason. That somehow led her to be in Grim's Cadett Academy where she is the vice Principal. Likes: {Dark chocolate, fire, warmth, power, and art.} Dislikes: {Students, humans, trouble makers, flowers, and pink.} Weapon of Choice: {A staff that strengthens her magical abilities but she rarely has it on her.} Magic Abilities: Chorus Igni(Fire Dance) :Like in KH, she sends out little orbs of fire that circles around whomever she wishes and closes in after a few seconds. Spiritus Ignis(Fire Breath) :Simply breaths fire. Commutatio(Transformation) :Changes into a dragon. Illuminati(Lighting) : Only usable in human form. Summons lighting from the sky to attack. Theme Song: {Her Battle Music In KH1.} Dorms (Two to a room): [Girl's Dorm] 1. 2. 3. Natasha/ 4. 5. 6. [Boy's Dorm] 1. 2. 3. Flynn/Neko 4. 5. Peter/Morgan 6. Those are all the fairy tales I have so far. If you have one that you have in mind, let me know and I'll probably list it. I'm not posting character layouts yet, cause I want to know who's going to join... [/COLOR]
Eh, this isn't a lyrical verse thing... More like a creative, descriptive paragraph. We were suppose to follow the paragraph that our teacher handed out to us, but make our own place and describe it. (The paragraph was about a swamp). So this is what I came up with for my class. It was an assignment to help us get use to using different adjectives to describe one place of our choice in one paragraph and a certain amount of sentences. The Realm of the Pond There is something peaceful about a pond. The cool brook that trickles down the rocks into the clear water and a calming sensation which seeps to the soul gives one a blissful, tranquil sensation. The bright afternoon sun and flowing white clouds in the sky cast a carefree essence over everything. An apple tree with pink blossoms blooming like popcorn kernels over a hot stove send soft petals dancing to the water’s surface. The lanky grass and colossal cattails grow around the pound, which seems to be a miniature forest for the rabbits and field mice, sway to the whisperings of the cool spring breeze. Slinking a foot through the fresh water, the minute tadpoles, appearing to be strange fish with tails swaying to and fro, makes one giggle as they nibble on toes belonging to the foot. A tire swing tied to a sturdy branch of the apple tree dangles while waiting for someone to swing on it. Exultant goldfish and catfish plays hide and seek by swimming through the tangled clumps of emerald moss within the deep pond. Here and then is the hushed atmosphere broken by a grumbling croak of a lone bullfrog that startles one for just that small moment since it is abrupt. The chirpings of the mocking birds sound like maidens of olden times singing haunting but sweet melodies of nature and life. At interludes bees hum a quiet solo. The dainty breeze caresses one’s cheek. The dock over the pond is splintered, and sitting down on it without a towel is hesitant, for the stray pieces of wood sticks into one’s rear end quite uncomfortably. The aura round this place captures mysteries and fantasy tales in one’s heart. Such is the pond.
T_T Okay... I lived close to this thing, and everyone else probably is already saying, "WHO CARES ABOUT A STUPID TREE?!" In Nevada, we don't have much to look up to, and this was one of the best things everyone loved... Until it finally met it's death. If you guys want to see pictures of it, here's the link: Long live the Shoe Tree... ;~;
So I really, really, reaaaally wanted to write something... So I ended up browsing for Christmas prompts and I came across this little challenge: "Try to write a Christmas story using only one-syllable words." Now this is harder than it looks. DX Instead of writing a Christmas story, I ended up writing this poem. Poems, I suck at. But I kind of liked how this turned out. I could only use one syllable words, so here are the results. The Joy of This Time To Me Bows, lights, all that seem bright Dot the streets and all in sight All kids have joy in their eyes For the day of cheer and toys is nigh Smells of baked goods waft through the house Little hands take a bite like a mouse No one minds the cold air That nips and bites, but who cares Hot drinks, gloves, and fires Warms the soul, gifts are spied Hearts are glad, minds are at peace This is the time of the year to be at ease How you spend your time Is how you see what a child sees in their eyes Snow falls, the world seems to glow Songs of the heart drift on the air and flow To me, this is a time to share How blessed we are, and how the world is fair
Anything that makes you happy will probably make me happy...
OOC Thread: *Post your characters there please* Inspired by the new Disney movie Sorcerer's Apprentice and the TV show Merlin. "Great men and women have always been called. This is your calling." ~Introductions: Part One~ Long ago, in a primitive world, humans were superstitious about everything. If you didn't say "God bless you" every time you sneeze, a devil entered into your body. Every time you said something unfortunate, you had to knock on wood. Every time someone act suspicious, they were condemned as a witch or wizard and put to death. It has been estimated that up to 200,000 people throughout Europe were put to death for witchcraft during the mid fifteenth century. Many witches were burned alive though in England, hanging was preferred and in Scotland the witch would first be strangled before hanging as an act of mercy. So this makes it hard for anyone to use magic... especially those who have to use their abilities for their mission: protect the kingdom of Blone. Four young sorcerer/sorceress apprentices have been chosen to watch over the royal family. Not just any royal family... There's a prophecy that one of the members of the family will lead the enslaved to freedom, and will break through the growing darkness. A great sorcerer who has trained himself for this moment will now train his apprentices to help prepare for the hard times ahead, using what they've learned to protect the members of the royal family while keeping their powers and abilities a secret. Why is magic banned from Blone? Long ago, magical gifts and abilities were abused and used against mankind. Those with power put fear into hearts, and always did what they could to make the world a living nightmare. When the great king of Blone stepped in, he led all the enslaved people of the dark wizards and witches in a revolt and "cast" them out of the land. In order for this to not happen again, the king has issued this decree: "Anyone who is suspicious of witchcraft shall be put to death. No mercy. We don't want to relive the dark times again..." And with the opposing kingdom using dark arts to take over the republic, this doesn't help anyone's cause who has their gifts to be used for good. "The world is about two things, power and control..."~Introductions: Part Two~ Another kingdom has been robbing other kingdoms, enslaving them and killing off the land a moment at a time. This kingdom's name is Turley. Blone is one of the only kingdoms left standing... but with their king being old, the peace might not last much longer. And the dark forces know this. Another sorcerer is also training four young sorcerers/sorceresses, but these ones are accepted by the king... after all, he's under control. They're planning to crush Blone and the good guys as soon as they have enough power to take over. It's a way of destroy the corrupt world and rebuild a new one... to open the eyes of the blind to see that they can't live without magic. They shouldn't be shunned, they should rule over those who have oppressed them for so long... "You leave everything behind..." ~Rules~ 1. No godmodding (Even though you have ultimate power and stuff. You know, just get hit every post or so.) 2. No powerplaying. (Ask other people for permission if you feel like you have to powerplay at some parts) 3. No autokill (Get that person's permission and mine as well) 4. Nothing above PG-13. That includes romance and violence 5. I am goddess, and I will add more rules if conflicts come up. I will be fair though. 6. Use proper grammar. Periods and commas are awesome to use, do complete sentences, you know the drill. 7. Make at least 3-7 sentences for each post. If you get Writer's Block, that's okay. Just don't make it a habit. "If a sorcerer is weak, his magic is weak."~List of magic you can use~ There will be several elements/powers to control. It's up to you to make the spell with them. Fire (Example of Spell: Fire ball~ Can control a ball of fire in your hands) Electricity (Example of Spell: Plasma Bolt~ Kind of like fire ball, but it's harder to control) Wind (Example of Spell: Wind Blast~ Pushes back target with a gust of wind) Earth (Example of Spell: Crumbling Earth~ Turns rock to dirt) Water (Example of Spell: Slow Water~ Encases target with liquid to make them slow down for a bit ) Illusions: (This can go to either go to bringing inanimate objects to life, to trapping people in mirrors, to changing appearance to things, making things move with your mind, etc.) Darkness: (Example of Spell: Shadow Hands~ Uses shadows to hold a target in place by grabbing onto their shadow) Apprentices will get five different kinds of spells, mentors will get ten. Only the mentors really need to make a good preview to prove to me they can take on the rolls fairly. You can choose your spell, just explain what each of them do and their strengths and weaknesses. Have a mix and match of the levels of your spells Like this: Level One: Still learning how to control it, sometimes will not work Level Two: Will sometimes work, has room for improvement though Level Three: Will work no matter what, but again has room for improvement of quality Level Four: Successful every time Remember, there's always a successful counter attack for every successful attack move Here's a little Sorcery 101 to show ya how magic works: "Once you step inside, there's no turning back..."~Character Skeletons (Please post them on the OOC)~ Apprentices Layout~ Username: Name: (Remember, it's midevil times) Age: Gender: Appearance: Good or Evil: Personality: Magic Abilities: (Can have up to five. Make your own spells, choose your own things. Must have one level 1 spell, three level 2 spells, and one level 3 spell. Your spells might advance during the RP. That's up for the mentor to decide though.) Bio: (At least a paragraph. You don't have to reveal your whole past, just make it so we know who you are exactly) Extras: Preview Post: Mentor Layout~ (Remember, you have a lot of responsibility here. I'm not going to choose just anyone to be a mentor, they have to know what they're doing and work with me with the plot. So if you're willing to do that, show me what you got) Username: Name: (Remember, it's midevil times) Age: Gender: Appearance: Good or Evil: Personality: Magic Abilities: (Can have up to ten. Must have at least a few level three spells.) Bio: (At least a paragraph. You don't have to reveal your whole past, just make it so we know who you are exactly) Extras: Preview Post: Royal Family of Blone Layout~ Username: Name: (Remember, it's midevil times) Age: Gender: Appearance: Personality: Skills: (Sword fighting, anything that's not magical) Position in the Royal Family: (Oldest, youngest... remember to look at other character profiles before posting) Bio: (At least a paragraph. You don't have to reveal your whole past, just make it so we know who you are exactly) Extras: Preview Post: "Everything we do is to protect man" ~Accepted Characters~ Good side: Mentor~ Username: Terra Name: Risit Sidus Age: 30 Gender: Male Appearance: Good or Evil: Good Personality: A very calm person who can keep his cool in the most dire of situations. He’s one who always believes in doing the right thing over doing the easy thing. Risit is wise for his age and often holds an air of authority that can prove to be intimidating to many people. Risit has been considered by many to be a genius and has the uncanny ability to pick up any skill and master it with inhuman speed, something that his father thought would prove frightening if anyone knew him too personally. Magic Abilities: Spoiler Level 4: Summoning Winds: Allows one to lift objects by pushing a current of air underneath it. Level 4: Shadow Hands: Holds a target in place by grabbing onto their shadow. Level 4: Plasma Bolt: A burst of electricity sent out from the hands of the user. Level 4: Combustion: Can instantly light objects on fire. Level 4: Rising Earth: Causes the erruption of rock structures from the ground. Level 4: Wind Gust: Summons a violent outburst of wind as if a storm was about, able to knock someone down if they are caught off guard. Level 4: Fade Out: Sucks in all the light of an area to place it in complete darkness. Level 3: Firebreath: Allows the user to breathe out a wave of fire. Level 3: Cleansing Waters: Heals and removes toxins and curses from the chosen target. Level 3: Mirror Wall: Returns offensive spells