He's been poisoned by PETA! Hurry! Take him into reeducation!
The snow melted around 10:00. Bye-bye snow. :(
Older than the internet itself.
Yes, and Texas usually feels like Hell on Earth! All the roofs are white! We don't have to go to school! ... Well, we do, but it starts at 10:00 because of the snow, so our grandpa let us (my brother and I) stay home.
What day? You mean today's date? It's December 11. Winter technically starts on December 22.
Not that much, but it's snow alright! It's not even winter yet. Perhaps this is a sign for good things to come?
... *beats with 1st grade math book*
... I think we've been rick-rolled, whether or not she's telling the truth. If you are telling the truth, congrats on coming out of the closet and facing your true self. If not, LOL i jus got rikrold!
Tinker's eyes aren't that scary... Are they?
What are chicapoos, you ask? Chihuahua+Poodle. Gaze upon there cuddliness.
*gets ticked* Hitsugaya-taichou-da. (It's Captain Hitsugaya) Anyway, yeah, Hyouinmaru>>>>>>>>ice shield thing
We are playing shiritori.
[... have all the Suzumiya Haruhi-no novels now! The below is a lie, like the cake.] ... killed killed my uncle. Am I going to jail?
1. Black cats, being symbols of bad luck themselves, cannot get bad luck. 2. It's a cold pocket, lol 3. You all phail science. Oblate spheroid. 4. When having that one eye open, winking, when closed, blinking.
For me, it is "all the time." Literally. It really is a pain.
Maybe it's because you're using an old relic? ^Also, Firefox DOES sometimes fail. For example, even if I click "remember me" on a forum, I still have to log in if I go away for awhile, or restart Firefox. Anyway, Firefox>Internet Explorer
Where did I make a mistake in that post?
1. X-Box 360 2. PSP 3. Star Ocean: First Departure (PSP) 4. Tales of Phantasia (PSP) 5. Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World (Wii) 6. Tales of Vesperia (X-Box360) 7. Tales of Hearts (NDS) 8. The Suzumiya Haruhi novels, 1 and 5-9 Yes, I'm a "Tales of" fan. :D
The only way time travel could work without 'sploding the universe is if every time you "jump," you create an alternate universe where you can make changes that were supposed to happen to that universe. Some good info on time travel. Anyway, other than the model above, time travel would create paradoxes, which, by definition, are impossible to exist.
I knew what it was before I clicked this page. I lose!