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  1. Aragorns
    Oh yeah, of course, silly me.
    Editing time.
    Post by: Aragorns, Mar 21, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Aragorns
  3. Aragorns
    Due to Nostalgia, I am making reserves...
    ... that not even I understand (plus a demon-huntress ninja)

    Taki (Soul Calibur)
    King Kahuka (LEGO)
    Basil the Batlord (LEGO)
    Johnny Thunder (LEGO)
    The Brickster(LEGO)
    Post by: Aragorns, Mar 21, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Aragorns
    Username: Aragorns
    Character of Choice: Yoshimitsu II
    Game/anime/etc. the character is from: Soul Calibur... 5
    Additional Information: Behold! He is Yoshimitsu THE SECOND! Shikisoku zekuu.
    Post by: Aragorns, Mar 16, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Aragorns
    whilst he does that...
    Yoshimitsu II
    If anyone has any questions, ask me on Skype.

    EDIT: As per requested, I have dropped the first Yoshimitsu as a reserve so anyone else may take him.
    Post by: Aragorns, Mar 15, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Aragorns
    Galleon: Before it departed...

    Mordred was mortally wounded by the strike and staggered back, before falling... only to be caught by Red Hood. "I'm not letting you die that easily. Jason! We gotta move! Now!" He yelled out as he dragged Mordred away from Caius and towards the GokaiGalleon that was slowly departing. He tried to throw Mordred onto the Galleon, but she fell short... and was caught by another hand. "Get on here quickly." Said the strange man as he hefted Mordred onto the platform. Red Hood and Jason jumped onto the GokaiGalleon just as it sailed away and managed to hide in the engine room before anyone found them.

    Galleon: Present time. -Engine Room-

    Mordred was on the floor, slowly bleeding out. "The wound is in the chest area, it is grave." Red Hood looked at his servant... then he ordered. "Jason, go find some medical supplies. Old man, help me with this." The old man nodded and the began to remove the armour as to better heal him. Red Hood could almost swear he heard some form of objection from Mordred, but he was too weak to actually make proper syllables. "Damn, this armour is on real tight..."
    Jason Bourne ran past a love confession and a clown, as well as a strangely dressed captain, before finding any medical supplies. He looked over the railing before he headed back and saw... well, Lowee. Quite an odd place... he also saw a battle going on down there... but no matter, Mordred needed the supplies, so he ran back stealthily, coming across a guy with blue hair giving an arrogant crybaby some sword called "Soul Calibur" or whatever.

    Lowee: Decisive Clash.

    Nico was gaining the upper hand... then something happened that he did not expect. Luke's eyes turned golden and his sword... became a scythe. "I will have to deal with you myself, di Angelo. Prepare to face the wrath of Kronos!"
    Nico knew that it was impossible... but... he felt something... cheering him on. He shook his head, and readied his sword for the inevitable clash. They both eyed eachother, Kronos smirked and they charged forward, the stygian sword clashing with Kronos's scythe time and time again. Then, with one clash... Nico's sword was destroyed and he was pushed back. Then, something odd happened... however, that will be covered in the next post to keep the suspense up.
    Post by: Aragorns, Mar 8, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Aragorns
    Name: Tira​
    Description: born and raised as part of the Cult; Pavor Nocturnus, and a master manipulator. She has two sides to her personality, Gloomy, who likes the pain of others, and joyful, who likes playing with others. She is now head of the Pavor Nocturnus, and pledged undying loyalty to the S-Type Nightmare 7 years ago.​
    Occupation: Head of the Pavor Nocturnus.​
    Series Character is from: Soul Series.​
    Name: Voldo​
    Description: Born in Italy and outcast by his family and town due to his abnormal double-jointness as well as the fact he is blind and mute, he was recruited into the cult Pavor Nocturnus as it's Assassin. Not much else is known apart from the fact he has... strange... armour...​
    Occupation: Assassin for the Pavor Nocturnus.​
    Series Character is from: Soul Series​
    Name: Terra​
    Description: Childhood friends of Aqua and Ventus (if/when he's in the RP), he also has a crush on Aqua. He isn't really a bad boy, but he isn't a good one either, he's not afraid to get into fights, and is often the victor. He despises Vanitas.​
    Series Character is from: Kingdom Hearts​
    Occupation: Student.​
    He has become the recent target of Tira, who believes he could be a usefull asset... and the perfect sacrifice for when Nightmare returns.​
    Post by: Aragorns, Mar 7, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Aragorns
    -post to catch up-
    Archaeology Class: Late Student.

