Interestingly, it is. It was originally years or ages. Anyway, no. The order of things in Genesis makes no sense whatsoever. First of all, day and night were made before the sun. You need the sun to tell a day. Secondly, plants are made before the sun. What fed them? Plus, it wouldn't add up. 1,000 x 7=7,000. That's not a very long time.
*walks in* *looks around* Thread post +1. *leaves*
Was?! Du bist eine grausam Person!
*beats with cookie* Here you go! :D *beats above poster with desk chair*
Right. It's IME. I you have Windows, here, here! そうだ。IMEだよ。ウィンドーズを持てば、こっち、こっち! Hehe. Ich bedaure. XD Ich weiss, das mein Deutsch ist nicht sehr gut.
Tenkou mitsuru tokro-ni ware-ra ari. Yami-no mon hiraku tokoro-ni nanj ari. Ide-yo, kami-no ikazuchi! Kore-de saigo-da! INDIGNATION!!!!! *poster above is shocked to death* Cookie for reference.
Do NOT use auto-translators! I can't see how people think they're useful. Japanese is too different. オートトランスレーターを使うなよ!人はそれらが有用だと思うなんて、さっぱりに理解できん。日本語が違い過ぎなんだ。
I don't know. Ich weiss nicht. Je ne sais pas. 知らん。
Heh? What do you mean? He? Was meintest du? He? Qu'est-ce que tu veux dire? へ?君は、どういう意味だ? EDIT: @Anixe That's "Et tu, Brute'?" Das ist, "Et tu, Brute'" C'est "Et tu, Brute'?" それは「エト トゥ、ブルーテ?」って言うはずだ。
What language is that? Was Sprache ist das? Quelle langue est-ce? その言語って何だ?
Come hither to yonder link!
Speak in any and all languages you can! Sprecht, in jede und alle Sprachen, das ihr könnt! Parlez en toutes langues que vous pouvez! 出来る言語に話せ!
Still hast thou ignorance of the tongue of mine ancestors. Thou shalt be thrown in yonder dungeon, where thou shalt be beaten to thine death with linguistics books, until thou speakst in the tongue of Beowulf and Wiglac.
Gē ne cuǣdon ðā word mīn fædera! It tooketh me a fortnight to translate that into the tongue of mine ancestors. Therefore, I shall tell ye now. That which you speak is not the tongue of Old English. It is Early Modern English. The words that were on the first of my post, is the genuine Old English. I pity your lack of linguistic knowledge.
Like? What trash? All I've heard him propose are sound and workable solutions to problems. Please, explain.
Well, he has over 270 electoral votes, therefore he has won.
Linkage. More in depth linkage. This is a historic day in American History!
Obama '08!
Ich kann sprechen Deutsch ein purr. Aber, es ist nicht einfach. Es ist wie, legen deine Zunge in einem Mischer, und Püree pressen. [I can speak a little German. However, it is not easy. It is like putting your tungue in a blender and pressing puree.]