back at the user but has no use against physical attacks. Bio: Risit’s father was a longtime friend of the royal family of Blone, having been the family’s personal physician for quite some time. He dabbled in the magic arts and passed on what little knowledge he had to his only son, Risit, who had soon shown that he had a natural talent for such teachings. By the time his father passed away Risit had already grown into a masterful sorcerer who had picked up the empty position his father left behind. He had heard of the prophecy several times during his lifetime and had taken in a small group of apprentices. Extras: Slightly vague bio so it can fit in with just about anything anyone else posts. Preview Post: "Hm. I suppose I'll stop and rest for now." Risit closed the leatherbound book he had at his desk, tracing his fingers lightly against the etched markings on it as if they had some sort of tale to tell. He nearly coughed when the large book snapped shut as dust flew from its pages. No matter how many times he cleaned it the book always seemed to be dusty. It was a gift his father had left him before he died. It was possibly the only "official" record of any and every spell devised by sorcerers and other magic users. Risit's specific copy had several pages added as well as multiple notes and corrections written in it by himself, something he did in the few idle hours he had to himself. Risit pushed himself away from the wooden desk and pinched two fingers against the nearly burnt out candle to extinguish its flame. His eyes hovered over the small mess of candle wax that gathered at the bottom as the candle was now much less than a quarter of its former size. He sighed knowing the he would have to get a new candle. Risit placed the book in a nearby shelf that had a large empty space between his medical books. As soon as it was in place the book's leather binding morphed into a much more humble appearance matching that of its neighboring books. If anyone but himself opened it the book would be filled with nothing by blank pages. It was a spell his father had placed upon it and something he felt no need to elaborate upon. His dark eyes gazed out at the window, the Moon's light reflecting only on the dust that gathered on the glass. Tomorrow was a day he would not be fond of. Not only was it his own sixteenth birthday but it was also the day that marked one year since his father's death. He had never once believed that he would be able to take his father's place as the royal physician at such a young age and especially he never thought that he would be allowed to fill such an important role. Despite this, the king still required his services and did not mind the fact that he was so young. The sciences came so easily to a matter of fact, everything seemed to be natural for him. Even with his gift for learning at such a high speed he could not help but feel a bit overwhelmed. He had helped his father wis his work before but nobody ever depended on him to get the job done, only his father. Risit sighed once more and sat on his uncomfortable bed. "I should be out having fun, not working. It'd be nice having an apprentice of my own...I could make them do my work for me!" He laughed at the thought. "Yeah, right. Maybe they'll be sorcerers like me." He added in a sarcastic tone.[/COLOR] Apprentices: 1. Username: Maka Name: Eva Rosaline Age: 18 Gender: Female Appearance: Good or Evil: Good Personality: Serious almost all the time, rarely smiles, seems cold hearted but she really isn't. Sometimes isn’t afraid to state her own opinions about things, but other times she will keep her mouth shut and not say a word. When she acts kinder and warmer though, it means she trusts that person enough to be their friend. Often seems in deep thought when no one is interacting with her. Magic Abilities: Level One: Masquerade~ Property of Illusion: Can change her physical appearance to any form she chooses. She has to be careful though, because either she’ll only stay in that form for a short amount of time, or stay in that form longer than she intended (which it always has a way of timing itself at the wrong time). Also, if she walks by something that shows her reflection, it’ll show who she really is. Sometimes her voice won’t change properly with the form either, so if she was to be a man… She would still have her womanly voice. So as you can see, she’s still working on this one. Level Two: Fire Spiral~ Property of Fire: Sends a wave of fire at a target from the palm of her hand. Almost looks like a snake when it flies towards the target. Level Two: Blades of the Blossom Petals~ Property of Illusion: Uses scraps of paper or anything that resembles petals and blows them gently towards a target. What ever she uses turns into petals from spring time blossoms and floats around the target. When she raises her hand up and then extends her hand towards the target, the “blossoms” fly around the enemy, slicing and dicing them. It’s mostly like paper cuts, but they still hurt. Uses as a distraction to flee or send another unsuspecting attack at the target. Level Two: Healing Warmth~ Property of Fire: Heals aching muscles, disinfects wounds (possibly could mend them without leaving a scar, depending how minor the wound is. Can’t heal a huge gash completely), and is a counter for freezing spells Level Three: Levitas Verbero~ Property of Electricity: Latin for lighting whip, can create a string of lighting in her hand that can reach up to seven feet and use it as a whip. If a target is touched by it, they’ll receive a nasty shock through their body. This can be easily dodged, if you're not stupid and know when to move out of the way. Bio: Eva’s parents were falsely accused of witchcraft when she was seven years old, and were executed immediately without trial. Eva was saved from the same fate by Risit, and was taken into his care to be raised to be who she is today. Although she was very young when the whole incident with her parents happened, she’s grown a bitter hatred for royalty and refuse to do anything with them. But since Risit is a physician, Eva is his assistant; which means she’s forced to work with the royalty. She tends to hide her true feelings, since she usually gets in trouble for expressing herself. Since she’s been by Risit’s side, she’s grown her own knack of making positions and other cures on her spare time. Sometimes she shares them with Risit, other times she keeps them to herself. Extras: Makes her own positions and cures when she’s left to be on her own in Risit’s home. Often day dreams when she’s alone. Likes to watch candles burn just for the fun of it. (She’s strange.) 2. Username: Of Pride And Other Things Name: Leo Frenwick Age: 19 Gender: Male. Fo' sho'. Appearance: Anime/cell2.jpg Good or Evil: GOOD. Personality: The boy is quiet and reclusive-he's not one to go out and make friends. With those that he knows, however, he often gets more open and happy. He works hard on his magic, often to the point of collapse in his exercise. He's determined to rise above anonymity in the world that they're in, become someone that people know. He takes his magic seriously and often uses it in conjugation with melee weapons. Magic Abilities: Level 1: Dark Encasement- Leo surrounds something in a quite hard shell of darkness, often enlarging it or making it completely invisible if it's in a dark place or at night. He enjoys trying to use this with a scythe, his favorite weapon. Level 2: Shadow Partner- While this technique almost always works, he often cannot do much with it-it's when he tries to get advanced that he starts messing up. He shadow detaches and can even peel up off the ground, fighting like a partner or leeching onto the other's shadow, preventing movement. Level 2: Flitting- He can use his shadow to travel, moving from one end to the other, effectively reversing himself. A skill that has limited potential in the day, when one's shadow only extends so far, though extremely useful at night, when his shadow can be considered the darkness around him. Level 2: Dark Link- Leo establishes a bond of shadows with someone, either augmenting their power with his own or taking/recieving power from them to augment his spells. If advanced, he can link with multiple people at once. Has the potential to be an extremely strong skill. Level 3: Dark Pictures- A lot like shadow partner, except Leo has more direct control. As if his shadow is an extention of his body, a kick from Leo's shadow feels like a real kick, a stab feels like a real stab-when Sam makes a shadow puppet dog, that is an actual set of jaws ready to bite someone. With help he can create intricate designs and traps. Bio: (Leo didn't have a bad childhood. He knows he didn't. He did, however, have a few problems with his shadow early in childhood. It bullied him and hit him, often making him feel sad and depressed. It would never do it in the company of others but it was known to cut and claw the boy's feet whenever he did something the shadow didn't like, or punch and grab his face. It was only around the age of 16 that Leo finally learned how to control his little partner, but by that time people were suspicious of him. It was only through the help of a trained mentor that he learned how to properly exploit and control his powers. Because of the training that started late in his life, Leo has been working hard and advancing at a rapid pace from when he began. Despite his darkness-oriented powers, the boy is very dedicated to the good things in life.) Extras: He loves art and likes to talk to his shadow when it's feeling friendly. c; Preview Post: Do I haveeee toooooo? Fine. :3 "C'mon! C'mon, you can do it!" A deep voice repeated over and over again to himself under his breath as the body it belonged to held a smooth pebble in his hand. The boy's shadow snuck up his arm to wrap it's ethereal hand around the rock, encasing it. Leo focused, then whispered a word and the shadow detached, the pebble...retaining it's shadowy coating. Leo let out a pent-up breath of relief, dropping the blackish-purple thing on the ground. His shadow discreetly took that little chunk of it's being back, and Leo could have exploded with happiness. Even if it was a four inch large pebble, it was the detaching of his shadow that he always had trouble with-now that he'd done this, he could go to bigger things, like a box, a weapon. Wow, things were going his way today! He was so excited that he nearly tripped as he walked, the boy's leather boots scuffing something in the street as he passed by. He paid no attention it it with his brown eyes, black hair falling about his ears and occasionally shifting in the wind. The boy opened his arms wide and looked up at the sky, taking in the warm sunlight and basking in it. Someone bumped into the boy in the street, making him grumble quietly as his happy trance was broken. "Know of a thing called paying attention?!" The boy yelled after the man, growling and turning around on a heel, a little cloud of street dust coming up around his heel. He began walking again, realizing that he should be somewhere. Oh! Yeah! He turned once again, getting ready to walk to the new purpose of his life for the next...well, he didn't know how long, but he was happy to get out of a woodworker's apprenticeship to be guarding some royal family. Not sure how much I should have written. D: 3. Username: Ruki Name: Rose Abell Age: 21 Gender: Female Appearance: Good or Evil: Good Personality: Rose can be rather playful and energetic. She has a habit of being a bit sarcastic at times and can even be rude, but she means well when she comments about things she doesn’t like. Her energetic nature can at times lead her to doing things before thinking. She used to get in a lot of trouble because of this. Magic Abilities: Level One - Plasma Bolt: A blast of electricity escaping from the palms of the user. Level Two - Freezing Grip: Allows a person to freeze another person or object with a single touch. However, they can control whether they wants to freeze the entire person’s body or just a body part. Level Two - Crumbling Earth: Turns rocks and stone into sand. Useful for causing another to lose their footing or making passageways through walls. Level Two - Animation: Brings objects to life for as long as the user's concentration is held on them. The objects will obey the caster. Can bring up to five objects to life. Level Three - Shockwave: A burst of wind escaping from the user’s body to push away anything around them. Bio: Rose had been living in Blone for many years now so she knows the city very well. She had probably moved to Blone when she was only three years old, she can’t be too sure though. Her father was a knight for the king and queen and her mother worked in a flower shop. Rose had an older brother who was about five years older than her and the four of them seemed like any ordinary family. At the age of 11, Rose began noticing odd things about her body that weren’t normal. She figured she must have been imagining things and ignored it for a week until she had touched a ball and froze it. Able to trust her parents, Rose told them about what was happening and they explained to her that on her father’s side, there was a history of sorcerers and sorceress and that it had somehow skipped him. Wanting to keep their daughter safe, they had hid Rose away until several years later when her family was accused of hiding a witch, which was practically true. Rose had quickly taken off before being found and her family were all executed. Extras: N/A Preview Post: Light blue eyes stared quietly at a small doll that stood on her dresser. The young girl’s brows furrowed as she concentrated as hard she possibly could to bring that small object to life. For weeks the young girl had been trying to bring a single object to life. “Come on,” she muttered quietly, frustration beginning to build up. She waited another minute before letting out a frustrated sigh. She lazily took a few steps towards her bed and threw herself on to it. She slowly sat up, raising her hands to her head to rub her temples. Rose let out a quiet groan, her eyes shifting towards the doll she had been trying to bring to life. She lowered her hands down to her lap, slouching her shoulders forward slightly as she sighed out once more. Her head tilted slightly, noticing the small doll twitch. A smile crossed Rose’s lips as she stood up from her bed and walked over to the dresser. “Almost there.” 4. Username: AndrewTemari101 Name: Arthur Gallios Age: 15 Gender: Male Appearance: boy with blonde hair/jeanie90/Child9.jpg.html?src=www Good or Evil: Good Personality: Arthur is a very bright, young boy. He likes to be kind; he believes how you treat others is how they will treat you. Although, he's not afraid to fight for himself and his friends. Occasionally (mostly while he's fighting), he will become very angry for no reason and become more violent than normal. Arthur tries hard to stop himself, but he can't help it. Magic Abilities: [*]Level One: Air Slice (wind) - Slices an enemy with a quick wind strike. [*]Level Two: Shatter Storm (wind) - Summons a tornado that charges at the foe then, after about 5 seconds, disperses 360 degrees with a radius of about 20 meters. [*]Level Two: Gale Surge (wind) - Wind shoots from his palm and sends the enemy spiraling backwards. [*]Level Two: Tornado Spin (wind) - Surrounds himself with razor-sharp wind that spins him and then he charges at the opponent to cut them rapidly. [*]Level Three: Vento Drago (wind & illusion) - Summons and controls a wind dragon that attacks the foe with its claws and tail. Bio: Arthur grew up without a father. He went to war when Arthur was only 2. Although, it didn't matter to him. His mother was a complete sweetheart and a caring person, always there to make him feel better. Because he was surrounded with love 24/7 from his mother, he learned to always try to be optimistic and care for others like his mother did. But when Arthur was 13, his father returned from war with a deadly illness (but he didn't know because the symptoms didn't appear until he got there). It spread to his mother and they both died. This changed Arthur's life forever. The one person who always cared for him was gone like that. Following what he always believed, he bottled his rage and sadness inside him. But every once and a while, he has to release his hidden emotions (that's why he can get very violent now and then). 5. RESERVED Bad Side: Mentor~ Username: Terra Name: Cael Inane Age: 38 Gender: Male Appearance: (Without the pointed ears or sword.) Good or Evil: Evil Personality: Cael is a charismatic individual who often plays on the emotions of others to get what he wants. He speaks callously about those who aren't magicly inclined and believes that they should be nothing more than servants to those who can use magic. He harbors a great deal of hatred towards the kingdom of Blone and wishes nothing more but to see it crumble to the ground. Cael often spends his free time devising plans to kill those who would oppose him, especially if they are powerful such as his rival mentor Risit. Magic Abilities: Spoiler Level 4: Blade of the Inferno: Normally an ability that coats a blade in a blazing fire that could easily put a strain on any other weapon and break it within moments. Cael has mastered this ability to the point where he no longer needs a weapon to use this spell. Level 4: Binding Metal: Eight metal shackles tear out from the ground and launch themselves at the target. They have a range of about 10 feet but their speed makes up for it. They restrict movement of the arms and legs. The shackles are weaker if done in grassy or soft-sanded areas and can be broken readily by one with enough physical strength. Level 4: Plasma Bolt: Same as Risit's Plasma Bolt. Level 4: Frostbite: A technique that will send out several sharp shards of ice from the palm(s) of the user capable of killing those without protection. Level 4: (Illusion) Doppleganger: Creates an illusion of anyone of his choosing which can even interact with the surroundings and speak with the exact same voice as the target so long as he has both seen and heard the person before. Level 4: Terra Spike: Similar to Rising Earth for the exception that this move is meant to be sheerly offensive. It causes a single rock spike(just a little bigger than the caster) to sprout from the ground at an extreme speed and can even be launched into the sky. Level 4: Numbing Touch: With just a simple touch an electrical pulse will render the targeted limb completely limp and numb for a period of time ranging from an hour to even a day with those of weak constitution. Level 3: Phantom Punishment: If the user steps on another's shadow or touches it with their own body they can physically harm the target through their shadow. These wounds will appear on where the shadow was touched with varying severity depending on how hard the original contact was. Worst case scenario would include broken bones if the contact was done with a blunt force. Level 3: (Illusion) Animation: Suits of armor and other objects can be brought to "life" for a duration of about ten minutes and can be commanded to do just about anything. This power works for up to twenty objects, however those that were brought to life can be "killed" by conventional methods if they are broken or blown apart(as the case with armor). Level 3: Wind Torrent: Used both as an offensive and defensive ability. It surrounds the user in a constant stream of upward flowing wind currents capable of deflecting powerful spells as it grows outwards in an expanding radius of nearly 30 meters. The wall moves slowly so it would be easy to move out of the way as it takes a nearly two minutes for it to reach its full size. The wall can cause several shallow wounds if it makes contact(so it won't fatally harm anyone or cause anyone massive blood loss). Bio: Cael comes from a long line of powerful sorcerers(and sorceresses) who had at one point controlled Blone's territories until their downfall. His ancestors had fled to Turley in order to begin anew. Cael had been told many stories of his lineage and that with the aid of the kingdom they belonged to, he would be able to bring about the end of Blone. He has no true reason to hate Blone, he had never lost a friend or relative to the "witch hunts", but still he hates them. He has had many apprentices over the years, several of which were killed by Risit. Cael believes that his current apprentices will fare much better...he has seen to it that they are strong enough to do his bidding. Extras: Last name is pronounced as, "E-nah-nay". XD Preview Post: My epic preview post as my other character should cover this. D: Apprentices: 1. Username: Twilight_Nobody13 Name: Willow Parenthapaeus Age: 19 Gender: female Appearance: Good or Evil: Evil Personality: Often cocky about her own powers, she tries to be cold and cares for only herself. Magic Abilities: ~Level One: Dance of the Dragon (wind and illusion) -- creates a dragon out of wind to slice and dice her enemy (often does not work and is very hard to control) ~Level Two: Wind Rift -- forms a barrier of wind around the user and heals any injuries (example: cannot restore lost limbs and speeds up the healing process of normal wounds to an extent of severity. More severe wounds take more time and energy. A two inch gash would heal within at least four minutes) ~Level Two: Soul Purge (illusion) -- beckons and traps a person's soul within a mirror leaving the body lifeless where it stood. (to be released from the mirror any person would have to crack the mirror. Think being trapped in a glass box) ~Level Two: Blade Dance (illusion) -- animates any sharp weapon in the room to attack for her ~Level Three: Wind Slash (wind) -- sends blades of wind from her fans to slice the enemy Bio: Willow was raised in the shadow of her elder sister when she started using dark arts. Her wind and her fans became her only company. Abused as a child, Willow formed a strong hatred for her family's love of each other and not her. Willow pushed herself to be better and her eagerness caused a spell she wanted to show off to go haywire and kill her sister. Her family disowned her and she turned to her mentor for family and guidance. Willow took any word she heard from the streets and her mentor seriously and formed a determination to fufil her part in destiny. Extras: Her fans have knives hidden in them that can be used as an offensive weapon at times. Preview Post: Willow stared up at the moon, listening to her mother and father chatise her for another lazy day while her "poor ill" sister had to work. Willow stood and her fans dropped from her sleeves into her hands. Her magic wasn't strong but it would be enough to prove to her parents that she wasn't wasting her time. Seeing her sister return home she decided that her sister needed her strength scared back into her, "Dance of the Dragon." she waved her fans out toward her sister and the wind dragon took form. Willow felt her magic snap at her and jerked back. The wind dragon wildly flying toward her sister and connecting those wind jaws with the poor girl. She fell to the ground, bloodied and battered by the dragon's assult and Willow's parents ran to her, "You fiend! Your sister is dead! Willow, how could you!" Willow stared at her sister's lifeless body, cut up from her wind illusion and dropped to her knees, "I didn't...I hadn't meant to...mother please!" she begged her mother's forgivness and was rewarded with a cold glare, "Leave. I never want to see your murdering witch face here again!" She slapped Willow hard and Willow had no choice but to run. Her bare feet hit the dirt road hard as she ran to her mentor's home. 2. Username: Christmas Angel Name: Helena Thea Age: 18 Gender: Female Appearance: Link Good or Evil: Evil Personality: Typically is quiet and blends into the background. Speaks in a quite voice and doesn't show any emotion most of the time. When she uses her powers she normally smiles with a cruel sense of pride and wishes to bring harm with them but is still a quiet person. Magic Abilities: Level One: (Electricity) Electric Touch Electricity flows to her hands and shocks whatever she touches. Isn't very strong at the moment, but is enough to cause pain, if nothing more. Level Two: (Darkness) Dark Immunity A passive skill that protects her from dark magic and some illusions. Level Two: (Illusion) Insanity Causes someone to see whatever she wants them too as if they are hallucinations. Only lasts for a minute. Level Two: (Illusion) Blend Creates the illusion of her or someone else/an object being invisible. Doesn't last very long as she focused more on perfecting it first than it's endurance. Level Three: (Darkness) Shadow Ball Creates a strong concentration of shadows in her hand which she uses as an attack. In the preview post. Is her most used power since it was the first magic she's ever used. Bio: Was captured and taken in as a slave at the age of three. When she attacked one of the guards with magic she was allowed her freedom in exchange of becoming an apprentice and swearing loyality to the mentor. She did so, but her loyality lies with the mentor more so than the kingdom. Helena learned fast as if she didn't she feared she would return to the life of slavery and would often train until she passed out. Always thinks that she has something to prove and wishes to be the best. Extras: Preview Post: The feeling of darkness... It was cold yet it burned. The shadows formed all about Helena's hands and she stared at it with wide eyes. First she was surprised that she managed such a task, but then she felt pride. Helena moved her fingers and watched as the black mist move with them. Her hand then formed a fist and the mist began to try to escape. But soon it all went into her hand and formed a solid orb which grew as her fingers parted. Her first shadowball. She was so young and she had her first shadowball. Perhaps she was getting ahead of herself, but she began to imagine all of the chaos she would bring to the world. And with the thought came a cruel smile and a quite, twisted laugh. 3. Open 4. Open Royal Family of Blone (Plus other characters, maybe?): King~Open Queen~Open 1. Username: Maka Name: Madison Age: 6 Gender: Female Appearance: Personality: Sweet, bubbly, excited about life, curious almost all the time about different things though. Trouble tends to often find her. When she's sees that a person is sad, she tries different things to make them smile again. Skills: Not really any since she's so small. Position in the Royal Family: Youngest daughter Bio: Madison is one of the last girls born of the royal family. She likes to play hide-and-seek, spend time in the garden, and it seems like she always gets in trouble but she doesn't mean it. Sometimes she'll make others play with her, but other times she'll be her own entertainment. Extras: N/A 2. Username: Christmas Angel Name: Elizabeth Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: Link Personality: She normally follows the rules, but gets exicted every chance she has at breaking them. Loves the thrill of a chase and playing games. Has a short fuse, but is overall a nice person. Skills: Sword fighting, close combat Position in the Royal Family: I wouldn't know... One of the daughters 8D Bio: Has always been the good daughter and lived her life to please all. But she was then kidnapped and came back broken. After being kidnapped she asked someone from the loyal guard, whom she trusted dearly, to train her how to fight and slowly healed back to her normal self, least, mostly. No one knows about her training and she plans on keeping it like that for the thrill of having a secret. (plus I don't think women really were allowed to fight. There'd be a difference for magic...but yeah.) Extras: Doesn't like the idea of being protected or magic. Also dislikes nicknames. Preview Post: 3. Username: Twilight_Nobody13 Name: Penelope (Penny) Age: 9 Gender: Female Appearance: Personality: patient, warm and very sick. Skills: When Penny's feeling well, she often wields a bow and arrow. Position in the Royal Family: second to youngest daughter Bio: Being the second youngest daughter of the royal family, Penny is cherished dearly. When she was born she was stricken ill with a rare illness in which the doctors dubbed she would not live to see her own 16th birthday. Penny holds her younger sister close to her heart and her other siblings just as close. She often has bits of advice to give to her siblings. Extras: She often is found in bed or sitting outside as she cannot go very far. Preview Post: My other preview post should do. 4. Username: Twilight_Nobody13 Name: Zero Age: 19 Gender: Male Appearance: Personality: Secluded and withdrawn, normally sulking and keeping away from his younger sister Penelope Skills: Sword fighting Position in the Royal Family: Oldest son Bio: Zero being the oldest son is often given tasks that keep him away from his siblings. His love for his siblings keeps him away from little Penelope and keeps him stuck to his studies and sword training. His time is divided between royal duties and studying, leaving little time for family and sleep. He's often found dozing while standing. Extras: Zero rarely speaks his mind and keeps a lot of things to himself. 5. Username: Maka Name: Edmund Age: 15 Gender: Male Appearance: Boys/Through_the_Forest.jpg Personality: One who trains himself until he gets something right, and does everything he can for his people and his family. Caring for others, has a soft spot for children, rarely gets upset but when he does it's because someone pushed the wrong buttons. Skills: Able to use a sword and knows how to use throwing knives as well. Position in the Royal Family: Middle... ish? Bio: Edmund was a child that barely made it when he was born. He was sickly for the first few months of his life and everyone assumed that he was going to die, but he pulled through and became a healthy toddler. As he grew, he was tutored in the ways of his people and always looked out for the peasants. He tried to help out any one that needed help, sometimes behind his father's back. He tries to not get in the way of his older brother, who's destined to take the throne. He doesn't care, just as long as he can be alive and do what ever he can to do. He also loves his sisters very, very much and tries to help them to be happy Extras: N/A Captain of Knights~ Open Adviser~ Open
Inspired by the new Disney movie Sorcerer's Apprentice and the TV show Merlin. Actual RP: (Has more things in it) "Great men and women have always been called. This is your calling." Long ago, in a primitive world, humans were superstitious about everything. If you didn't say "God bless you" every time you sneeze, a devil entered into your body. Every time you said something unfortunate, you had to knock on wood. Every time someone act suspicious, they were condemned as a witch or wizard and put to death. It has been estimated that up to 200,000 people throughout Europe were put to death for witchcraft during the mid fifteenth century. Many witches were burned alive though in England, hanging was preferred and in Scotland the witch would first be strangled before hanging as an act of mercy. So this makes it hard for anyone to use magic... especially those who have to use their abilities for their mission: protect the kingdom of Blone. Four young sorcerer/sorceresses apprentices have been chosen to watch over the royal family. Not just any royal family... There's a prophecy that one of the members of the family will lead the enslaved to freedom, and will break through the growing darkness. So one of the hidden sorcerers will train his apprentices to help prepare for the hard times ahead, while using what they've learned to protect the members of the royal family while keeping their powers a secret. There always has to be an opposite force... ick. "The world is about two things, power and control..." Another kingdom has been robbing other kingdoms, enslaving them and killing off the land a moment at a time. This kingdom's name is Turley. Blone is one of the only kingdoms left standing... but with their king being old, the peace might not last much longer. And the dark forces know this. Another sorcerer is also training four young sorcerers/sorceresses, but these ones are accepted by the king... after all, he's under control. They're planning to crush Blone and the good guys as soon as they have enough power to take over. "You leave everything behind..." 1. No godmodding (Even though you have ultimate power and stuff. You know, just get hit every post or so.) 2. No powerplaying. (Ask other people for permission if you feel like you have to powerplay at some parts) 3. No autokill (Get that person's permission and mine as well) 4. Nothing above PG-13. That includes romance and violence 5. I am goddess, and I will add more rules if conflicts come up. I will be fair though. 6. Use proper grammar. Periods and commas are awesome to use, do complete sentences, you know the drill. 7. Make at least 3-7 sentences for each post. If you get Writer's Block, that's okay. Just don't make it a habit. "If a sorcerer is weak, his magic is weak." There will be several elements/powers to control. It's up to you to make the spell with them. Fire (Example of Spell: Fire ball~ Can control a ball of fire in your hands) Electricity (Example of Spell: Plasma Bolt~ Kind of like fire ball, but it's harder to control) Wind (Example of Spell: Wind Blast~ Pushes back target with a gust of wind) Earth (Example of Spell: Crumbling Earth~ Turns rock to dirt) Water (Example of Spell: Slow Water~ Encases target with liquid to make them slow down for a bit ) Illusions: (This can go to either go to bringing inanimate objects to life, to trapping people in mirrors, to changing appearance to things, making things move with your mind, etc.) Darkness: (Example of Spell: Shadow Hands~ Uses shadows to hold a target in place by grabbing onto their shadow) Apprentices will get five different kinds of spells, mentors will get ten. Only the mentors really need to make a good preview to prove to me they can take on the rolls fairly. You can choose your spell, just explain what each of them do and their strengths and weaknesses. Have a mix and match of the levels of your spells Like this: Level One: Still learning how to control it, sometimes will not work Level Two: Will sometimes work, has room for improvement though Level Three: Will work no matter what, but again has room for improvement of quality Level Four: Successful every time Remember, there's always a successful counter attack for every successful attack move "Once you step inside, there's no turning back..." Apprentices Layout~ Username: Name: (Remember, it's midevil times) Age: Gender: Appearance: Good or Evil: Personality: Magic Abilities: (Can have up to five. Make your own spells, choose your own things. Must have one level 1 spell, three level 2 spells, and one level 3 spell. Your spells might advance during the RP. That's up for the mentor to decide though.) Bio: (At least a paragraph. You don't have to reveal your whole past, just make it so we know who you are exactly) Extras: Preview Post: Mentor Layout~ (Remember, you have a lot of responsibility here. I'm not going to choose just anyone to be a mentor, they have to know what they're doing and work with me with the plot. So if you're willing to do that, show me what you got) Username: Name: (Remember, it's midevil times) Age: Gender: Appearance: Good or Evil: Personality: Magic Abilities: (Can have up to ten. Must have at least a few level three spells.) Bio: (At least a paragraph. You don't have to reveal your whole past, just make it so we know who you are exactly) Extras: Preview Post: Royal Family of Belone Layout~ Username: Name: (Remember, it's midevil times) Age: Gender: Appearance: Personality: Skills: (Sword fighting, anything that's not magical) Position in the Royal Family: (Oldest, youngest... remember to look at other character profiles before posting) Bio: (At least a paragraph. You don't have to reveal your whole past, just make it so we know who you are exactly) Extras: Preview Post: "Everything we do is to protect man" Good side: Mentor~ Username: Terra Name: Risit Sidus Age: 30 Gender: Male Appearance: Good or Evil: Good Personality: A very calm person who can keep his cool in the most dire of situations. He’s one who always believes in doing the right thing over doing the easy thing. Risit is wise for his age and often holds an air of authority that can prove to be intimidating to many people. Risit has been considered by many to be a genius and has the uncanny ability to pick up any skill and master it with inhuman speed, something that his father thought would prove frightening if anyone knew him too personally. Magic Abilities: Spoiler Level 4: Summoning Winds: Allows one to lift objects by pushing a current of air underneath it. Level 4: Shadow Hands: Holds a target in place by grabbing onto their shadow. Level 4: Plasma Bolt: A burst of electricity sent out from the hands of the user. Level 4: Combustion: Can instantly light objects on fire. Level 4: Rising Earth: Causes the erruption of rock structures from the ground. Level 4: Wind Gust: Summons a violent outburst of wind as if a storm was about, able to knock someone down if they are caught off guard. Level 4: Fade Out: Sucks in all the light of an area to place it in complete darkness. Level 3: Firebreath: Allows the user to breathe out a wave of fire. Level 3: Cleansing Waters: Heals and removes toxins and curses from the chosen target. Level 3: Mirror Wall: Returns offensive spells back at the user but has no use against physical attacks. Bio: Risit’s father was a longtime friend of the royal family of Blone, having been the family’s personal physician for quite some time. He dabbled in the magic arts and passed on what little knowledge he had to his only son, Risit, who had soon shown that he had a natural talent for such teachings. By the time his father passed away Risit had already grown into a masterful sorcerer who had picked up the empty position his father left behind. He had heard of the prophecy several times during his lifetime and had taken in a small group of apprentices. Extras: Slightly vague bio so it can fit in with just about anything anyone else posts. Preview Post: "Hm. I suppose I'll stop and rest for now." Risit closed the leatherbound book he had at his desk, tracing his fingers lightly against the etched markings on it as if they had some sort of tale to tell. He nearly coughed when the large book snapped shut as dust flew from its pages. No matter how many times he cleaned it the book always seemed to be dusty. It was a gift his father had left him before he died. It was possibly the only "official" record of any and every spell devised by sorcerers and other magic users. Risit's specific copy had several pages added as well as multiple notes and corrections written in it by himself, something he did in the few idle hours he had to himself. Risit pushed himself away from the wooden desk and pinched two fingers against the nearly burnt out candle to extinguish its flame. His eyes hovered over the small mess of candle wax that gathered at the bottom as the candle was now much less than a quarter of its former size. He sighed knowing the he would have to get a new candle. Risit placed the book in a nearby shelf that had a large empty space between his medical books. As soon as it was in place the book's leather binding morphed into a much more humble appearance matching that of its neighboring books. If anyone but himself opened it the book would be filled with nothing by blank pages. It was a spell his father had placed upon it and something he felt no need to elaborate upon. His dark eyes gazed out at the window, the Moon's light reflecting only on the dust that gathered on the glass. Tomorrow was a day he would not be fond of. Not only was it his own sixteenth birthday but it was also the day that marked one year since his father's death. He had never once believed that he would be able to take his father's place as the royal physician at such a young age and especially he never thought that he would be allowed to fill such an important role. Despite this, the king still required his services and did not mind the fact that he was so young. The sciences came so easily to a matter of fact, everything seemed to be natural for him. Even with his gift for learning at such a high speed he could not help but feel a bit overwhelmed. He had helped his father wis his work before but nobody ever depended on him to get the job done, only his father. Risit sighed once more and sat on his uncomfortable bed. "I should be out having fun, not working. It'd be nice having an apprentice of my own...I could make them do my work for me!" He laughed at the thought. "Yeah, right. Maybe they'll be sorcerers like me." He added in a sarcastic tone. Apprentices: 1. Username: Maka Name: Eva Rosaline Age: 18 Gender: Female Appearance: Good or Evil: Good Personality: Serious almost all the time, rarely smiles, seems cold hearted but she really isn't. Sometimes isn’t afraid to state her own opinions about things, but other times she will keep her mouth shut and not say a word. When she acts kinder and warmer though, it means she trusts that person enough to be their friend. Often seems in deep thought when no one is interacting with her. Magic Abilities: Level One: Masquerade~ Property of Illusion: Can change her physical appearance to any form she chooses. She has to be careful though, because either she’ll only stay in that form for a short amount of time, or stay in that form longer than she intended (which it always has a way of timing itself at the wrong time). Also, if she walks by something that shows her reflection, it’ll show who she really is. Sometimes her voice won’t change properly with the form either, so if she was to be a man… She would still have her womanly voice. So as you can see, she’s still working on this one. Level Two: Fire Spiral~ Property of Fire: Sends a wave of fire at a target from the palm of her hand. Almost looks like a snake when it flies towards the target. Level Two: Blades of the Blossom Petals~ Property of Illusion: Uses scraps of paper or anything that resembles petals and blows them gently towards a target. What ever she uses turns into petals from spring time blossoms and floats around the target. When she raises her hand up and then extends her hand towards the target, the “blossoms†fly around the enemy, slicing and dicing them. It’s mostly like paper cuts, but they still hurt. Uses as a distraction to flee or send another unsuspecting attack at the target. Level Two: Healing Warmth~ Property of Fire: Heals aching muscles, disinfects wounds (possibly could mend them without leaving a scar, depending how minor the wound is. Can’t heal a huge gash completely), and is a counter for freezing spells Level Three: Levitas Verbero~ Property of Electricity: Latin for lighting whip, can create a string of lighting in her hand that can reach up to seven feet and use it as a whip. If a target is touched by it, they’ll receive a nasty shock through their body. This can be easily dodged, if you're not stupid and know when to move out of the way. Bio: Eva’s parents were falsely accused of witchcraft when she was seven years old, and were executed immediately without trial. Eva was saved from the same fate by Risit, and was taken into his care to be raised to be who she is today. Although she was very young when the whole incident with her parents happened, she’s grown a bitter hatred for royalty and refuse to do anything with them. But since Risit is a physician, Eva is his assistant; which means she’s forced to work with the royalty. She tends to hide her true feelings, since she usually gets in trouble for expressing herself. Since she’s been by Risit’s side, she’s grown her own knack of making positions and other cures on her spare time. Sometimes she shares them with Risit, other times she keeps them to herself. Extras: Makes her own positions and cures when she’s left to be on her own in Risit’s home. Often day dreams when she’s alone. Likes to watch candles burn just for the fun of it. (She’s strange.) 2. Username: Of Pride And Other Things Name: Leo Frenwick Age: 19 Gender: Male. Fo' sho'. Appearance: Anime/cell2.jpg Good or Evil: GOOD. Personality: The boy is quiet and reclusive-he's not one to go out and make friends. With those that he knows, however, he often gets more open and happy. He works hard on his magic, often to the point of collapse in his exercise. He's determined to rise above anonymity in the world that they're in, become someone that people know. He takes his magic seriously and often uses it in conjugation with melee weapons. Magic Abilities: Level 1: Dark Encasement- Leo surrounds something in a quite hard shell of darkness, often enlarging it or making it completely invisible if it's in a dark place or at night. He enjoys trying to use this with a scythe, his favorite weapon. Level 2: Shadow Partner- While this technique almost always works, he often cannot do much with it-it's when he tries to get advanced that he starts messing up. He shadow detaches and can even peel up off the ground, fighting like a partner or leeching onto the other's shadow, preventing movement. Level 2: Flitting- He can use his shadow to travel, moving from one end to the other, effectively reversing himself. A skill that has limited potential in the day, when one's shadow only extends so far, though extremely useful at night, when his shadow can be considered the darkness around him. Level 2: Dark Link- Leo establishes a bond of shadows with someone, either augmenting their power with his own or taking/recieving power from them to augment his spells. If advanced, he can link with multiple people at once. Has the potential to be an extremely strong skill. Level 3: Dark Pictures- A lot like shadow partner, except Leo has more direct control. As if his shadow is an extention of his body, a kick from Leo's shadow feels like a real kick, a stab feels like a real stab-when Sam makes a shadow puppet dog, that is an actual set of jaws ready to bite someone. With help he can create intricate designs and traps. Bio: (Leo didn't have a bad childhood. He knows he didn't. He did, however, have a few problems with his shadow early in childhood. It bullied him and hit him, often making him feel sad and depressed. It would never do it in the company of others but it was known to cut and claw the boy's feet whenever he did something the shadow didn't like, or punch and grab his face. It was only around the age of 16 that Leo finally learned how to control his little partner, but by that time people were suspicious of him. It was only through the help of a trained mentor that he learned how to properly exploit and control his powers. Because of the training that started late in his life, Leo has been working hard and advancing at a rapid pace from when he began. Despite his darkness-oriented powers, the boy is very dedicated to the good things in life.) Extras: He loves art and likes to talk to his shadow when it's feeling friendly. c; Preview Post: Do I haveeee toooooo? Fine. :3 "C'mon! C'mon, you can do it!" A deep voice repeated over and over again to himself under his breath as the body it belonged to held a smooth pebble in his hand. The boy's shadow snuck up his arm to wrap it's ethereal hand around the rock, encasing it. Leo focused, then whispered a word and the shadow detached, the pebble...retaining it's shadowy coating. Leo let out a pent-up breath of relief, dropping the blackish-purple thing on the ground. His shadow discreetly took that little chunk of it's being back, and Leo could have exploded with happiness. Even if it was a four inch large pebble, it was the detaching of his shadow that he always had trouble with-now that he'd done this, he could go to bigger things, like a box, a weapon. Wow, things were going his way today! He was so excited that he nearly tripped as he walked, the boy's leather boots scuffing something in the street as he passed by. He paid no attention it it with his brown eyes, black hair falling about his ears and occasionally shifting in the wind. The boy opened his arms wide and looked up at the sky, taking in the warm sunlight and basking in it. Someone bumped into the boy in the street, making him grumble quietly as his happy trance was broken. "Know of a thing called paying attention?!" The boy yelled after the man, growling and turning around on a heel, a little cloud of street dust coming up around his heel. He began walking again, realizing that he should be somewhere. Oh! Yeah! He turned once again, getting ready to walk to the new purpose of his life for the next...well, he didn't know how long, but he was happy to get out of a woodworker's apprenticeship to be guarding some royal family. Not sure how much I should have written. D: 3. Username: Ruki Name: Rose Abell Age: 21 Gender: Female Appearance: Good or Evil: Good Personality: Rose can be rather playful and energetic. She has a habit of being a bit sarcastic at times and can even be rude, but she means well when she comments about things she doesn’t like. Her energetic nature can at times lead her to doing things before thinking. She used to get in a lot of trouble because of this. Magic Abilities: Level One - Plasma Bolt: A blast of electricity escaping from the palms of the user. Level Two - Freezing Grip: Allows a person to freeze another person or object with a single touch. However, they can control whether they wants to freeze the entire person’s body or just a body part. Level Two - Crumbling Earth: Turns rocks and stone into sand. Useful for causing another to lose their footing or making passageways through walls. Level Two - Animation: Brings objects to life for as long as the user's concentration is held on them. The objects will obey the caster. Can bring up to five objects to life. Level Three - Shockwave: A burst of wind escaping from the user’s body to push away anything around them. Bio: Rose had been living in Blone for many years now so she knows the city very well. She had probably moved to Blone when she was only three years old, she can’t be too sure though. Her father was a knight for the king and queen and her mother worked in a flower shop. Rose had an older brother who was about five years older than her and the four of them seemed like any ordinary family. At the age of 11, Rose began noticing odd things about her body that weren’t normal. She figured she must have been imagining things and ignored it for a week until she had touched a ball and froze it. Able to trust her parents, Rose told them about what was happening and they explained to her that on her father’s side, there was a history of sorcerers and sorceress and that it had somehow skipped him. Wanting to keep their daughter safe, they had hid Rose away until several years later when her family was accused of hiding a witch, which was practically true. Rose had quickly taken off before being found and her family were all executed. Extras: N/A Preview Post: Light blue eyes stared quietly at a small doll that stood on her dresser. The young girl’s brows furrowed as she concentrated as hard she possibly could to bring that small object to life. For weeks the young girl had been trying to bring a single object to life. “Come on,†she muttered quietly, frustration beginning to build up. She waited another minute before letting out a frustrated sigh. She lazily took a few steps towards her bed and threw herself on to it. She slowly sat up, raising her hands to her head to rub her temples. Rose let out a quiet groan, her eyes shifting towards the doll she had been trying to bring to life. She lowered her hands down to her lap, slouching her shoulders forward slightly as she sighed out once more. Her head tilted slightly, noticing the small doll twitch. A smile crossed Rose’s lips as she stood up from her bed and walked over to the dresser. “Almost there.