    Professor Henry "Indiana" Jones was preparing his class when a japanese boy with brownish-ginger hair (impossible, I know) burst in, breathing heavily and clutching at some some books that fell out of his bag, which was loosely hanging off his left arm. "Shirou Emiya? Your late." Was all the professor could say. Shirou tried saying something, but it was lost in his heavy breaths that were comically grasping for air. "Calm down, take a seat, catch your breath." So Shirou did just that. After he had caught his breath, he explained to the Professor why he was late. "Sorry I'm late, Professor, it's just that someone sabotaged my alarm clock." The professor nodded. Perhaps it was fate, as there was, apparently, an S-type attack just a few hours ago. He hadn't known anything about it, locked in his study, taking care of some paperwork. Then there was the fire drill he'd decided not to bother with.

    Indiana thought for a bit. "Well, now that you're here, you can help me set up for class." Professor Jones decided, seeing as how giving Shirou detention seemed a bit harsh. Shirou nodded and began to help him set up stuff. "What are we studying today?" Indiana answered. "The Hero King Algol and his downfall from power. "Oh" was the only comment Shirou had.


    Archer was heading to his next class when he thought he saw someone... who shouldn't be there. A girl skipping down the empty hall with a ring-shaped blade. He tried to follow her, but she disappeared... so he just headed off to his next class. (Foreshadowing the future!)
    Post by: Aragorns, Mar 7, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Aragorns
    I'm making one more reserve... then I promise you, I won't make anymore UNTIL I'VE POSTED!!!

    Name: Marty McFly
    Description: A teenage boy who thinks the 1980's was an awesome period, and so dresses as such.
    Occupation: Student.
    Series Character is from: Back to the Future.
    Other: [​IMG] he also owns a Delorean
    Post by: Aragorns, Mar 5, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Aragorns
    Just to let everyone know...
    So, a few things. First...
    WELCOME BACK ROXAM! Grayson was too depressed to be posted as when you left.

    Maxi(Soul Series)
    Tira(Soul Series)
    Voldo(Soul Series)
    Astaroth Golems(Soul Calibur five)
    Jafar(Disney) [unless already taken]
    Terra(Kingdom Hearts)
    Post by: Aragorns, Mar 3, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Aragorns
    GokaiGalleon: That's not right...

    Joker went to a private room and got out Jafar's laptop. "Always knew this thing would come in handy." He commented to himself as he checked something... yep, that seems about right... "Camera's working, check. Now... let's see... Ienzo seems to be a bit left out, as well as others. Hmm... that's not right... I seem to recall that entity "Bushy Brow" creating a rule or something to deal with stuff like that..." He proceeded to shrug and watch events happen on his "borrowed" laptop.

    Lowee: The only road he's ever known.

    Ienzo, having come all this way... even back from the dead to save Blanc... only to discover she had found someone else, or so it seemed, and only to be vaguely noticed by everyone and then just have things move on whilst he stood there... so he decided to move on. No point staying here now, is there? As he casually walked away from the chaos that was happening, he sung quietly to himself, as music was more appealing to him now he had a heart. "And here I go again on my own, going down the only road I've ever known. Like a drifter I was born to walk alone..."
    Lowee: -no title yet-

