That, though only Roxas gets keyblades because of someone else's memories, but I guess it's kinda his too. Sometimes the mementos themselves act as keychains since they're what remind the holder of the experiences they went through, like Oathkeeper, Jungle King, Oblivion and Ultima Weapon. That was the only keyblade without a keychain, and only because it was imcomplete, as in, it was missing Kairi's heart.
It's right. You forgot to add one line though. 01c95520 00000074
I see what they did. There was a sleight on Chains of Memories called Terror which confused enemies and made them fight each other, It's written exactly the same as Terra on katakana, so they just mistranslated it.
Only rumor I've ever heard was about a "Steamboat Charm", but even then people couldn't decide on what it'd do, so it lost credibility faster than the Wheat Sword in GS. Either way, are you sure this was gonna be named Terra and not something else? I don't doubt there being rumors or even plans for a mechanic like that, but I can't see any reason to name such mechanic "Terra".
Open PCSX2, open emuhaste, click extra, replace the first digit on Real Adress with a 2, attach to emulator and load the game. In that order. Also...
I was using that too. Maybe you checked the 8/32bit switch box? Either way it's something you did, so just re-do your steps and those will work. Also a heads up, codes that don't start with 0, 1 or 2 won't work there.
Never heard of that, but if you're looking to permanently play as that form you can also use the party modifier. That's unusual for the HP codes though, so I tested this one: 200FE000 8C820004 200FE004 0806891E 200FE008 AC820000 20166CD8 0C03F800 And it worked... for a while, since it doesn't stop you from dying if you take a OHKO, but if you have Second Chance it'll work fine. Anyways, you might have input the code wrong or forgot activating, same for the drive codes, just tested em and workin fine.
You need to have final Form in order for it to work, if you haven't unlocked yet it doesn't work. It's normal for Mickey to T-stance when using magic. And what happens when you use the HP codes?
Didn't work. And Evil made that code long ago, or at least some other code that does the same thing; 21C6C8F8 XXXXXXXX 21C6C8FC XXXXXXXX It has some sideffects though, drive bar is gone, sometimes even with every value at 0 you still take damage and if you try to acess a shop it freezes, but otherwise it works.
...I was talking about keeping a tab on them. He didn't need luck to make them go where he wanted. But now: Xehanort made it so that Terra would never find Vanitas(As in made Vanitas avoid him) and would continue his journey, increasing his darkness. Xehanort knew Eraqus was ignorant as hell about how things worked, and would NEVER let Terra pass because DARKNESS, or hesitate to kill Ven because DARKNESS or aknowledge Xehanort was evil even after he SHOT HIS DARKNESS IN HIS FACE. Vanitas would use Aqua instead of Ven if he was dead. Xehanort really didn't account for Vanitas disobeying though. Ven confronting Xehanort was part of his plan, it happened, Xehanort made him collapse and sent him to LoD. Terra and Ven would show up on Graveyard regardless, Xehanort had just killed what Terra considered his dad, and Ven wanted Aqua and Terra to kill him or at least stop Vanitas from killing them. Aqua spilling out that she was a stalker made Terra and Ven run away in disgust, it would be worse if she explained if anything, but they didn't meet again after that anyway. Terra couldn't explain things, it would put Ven in danger and MX told him not to. A-Okay with Aqua, but she found out about Vanitas alone anyways. Aqua's sacrifice didn't change much, if anything it helped Xehanort; They weren't to return to LoD until things were taken care of, Terra couldn't stop because of Vanitas and the Unversed, Ven because he wouldn't be able to chase Terra afterwards and Aqua because she was chasing Terra in the first place. Yen Sid didn't give any bad advice that I recall, he told Terra Unversed were probably connected to MX, to Aqua that Eraqus was gone and to Ven that Mickey needed urgent help, I don't see anything wrong with those, they backfired 2 out of 3 times, but it wasn't bad advice. And Braig or Maleficent discovered? Explain
Which part exactly seems like dumb luck? Xehanort tells Terra where to go, so logically he would know where he is when it's important. Vanitas and Ventus are linked and stuff, Vanitas can probably tell where he is anytime, and even then he was following Terra and Vanitas knows that, because he's the one who made him follow Terra on the first place, so it wouldn't be hard to find him with Xehanort pulling Terra's strings. Vanitas found Aqua because he knew she was following Ventus and Terra.
That's just how Nomura's designs works, it's not foreshadowing or all those 3 would be... you know.
It's probably your browser, the symbol I used to replace the R doesn't load on some, or something.
I see. Wish ya luck then.
Part-time or something permanent already?
Nothing much I guess, just looking around and reading some stories. Unlike apparently everyone my semester started now, so there's not much to do...
Just noticed I never replied to a message you left me months ago, and I don't think I wished you a happy birthday a few weeks ago either, sorry D:
I guess I know how that feels, all I do nowadays is lurk until someone asks a question about KH. Good to know you're fine though, you sounded too...
Did anyone ever remake the code to have Roxas' Keyblades floating around with you all the time? I tried searching but no result.
Hoping for some kind of teaser about a TWEWY sequel or whatever, and looking forward to news about Lightning Returns. And calling it now, most of this "Terrific lineup" is composed of social games >_>