†4. Reserved Bad Side: Mentor~ Username: Terra Name: Cael Inane Age: 38 Gender: Male Appearance: (Without the pointed ears or sword.) Good or Evil: Evil Personality: Cael is a charismatic individual who often plays on the emotions of others to get what he wants. He speaks callously about those who aren't magicly inclined and believes that they should be nothing more than servants to those who can use magic. He harbors a great deal of hatred towards the kingdom of Blone and wishes nothing more but to see it crumble to the ground. Cael often spends his free time devising plans to kill those who would oppose him, especially if they are powerful such as his rival mentor Risit. Magic Abilities: Spoiler Level 4: Blade of the Inferno: Normally an ability that coats a blade in a blazing fire that could easily put a strain on any other weapon and break it within moments. Cael has mastered this ability to the point where he no longer needs a weapon to use this spell. Level 4: Binding Metal: Eight metal shackles tear out from the ground and launch themselves at the target. They have a range of about 10 feet but their speed makes up for it. They restrict movement of the arms and legs. The shackles are weaker if done in grassy or soft-sanded areas and can be broken readily by one with enough physical strength. Level 4: Plasma Bolt: Same as Risit's Plasma Bolt. Level 4: Frostbite: A technique that will send out several sharp shards of ice from the palm(s) of the user capable of killing those without protection. Level 4: (Illusion) Doppleganger: Creates an illusion of anyone of his choosing which can even interact with the surroundings and speak with the exact same voice as the target so long as he has both seen and heard the person before. Level 4: Terra Spike: Similar to Rising Earth for the exception that this move is meant to be sheerly offensive. It causes a single rock spike(just a little bigger than the caster) to sprout from the ground at an extreme speed and can even be launched into the sky. Level 4: Numbing Touch: With just a simple touch an electrical pulse will render the targeted limb completely limp and numb for a period of time ranging from an hour to even a day with those of weak constitution. Level 3: Phantom Punishment: If the user steps on another's shadow or touches it with their own body they can physically harm the target through their shadow. These wounds will appear on where the shadow was touched with varying severity depending on how hard the original contact was. Worst case scenario would include broken bones if the contact was done with a blunt force. Level 3: (Illusion) Animation: Suits of armor and other objects can be brought to "life" for a duration of about ten minutes and can be commanded to do just about anything. This power works for up to twenty objects, however those that were brought to life can be "killed" by conventional methods if they are broken or blown apart(as the case with armor). Level 3: Wind Torrent: Used both as an offensive and defensive ability. It surrounds the user in a constant stream of upward flowing wind currents capable of deflecting powerful spells as it grows outwards in an expanding radius of nearly 30 meters. The wall moves slowly so it would be easy to move out of the way as it takes a nearly two minutes for it to reach its full size. The wall can cause several shallow wounds if it makes contact(so it won't fatally harm anyone or cause anyone massive blood loss). Bio: Cael comes from a long line of powerful sorcerers(and sorceresses) who had at one point controlled Blone's territories until their downfall. His ancestors had fled to Turley in order to begin anew. Cael had been told many stories of his lineage and that with the aid of the kingdom they belonged to, he would be able to bring about the end of Blone. He has no true reason to hate Blone, he had never lost a friend or relative to the "witch hunts", but still he hates them. He has had many apprentices over the years, several of which were killed by Risit. Cael believes that his current apprentices will fare much better...he has seen to it that they are strong enough to do his bidding. Extras: Last name is pronounced as, "E-nah-nay". XD Preview Post: My epic preview post as my other character should cover this. D: Apprentices: 1. Username: Twilight_Nobody13 Name: Willow Parenthapaeus Age: 19 Gender: female Appearance: Good or Evil: Evil Personality: Often cocky about her own powers, she tries to be cold and cares for only herself. Magic Abilities: ~Level One: Dance of the Dragon (wind and illusion) -- creates a dragon out of wind to slice and dice her enemy (often does not work and is very hard to control) ~Level Two: Wind Rift -- forms a barrier of wind around the user and heals any injuries (example: cannot restore lost limbs and speeds up the healing process of normal wounds to an extent of severity. More severe wounds take more time and energy. A two inch gash would heal within at least four minutes) ~Level Two: Soul Purge (illusion) -- beckons and traps a person's soul within a mirror leaving the body lifeless where it stood. (to be released from the mirror any person would have to crack the mirror. Think being trapped in a glass box) ~Level Two: Blade Dance (illusion) -- animates any sharp weapon in the room to attack for her ~Level Three: Wind Slash (wind) -- sends blades of wind from her fans to slice the enemy Bio: Willow was raised in the shadow of her elder sister when she started using dark arts. Her wind and her fans became her only company. Abused as a child, Willow formed a strong hatred for her family's love of each other and not her. Willow pushed herself to be better and her eagerness caused a spell she wanted to show off to go haywire and kill her sister. Her family disowned her and she turned to her mentor for family and guidance. Willow took any word she heard from the streets and her mentor seriously and formed a determination to fufil her part in destiny. Extras: Her fans have knives hidden in them that can be used as an offensive weapon at times. Preview Post: Willow stared up at the moon, listening to her mother and father chatise her for another lazy day while her "poor ill" sister had to work. Willow stood and her fans dropped from her sleeves into her hands. Her magic wasn't strong but it would be enough to prove to her parents that she wasn't wasting her time. Seeing her sister return home she decided that her sister needed her strength scared back into her, "Dance of the Dragon." she waved her fans out toward her sister and the wind dragon took form. Willow felt her magic snap at her and jerked back. The wind dragon wildly flying toward her sister and connecting those wind jaws with the poor girl. She fell to the ground, bloodied and battered by the dragon's assult and Willow's parents ran to her, "You fiend! Your sister is dead! Willow, how could you!" Willow stared at her sister's lifeless body, cut up from her wind illusion and dropped to her knees, "I didn't...I hadn't meant to...mother please!" she begged her mother's forgivness and was rewarded with a cold glare, "Leave. I never want to see your murdering witch face here again!" She slapped Willow hard and Willow had no choice but to run. Her bare feet hit the dirt road hard as she ran to her mentor's home. 2. Username: Christmas Angel Name: Helena Thea Age: 18 Gender: Female Appearance: Link Good or Evil: Evil Personality: Typically is quiet and blends into the background. Speaks in a quite voice and doesn't show any emotion most of the time. When she uses her powers she normally smiles with a cruel sense of pride and wishes to bring harm with them but is still a quiet person. Magic Abilities: Level One: (Electricity) Electric Touch Electricity flows to her hands and shocks whatever she touches. Isn't very strong at the moment, but is enough to cause pain, if nothing more. Level Two: (Darkness) Dark Immunity A passive skill that protects her from dark magic and some illusions. Level Two: (Illusion) Insanity Causes someone to see whatever she wants them too as if they are hallucinations. Only lasts for a minute. Level Two: (Illusion) Blend Creates the illusion of her or someone else/an object being invisible. Doesn't last very long as she focused more on perfecting it first than it's endurance. Level Three: (Darkness) Shadow Ball Creates a strong concentration of shadows in her hand which she uses as an attack. In the preview post. Is her most used power since it was the first magic she's ever used. Bio: Was captured and taken in as a slave at the age of three. When she attacked one of the guards with magic she was allowed her freedom in exchange of becoming an apprentice and swearing loyality to the mentor. She did so, but her loyality lies with the mentor more so than the kingdom. Helena learned fast as if she didn't she feared she would return to the life of slavery and would often train until she passed out. Always thinks that she has something to prove and wishes to be the best. Extras: Preview Post: The feeling of darkness... It was cold yet it burned. The shadows formed all about Helena's hands and she stared at it with wide eyes. First she was surprised that she managed such a task, but then she felt pride. Helena moved her fingers and watched as the black mist move with them. Her hand then formed a fist and the mist began to try to escape. But soon it all went into her hand and formed a solid orb which grew as her fingers parted. Her first shadowball. She was so young and she had her first shadowball. Perhaps she was getting ahead of herself, but she began to imagine all of the chaos she would bring to the world. And with the thought came a cruel smile and a quite, twisted laugh. 3. Open 4. Open Royal Family of Blone (Plus other characters, maybe?): King~Open Queen~Open 1. Username: Maka Name: Madison Age: 6 Gender: Female Appearance: Personality: Sweet, bubbly, excited about life, curious almost all the time about different things though. Trouble tends to often find her. When she's sees that a person is sad, she tries different things to make them smile again. Skills: Not really any since she's so small. Position in the Royal Family: Youngest daughter Bio: Madison is one of the last girls born of the royal family. She likes to play hide-and-seek, spend time in the garden, and it seems like she always gets in trouble but she doesn't mean it. Sometimes she'll make others play with her, but other times she'll be her own entertainment. Extras: N/A 2. Username: Christmas Angel Name: Elizabeth Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: Link Personality: She normally follows the rules, but gets exicted every chance she has at breaking them. Loves the thrill of a chase and playing games. Has a short fuse, but is overall a nice person. Skills: Sword fighting, close combat Position in the Royal Family: I wouldn't know... One of the daughters 8D Bio: Has always been the good daughter and lived her life to please all. But she was then kidnapped and came back broken. After being kidnapped she asked someone from the loyal guard, whom she trusted dearly, to train her how to fight and slowly healed back to her normal self, least, mostly. No one knows about her training and she plans on keeping it like that for the thrill of having a secret. (plus I don't think women really were allowed to fight. There'd be a difference for magic...but yeah.) Extras: Doesn't like the idea of being protected or magic. Also dislikes nicknames. Preview Post: 3. Username: Twilight_Nobody13 Name: Penelope (Penny) Age: 9 Gender: Female Appearance: Personality: patient, warm and very sick. Skills: When Penny's feeling well, she often wields a bow and arrow. Position in the Royal Family: second to youngest daughter Bio: Being the second youngest daughter of the royal family, Penny is cherished dearly. When she was born she was stricken ill with a rare illness in which the doctors dubbed she would not live to see her own 16th birthday. Penny holds her younger sister close to her heart and her other siblings just as close. She often has bits of advice to give to her siblings. Extras: She often is found in bed or sitting outside as she cannot go very far. Preview Post: My other preview post should do. 4. Open 5. Open Captain of Knights~ Open Adviser~ Open ~!~ Okay, so this is all I got right now because I don't know how many people will be interested in this. There's going to be character slots. Once it's full, no one can make another character for that slot unless I open another one. There's going to be three slots for the sorcerers/sorceresses (since I'm going to take one), two slots for the mentors over the apprentices, five slots for the royal family in Blone, and four slots open for the dark apprentices. Anybody interested? If I get people's interest, I'll list more things down.