    Nico di Angelo had been walking for a bit now, unaware of what had happened to the goddess's. Then... a familiar face entered his path. "Nico di Angelo, been a while, eh?" "What do you want, Luke?" Asked Nico coldly. Luke feigned shock. "Ouch, that hurt, right there." Luke pointed to his chest. "Besides, I'm here to help you." Nico looked on in interest. "Help me... how?" He inquired. Luke smiled... a bit too fiendeshly. "Well, it's clear that Noire dosn't like you anymore... something about no backbone or something... but if you join me, us, Kronos... then she won't be able to deny that you are a man worth being with. Whaddya say, Nico? Can you do what Percy never could?
    Nico seemed to seriously think... then he drew his sword and lunged at Luke. Luke drew his own sword and the human-metal/celestial bronze sword clashed with Nico's sword of Stygian Iron. Nico stared at his opponent with daggers in his eyes. "I'm not an idiot, Luke. Maybe she dosn't love me, maybe she meets someone else and lives happily with them, and you know what? I'd rather she'd be happy and not love me, than love me and be hurting, or upset, or even... dead. Understand this, Luke... I will love her until the end of my days, even if she dosn't love me. After this slightly Severus Snape inspired statement, then demanded something unexpected... "Now... let. Hope. GO!!" Luke laughed. "Can't do that, Nico. Kronos's orders." "TO HADES WITH KRONOS!! And the battle began...

    Dai-Gurren: Uh-oh.

    Mordin found Shepard, Jason, Dante and Mami just as Tifa had left... "Cloud... what just happened?" Shepard asked as he covered Jason's eyes. Cloud, however, was a bit busy kissing a particular part of the female chest... "... we should go and... tell him what happened later..." Shepard suggested as he led Jason away. "Interesting." Was all Mordin could say.
    Post by: Aragorns, Mar 3, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Aragorns
    Lowee: Leaving the Cave.​
    Someone appeared from the mist and stood before them. "Drop the goddess... or I'll have to take her by force." The former Nobody stood before them, ready to attack them if the need should come. "So... are we doing this the easy way, or the hard way?
    Lowee: Falling from the sky.​
    Zack Fair jumped from the Shera towards Lowee. He saw two different fights going on, one was ending so he decided to jump to land at the other one. Free-falling sword first, he landed only feet away from Crump, dirt flying everywhere. "So... did I miss the party? Zack asked lightly as he dusted himself off.
    Lowee: Feeling alone.​
    Nico had been ignored... again. "Nothing new, then." He muttered as he turned to walk away, clearly not needed here.
    Random Cave: Bored.​
    Percy had been wandering the area for ages, looking for anyone familiar... when he spotted a winged boy in a chiton with a bow, guarding a cave. "Uhh... ok?" Percy wondered out loud as he approached the boy. "So..." He began. "Who are you? Icarus?"
    Dai-Gurren: Bump!​
    Just as Dante had said the line, Shepard and Jason crashed into Dante and Mami.​
    Jason had managed to push both himself and Mami over with the force of the crash, landing in a very awkward position. "Err.... woops." Was all he could manage, his face going slightly red.
    Shepard had managed to NOT knock over Dante. He decided to introduce himself. "I'm Commander Shepard, and this is Jason Grace. Sorry if we're intruding, but we were looking for the leader of this group to see if we could join." Shepard explained.​
    GokaiGalleon: 'bout time they got out the room.

    Roxas felt happy, but he hadn't noticed how long he and Hermione had been standing there gazing into eachother's eyes until Joker entered the room. "You have two options. Either kiss, or get out here, you've been like that for waaaaay to long."Roxas went red faced and immediately lost the ability to talk. "Err...."
    Post by: Aragorns, Feb 22, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Aragorns
    So... I should probably make a post, eh? I'm just slightly confused as to what's going on now that Roxam left.
    Post by: Aragorns, Feb 17, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Aragorns
    Dai-Gurren: Room/Cloud's Mind.
    Cloud found himself actually considering her offer, even though he had no idea what she meant. Time seemed to stop as he travelled to that deranged place which is Cloud's Mind.

    In Cloud's mind, he found himself in a seat, with two versions of himself stand either side of him.
    "Say yes" Urged Right shoulder. "It'll be fun. Alot of fun. It's been ages since you got--" He was mercifully interrupted by right shoulder. "Don't say yes! Get out of there! We don't know what she'll do to you!"

    Right shoulder smugly answered with two words. "I do."
    Left shoulder was apalled that right shoulder would even think of saying yes to an offer like this. "What about Tifa!? RIght shoulder sighed in exasperation. "She dosn't have to know. Besides, I don't see us findind her anytime soon, and we all know he needs to feel good... very good"
    Left shoulder stared at Right shoulder in disbelief. "This'll just make him feel worse!"
    "SHUT UP AND LET ME THINK!! Cloud yelled at his two selves, who both shut up immediately. He thought... perhaps she meant something other than what Right shoulder was suggesting... but if she did mean that... he couldn't do that to Tifa. Then again, she would never know, and it could earn him an ally and perhaps even points with Kronos, which is something he needs desperately, but is he that desperate?​
    Cloud's train of thought was broken when the lights flickered on to reveal they were in a game-show-like setting.... in his mind. "You'll have to choose one or the other, Cloud." Cloud sighed, fustrated. "Let me think! This isn't as easy as 'yes' or 'no', ok?" The gameshow host stepped into the light, Right and Left shoulder's jaws both dropped when they realised what was happening. The host spoke again. "True, but it can be as easy as...Deal or no Deal"
    Some theme music started to play as Cloud himself looked confused.​
    Noel Edmonds had three boxes out infront of him and a telephone on the middle box. On the first box, was a picture that I will not describe here due to KH-V rules. The second box had a picture of Cloud darting out of a wall cartoon style, and the third box had a picture of Cloud using his fusion swords to utterly massacre the purple-haired person. "Now, Cloud, you have three options that are obvious as to the pictures on the boxes. What you must do is choose which is a deal, and which is no deal. Infront of me is a phone where we will call a friend and ask for their opinion, but it will be an anonymous call, and I will be the one asking the question. So, Cloud, what would you like to do?"
    Cloud thought for a bit, then he decided on something, even though he didn't know if it would really work. "I want to ask Zack Fair for his opinion." Noel proceeded to make the call.​
    -Shera: Zack's phone call-​
    Zack's phone started ringing. He looked at the caller, and it had a picture of Noel Edmonds' face. Deciding that it would be a good idea to answer the phone, he did so. "Yello, this is Zack speaking." "Ah, Zack Fair." Began the game show host. "Tell me, if Cloud was given the opportunity to [removed for rating reasons], would you tell him to go for it or not?" Zack had to think about this for a while, then he asked "Whose the chick?" "No one you know." Was the answer. "Ok... I suppose I'd tell him to go for it. Me and Aerith used to--" Noel hanged up on him, having got the answer he required and not wanting to hear anymore.​
    "That was rude." Zack complained. Had he known what he'd just doomed his friend to, he would've tried to call back.
    -Back in Cloud's mind-​
    Noel Edmonds told Cloud Zack's answer, and Cloud leaned back, in deep thought... the other shoulders were now whispering choose, choose, choose, and it was not helping. Eventually, Cloud couldn't take it anymore. "Alright! Fine! Deal!
    -In reality-​
    "Alright, deal... what did you have in mind?" Cloud heard the words come out of his own mouth, but he couldn't believe he was saying these things.​
    -meanwhile, somewhere in Dai-Gurren-​
    Mordin Solus had gotten lost, which meant that Cloud and Zone had some more time to themselves...​
    Shera: Arriving at Lowee.​
    Zack walked up to where Cid was piloting the ship. On a table near the doorway, Ezio, Squall and Two-Face were playing a game of cards. Zack sighed and tapped Cid on the shoulder Cid didn't turn around, but asked "What's up, kiddo?" "I just had a strange phone call about Cloud... anyway, we almost there? "Take a look for your @!£$&%# self." Replied Cid in his usual way. Zack looked down out of the giant windows and saw Lowee beneath them. There appeared to be some sort of fight going on down there. Zack went to the armoury and got out his Buster Sword, ready for action in case anything happened.
    Post by: Aragorns, Feb 15, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Aragorns
    I will be bringing in...
    Username: Aragorns.
    Character of Choice: Edge Master.
    Game/Anime/etc. the Character is from: Soul Calibur.
    Additional Information: No one knows his past but himself. What lies in his soul is Experience. He is the True Master of the Edge.
    Post by: Aragorns, Feb 15, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Aragorns
    Dai-Gurren: Stowaways.
    Shepard, Mordin and Jason were not expecting the hero speech, but at least now they knew that friends were on here. "Alright, now we know there isn't any danger here, we should find their leader and join them." "Agree completely." "So," asked Jason "We find their leader and join them, simple as?" Shepard nodded in response. "Simple as." Mordin quickly put in a point they were missing "Shepard. Left Cloud in room. Should go and retrieve him before someone finds him." Shepard thought for a bit. "Alright, Mordin, you go back and get him. Jason and I will continue and try to find the leader." Mordin nodded hurridly. "Of course Shepard." Mordin then raced off. Shepard and Jason were left alone and went to try and find the leader of Dai-Gurren... whoever that may be.

