Search Results

  1. Aragorns
    So... I've put this off a while longer than I should, but... well... I'm leaving on holiday on Friday, not too sure for how long. A fortnight(two weeks) is probably the minimum estimation.
    But on Friday, control of my characters is transferred temporarily to the following RPers.
    DarkTraitor, White-Rose Aki, NutheadBrose, and Lilymon (Suprising myself on that last one).
    Use them when and where they are needed, my fellow RPers. But only on Friday.
    Post by: Aragorns, Jul 24, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Aragorns
    By order of the NutHeadBros, I am making a reserve.
    Of Demigods.
    Nico di Angelo (Percy Jackson and the Olympians)
    Thalia Grace (Percy Jackson and the Olympians)
    Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson and the Olympians)
    Travis Stoll (Percy Jackson and the Olympians)
    Connor Stoll (Percy Jackson and the Olympians)
    Post by: Aragorns, Jul 23, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Aragorns
    Making the reserves of...
    Warrior of Light (Final Fantasy I/Dissidia)
    Post by: Aragorns, Jul 21, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Aragorns
    -Eddard's Apartment-
    The first thing I will point out is that it was an abnormally large apartment, probably capable of hosting a party for all of parliament.
    Unfortunately, Eddard wasn't into parties.
    Right now he had a mug of hot chocolate and was wearing a blue morning robe, sitting at his computer, reading various e-mail's he had recieved. He noticed the e-mail he had recieved from Celestia and read it. It was always interesting to read an e-mail from her, wondering how she managed to spell so well with those hooves of hers, maybe she had a custom-made keyboard.
    Or maybe they weren't as big as everyone thought.
    Either way, he sent back an e-mail answering the various questions, including the invitation to the memorial, to which his reply was; I will gladly attend.

    He got up from his seat and went to change... unfortunately, Eddard Stark did not dress in anything normal, or if he did, he always added something to it. For example, today he wore a black tuxedo with a blue tie which had the dire wolf of Winterfell on it. Nothing wrong with that, right?
    Well... he also wore his chainmail underneath the tuxedo, and of course he wore his famous fur cloak, despite the fact Tokyo wasn't nearly as cold as Winterfell.
    Eddard usually wore his chainmail when going to such events as this, not only was it tradition, it was also extra protection. He also always wore his fur cloak, as it was tradition to do so in Winterfell; Eddard was all about tradition.
    Even if he get's tons of complaints from enviromentalists and animal-lovers and hippies, that won't stop him from wearing his fur cloak.
    He was stubborn like that.

    -Wayne's Japanese House-
    Bruce and Dick ate breakfast whilst discussing the events of the previous day, and also the memorial. "Ras says he will be there, so naturally I have to go too." Joked Bruce, Dick smirked and replied "If he does try anything, you might need backup." To which Bruce responded. "Ok, who was it you had in mind?" To which they both laughed at.

    After breakfast, Dick was getting dressed when he heard the noise of a piano being played. "Bruce--" "I'm just going out for a quick patrol, I'll be right back." Then he disappeared into the secret door behind the bookcase. "That's what you said last time..." Dick sighed, then he decided to try and call Connor. Thinking he had the right number, he then waited for Connor to pick up.
    Post by: Aragorns, Jul 16, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Aragorns
    Going to make two reserves of...
    The Illusive Man(Mass Effect 2)
    Miranda Lawson(Mass Effect 2)
    Post by: Aragorns, Jul 16, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Aragorns
    More people incoming.
    I'm getting into this RP, took me long enough.