Spoiler Don't make fun of me. >< TV shows and most movies these days are horrible! DX I miss the good old days. EDIT: I don't care much for the sequels of this movie. They killed it. First one was totally awesome. B|
So contradicting! D:< So my dad and mom are like, "Work on your English project, naaaaaaow. Quit going on your social websites and focus!" So, I was being a good little girl. I was focusing, typing away at my English project (that's due in a half hour)... and then suddenly, they decide to talk right behind me to each other, make noise, whistle, interrupt my train of thought (and I had something good going too!) and graaaaaaah!!! Due to my lack of concentration, I have made an excuse to post on here. B| Now back to work. :P If your teacher gives you a book list and you see Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf on it, avoid that book at all costs. In fact, avoid all Virginia Woolf's books.
... ; ; I want it to be here now. DX Except where I'm at now, it doesn't snow. T_T And don't diss me for listening to Christmas early. STORES ARE ALREADY PUTTING OUT CHRISTMAS STUFF! SO HA!
Perferbably one that can do the matrix. Not this kind of Matrix: This kind of matrix: [1 1 4] [4 4 3] [3 1 1] ; ; Like seriously, I have to do matrix homework by tomorrow, and I don't have a calculator that can do it. HAAAAALP MEEEEEH! :why?: Or maybe someone wants to get on MSN and plug in these problems for me on their graphing caculator? ^^; Anything.
And it's so dark outside! D< Daylight savings time is okay, but gah. You can't be outside for very long any more. ; ;
I'm at the point of giving up ever finding a best friend I can really trust. Why? It seems like everyone I contact with that I relate to either dies on me or stabs me in the back in the end. And then I'm left in an emotional mess. I have a weakness of giving myself to people I feel like I can trust. I give them my heart and soul in hopes that they'll make it something better. I guess that's a mistake... Guess I should explain why this is a big deal for me. First Best Friend: When I was thirteen, in the sixth grade (and really trying to find a good friend) my dad moved my family to a small town. No biggie, right? Perfect chance to make friends. Wrong. There was only one girl who actually showed an interest in me, and didn't shun me for who I was and how excited I was about Teen Titans and other fantasy things. This town had clicks. If you didn't play sports, didn't get good grades, you weren't even considered as a human being. I did neither. The school system was ahead of the one I was previously in, so I was behind. I was failing when I first got there. By the time me and my friend, let's call her Aleesha, got to the 8th grade I was determind to try. What were the results? I finally got high honor roll. Aleesha on the other hand got the low honor roll. We knew this, because there was an awards assembly and we were handed these awards in front of everyone. So when I found out I was on the high honor roll, I was pretty excited. I was trying to share my excitement with Aleesha, but I guess I did it in the way I was bragging or something because her mother came up to me later that day (since she worked in the school) and this is how it went: "You know, bragging about your honor roll is really hurting Aleesha's feelings." "But I wasn't trying to... I just-" "I would suggest you would go and apologize to my daughter." After that, I just told myself I was no good and that I was a failure. Her mother left me alone. And then I started to believe my own words: I was a failure (I still think like this to this very day). When highschool came, she ditched me for a group of friends who I wasn't really comfortable with. So I was left alone. I didn't see the point of school anymore. Second Best Friend: Then I dropped out of public school and signed up for online homeschool. I met a girl (Let's name her Hailey) who also did the same program. That was around the time I was introduced to anime and Kingdom Hearts. We liked both of those things, and instantly clicked. My dad even made the effort to take me to where she lived to see each other face to face. We had a blast, hanging out and stuff. We also made our own private RolePlay that we both enjoyed and we were both the main characters of the RP. But then I ran into a road block in my life. Long story short, I had a death in the family that hit me hard. My friend didn't help much, because she started to put very depressing things in our RP. Example: Hailey would constantly die in our RP, get constantly sick with a serious illness, or get captured by a villain over and over again. Hailey was also struggling with death. When I started to involve dark-ish ideas because of my new outlook on life, she got mad at me. Hailey told me that my ideas were too depressing and too upsetting. But for me, my dark ideas always ended happy and the character was stronger than ever. Not on a depressing note like she made it. After a while, she started to ignore me in the RolePlay and made sure everything was focusing on her. That was a low blow to me, because I was just trying to reach out for someone to understand me. Instead, I was pushed to the side... Not only that, but when I was trying to explain my feelings of depression to her outside of the RolePlay, it always turned into "Well I had it worse than you" type discussion. It was suppose to make me feel better, but I just wanted someone to listen to me. Eventually, because how this friend was treating me emotionally and mentally, I went into deep depression. Later in the year, I was prescribed anti-depressants. Trying to find someone in the middle of the second friend: I'm not mentioning names in this one. Even fake names. Some of you know about this, some of you don't. Long sob story short, I gave my heart to someone. Their ex emailed me saying she and him were dating behind my back. I basically shattered in a million pieces. I tried again, stuff came up with the ex, I had to totally break ties. Even though this was all online, I still gave my whole heart and soul out. And it was screwed over. Moral of the story: I never ever want to come close to a guy ever again. Present story: I'm starting to loose my long time best friend (We'll call her Kassandra). I was friends with her since I was eleven years old, my parents liked her, everything was nice. But now, things are starting to change. I think it started to happen this summer. Kassandra came to stay with me for a month. We got into fights though, because she was trying to pry into my personal life that I didn't want her to see. She figured out I was talking to two of the people I mentioned that stabbed me, and got upset with me and started to scold me and critize me like she was my mother.. I was just trying to make ammends to those people, because I thought it was me that caused all the problems. I told her it was none of her business, and then she said to me, "Best friends don't lie." and I said, "Well I just did." and then she started to cry. I had to leave the room. While she was staying with us, I caught her looking in my journal. We had this RolePlay between me and her, and we had too many characters to keep track of by memory. I wrote them down. Her excuse was that she was looking for the character list. But she didn't ask me. I'm afraid to open up to this Kassandra, because she gets so dramatic about things. Some times when I open up to her too is when she's mad about something. Her anger gets directed at me some times, and I'm left crying inside. (I had anger in my family, it scares me senseless when someone yells at me) She also told me once that if I had an emotional build up to lash out at her. That's not the way I roll. I don't want to hurt other people with my own problems. And now... well. She's my only friend at school. Several times I asked her if she wanted to hang out with me at lunch. She always said yes, but she never met up with me and end up going to hang out with other people. Also, I'm struggling in school right now. Kassandra is pretty smart, so I asked her to help me in my homework. Yesterday I went to go get help. We barely had started, and I was already confused. She gave up helping me and said, "You're not going to graduate you know. You're going to fail." Like I know this already since I say that to myself almost every day. When I was over there, I let her play a game on my phone because she asked if she could try it. But then she exited out of the game and started to go through my phone without my permission. She was even about to read my texts. I couldn't say anything, because if I said to give it back, she would say, "What are you hiding from me?" and probably would've checked through my texts. I can't stand up to her. She's big, strong, intimidating too. She also has a way of mentally shutting you down and shutting you up to let her do her thing. Anyways I made friends with one of her best friends (We'll call him Brad), and he connected to me more than Kassandra. Like we're almost brother and sister. I was texting Brad about the problems I was having with Kassandra, because he knows Kassandra like the back of his hand. I didn't want Kassandra to see that I was trying to get help to how to deal with her. So I sat there, praying that she wouldn't start reading through my personal stuff. Then I did the stupid thing and left my phone at her house. When I got it back from her this morning, I saw she changed my screensaver... Which meant she went through my phone. Basically, I don't know what to do with people anymore. I try to be there for my friends, I really do. Then I give myself to my friends to see if they can help me be better. But I've been betrayed so many times, been emotionally and mentally bullied countless times, I'm at the point where I don't care if I'm lonely... but then again I do care. Is it just me? I'm starting to get scared of people, of trying to find friends. It hurts to keep my feelings trapped inside of me, but I don't know who to go to anymore... Brad is nice and all, but now I feel myself being cautious. I'm starting to put up walls I don't want to put up, but I want to protect myself. I'm like on the brink of sanity and insanity right now... I really don't know how to explain everything that I talked about in here... Ugh. Any advice? Help?