    -Room on Dai-Gurren: Cloud's good (or bad) encounter-
    Cloud was sitting on the bed alone, thinking. He was thinking about what he had to do... what Kronos had made him swear to do... swear on... on Tifa's life... he didn't know how Kronos had done it, but he'd made him swear to do something on Tifa's life... "How could I... of done that... he promised me I'd find her, that's how. Well, I don't see him fulfilling his end of the bargain anytime soon." He began to get the feeling he wasn't alone... but that wasn't possible, he'd checked the room twice already.

    Hogwarts: VS Caius Badass Ballad.

    "Then, I am honour-bound not to hold back either. It will be a good fight." She said as she readied herself. Red Hood looked over at his servant facing off against Caius. He then realised that Patroklos and Sakura were gone. "Jason! Their gone! Their either safe or captured! We better split!" He yelled as he fired continuous rounds at M. Jason Bourne nodded and saw the Gokaier. He ran towards it as the first safe place and jumped on.

    Wherever it is the CPU's are: Late, as usual.

    Nico di Angelo for one thing, officialy had unreadable font that would have to change later. But for now, it could not be changed. He looked around helplessely wondering where Noire was, when an odd thing happened... a portal opened up. He went through it. A second later, je appeared above Noire and landed on her. "Noire! I found you!
    Post by: Aragorns, Feb 14, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Aragorns
    Bruce's Class.

    "Try not to be late again, Snow. Now, I suppose we'll get the class started, let me just set up some things. Snow, I could use help with this." Bruce dragged Snow off to get something... whatever it was... we'll find out next post, most likely.

    Another student entered, he had white hair and dark skin and wore a very strange outfit. He stood alone, silent... looking at everyone as if they're a potential threat.
    "Wonder who he is." Dick thought aloud. He looked like the type of guy who didn't have much of a sense of humour and who took everything seriously... no... protected something seriously. "To answer your question" Dick looked up from his thoughts and found that the guy had come over. He'd probably heard what Dick said. "I am Archer, and I don't intend to repeat myself." With that, he left Dick and Connor. "What's his problem?" Dick asked anyone who was listening.
    Post by: Aragorns, Feb 10, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Aragorns
    -Martial Arts class-
    Dick smiled at his own stupidity and was bear-hugged by his good friend. "I keep forgetting that" He laughed. "Perhaps it's something to do with the fact you don't look japanese?" Dick teased before giving his friend a bear hug as well.
    Bruce was watching, having finished preperations, and smiled. At least Dick had a friend here. "Really hope you two aren't all of my class." Bruce broke in. "That would be one heck of a short first period." Bruce joked. "Connor Kenway, right? Been a while since I saw you." He went over to greet Dick's old friend.
    Post by: Aragorns, Feb 5, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Aragorns
  20. Aragorns
    Oh, yeah... he... erm... was... *flee*
    Profile Post Comment by Aragorns, Feb 2, 2013