Oh of course, my respect fo them is also a lot more now that I know what this place went through. So, thanks for that story and everything you've...
You know, I knew you were amazing when you made 100 posts in a day and singlehandledly made the site a lot more active, but daaaaaamn that story...
I'd the say the second round of his heartless on re:coded counts as that.
Just have something to the side like Mirage Arena or Days Mission Mode, co-op on the main story wouldn't really fit at this point.
Yen Sid redecorated. Seriously now, they didn't know the course the series would take from there, so it's normal there are inconsistences around. I personally choose to believe they just didn't know how that particular Keyblade looked. But for the record, yeah, they should know it by all means, since they were there when Mickey was taking the exam to be a master, and they saw when Yen Sid let him keep the Keyblade.
I don't think it's true, Versus is still the main priority for the KH team, and that doesn't look close to being finished at all, so no starting KH3's development. Unless they're using the Osaka team, which I doubt.
I'm inclined to say Traverse Town if I get to see how it is at noon, if that ever happens. If not... I guess it's still Traverse Town, it's just so charming, that sky and everything. Maybe Radiant Garden they put those crazy water physics to good use, but else Traverse.
Excalibur is the default name if you win the race, so that was it on KH1. On KH2 I just picked the latest Falcon model available, removed all lasers for cannons and called it some random letter. But after getting most pieces on my recent run (Where I actually bothered doing missions for once, because FM added some cool new parts I only found out about then) I made a custom one called Gespenst. Tiny ships were and will always be called Donald and Goofy, just cause.
You okay there? That post on the arena kind of made me worried.
I didn't do anything special with the Roxas thing, anything can drive if you use the reaction command modifier. And I don't think so, Driving twice crashes the game, and I'm not sure if that thing counts as a Drive Form. He was asking about a code of Dual Wield Roxas driving into stuff, not Roxas driving into DW.
If you meant T-Stance, unequip all growth abilities. But yeah, sorry, no idea how to get the second key to stay there.
It's just the reaction command thingy on the first page, here; Spoiler 11CE0B68 00000323 E003FFFB 0034D45C 21C5FF48 00000000 21C5FF4C 00060000 21C5FF50 00010001 E003FFFB 0034D45C 21C5FF48 00000000 21C5FF4C 00070000 21C5FF50 00010001 E003FEFF 0034D45C 21C5FF48 00000000 21C5FF4C 000B0000 21C5FF50 00010001 E003FDFF 0034D45C 21C5FF48 00000000 21C5FF4C 000C0000 21C5FF50 00010001 E003FBFF 0034D45C 21C5FF48 00000000 21C5FF4C 000D0000 21C5FF50 00010001 E003FFFE 0034D45C 21C5FF48 00000000 21C5FF4C 00050000 21C5FF50 00010001 E003F7FF 0034D45C 21C5FF48 00000000 21C5FF4C 02A10000 21C5FF50 00010001 R3 = Valor RC appears L3 = Wisdom R2 = Final L2 = Master R1 = Limit L1 = Anti Select = Revert If you switched rooms while drive'd you gotta revert or you can't drive.
Okay, so, while it works at first, when you revert, the second key will be gone, magic and drive will be availible normally and growth abilities will take effect, as if it changed his moveset to Sora or normal Roxas. I tried a bunch of stuff to make sure it wouldn't happen but I couldn't make it work, sorry.
By that I meant it's still DW Roxas, his second key is gone but his moves and stuff are still the same. Though you got a point there. Anyways, that's the only way I now, which is using the status mod, but I think I remember something about using the Reaction Command modifier making it work, but I can't test right now, sorry.
Just change the joker, it'll be like htis E003FFFD 0034D45C 21C5FF48 00000000 21C5FF4C ????0000 21C5FF50 00010001 The way I know makes him wield only one keyblade, that okay?
Skate 2 physics, all of it; Sherlock holmes: Nemises, Watson; Fallout: New Vegas, the floating heads; Star Ocean The Second Story on PS1, press a button between the 'battle complete' and field screens and you get BSOD; Ratchet and Clank Tools of Destruction: Using those claws whose name I forgot can make you go through the ground on some spots, and on the last planet you can actually get to the last boss arena, only normally acessible by going to fight said boss, by falling through.
The hafl new part doesn't include capes at all, and the other half that does was done since the KH2FM release, so they didn't bother changing. I guess you can call that lazy, but it's still a waste of time to remake a damn fine animation just to remove some capes. And of course not, why would they? I was talking about being able to remove the capes in BBS if they decide to put them back in, as in toggle the capes on/off as you want.
What you said is the negative side about the anonimosity, that since there's no real-world social consequences, people can be jerks all they want, but there's also a positive side. Some people are more willing to open up about their feelings and problems online, and get advice they normally wouldn't ask in person to anyone, allowing them to grow as a person and possibly changing their lives, and I'm really thankful for that myself.
The movie was done before they realized they couldn't have both the capes and multiplayer, and changing the movie would be a waste of resources. I'm not saying it's impossible though, they might have been something removed far into the development, which would make adding them easier and less time consuming. However If they do come back I hope there's some kind of option to remove them, too used to running around without them and they'd probably get in the way.
Like Nomura said, they don't want to add any big elements to the games, they just want the collection to be HD and with Trophy support. The days themed cards are the exact same as the KH2 cards that were already there, they just replaced the images and the name, everything else was arealdy coded so it wasn't that big a deal; KH2FM already has everything that was added to KH1(Combo Master/Zero Exp), which were only added because they're staple now anyways; The capes on BBS were said to cause a huge framerate drop (Though that maybe be just the PSP, but I don't honestly see them bothering to add them back); And last, they'd need to remake Mirage Arena completely so it works with the PS3, it doesn't have ad-hoc so they'd need a new netcode if they plan to make it Online, and since Square doesn't really have that many online multiplayer games, they'd either need to buy or make one from scratch, either way it should be pretty expensive. With that said, I reeeeeeeeally hope they decide to make Mirage Arena online, I'd totally pay 60$ for that alone.