Cause there's barely anyone on right now. o.O Unless half of the KHVs population decided to go invisible mode.
"THE ULTIMATE COSMIC POWEEEEER! Itty bitty living space." ... T_T What happened to the spirit of Disneeeeeey!?
So, as I was watching the 2005 version of Phantom of the Opera, I was thinking of what songs I could use to make an AMV with Kingdom Hearts... But then the whole thing started to strangely fit together. So, I decided to test it out and see what would happen if you changed the Phantom's original main characters to the Kingdom Hearts main characters. This is what I'm starting to get. Also, I am copying the movie version almost word for word, but you will notice a lot of changes. For one, I'm making it a Kingdom Hearts theme. Sooo, if you haven't seen the 2005 Phantom of the Opera version, don't read it if you don't want to get spoiled. I'm also going to skip some scenes, since the movie is long, and maybe skip some songs too. Maybe make it like they're talking instead of singing. I will have links to the music from the video game (Kingdom Hearts) and from the movie (Phantom of the Opera) posted through the story. [Just click on the words in the brackets. Like here, but it's not a link, so don't click it. ^^] If you want to play it as you're reading, it will probably get you into the story more. We'll see. I'm mostly playing by ear. 8D8 One more thing; This could possibly be a prequal to another story I have in mind. Enjoy with the bad grammar errors and repetitive words. ^^; Thanks ahead of time for reading and editing. Prologue: A Trip Down Memory Lane Spoiler A lone abandoned building stood along side a busy cobblestone street appearing to be haunting and daunting to all those who laid eyes on it. Nonetheless, the children of the town still played around it, and passersby walked on without fear. It was just a memory most wanted to forget about. But there it stood, and there it would stay for just a bit longer. This abandoned place was an old theater built a long time ago when operas were at its peek, and entertainment was top priority for the rich folk. The architecture was exquisite, with its colored stained glass windows and etchings of hearts and fine designs of different creatures found on various places of the theater. This building was also enormous. It reached up into the sky towards the gray, dim clouds of fall. Back when it was first built, it was a sight to behold. But now it was just another thing in the past. It was broken, vandalized, and no longer grand as it was before. The spirit was gone from it. A banner hung from the entrance of the old theater that read “Public Auction Todayâ€. And true was the banner to its words; a public auction was being held today. One person would make sure to attend it. A fancy black corvette pulled in front of the theater and came to a stop. The driver stepped out and opened the passenger door on his side of the car. The passenger gradually made his way out and stepped out onto the cobblestone street. He was dressed in a black tuxedo, as though he was attending a fancy occasion. Another personal, a nurse it seemed, wheeled a wheel chair for this passenger and waited patiently as the gentleman sat down on it. As soon as the man was situated, the nurse wheeled the patron up the ramp that lead to the front doors of the musty theater. ***** “Do I have ten munny? Ten? Selling once, selling twice,†a mallet hitting against wood ran through the spacious, dusty room, “Sold!†A few people were standing around, listening and watching the auctioneer as he sold of bits and pieces that were found, that were worth selling for, in the theater. Pigeons fluttered around here and there, but no one seemed to mind. The whole room was in disarray with torn curtains, crushed seats, and dust glittering in the sunlight anyways. An old woman was among the people standing in the room. She watched the auctioneer with little interest, but she was there nonetheless. The woman was shrouded in a black long-sleeved dress, and wore a hat to match on top of her graying blond hair. Her skin was slightly wrinkled with age, but her brilliant blue eyes were still alive. As the woman’s mind seemed to wander off, her eyes scanned the room. But then suddenly, her eyes rested on a figure in sudden recognition. This figure was in a wheel chair, and he was a gentlemen. His hair was now gray, and the hair the woman remembered was no longer spiked, but hung down with age. The gentleman in the wheel chair, feeling a pair of eyes on him, turned his head to meet the lady’s bright blue eyes with his own dark blue eyes. He also had a look of recognition on his face as he just stared at the woman. It seemed as though the world had stopped around them for just a brief moment… “Sold,†came the booming voice of the auctioneer, bringing the two people out of their little world. Yet they still were looking directly at each other. Today was the anniversary of two things… The auctioneer continued, unaware of the little memory spell that had just taken place in front of him. “Lot six-six-five, a beautiful musical box in the shape of a barrel organ.†The man’s eyes suddenly broke away from the woman as he looked up at the auctioneer in astonishment. ‘Musical box…’ “Attached to it, a tiny figure of a shadow heartless, sitting on top of a black cushion, playing the symbols.†Now the woman even had to break her gaze from the man in the wheel chair as she looked towards the auctioneer with the same surprise as the man. An assistant was holding out the small music box, showing the people what it looked like. And there it was, what the auctioneer was describing. “This was discovered in the vaults of the theater, still in working order ladies and gentlemen!†No could believe that. Sure it looked fine, but how could something delicate as that had survived after the accident? “Showing here,†the assistant said, holding the box out as he let go of the winding key that was on the side. [Dearly Beloved Reprise] A quiet melody began to play from the within the box as the little shadow heartless tapped the symbols together in a tiny yet clear ting. The woman and the man watched the box carefully, both of them remembering almost the same things at once. The music ended, and the auctioneer spoke. “May I commence at one hundred munny?†The lady raised her hand quietly. The man doing the auction nodded his head in approval. “One hundred, thank you.†But the man in the wheel chair wasn’t going to let it slip out of his fingers. He raised his hand. “One hundred and ten, thank you sir!†The lady knew that the musical box meant a lot to the man, but so did it to her. She raised her hand again. “One hundred and twenty, thank you Madame Namine. Do I hear one hundred and thirty?†Determind, the man raised his hand. No matter how much he had to spend, he was going to get that musical box. Besides, a man in his position, this was nothing to spend. “One hundred and thirty, thank you sir. Do I hear one hundred and fourty…?†The dark blue eyes looked towards the woman the auctioneer called Madame Namine. His eyes told her what was on his mind, and so Namine understood. She gave him a small warm smile and a wink. Then she looked up at the auctioneer and shook her head slowly. Satisfied, the auctioneer raised his mallet. “Selling for one hundred and fourty munny. Selling once, selling twice,†a slam of the mallet, and, “sold to The Keyblade Master Sora! Thank you, sir.†The assistant walked over to Sora and carefully handed him the music box. Sora’s old worn hands took the box carefully and held it in his hands as he stared at it. He looked over towards Namine, who just nodded her head in understanding. His eyes fell back on the piece; memories suddenly danced through his mind. A withered finger stroked the side of the shadow heartless figurine. ‘A collector’s piece indeed… Every detail, exactly as she said. Will you still play when all the rest of us are dead...?’ The auctioneer spoke again, this time directing to behind his small audience. “Lot six-six-six then! A chandelier in pieces… Some of you may recall a strange affair of the Phantom of the Opera. A mystery never fully explained. We’re told, ladies and gentlemen, that this is very chandelier which figures in the famous disaster.†Namine turned around hesitantly to see a large bundle covered with a canvas. She could see the crystals hanging out of the canvas and shivered slightly. So many memories that she wanted to forget. Even with her abilities, she couldn’t erase the misfortune she witnessed back then. Even Sora was staring at the chandelier with dread. That Phantom… the horrible darkness… “We’ve done some repairs, and reinstalled new lights for it. Perhaps we can… frighten away the ghost of so many years… with a little illumination… Gentlemen.†[Overture] The canvas was ripped off the chandelier, and instantly it was lit up as it was beginning to be raised up. Sparks flew in every direction, but all went back to normal and the chandelier glowed with a certain gloom. A wind picked up from outside and gushed into the spacious room, blowing the dust and leaves around the area. Namine and Sora both watched the chandelier with wide eyes. A certain magic began to take place where only the two of them could see. As the wind blew away the dust, the theater was going back into its original form. The destroyed theater seats were back in their newly velvet forms, the stage lit up with the old fashion candles, and the old peeling paint on the ceiling was renewed. Let’s take a trip through a dream back in time…
This just had to be done. ^^ Hiya everyoooone~! How are ya doin'? :3 Insert a little intro here:This is a place for all fellow Soul Eater fans to hang out, discuss the anime, discuss your life, what ever you feel like (Just don't get me in trouble. B| Yeah, I'm looking at you. The one with the word "trouble" written on your forehead.) So now that we establish that, let's give you guys some rules: 1. I am owner. Listen to me, and listen to Staff members on KHVs. Your life will be much happier 2. No drama please. If you're having issues with someone, take it somewhere else. As much as we love entertainment, no. THIS IS NOT A DEBATE CORNER WHERE YOU THROW CORN CHIPS AT EACH OTHER!!! D< RAWR! 3. LOVE EACH OTHER~! Well... be nice to each other at least. 4. Go ahead and pick your own titles. Just make it appropriate. 5. Have fun, kiddies! (I'm watching joo...) Members Population= (10) Maka (Head of family/Owner)~ Maka Aura/Ven~ Medusa Tummer~ Death The Kid Twilightblader~Franken Stein Firekeyblade~ Kim Diehl Tsubaki~Tsubaki Garxena~Soul Nova~Blair Marcell~Black Star Pride~Crona Also, I've made a Soul Eater RP. There's still openings, so don't be shy to ask to join! XD
KHVs is a great place to find a math tutor. XD lol. Thank you math genius of this website, and I think you know who he is. But I can still shoot Algebra II. Who else is pulling an all nighter to get homework done?