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  1. Shift
    I just hope the implement skills/advanced magics from BBS and whatnot like they implemented Limit Form's limits on 2FM, as in, give them their own menu like magics have and make them comsume MP.
    Post by: Shift, Jun 11, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  2. Shift
    On BBS, CoM and Days it was physically impossible for him to be significantly older than his KH1 self, Coded was about his KH1 adventures's records on the journal, 3D had spoilery reasons, but while he looks like his young version, he's still his KH2/post-KH2 self.
    So, with the exception of 3D, there was no way we could have his 15 years old self on those games.
    Post by: Shift, Jun 11, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  3. Shift
    What do you mean?
    Mickey was guiding him through his dream and telling him about what was gonna happen. That's all there is to it.
    Post by: Shift, Jun 9, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  4. Shift
    Sorry, I had nothing else to help disprove and went with the first thing that came to my head >_>

    That bit comes from Nomura himself on a interview, it's just that the interview was on the guide.
    Plus, Mickey does the same to Riku later, further providing the point.
    Post by: Shift, Jun 9, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  5. Shift
    It works, and it sounded cool.
    It may just be a localization choice from all we know.

    Yeah, I was just point outing that whatever exclusive function the Kingdom Keys may have, that wasn't one of them.
    Post by: Shift, Jun 9, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  6. Shift

    Looks like I was wrong about Roxas after all.Called it >_>
    Post by: Shift, Jun 9, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  7. Shift
    Sora is the sole exception, he didn't need a ceremony.
    And Terra was made a Master by Xehanort on Radiant Garden.

    I guess that's it, after all, Mickey does have two Keyblades for himself since KH1, and that breaks the "As many keyblades as individuals" rule.
    Post by: Shift, Jun 9, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  8. Shift
    It's an organization, Roxas is their superior. Sure, he actually commands Samurai nobodies, but I believe Dusks and Creepers are low enough to be commanded by anybody, which is why we find them everywhere on KH2 and why they appear when Roxas trains by himself on Days.

    Any two keyblades could close the door. The thing is one had to be from the Dark and one from the Light Realm, to seal the door from both sides.
    If Mickey found, I don't know, a Reverse Oblivion there, it'd do the job just fine.
    Post by: Shift, Jun 9, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. Shift
    I'm saying this based on something Nomura said on a interview ages ago, it was along the lines of "Roxas's Keyblade and the thing that Sora once lost in Castle Oblivion are the same".
    I can't find the interview right now but i'll edit this later. inb4imwrong
    Xion and Roxas were playing tug-o-war with their powers, when one was too strong the other was so weak he couldn't call upon a Keyblade, there were a few periods Roxas even entered a coma.

    He also summoned two Kingdom Keys before turning them into O&O, and we know one of those was Ven's.
    Remember, only Masters can do the Ceremony, so Jack's not getting a Keyblade based on that scene no matter what.
    Or so I hope >_>
    Well, obviously, but I'm saying it's not the same base Keyblade.
    If it is that contradicts what he said about Xehanort.
    Oh, I had forgotten about that line.
    Does that mean unless someone loses their Keyblade like Riku to Sora they can't get another one?

    Actually, if what he said is to be taken literally, it's the opossite, they're finite.
    As in, you can't Dual-wield without rendering someone else unable to use the Keyblade.
    Post by: Shift, Jun 9, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  10. Shift
    ...I doubt he lied there.
    It's too much like him to pull something like this.

    Roxas used Ven's Keyblade with a KK Keychain until Sora started sleeping on CO, after that he started using Sora's. Xion used a replica made out of memories, or something along those lines, it probably didn't have all functions of a real one, and it depended on Roxas to even exist.
    Post by: Shift, Jun 8, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  11. Shift
    Nomura said this, not me.
    And yes, I agree that it's an asspull >_>

    Earthshaker was Terra's keyblade, why would he get that?
    And Kairi never saw her keyblade before Riku handed it to her either.
    Their forms are probably not something you choose, they're what fits you.
    Yeah, that's what I think too.
    Two copies of one Keychain can exist at once, not of one Keyblade. You'd need to make a new one. Which probably isn't easy after you already got one.
    Post by: Shift, Jun 8, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  12. Shift
    I'd guess that if not to bring him back, they were trying to at least capture him to come up with another freak experiment. Anything else wouldn't help them at all.
    But seeing how Xemnas works, I'd guess you're right about not rulling it out yet. And Axel being the one that gets rid of traitors and commanding nobodies named Assassins does help your your case.
    Don't they get their memories too? If so, they're probably the same as their past lives, bar emotions.
    I'd agree with it if you were talking about Heartless, but Nobodies are too close to Humans in my opinion.
    He was only treated as special in the beginning, come Hollow Bastion on KH1 he stopped being the chosen one.
    Either way, if he was chosen from the very start, it'd totally ruin that image.

    ...I am however puzzled by how Mickey not only knew he would get that very specific Keyblade before it happened, he contacted him about it on his mind.
    Post by: Shift, Jun 8, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  13. Shift
    Kairi accidentaly touched Aqua's keyblade, for some reason that counted as a cerimony. Axel got it from Yen Sid and proceded to learn how to summon it with the 3 fairies.

    And I'm not counting it just as an ability that's lost, I mean the physical thing, his Keyblade was also lost. It wasn't abandoned by Riku, it abandoned Riku because it wanted.
    There may be two dozens running around but that's it, they're finite. Xehanort for example, he has 1 keyblade, but soon will have 13 selves, they can't all summon the same keyblade at the same time, there's only one "Xehanort's Keyblade".

    Also, Keyblades do that. All the time. Leon picked it up, swimgs it, judged not worthy, it goes back to Sora. Jack picked it, swimgs it, back to Sora.

    He never had anything to do with KK.
    Sorry for not being clear.
    Post by: Shift, Jun 8, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  14. Shift
    Killing Roxas would only hinder their plans without Xion around, there'd be no Keyblade to gather hearts. So, I doubt you're right about that part, and that line is just what it looks like.
    I mean, It's pretty hard to think a Dusk out of all things would know the importance about it, if there's any. They're just like other nobodies, just some random people who lost their bodies.

    Also, the whole point about Sora being special is because he isn't. He's just a ordinary kid who got caught in the circumstances. Nomura made him like this to show that you don't need to be special to acomplish something.
    So, I doubt there's gonna be any chosen thing going on around him.
    Post by: Shift, Jun 8, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  15. Shift
    I agree with what you said about Riku, but thing is, while you just need a strong heart to wield a Keyblade, the ability to summon/make your own and the aknowledgement from whatever collective counciousness the Keyblades may have come from the cerimony.
    So as things were going for Sora, he really couldn't summon another one (Actually, he could because of Ven, but let's not go there), he was using Riku's because of some freak accident, and it was the only one he could use, regardless if his heart was strong enough to wield one. He wasn't aknoledged by the Keyblade yet.

    Roxas actually ends up being pretty simple, he's Sora as far as any rules go, so when he tries to summon one KK comes to him naturally, like it does to Sora, except it's actually Ven's Keyblade with the KK Keychain that answers the call.

    Yeah, we're probably wasting time trying some make sense out of it, but hey, it's better that way.

    Ventus always wielded Wayward Wind. Flashbacks included. He never used a Keyblade on Destiny Islands either, they trained at the Keyblade Graveyard.
    Post by: Shift, Jun 8, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  16. Shift
    If we're comparing to KH1 then hell yes.
    The waterfalls, the waterway, the puzzles, the whole storming the castle aspect, everything was perfect.

    Come KH2, all of that is gone and it's just a hub town like Traverse Town, except not as good.
    The Cavern of Remembrance helps fix some of it on FM, but the world itself was still pretty bland compared to it's KH1 counterpart.

    BBS was somewhere on the middle of KH1 and 2 to me. It wasn't as epic as 1, but not as shallow as 2 either.
    Post by: Shift, Jun 8, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. Shift
    But Way to Dawn was a Keyblade he made himself, the one he "inherited" from Terra was lost to Sora. That's just how I view it though, like you said, Riku and Sora's cases are a mess.
    Post by: Shift, Jun 7, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  18. Shift
    Keyblades use the image of the X-Blade as a base, so they all initially looked like keys because the X-Blade looked like one.

    As for why the ones after the Keyblade War look like ones, it might just be tradition, or something.
    Maybe they just aren't made anymore, as in, the ones left over from all the dead wielders from the Keyblade War just answer the call when someone tries to summon a Keyblade and then change shape, since what I said above wouldn't explain why Sora's Keyblade looked not only like a Key, but the closest they ever got to the X-Blade.
    ...though then again, this wouldn't either.

    Also, no Masters are required. Riku forged Way to Dawn out of Soul Eater before any were introduced.
    Post by: Shift, Jun 7, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  19. Shift
    That's what sounded most likely to me, shouldn't have said it like it was a fact, sorry.

    I was thinking now, while it's a Keyblade of People's Hearts and everything, Nomura said it's different from a proper one because it was made artificially, it was made for one function, and once it did what it was meant to do, it dissolved. So, it might not have a keychain because of that.

    Either way, that thing is an exception to whatever rules there might be, so the reason probably doesn't matter.
    Post by: Shift, Jun 6, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  20. Shift
    Both were made from the princesses' hearts, both were incomplete, Leon said it, 0:43 here.
    The teeth even formed an incomplete heart to symbolize it.
    Post by: Shift, Jun 6, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts