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  1. Aragorns
    And now I'm joining, that makes... what, 10 servants and masters?
    This just got real.

    Username: Aragorns
    Name: Matius Aithousa
    Age: 15
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: BANG! (yes, he has purple eyes)
    Personality: Funny, slightly mad, and actually caring towards his friends (and people he wants to be more-than-friends with), but he is also in constant pain, which he has so far managed to hide. However, when someone close is threatened or when he is provoked, he can be quite… savage, he once sent 5 boys into hospital because they picked on his best friend. He is also quite sympathetic, and can even be empathetic is some cases. He is also known to have strong opinions on racists, and has also been a bit brutal towards people who discriminate others because they are different… probably because he himself is different. Then again, when you’re a Magus, I suppose you are quite different. He also hides his desire for vengeance.
    Why do you seek the Holy Grail: To rid the world of discrimination (he has another wish, but refuses to share it)
    Servant: Siegfried Schtauffen
    Command Spell appearance (optional): the markings on the arms and chest are the command spell.
    Abilities and skills: He is quite skilled with a sword, and he is also skilled in Thaumaturgy, having learned one useful thing for all the servants, so he’d be at an advantage no matter what servant he summoned, this included learning how to not only activate, but also deactivate Mad Enhancement incase he summoned a Berserker-class servant. Aside from that, his strong point in Thaumaturgy is defensive Thaumaturgy, which he uses alongside his sword-fighting skills, but this in no way means he can take on a Servant. He also has a way of talking his way out of things… and into them.
    Likes: cute girls, swords, reading, computer games, thaumaturgy, Greek mythology and music (recently he’s grown fond of Nevaeh’s singing)
    Dislikes: racists, discrimination, education, death, people who say “kids play too many computer games”, CoD, cooking, talking about his parents.
    Background: Born and raised as the only child of two Magus Parents, both of which were killed when he was 11 by a rogue magus. Since then he has studied Thaumaturgy in a way that his father would be proud of, and has also taken up his mother’s family’s sword-style (taught to him by his maternal uncle), hoping that one day he may take vengeance on the man who killed his parents. However, in recent months he saw the signs that the Holy Grail War was about to take place, and so he decided to participate himself, hoping to summon a Saber-class servant (particularly, Lightning Farron), he instead summoned a Berserker. His conclusion is that Lightning has already been summoned in the War. Recently he has also met Nevaeh, who he describes as “talented” and “beautiful”… of course, I should note this is not the first time he has used these comments.

    Username: Aragorns
    Class: Berserker
    Identity/Background: His real identity is that of Siegfried Schtauffen, but his past is something he refuses to reveal.
    Source Material: Soul Series
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: This is his appearance and armour
    Personality: When not under the affects of Mad Enhancement, he appears to be somewhat cocky or arrogant, and rarely stops to achieve his goal unless his master says so. Deep beneath this hard exterior, however, lies his never-ending strive to atone for his sins. Whilst under the affects of Mad Enhancement he becomes a heartless beast who looks down on humans as “Pathetic” and “Foolish” (the only exception being his master), and has no mercy for others (not excluding his master).
    Strength: C+
    Endurance: B
    Agility: D
    Magical Power: E
    Good luck: E
    Noble phantasm: A+.
    What are your Noble Phantasm(s): Soul Edge
    What do they do: Soul Edge is actually two different Noble Phantasms. When using the first Noble Phantasm, it changes shape (Soul Edge Cocoon) and Siegfried unleashes three powerful, deadly attacks against his opponent. When using his second Noble Phantasm, Soul Edge takes on another form (Soul Edge Omega) and Siegfried unleashes one powerful strike that sends out a shockwave of deadly red energy (or whatever) in a large arc. When not using either Noble Phantasm, Soul Edge takes on its “default” form (Soul Edge Male).
    Skills and abilities: a unique
    Zweihänder fighting style that allows him to switch through multiple stances.
    Why do you seek the Holy Grail: To erase his unforgivable past.
    Likes: Winning, fighting (?), boasting, fries (they didn’t have them in his time, and upon eating them, he was delighted and seems to have gotten an addiction)
    Dislikes: Losing, nightmares (irony), taking orders, Mad Enhancement (He doesn’t seem too fond of the idea of trading consciousness and sanity for power)
    Post by: Aragorns, Jun 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Aragorns
    Well, on another note

    We're Making Science now
    Post by: Aragorns, Jun 3, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Aragorns
    Aqua's house: Late replys for the win!

    Terra immediately responded, also blushing slightly. "Sure, I'd love too" . All though it was true he was secretly hoping they'd share a bed, he highly doubted it, but hey, a man can hope can't he?

    Emiya Household.

