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  1. Kites
    Profile Post Comment

    sure! i wouldn't mind~

    sure! i wouldn't mind~
    Profile Post Comment by Kites, Sep 30, 2012
  2. Kites
  3. Kites
    Profile Post Comment

    OHMYGOD dlsjdaslkdjalskd LMAO

    OHMYGOD dlsjdaslkdjalskd LMAO
    Profile Post Comment by Kites, Sep 30, 2012
  4. Kites
    jayyyyyn talk to me on skype bb gurl i've been like 4 times for more than a month each time lol
    Post by: Kites, Sep 23, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Kites
    i haven't decided yet if i should get it for ps3, xbox, or pc yet idk which one it is best for. i'd have to look into it~
    Post by: Kites, Sep 23, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Kites
    yeah it's $20 now for the first one!

    yeah im in college atm but shall be transferring to a uni soon. you're not dumb or silly you have a good memory lol.

    a lot of good games are coming this fall/winter i'm pumped. but i shall check out the ones you suggested and the black mesa remake too i actually meant to dl it sooner but never got around to it. thank you!

    I've never played either so I'd start with 1, yes! I would like that C:
    Post by: Kites, Sep 23, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Kites
  8. Kites
  9. Kites
    i've been sf busy trying to get apps in for a program i'm doing spring semester of college since they are due oct. 1st but other than that i've been working out a lot trying to be fabulous max for fall u know. i've reached my first goal weight thingy for exercising everyday for a month so far for 3+ hours and as a reward i told myself i'd by a game.

    SO KHV WHAT SHOULD I BUY? i've been thinking borderlands since i've never played that but are there some other good game options i should consider?

    help pls.
    Thread by: Kites, Sep 23, 2012, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Kites
    I was never a picky gamer, if anything my taste has become more refined as I've gotten older, but I'm still open to a lot of things game companies put out there. A lot of games I played when I was younger I couldn't really beat nor could I really understand symbolism as well as I do now so that sort of hidden meaning gets lost with a young age. I see everyone's point that a lot of games that are coming out are HD remakes/re-releases to get excited about and granted I am super excited for them but I think this generation has put out a lot of great IP's (if you look past the generic FPS games - although I still do have fun with those when playing with friends). Plus the graphics are much prettier.

    But anyways, I've never played Okami but I think since it's going to be re-released as an HD I might pick it up once I learn more about it. I've been meaning to buy myself some new games anyways so I might put this one on my list.
    Post by: Kites, Sep 20, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  11. Kites
    Although I am glad this is confirmed, I knew it was going to happen anyways. Besides, I hate buying new consoles the year of its release anyways because there are still a lot of kinks and not very many games. Plus a slim version is usually always released soon after the initial release anyways. I'll buy it, but I am hoping to be pleasantly surprised with the results.
    Post by: Kites, Sep 20, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  12. Kites
    Yes, this would make sense. It is nice to see it all coming together instead of cross-platform. Although, I do not see KH:3D being put on PS3 just yet as it was just released and the whole basis of it being on the 3DS is for its 3D factor implemented into its gameplay.
    Post by: Kites, Sep 20, 2012 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  13. Kites
    agree to both of you guys. people will ***** if they make something canon but it's not like they haven't done it before if they decide to do something and by some twist they bring shep back idk. some people would like to see ME4 be like DA:O where you create your own character and species but i don't think they will go that route bc as you know they favored Hawke over a custom character in DA:2. i wouldn't be too excited for a prequel tbh.
    Post by: Kites, Sep 18, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  14. Kites
    Executive Producer Casey Hudson and his team are coming off an amazing eight-year run with the Mass Effect trilogy. But they’re not done yet.

    Cool more ME stuff, although I pretty much knew about the Omega DLC because it was in the files from Leviathan. Aria might be a potential/temp squad mate to help her retake Omega from Cerberus but idk they haven't released many details besides this teaser image:


    Looks like a collector ship but it could be something else. Though I'm leaning towards collectors since it has the same shape.

    Discuss, my children.
    Thread by: Kites, Sep 18, 2012, 5 replies, in forum: Gaming
  15. Kites
    well we can always look forward to gears of mass: deus effect 4!
    Post by: Kites, Sep 10, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  16. Kites
    it would be something like-
    EA: "half life 3 multiplayer anyone? or how about a half life mmo!!!! gravity gun only available on dlc!"
    Post by: Kites, Sep 10, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  17. Kites

    They are so desperate it's laughable. At least Valve has enough sense to say "I'd rather have it disintegrate than merge".
    Thread by: Kites, Sep 10, 2012, 14 replies, in forum: Gaming
  18. Kites
    the prince of egypt comes to mind
    Post by: Kites, Sep 7, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Kites


    JOHN STOP! STOP MAKING ME CRY WITH YOUR PRESENCE. (we haven't spoken in forever omg even on facebook wah u _ u)
    Post by: Kites, Sep 5, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Kites
    just keep in mind that some girls say that they are not interested in a relationship just as a way to reject you in which case it would have to do with you.
    Post by: Kites, Sep 4, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone