1. And you know I'm laughing, because? I'm not laughing. 2. Here's what you said: "And I'm not going to hell for anybody. You go to Hell not because of what the bible says, but only if you go through life always carrying hate in your heart, then in that case, a smaller amount of 99% will go down, or you don't teach what you know, or learn from it anywhere throughout your life." I do listen to other people's mindsets. Everyday. The difference between me and you? I do not presume that all Christians are stupid or hateful, while you assume all atheists are arrogant and cruel. 3. ... Okay, I don't get what you're saying here. Here's what Crisp said: "xD All sex is risky in terms of health. I don't have a definite answer I remember watching on the Discovery? channel that **** sex has been around since ancient Greeks. They drew on pots depicting **** sex. Oh and sticking with the subject, did I mention I'm a homo? And I accept myself for who I am." Then, here's what you said: "Jeewiz. Since I'm a Catholic, I guess I'll have to burn you according not the bible, but by stereotypes on Catholics. Anyone got a match?" He did not say anything about Christianity, Catholics or the Bible. He was talking about the Greeks! I really don't see how that ties in with Catholicism.
1. ... What the hell? I didn't even say I was atheist (I am, but I'm saying that you assumed I was). Also, I will provide you with proof that there are verses in the Bible that say that things that would not be considered bad by anyone with a brain stem are bad. Next post. Research. 2. What hate? Did I say that I hate Christians? You're assuming again. I have only have 1 non-Christian friend IRL. Plus, telling me that I'm going to Hell is not something Jesus would have proclaimed. 3. ... He didn't say anything about Catholics.
Can you tell me WHY he is bigoted? Because he's right. If the Bible is 100% correct, down to the very last word, then most people in the world is going to Hell. I can assure you, you have committed several sins that Bible says must be taken care of through capital punishment. Anyway, I have nothing against gays or bis. It is a biological thing. It is as much chosen as your desire to eat. You can ignore, but the fact is, it's there. Also, to all homophobic heterosexuals, when did you choose to be attracted to women/men?
*slaps for not using kanji* It's 私は死神です。 or 私は死神だ。
UVERworld Back-on L'arc en Ciel Nightmare These all rock. :D
1. What? He wants the rich to pay a little bit more taxes, not serve them. 2. When was this? 3. He's been in it for two years. 4. If you're talking about the fact that Jeremiah Wright is racist, then I can assure you that Obama does not support his views.
I don't know what my family'd do if I had a failing grade. i is 2 smrt!!1111 If I failed in French, they'd take me to the emergency room; mon francais est trop bien!
Curse you! It's hot here in SE Texas. The last time it snowed was before Rita, and that was only a very little bit.
I'm not sure how accurate this site is, but BS? EDIT: Did some research. I used Wikipedia, though. The dude who sued Hawaii for Obama's birth certificate is Andy Martin, is apparently very antisemitic, and once tried to run for Congress with the promise to "to exterminate Jew power." Yeeeaaaahhhh... I'm calling BS on this'n. EDIT #2: He's also the one who spread the lie that Obama's Muslim.
Mirai-kun-ga tetsudaeru-yo! (Mirai-kun can help!) I hate homework! I don't get much though.
What's your OS? As in, XP, Vista, Mac?
Um... During the time that the King James Bible was made/translated, Catholicism was the ONLY Christianity, except the Gnostics in Africa and other smaller sects, which have different versions of the Bible. Actually, before the Bible was compiled, there WAS no Catholic church. Anyway, I'm agnostic. EDIT: Also, the Beast, a.k.a. the Antichrist, was described as a giant seven-headed dragon. If you mean that the Beast was Rome, and that Revelations was allegory, you're right, but it wasn't the church, as there was no church of Christianity in those days, as they were persecuted.
Uhhh... In Japan what we normally translate "Don't screw with me (which is "fuzakeru-na")" is not seen as derogatory at all. We just translate it as that. A more accurate translation is "Don't play around," which in English, is perfectly fine. In fact, I've seen that phrase in all the Japanese versions of Kingdom Hearts and in all anime. In the English versions, the lines are almost never close to the originals.
I have no idea what's going on, but WEAPON GET!
Someone make one of me! Use my avatar.
Rainbowy. loltencharlim
1.) I does! 2.) Pudding. 3.) 42 (No one's used this'n?!)
Seen, pretty good.
Uh, Kodomo-no Jikan is loli ecchi. XD I'm not really into romance anime unless the main storyline is action. Well, sometimes I like romance with comedy. Other words, ecchi.
Wolf's Rain? Heard of, never watched. Hmmm... Possibility. O_O