    Shirou got a lift home from Alfred and was met at the door by Archer. "Where were you?" Archer asked, almost coldly.
    "I was just at Wayne's house, its no big deal." Shirou responded.
    "You should've been doing your homework." Shot back Archer.
    "I was, with Dick Grayson." Shirou calmly replied.
    "... fine, get back inside, dinner's almost ready. Unless you ate there as well."
    With that, he let Shirou in and they sat at the table, watching the news... which was then interrupted by a commercial from LexCorp to vote Lex Luthor Prime Minister of Japan.
    "This Lex Luthor sure has been fighting really hard to be prime minister." Observed Shirou, as Lex Luthor had been playing all the cards, even giving people who voted for him 60% off all LexCorp goods.
    "All the more reason not to vote for him." Concluded Archer.

    Meanwhile... at Lexcorp...

    Lex Luthor sat in his office, ontop of the LexCorp building in Japan, Tokyo, overlooking the entire city.
    "Soon" He mused to himself, "soon this will all belong to me... and I can finally defeat the so-called hero's." Lex chuckled to himself... but he felt as if he was being watched. He'd had this feeling for a while now. Without thinking, he got up and looked around the office. "Who'se there? Show yourself!" He was beginning to wonder if prolonged exposure to Kryptonite had any mental side-effects...
    Post by: Aragorns, Jun 1, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Aragorns
    -Noire's House-

    Ienzo, having calmed down, returned to his normal logical self and offered Saisho a hand up. "Yes, you are right" he stated before he added "my apologies for punching you in the face, it has been difficult to control my emotions since they were returned to me, and I realise that violence is not the way to resolve this but, again, it has been difficult to control my long lost emotions."

    Darelen didn't think he'd been staring long enough to freak someone out, but he quickly snapped out of this uncharateristic moment. "Sorry about that... I was actually wondering if any of you ladies would like a drink?" This was more-or-less an attempt to make sure their first impression wasn't 'this guy is a pervert', as he wasn't.

    Meanwhile, Nico had gone to take a drink to Noire. Setting it down on the convenient table by her bed, he knelt next to the bed and brushed some hair from her face. "beautiful..." he whispered quietly.

    Shepard on the other hand had been looking at the arrivals... and spotted Teridax. "What is that... some kind of Geth?" Shepard wondered aloud, however, his thoughts were cut off when he heard something flying towards them.

    "SHIKIZOKU ZEKUU!" Cried Yoshimitsu II as he landed outside the house leaving Shepard blinking. "I am Yoshimitsu II" The Mechanized Ninja stated before bowing in the Japanese fashion.

    "Err... I'm Commander Shepard..." Said Shepard, unsure of what else to do.
    "Be thou good or evil?" Was Yoshimitsu's next question.
    "I'm... not evil." Shepard said, still a little phased by these events.

    "And who art thou?" Questioned Yoshimitsu, turning to the rest of the party which had gathered around Ienzo and Saisho. "Hast there been a duel of honour?" Asked the Manji Clan leader as he joined the circle of people all wondering what had just happened to Saisho.
    Post by: Aragorns, May 30, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Aragorns
    Lastation: Noire's house.
    Suddenly, Ienzo had a Paragon/Renegade option infront of him... and he choose Renegade.
    Having somehow managed to find Saisho like they always do in Anime's, he then punched him square in the face.

    Shepard and Nico just stared... Darelen, on the other hand, was distracted.
    See, he had just noticed Chika, who, all though she paled in comparison to Lightning Farron, was very... attractive, and had caused Darelen to stare for a second too long.

    Nico on the other hand had decided to go check on Noire with some convenient hot chocolate to give her.
    Lastation: Convenient teleport.

    Squall had somehow managed to get his party (Xion, Edge Master, Jason Bourne, Saber of Red and The Red Hood) to Lastation via plot teleport and were now marching towards the flashing destination on the minimap, Noire's house. "Not far now." No one asked how he knew that, because no one in the group was that sort of person. They just continued walking on and on...

    Lastation: Villains.

    Barbossa, Richard and Jafar had set up base camp in a cardboard-box castle north of Noire's house. Unfortunately, there was no internet connection, but then again, Jafar still hadn't found his laptop. They were waiting on some reinforcements to get here when there was a knock on the door... and the door came off. "Your paying for that, Vezok." Jafar stated as Vezok entered the cardboard castle. Vezok didn't say anything, instead he just let his forces into the cardboard-box castle. "We're going to need an expansion." Observed the vizier.
    "Fine, fine, I'll go terrorize more people for cardboard boxes... and kill them afterwards." Richard decided, and then he left on yet another massacring rampage for cardboard boxes.
    Post by: Aragorns, May 22, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Aragorns
    The Doctor(Matt Smith)
    Percy Jackson
    Luke Castellan
    Cloud Strife
    Richard the Warlock
    Genesis Rhapsodos.
    Captain Hector Barbossa.
    Teridax Makuta.
    Harley Quinn.
    Eleanor Lamb.
    Mordin Solus.
    Squall Leonhart.
    Zack Fair.
    Sgt. Derek 'Frost' Westbrook.
    Elisha Kiki[DECEASED] (for now)
    Ezio Auditore da Firenze
    Don Michael Corleone.
    Mordred (Saber of Red)
    The Doctor(Peter Davison)
    Jason Grace
    Nico di Angelo
    Yoshimitsu II
    Edge Master
    Jason Bourne
    The Red Hood (Jason Todd)

    Sheogorath - Daedric Prince of Madness

    Reserved list coming soon
    Post by: Aragorns, May 22, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Aragorns
  8. Aragorns
  9. Aragorns
  10. Aragorns
    Ah, Droid, your back.
    I'll give you a better welcome back via the... umm... profile message system.
    Or whatever its called.
    Post by: Aragorns, May 17, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Aragorns
    Lastation: Noire's house.

    Nico arrived at Noire's house to find some people already there... two of which he regonised. "Shepard! Whose the other guy and why are you carrying Zexion?"
    "Nico! This is Darelen, he helped us against Orphan back on earth." Explained Shepard.
    Darelen smiled at Nico and then looked back at Ienzo "We're carrying Ienzo because he refused to come of his own will." Darelen finished explaining.Ienzo looked at Nico's confused face and sighed. "Nico, when someone becomes a Nobody, the letters of their name are switched around and an X is added, my real name is Ienzo... and I am no longer a Nobody."
    Nico would've asked when did this happen!? but decided not too, instead he carried Noire inside her home and placed her in bed. After making sure she was comfortable and kissing her cheek, he went down stairs were Darelen and Shepard were putting Ienzo in very fancy clothes that made him look rather handsome. "What's all this for?" Asked Nico, suspecting what the answer would be.
    "We're trying to get Ienzo here to be with Blanc, because its evident he likes her." Answered Shepard, who was trying to comb Ienzo's hair.
    "For the record, if I try to run they'll just drag me back unconsious." Ienzo stated.
    Nico shook his head. "I'll keep watch and tell you when she gets here then?" Suggested Nico.
    Both Shepard and Darelen agreed it was a good idea, so Nico stood watch whilst Darelen and Shepard continued to get Ienzo ready.

    Hot Spring.

    Jason had given up trying to keep Cloud from drowning himself, and instead decided to look around at the people there. It was deffinately an odd collection of people, so he decided to try and find the leader. Walking around, he couldn't discern which one of these odd people was the leader of this strange group, so instead he took his shirt off and laid in the Hot Spring. "If only Piper were here..."

    Mordin on the other hand was busy trying to keep Cloud from drowning himself, so he had taken to tying Cloud to a conveniently placed tree. "There, job done, may not hold long. Best keep eye on Cloud." With his conclusion, Mordin kept watch on Cloud, who just wanted to die. Maybe the heat of the sun will kill me... He thought to himself.


    Roxas, over hearing Ahim, climbed up the Crow's nest, but kept his prescence secret from Hermione... he wanted to be there for her, but if she wanted some time to herself, then she didn't have to know he was there.

    Realm of Darkness - LionHeart

    TerrAnsem was about to finish Mordred when suddenly... someone else finished him instead.
    A flurry of moves done by a vaguely familiar person were unleashed on TerrAnsem. A giant "KO" came up infront of them and Squall turned to face Xion. "He's manipulating you, Xion. Its hard, but you have to get over Roxas; and yourself."
    Xion tried to strike Squall, but he quickly disarmed her and rendered her unconsious. "All right... lets take them back to the Galleon." With that, and with Xion over his shoulder, Squall started walking with the others soon following.
    Post by: Aragorns, May 9, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Aragorns
    Right, yeah, forgot that.
    ^ couldn't of put it better myself, good friend
    Post by: Aragorns, May 8, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Aragorns
    Because no one will have ever thought to make these reserves, I am going to make them!
    And you cannot stop me!
    And I will tone them down to fit the RP's rating!

    Eddard "Ned" Stark
    Bran Stark
    Jon Snow
    Benjen Stark
    Catelyn Stark
    Sansa Stark
    Arya Stark
    Tyrion Lannister
    All characters from Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire

    Post by: Aragorns, May 8, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Aragorns
    -With Aqua-

    Terra immediately knew the answer... but he just enjoyed listening to her voice...
    "Yeah, I'd like that." He smiled at her. It would be nice to spend some time alone with Aqua like they used too, except this time there was no Ventus.
    For once, he wasn't overly dissapointed.

    Dick, having failed to find Connor, went back to the car and was driven home with the guest, Shirou.
    When they got home it was to find Bruce watching the Boxing. "Yeah... we don't need to let him know we're home." Dick said, and then chuckled afterwards.
    Emiya also chuckled and they went to the kitchen to get started on their homework.

    -at the Emiya house-

    Archer had left the school expecting to find Shirou already home, but he was suprised to find no one there. Now, his overly protective side of him told him to go find Shirou... but the other side of him told him to do the thing he'd really wanted to do all day...
    And so, he sat down and watched the Boxing like everybody else. "Hmph. If Sandman dosn't go down to this little guy, then I'll probably have to find something else to watch." Archer noted.
    Post by: Aragorns, May 8, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Aragorns
    Now time for a couple of OC's...

    Name: Xagranos
    Age: 16-and-a-half
    Occupation: Student
    Bio: Abandoned at birth, he learnt the hard way how to survive on the street, he also learnt how to disappear and appear where he wants too when he pleases, so he has a habbit of showing up at odd times. He was eventually taken in by Molthanus, who has also taken in 3 other boys... the house gets crazy sometimes.
    [​IMG] Brown Hair, pale skin, royal blue eyes.

    Name: Molthanus Hvitall
    Age: 24
    Occupation: Scientist
    Bio: Born in Norway, he moved to Japan to join the project to revive the Mammoths. Sadly, however, he was denied access due to his "history" with experiments such as this. However, instead of going back to Norway, he took in 4 boys who needed looking after and allowed his younger brother to live with him as well... things could only get worse.
    [​IMG] Yes, I know he dosn't look like a scientist, but this is an old character of mine and I couldn't be arsed to make him with a labcoat... forget the ears as well.

    Name: Matthias Hvitall
    Age: 15
    Occupation: Student
    Bio: Born in England, his cousin, Molthanus, lived in Norway but visited occasionally so they got to know eachother. Eventually, his cousin invited Matthias to live with him in Japan, and so he went. He has taken an interest in Samurai's and is looking for a place that hosts sword classes... as it happens... he found just the place.
    [​IMG]except with blue eyes not red.
    Post by: Aragorns, May 5, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Aragorns
    Reserving the following lunatics people

    The Joker (Dark Knight)
    The Red Hood (DC Comics)
    Jason Bourne (Bourne Series)
    Aaron Cross (Bourne Legacy)
    Cid Raines (Final Fantasy XIII)
    Hope Estheim (Final Fantasy)
    Ezio Auditore (Assassin's Creed)
    Altair Ibn La-Ahad (Assassin's Creed)
    Post by: Aragorns, May 5, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Aragorns
    So, as requested by [NAME UNAVAILABLE], I am reserving a gun man...

    Vincent Valentine (Final Fantasy VII)
    Post by: Aragorns, Apr 29, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Aragorns
    Right.... ah well.
    Back to banging my head against the wall.
    Post by: Aragorns, Apr 28, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Aragorns
    Outside the school.

    Shirou walked towards his home when Dick ran up to him. "Hey! Shirou right? LIsten, I was wondering if you'd like to come back to my place so we can work on homework. Sound good?" Dick's offer was tempting, and Shirou was sure his brother would be wanting to watch the WVBA "Sure." Agreed Shirou with a smile, which was returned by Dick.
    "Great! Well, the car's over there, I'm gonna see if I can find Connor." And with that, Dick ran off.

    Shirou went towards the car and got in, and too his suprise, Mr. Wayne was driving. It was then that Shirou remembered Dick was the adopted son of Bruce. "Hello sir." Shirou greeted the teacher of martial arts.

    "Hello.... Emiya, right?" Shirou nodded. "Well, I suspect with all the recent... stuff thats been going on, you stayed indoors?" Asked Bruce.
    "Yes sir..." replied Shirou quietly, almost as if he loathed staying indoors when people were in danger.

    Aqua's Location.

    Just as Aqua said those words, Terra walked up to her (how convenient!) and smiled. "Aqua! Hey! I thought you would've gone home by now?" Asked Terra, though secretly he was happy to see she hadn't. Maybe now they could have some time together... alone... yeah...

    OOC: So, I'm just trying to get back into the flow of things.... yeah
    Post by: Aragorns, Apr 28, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Aragorns
    ... Seriously?
    Wow... just... wow...
    I don't know who to blame, Droid or you. Give me a minute and I'll have my answer.
    And I'll probably be over this in half of that time.
    Post by: Aragorns, Apr 28, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home