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  1. Kites
  2. Kites
  3. Kites
    Profile Post Comment

    yup it's good!

    yup it's good!
    Profile Post Comment by Kites, Nov 24, 2012
  4. Kites
    Just thought I would update this and mention a little tidbit of information that I stumbled upon. Apparently all of the DLC writers are coming up for the next DLC after Omega is released.
    Also included in that just for name confirmation is Jay Watamaniuk, Mac Walters, and Brianne O'Grady. A total of 8 writers are working on the DLC.​
    People who data-mined the files of Leviathan when it was released found the file names of both Omega and Citadel. So it is logical to conclude that the next DLC after Omega will probably have something to do with the Citadel.​
    We will probably see an Omega DLC trailer soon too. Maybe next week?​
    And also here Patrick may be talking about the next Mass Effect DLC after Omega since it would be really late to really fix a lot of bugs in the Omega DLC considering it comes out on the 27th. ​
    Post by: Kites, Nov 23, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  5. Kites
    you're right bless u lol nursing majors right so much **** that i'll be flabbergasted lmao dies x5
    Post by: Kites, Nov 23, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Kites
    if you ever need anatomy help ask me, cass!! i had to take 2 smh
    Post by: Kites, Nov 22, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Kites
    Yeah I didn't make the title I just found it somewhere lmao, I'm keeping my eye out for another one.

    I believe in Destroy too since that's what I chose and will continue to choose every time, but honestly unless they have something sneaky planned I can only really see things working out if the scale is downsized dramatically in terms of the scope of how much of the universe is involved, or if they set it 500-1000 years in the future to get away from any discrepancies between the endings.

    I've seen some pretty cool ideas outlining the potential for a new game to have indoctrination be true but not to the full extent that everyone think when they think of indoctrination. For example, be playing as a new character, but you are placed right in the battle for Earth at the beginning of the game trying to look for Shepard, you find him and he's trying to fight indoctrination himself. Then after that sequence ends you just go off on your merry way as another soldier - since it has been revealed that the next character will be a soldier supposedly, but not a soldier "of the universe" like Shepard.
    Post by: Kites, Nov 22, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  8. Kites
    I figured I would make this thread considering how news is always popping up about new Mass Effect games and EA likes to spit out games faster than a bat flying out of hell so I'm sure we'll hear a lot about it regardless.

    *Mass Effect 4 is a working title and logo above is unofficial*
    T R I L O G Y - B A C K G R O U N D:
    Ever since the beginning of the Mass Effect Trilogy that began with Mass Effect's release in 2007 and ended with Mass Effect 3 this past March, fans knew it would be just that...a trilogy with Commander Shepard taking lead as the main protagonist. Obviously response to Mass Effect 3 has been less than exemplary especially due to its controversial ending, which led many fans (aka what the gaming journalistic media called a "vocal minority") to garner support for a change in how they saw their Shepard's story come to a close (hoping for the 16 different endings that were advertised prior to launch). The Mass Effect 3: Extended Cut was released June 26, 2012 for Xbox 360, PS3, and PC worldwide and in North America and July 4, 2012 for PS3 in Europe. With little change, some fans were content, others displeased or plain old pissed off. Due to the fact that no ending of Mass Effect 3 - Destroy, Control, Synthesis, or Refuse is considered canon people saw it as BioWare cornering themselves story-wise for any future games with the same logo. Casey Hudson, the series' director, stated that the universe is so vast that there are many opportunities and directions that future plots can take.
    A N N O U N C E M E N T - T I M E L I N E:
    • 2007-2012: Mass Effect Trilogy featuring Commander Shepard as main protagonist
    • September 18, 2012: Official BioWare blog post detailing BioWare founders Ray Muzyka's and Greg Zeschuk's retirement from the company. Also there is official word about Casey Hudson's involvement in the future of Mass Effect at this time in another blog post stating:
    • October 19, 2012: News that the next Mass Effect (working title) will NOT feature Commander Shepard or a "Shepard 2" character with a similar personality/goals.
    • November 12, 2012: Official BioWare blog post by Yanick Roy, studio director at BioWare Montreal states that Frostbite* will be the new engine of the future Mass Effect game and that it is already in development.​
    • November 19, 2012: Mass Effect game director Casey Hudson tweets and asks fans for feedback on whether the next Mass Effect game should be a prequel or a sequel then thanks fans for their thoughts. Click here to take a poll on IGN and see results from more than 30,000 fans.
    • Unsurprisingly, thoughts for a sequel greatly outweigh prequel fans 20,000+ to around 8,000 give or take.
    • December 12, 2012: According to an interview with Gamer Syndrome the next installment should not be expected until late 2014 to mid-2015. **Source proven as false**
    • March 23, 2013: Mentioned at PAX East, Casey Hudson states that they are in the developing stages of the next Mass Effect game. Not really any new information, but good to know they are working on it.

    *Note: For those who are unaware, the Frostbite engine was developed by DICE, the creators of the Battlefield series. The untitled Mass Effect game will be third person-shooter/roleplaying with multiplayer and use Frostbite 3.0, the same engine that was debuted in the Battlefield 4 trailer/gameplay in March 2013. To put it in perspective, Mass Effect 3 used Unreal Engine 3.
    Thread by: Kites, Nov 22, 2012, 42 replies, in forum: Gaming
  9. Kites
    Mirror's Edge 2 is in production according to ex-EA developer Ben Cousins. Like the original Mirror's Edge (2008) and the Battlefield series, it is in the works by DICE Stockholm studios. Back in 2009 there were rumors of Mirror's Edge 2's development with statements by then-EA CEO Stephen Totilo and DICE exec Carl Magnus, then back in September with EA Games president Frank Gibeau, but obviously those didn't hold any water at the time until now.

    Check out the Eurogamer article and you can also click through the image for Ben's twitter feed. Definitely some interesting news and I would look forward to it if you are a fan of the game. Especially with some new revamped graphics/combat I can see it improving dramatically. Considering it is EA, some sort of multiplayer element will probably be incorporated - just watch it be some sort of roof-jumping capture the flag/package (that's just my guess, though). For its day the game was quite nice especially with the lightning and vibrancy, I also liked how the some of the cutscenes were animated as opposed to straight CGI/FMV. It didn't garner a lot of sales originally, but has developed a fan favorite/cult classic following of fans.​
    If you've never played Mirror's Edge and have the specs to play it on your computer you can buy it for $9.99 on the Steam Store while it is 50% off (originally $19.99) during the Steam Autumn Sale now through November 26th.​
    Post by: Kites, Nov 21, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  10. Kites
    i'm pretty sure some mexican billionaire who owns the company Bimbo is looking to buy Hostess/Twinkies so smh at whoever buys that.
    Post by: Kites, Nov 20, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Kites
    i got the game a day before release so i had finished it pretty much the night of its actual release date. overall i think the game was good, besides the obvious glitches that eveyone has mentioned. although in my game it was so bad that it ruined the gameplay experience. it was just a tad frustrating at times.

    i'm going to just say now, i was totally into haytham kenway's personality at times moreso than connor's. for some reason i just like the sarcastic characters with their dry humor. although i know he was an asswipe to his son and his baby mama i LOVED the plot twist (even though i knew it was going to be connor's father) when desmond found out who he was and the animus just pauses and he's like "wait.....WHAT?". that was super funny and clever to me. it did take a lot of time to get into the gameplay after 6 hours of haytham but overall it wasn't too bad.

    i liked connor, and i understand the point that they were trying to make with his character. if we are comparing him to ezio, you can definitely see a divergence in character development. both of them lost loved ones in a tragic way - through betrayal of others, etc. ezio being the playboy i really liked that about his character and how by the end of revelations he has the entire monologue with desmond listening, talking about how he tried to live and do the best he could even if he knew it wasn't enough. as for connor, his character didn't really evolve as much throughout the game because he was still naive as hell about trying to make things perfect in an imperfect world. that doesn't mean i dislike him, however. i did really like him a lot and admired his devotion. i can see ubi delving into his character more in future games. i'm pretty sure he was well received as a whole.

    as for the ending....aslkdjlsakda. okay i don't really know what it is about games now, feeling like they have to kill off the main character after a trilogy. the same happens in mass effect 3 to shepard unless you pick destroy and even that is refuted to no end to keep speculations high. i did really get interested in how minerva showed the potential for desmond to become a "god" as we know a "god" nowadays (in a way). the way she explained how words that were meant to help, would be used as a tool to control. definitely a deep thought that they decided to bring in. it's also a shame how desmond's bloodline ends with him, unless there is something/someone that we don't know about which is a likely possibility considering "plot twists". at the same time though, i have a feeling we will see desmond in one way or another similar to seeing clay (subject 16) inside of the animus.

    tl;dr: juno is a crazy, vengeful *****. i understand that her husband died but yo know wonder, considering how those who came before were basically making humans their mindless puppets thinking it was for some greater good.

    okay so i was thinking about this. the man who was hacking into the animus was talking about "the cloud". obviously we all know what a cloud does with data, etc. etc. but considering stuff we know from previous assassin's creed games, i have a feeling the man is/is a part of Erudito. If anyone remembers, the Erudito Collective is a hacker/bunch of hackers who oppose Abstergo at all costs, etc. etc. they would hack into their databases, gain information, things like that. if you listen to how the guy talking about the pivots speaks, he talks in a similar style to this quote by Erudito, "You reported me? That stings. Not that it really matters... I am miles ahead of these goons. I'm going to have to work harder to open your eyes, aren't I?". idk. maybe i am reading too much into it, but it seems like it could be a possibility to me. also, regarding desmond. if desmond's mind/memories are still a part of the animus similar to how clay/subject 16 was in revelations, if william miles, etc. don't bury desmond's body and keep him around then it may be possible to upload his consciousness back into his body. remember how clay said that all he needed to go back was a body because his was being "eaten by worms"? if they don't bury him and there is some data of desmond's mind, there may be a way to revive him. maybe by synching all of the ancestors data and previous actions in the animus with his neural synapses.

    also, if you talk to shaun he mentions how curious he is to set the animus back to the time of the first civilization and wonders if it will be possible. since desmond has first civilization DNA it wouldn't be completely out of question to see him again somehow. maybe by linking the animus to multiple people, etc.
    Post by: Kites, Nov 18, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  12. Kites
    you will be able to use your finger just fine, people have gone months without knowing things were broken and they have healed without a problem. just don't put too much strain on it and at least try to splint it with medical tape until monday. ('m a premed major fyi)
    Post by: Kites, Nov 18, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Kites
  14. Kites
  15. Kites
    korean and japanese sound really different
    Post by: Kites, Nov 8, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Kites
    plumsy gave me 2010, 2011, prem, decisus corona, the beginning: final mix, question timed, the promise, and everlasting. gracias amigo~
    Post by: Kites, Nov 8, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  17. Kites
    Profile Post Comment

    thank you!! n _ n

    thank you!! n _ n
    Profile Post Comment by Kites, Nov 7, 2012
  18. Kites
  19. Kites
    yes i voted and got my sticker hehe
    Post by: Kites, Nov 6, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Kites
    expect the end
    o0o0o0o0o mysterious
    Post by: Kites, Nov 6, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone