omg dang i live in maryland LOL yesssss idk go to the columbia mall in howard county, there's a lot of stuff to do around there.
New European poster for GTA V shows that the game will most likely be coming out Spring 2013 for PS3 and Xbox 360, but no word on whether or not it is coming to Wii U. No one knows yet if Rockstar is going to delay release dates for some regions or release the game all at once quite yet. But yeah, more info next month as stated earlier. Pretty pumped for this actually, I like sandbox-style games.
hey hey! how have you been monsieur?
just watch it be either very sims like or very assassin's creed: brotherhood in terms of monteriggioni and upgrading the villa auditore lol. the concept art is very pretty, but that usually always is. i'll be looking forward to new details and stuff as things become available. idk i'm skeptical with bioware but even moreso with ea but it's too early to tell anything rn. one thing's for sure though i def won't be buying their stuff full price anymore.
yeah i did i thought it was really well made a movie inside a movie what's not to like!!!
argo argo argo argo argo
I probably buy 98% of my games from like Walmart, Target, Best Buy, or Gamestop depending on where I'm shopping. I actually prefer having a physical copy of my games moreso than buying digital. I really like box art and it's nice to see your collection grow and order them chronologically lol. I bought a couple games from Steam during the summer sale but that's probably the first time I've ever done something like that. The only things I get from PSN is DLC and even that's rare since I buy the prepaid cards instead of putting my credit card on there (especially since that huge ass hack from a while ago). I typically buy my games brand new too, idk I just like my games new and untouched. If it's a game I want really badly upon release like AC3 will be, I'll drop full price for it (or in this case my parents since my bday is Nov. 3) but otherwise I'll wait until the game gets re-released with DLC like ME2 was or just wait in general for it to get to $20-$30. I've never preordered anything before because honestly, if I just ask, the store usually gives me the preorder bonuses anyways. Like when I bought AC: Revelations they gave me the special edition when I asked so that was cool. Besides, most of the stores I go to have it on day one without it being sold out anyways so if I really want it that badly I can just go out and get it since a gamestop and a walmart is like 5 minutes from my house and right next to each other (and a chipotle, and a japanese steakhouse, starbucks, grocery store, chinese, and mcdonalds/burger king) bless food + games.
hahahaha omg yeah i saw this movie, i actually watched his filmography straight through all in one day because i was so awe struck at his baby...
aw i was almost born on halloween but i just missed the due date. too bad too, because i'm a troll. luv halloweenie, it's dark like my soul. but yeah i'm dressing up as sexy nurse lol it's fun 4 college parties thnx EDIT: actually i might be a fairy since i like glitter but we'll see when i go costume shopping this weekend lmao.
GOOD that they are finally using paypal, i hate using my credit card for online gaming. but i think this update looks really rad, i'm loving the black as the blue from the current PSN store was ugly imo. not that i really use the PSN store too often except for ME, AC, etc. DLC on occasion but it's at the very least nice to look at. plus i love how the background change according to what game you're looking at. nice new features +1 from me.
yes yes i agree (for the first anime i've watched in like more than a year)
taken care of, thank youuuuu :)
hi! nothing much PLOOMS just working on my swag and by that i mean the theme on my secondary blog lolz hbu?!?!?!!?
get ready 2 do some über tricks ssx style hellooooo
you're correct~
aw i luv them dey da best. and i'm happy i claimed the PSN name Quorra before anyone else lolololol
i really like how the name siouxsie is spelled, not "heard" per say but i think it's definitely interesting
it's funny bc i'm actually never on campus this semester except for random times to pick up/drop off things but tell me when you've got free times...