    Name: Cid Raines
    Description: The mysterious leader of CAVALRY, which in itself is a subsection of another secret organization, he is also the overseer of several projects that branch off from CAVALRY, including CAVALRY Project: Treadstone and CAVALRY Project: Outcome. Not much else is known about him.
    Occupation: Head of CAVALRY.
    Series Character is from: Final Fantasy XIII
    Post by: Aragorns, Jul 15, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Aragorns
    -Early in the Morning-
    At the Hvithall's household, the first sentance uttered was not going to have an affect on the day at all.
    "Matthias, wake up." Was the request put forward by the owner of the house, Molthanus, to his young cousin, Matthias, who responded with a groan.
    "Alright, guess I won't tell you about the cute girl I saw whilst shopping the other day." Molthanus smirked, knowing that, as he turned to leave, he would suddenly hear what sounded like a whirlwind as Matthias got up out of bed and dressed, rushed past him, had breakfast, and then came back upstairs and asked the important; "Who?"

    Molthanus chuckled. "About yay high, blonde hair and deep green eyes" Explained Molthanus, knowing the instant effect it would have on his Cousin.
    "Green eyes...? Really? Wow..." Matthias then went into his own world as he tried to imagine the girl. He eventually came to the same conclusion he had done last time. "The only way I'm ever going to understand her beauty is if I see her myself... talk to her... maybe even--" He was then interrupted by the 3rd occupant of the house. "Whose Mattie crushing on now?"
    Matthias turned to see Xagranos, the homeless kid. Or he used to be until Molthanus took him in.

    "You'll both probably see her, judging from her age appearance, I'd say she goes to highschool... and chances are, the same one you two enrolled for. Nintendo High."
    Matthias immediately started daydreaming again whilst Xagranos simply huffed. "I'll just be kicked out again, but whilst I'm there, might as well make the most of it." Concluded Xagranos.
    "You two get dressed, I want to take Matthias around Tokyo, and no one knows Tokyo better than you, Xaggy."
    "Don't call me that."

    -Emiya household-

    Shirou got up early to make breakfast for Archer and himself, and maybe even-- no, still not home. "Ah well, I'm sure he will be home tomorrow." Concluded the younger Emiya. The older one emerged from his room at the smell of the food. Quietly he sat down and ate. Never once did he say how delightfully awesome his younger brother's food was, but that was because he figured Shirou already knew how delightfully awesome his food is.
    "So, what do you plan on doing today?" Asked Archer, like he usually did every morning.
    "I was going to go to the arcade. Would you like to come?"
    Shirou inquired.
    Archer crossed his arms and smirked smugly. "You're going over to repair something aren't you?" He questioned, already knowing the answer.
    "Of course." Shirou replied cheerfully.
    "Then no. Someone needs to maintain food in this house." Replied Archer in his usual tone.

    The rest of breakfast was quiet.
    Post by: Aragorns, Jul 14, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Aragorns
    Name: Lord Eddard Stark
    Description: a father of six children and a member of the Japanese Parliament. He is a very traditional man and can sometimes be hard on his eldest son, Robb, but he (like Odin) loves his children. He is also a good friend and great supporter of Celestia, often, if not always, supporting her and her decisions, only occasionaly has he had to tell her to "rethink" her ideas.
    He currently lives in an apartment in Tokyo to help Celestia deal with things whilst his wife, Catelyn Stark, deals with politics 'n' stuff in Winterfell (Hokkaido, near Asahikawa). He also says "Winter is Coming" quite alot in Parliament, recently he's been saying it more frequently. He always carries a family heirloom, his sword, called "Ice".
    Occupation: Lord of Winterfell and MP Member.
    Series Character is from: A Song of Ice and Fire (Better known as A Game of Thrones)

    First Stark to enter the RP. Heheheh.
    Also reserving
    Gilgamesh (Fate/Stay Night)
    Post by: Aragorns, Jul 14, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Aragorns
    *There was a whirring noise, and then a crash. A man stepped out and said one word*
    Oh good lord I'm late. Damnit.
    Anyway, congrats you two and blah blah.
    Now, where's the cake?
    Post by: Aragorns, Jul 10, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Aragorns
    Sherlock and Nixio continued to walk with the group, despite being ignored... and then Nixio came to a conclusion. "Sherlock." voiced Nixio. Sherlock simply raised an eyebrow. "I think we're invisible." continued Nixio, who decided to try this out by running around Archer like a mad chicken, however, Sherlock grabbed his hood and pulled him back. "No, Nixio. We're not invisible. They evidently have more important matters on their minds, like princess's backsides." Nixio wasn't sure if that was a joke or wether Sherlock was being serious and that, indeed, princess's backsides were more important than jumping or responding to others.


    Ienzo sighed, also watching the events... and heard Blanc's request. He was in two minds about it, but he decided to go along with it anyway... "What is it you wish to talk about?" He asked, also calm... well, calmer now that he had taken out his anger with a fist to the jaw.

    Meanwhile, Richard had carried the body back to the cardboard castle, which Visorak where now busy turning into a cardboard fortress with the new boxes that Richard had supplied.
    "Who is that girl," was the first thing Jafar said to Richard, "and why have you brought her dead body here?" Was the second thing Jafar asked Richard.
    Richard replied with the strangest thing Jafar ever heard Richard say; "She looks familiar, and I didn't want to waste it." Jafar blinked a few times before turning to Vezok and Barbossa. "Can't say I know the lass." Commented Barbossa... Vezok, however, had seen her before.
    Vezok took the body himself and placed it down, the pink hair that covered her face had not changed... yes, she was still the apprentice of Mephisto Pheles. If Vezok's beastial grin could get any bigger, it would have. "You've found us a prize, Richard... Kronos will be able to use her." Mused the Piraka. He then picked up the body and put her into the convenient cardboard-cyrogenic-chamber
    Not knowing why Vezok did this or who the girl is, the other villains continue about their buisiness.
    Post by: Aragorns, Jul 8, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Aragorns
    Oh... well, if there is this new "Requesting rule"... then umm... I take back my reserve of the bionicles seeing as how it is casuing a problem... INSTEAD, I shall only reserve Matau and Vakama, the others I am requesting be played in the RP by another victim RPer.
    Post by: Aragorns, Jun 28, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Aragorns
    Well, way I see it, no one else wanted any of them, so when someone wants one of them I'll gladly give 'em over.
    Post by: Aragorns, Jun 27, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Aragorns
    So... yeah... I figured, seeing as how NO ONE ELSE has reserved them thus far...
    .. to screw it.

    Reservation of...

    Vakama, Toa of Fire (BIONICLE)
    Nokama, Toa of Water (BIONICLE)
    Matau, Toa of Air (BIONICLE)
    Onewa, Toa of Stone (BIONICLE)
    Whenua, Toa of Earth (BIONICLE)
    Nuju, Toa of Ice (BIONICLE)
    Post by: Aragorns, Jun 27, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Aragorns
    Just realised I forgot a couple of Reserves I made to put in the list

    Blackheart. (Ghost Rider)
    Tali'Zorah vas Normandy. (Mass Effect)
    Death Wing the Destroyer (World of Warcraft)
    Spyro the Dragon. (The Legend of Spyro)
    Captain Jack Sparrow. (Pirates of the Caribbean)
    Sparks the Dragonfly. (The Legend of Spyro)
    Poison Ivy (DC Comics)
    Arthas the Lichking (World of Warcraft)
    Andrew Ryan (Bioshock)
    Artix Von Kreiger (BattleOn)
    Drakath the Lord of Chaos. (Adventure Quest Worlds)
    Gravelyn (Adventure Quest Worlds)
    Kronos. (Greek Mythology/Percy Jackson and the Olympians)
    Catwoman. (DC Comics)
    Two-Face. (DC Comics)
    Mr. Freeze. (DC Comics)
    Zeus. (Greek Mythology/Percy Jackson and the Olympians)
    Hades. (Greek Mythology/Percy Jackson and the Olympians)
    Poseidon. (Greek Mythology/Percy Jackson and the Olympians)
    Jaina Proudmoore (World of Warcraft)
    Takanuva (BIONICLE)
    James 'Jimmy' Raynor (Starcraft/Starcraft II)
    ???? (World of Warcraft)
    Ulfric Stormcloak (Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim)
    Alduin (Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim)
    Illusive Man (Mass Effect)
    ???? (Fate/Stay Night)
    Caster(Fate/Stay Night)
    Adunaphel the Quiet(coloured when inserted)
    Khamul the Easterling(coloured when inserted)
    The Witch King of Angmar(coloured when inserted)
    Frodo Baggins(coloured when inserted)
    Samwise Gamgee(same as above)
    Merriadoc Brandybrook(same as above)
    Peregrin Took(same as above) (all from Lord of the Rings)
    Shinji Matou (Fate/Stay Night)
    Leixia (Soul Calibur V)
    Xiba (Soul Calibur V)
    Voldemort AKA Tom Marvolo Riddle (Harry Potter)
    Severus Snape (Harry Potter)

    You may notice that Taki has been removed from there... that's because...

    Username: Aragorns
    Character of Choice: TakiPicture(optional):
    Game/Anime/etc. the character is from: Soul Calibur
    Additional Information: Taki is a demon sealing Ninja of the Fu-ma Clan, and has now winded up with the rest of the world on this strange planet, and now it seems her demon sealing expertise is needed...

    Will get an updated Cast list later
    Post by: Aragorns, Jun 24, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Aragorns

    Berserker and Matius arrived at the bridge, but remained hidden. "There are alot of masters and servants here... I don't think it would be a good idea if we charged out there. We should wait until they've weakened eachother."
    Berserker, however, didn't like the idea of waiting. "Waiting? Waiting is for--" However, Matius' glare managed to stop him from saying anymore.
    Then Matius noticed there were still people on the bridge... "Damnit... we can't let them die..." muttered the young master. "What do we do?"
    Matius turned to his servant, grinned, and then ran flat out into the fight. Berseker just stared and sighed, he then followed his master. "Berserker! You take out the undead! I'll help the people!" Yelled Matius, his cloak and hood still doing it's job of hiding his own identity, despite the conditions.

    However, Matius then noticed... Nevaeh. "What... she's a magus...?" However, his train of thought was halted by a scream as someone was almost impaled by an undead creature. He'd seen these before. Berserker was on hand immediately and quickly dispatched of the creature... then Matius saw his sword. It was a grotesque weapon indeed... and a familiar one. He couldn't help but remember reading about something like that in a book... however, his train of thought was once again cut off by the screaming of people, so he set about getting them to safety whilst Berserker held off the undead.
    Post by: Aragorns, Jun 22, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Aragorns
    updated reserves list

    Blackheart. (Ghost Rider)
    Tali'Zorah vas Normandy. (Mass Effect)
    Death Wing the Destroyer (World of Warcraft)
    Spyro the Dragon. (The Legend of Spyro)
    Captain Jack Sparrow. (Pirates of the Caribbean)
    Sparks the Dragonfly. (The Legend of Spyro)
    Poison Ivy (DC Comics)
    Arthas the Lichking (World of Warcraft)
    Andrew Ryan (Bioshock)
    Artix Von Kreiger (BattleOn)
    Drakath the Lord of Chaos. (Adventure Quest Worlds)
    Gravelyn (Adventure Quest Worlds)
    Kronos. (Greek Mythology/Percy Jackson and the Olympians)
    Catwoman. (DC Comics)
    Two-Face. (DC Comics)
    Mr. Freeze. (DC Comics)
    Zeus. (Greek Mythology/Percy Jackson and the Olympians)
    Hades. (Greek Mythology/Percy Jackson and the Olympians)
    Poseidon. (Greek Mythology/Percy Jackson and the Olympians)
    Jaina Proudmoore (World of Warcraft)
    Takanuva (BIONICLE)
    James 'Jimmy' Raynor (Starcraft/Starcraft II)
    ???? (World of Warcraft)
    Ulfric Stormcloak (Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim)
    Alduin (Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim)
    Illusive Man (Mass Effect)
    ???? (Fate/Stay Night)
    Caster(Fate/Stay Night)
    Adunaphel the Quiet(coloured when inserted)
    Khamul the Easterling(coloured when inserted)
    The Witch King of Angmar(coloured when inserted)
    Frodo Baggins(coloured when inserted)
    Samwise Gamgee(same as above)
    Merriadoc Brandybrook(same as above)
    Peregrin Took(same as above) (all from Lord of the Rings)
    Shinji Matou (Fate/Stay Night)
    Leixia (Soul Calibur V)
    Xiba (Soul Calibur V)
    Taki (Soul Calibur)
    Post by: Aragorns, Jun 22, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Aragorns
    Lastation: Noire's house.

    Most of Aragorns characters started to feel like they were intruding... however, Ienzo then decided to explain to Saisho about his former condition.
    Getting his attention with a couple of taps on the shoulder, he proceeded to explain. "You could say I am a reanimation in one interpretation yes... allow me to explain, though it is a rather long tale." With that, Ienzo explained Nobody's and the events of Castle Oblivion and basically everything else that Saisho would need to know.

    Shepard, on the other hand, had been noting the new arrivals and couldn't help but wonder if he'd seen Nathan Drake before... he felt like he had... at some award ceremony or something... but he quickly dismissed the thought. Maybe he was just hungry, his stomach agreed. Shepard then began to look for a kitchen and found one... so he took some food and ate it for himself discreetly.

    Meanwhile, Darelen had decided to take a walk... and found something odd. A skeleton, no flesh or organs or anything, but a clean, white, skeleton... but that wasn't there before?
    He then heard some cheerful singing.
    "Please stay right where you are, when you run the meat get's less tender! Just lie down and surrender, could you marinate in lime!"
    Darelen had no idea how to respond to this... so he followed the singing.
    Lastation: Helpless village.

    Richard was, of course, having the time of his life. However, soon the slaughtering of this helpless village came to an end, so he got all the cardboard boxes he could and took them back to Jafar and Vezok... however, he came across a particular corpse... "Why the hell does this corpse look so familiar?" Richard wondered out loud... so he decided to take this corpse with him, back to the villain's cardboard castle.

    -Avia group with link-

    Sherlock and Nixio had, if no one remembers, been here for this entire time, so if anyone says "plot mod" then they can go back to page 286, and read back until before the second arc started.

    Anyway, Sherlock decided to explain 'jumping' to Link. "Jumping, my small friend, is when you do this." And he proceeded to jump for Link. Meanwhile, Nixio was wondering who this "king" guy was... and then he went to Twilight. "Say, Twilight... I've had this feeling that we've been followed here. I'm not sure if I heard correctly, but could you use some of your... magic to see who it is?"

    Who had been following them? Two people actually, one of them had already been sheeted, the other hadn't but was going to be sheeted after this post was made.
    Post by: Aragorns, Jun 22, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Aragorns
    Meanwhile, somewhere...

    Tira watched the CPU's from the shadows, resisting the urge to giggle too loudly. The things her jolly self noted were...
    1. The CPU's are powerful
    2. them and their friends would make excellent shields and sacrifices to Soul Edge
    3. Akasuna is cute
    having noted these very important and vital things, she continued to watch them... waiting... silently...

    Meanwhile, somewhere else...

    Bruce Wayne watched the city from the top of a skyscraper, except it wasn't Bruce... this was a dark night, watched over by a Dark Knight.
    He kept his eyes peeled for any criminal activity, anything he could do to make Batman known to Tokyo, for this place was almost as bad as Gotham.
    Actually, it was worse.
    Having not seen anything, he glided over the streets and landed on another building, beginning his patrol in the night.
    Calcutta, India.

    Something was approaching Dr. Banner's house, and it was big... and had a big axe as well.
    However, not much more could be said, as Ara had failed to fill in the characters sheet yet, but only realised he had forgotten halfway through making the post.

    OOC: I apologise for the short post, but I didn't have much to do. I'll get more to do... later
    Post by: Aragorns, Jun 17, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Aragorns
    Just to prove that A: I'm still not dead and B: I intend to get mixed up in events.
    I shall reserve another political party... one that always pays their debts.

    Tywin Lannister
    Jaime Lannister
    Cersei Lannister

    I cannot think of anything else to do right now[DOUBLEPOST=1371470825][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Name: Astaroth Golems
    Description: Golems created by an unknown member of the Pavor Nocturnus to match the power of the original Astaroth​
    Occupation: Heavy Soldier's for Pavor Nocturnus​
    Series Character is from: Soul Calibur(V)​
    Post by: Aragorns, Jun 17, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Aragorns
    Up until now, he hadn't thought of using the sword shard he'd acquired from Germany when he was studying with a Magus circle there as his catalyst, however, when he got home after half a day of learning and practising magic, with the other half spent looking for a catalyst, he was called by Gaius who told him the Holy Grail War had started.​
    Sighing, he guessed that he had no choice.​
    Taking the shard, he looked at it for a while. Evidently the sword it had belonged to was either long or huge... or both.​
    He placed the sword shard within the summoning circle he had drawn before he left and prepared to summon the servant. "I hereby propose that thou shalt come under my command, and thy sword control my fate. Abiding by the summons of the Holy Grail. If thou dost accede to this will and reason, wether thy be good or evil, answer me." The words hung in the air of his living room for a while before the summoning circle started glowing brightly. He turned away to shield his eyes, but he then felt immense pain in his arms and chest. Rolling up his sleeves, he discovered markings had appeared there. "My... command seal?... but why is it different? " He wondered aloud. He was about to remove his shirt when he decided against it. If the servant he summoned was boy-crazy, then removing his shirt might not be the brightest idea. He also noted that it didn't matter if the servant was male or female, if it was boy crazy, then it was boy crazy.​
    "So you're my master?" A strong voice rang out. He stopped himself from jumping and turned to face his Servant.​
    Standing before him was a knight of some sort. Judging by the armour, he was from the 16th century. "Yes," responded Matius, "I am your Master. My name is Matius."The servant inspected him, as if deciding if he was worth serving, this annoyed Matius quite a bit. "What is your class? And your name might be nice as well." Matius said, trying to keep polite.
    The Servant then announced his class with pride; "I am a Berserker class servant, the best servant there is!" As he said this, Matius facepalmed on the inside, but managed to control his body. "Great... well, what's your name?" The Servant looked rather reluctant to reveal his name. "Why should I reveal my name to you? You'll just flaunt it about carelessely." Berserker said rather arrogantly. Matius was now rather regretting using that sword shard as a catalyst, as it apparently belonged to a proud and arrogant @!&%£$#.​
    "Believe me, I won't. Now can you please tell me your name?" He asked again, suppressing the urge to punch his servant in the face.

    Berserker sighed and conceded. "My name is Siegfried Schtauffen." He said proudly.
    Matius racked through his mind, but he could not think of who the name belonged too... so he was left with little information. Though he couldn't help but feeling that he'd seen the blonde hair and emerald eyes before...​
    shaking the feeling, he then began to make notes to himself. First, this was a Berserker, and a male at that, so he'd have to sell the chocolate's he brought... all though he could always give them to Nevaeh... now there's a thought. He also noted that there might be an off chance that the servant he had wanted to summon may already have been summoned in the Holy Grail War. "Well? When does the fighting begin?" Inquired Siegfried eagerly. "Soon, let me just get my cloak..." Matius left the room and returned wearing a hooded cloak, which hid his face and also looked badass. "To hide my own identity, wouldn't want the other Master's to know who I was, and therefore, where I live, and I don't feel like I want a bunch of stalker's just yet." With that statement, Servant and Master left the house.​
    Post by: Aragorns, Jun 9, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home