Katakana (カタカナ) is only for foreign names and loanwords. Example: トイレ (toire, "toilet"), ナサニュール (Nasanyūru, "Nathaniel"). There are about 100 or so of these. Hiragana (ひらがな) is for Japanese-only words (there are a few exceptions, I think), particles and endings to verbs and adjective. Example: りんご (ringo, "apple") 戦う(tatakau, "to fight," the final "u" is in hiragana, as it is the ending). There are about 100 or so of these. Kanji (漢字) is also for Japanese-only words, and they are the most complex to write and numerous, with about 2,000 every-day kanji. Each kanji character denotes a certain "meaning," but not necesarily a "word," and adding two or more together changes it's meaning. Example: 簡単 (kantan, "simple," made up of the kanji for "simplicity" and "single") 知らなかった (shirankatta "to know (past negative, "I did not know.")" The first letter (shi) is in kanji, the rest in hiragana as the "ranakatta" is the ending) Anyway, that's enough of Japanese' wacky writing system. Trust me, Japanese is not a language you can learn in a short time. I've been studying it on and off for around 5 years, and I'm still not perfect (grammar-wise, I am, but vocabulary and kanji knowledge, NO). However, if you wish to learn Japanese, all I can do is recommend you this. If you need any help, just ask me. 手伝えるから。(tetsudaeru-kara, "Because I can help.")
I've had since February of 2007. I love importing. :D
Oh noes, the world's gonna end like on June 6, 2006!! Oh, wait a minute... Yeah, I'm not holding my breath or buying life insurance just yet. Really, the whole thing is just so stupid. Also, if this were true, Australia would be the first to go, as it's the January 12 there, when it's January 11 here in the US. Times zones, people. Time zones.
Use the toothpick and cream to create a magic circle, and use the poster as a catalyst to summon Chuck Norris himself, give him the whip and pepsi, let nature do it's course.
350? 俺だけに教えてくださいよ、キャッチ・ザ・レインさま!
69? LOL, innuendo!
... I have failed to uphold the title of "Guardian of Languages..." I canna' understand it! ・・・「言語の守護者」のタイトルを従うことを失敗したのだ・・・ ワケ分かんねぇんやで!
ほら見ろ! 俺がキサマらを好きに侮辱できるのに、キサマらは何でも出来ないぞ! 日本語に喋れば、俺は不死だ! では、俺を殺してみるがよい!キサマらは、俺にとって、ただの虫に過ぎぬ。
This is very true. Japanese is a very weird language to behold. 俳句はね、 好きではないが、 好きになれる。 (I don't like haiku, but I can come to like it)
No, I do not. I have been studying the language for four years. I am not so weak to use those kind of tools like you. However, you cannot understand this. そうではない。 俺は4年間からその言語を習っているのだ。 俺は、キサマのようなものではなく、そのような道具を扱うほど弱いものではなかろう。 しかし、キサマはこれを理解できぬ。
"But why axe microelectronics?!" That's why! I am the Guardian of the Languages here. There is no language sin that will not be judged. You are not one who can speak Japanese. Begone! 「しかしなぜマイクロエレクトロニクス?」かよ? そこだ! 俺は言語の守護者である。 裁かれぬ言語の罪など存在しない。 キサマは日本語が話せるものではあるまい。 消えろ!
... Autotranslators, huh? Well, well. It looks like I'll have to kill someone else for their horrifying linguistic sins. *shows knife* Say it with me! DO NOT USE AUTOTRANSLATORS!!!! *kills Roxas Sora* ・・・オートートランスレーター、か? やれやれ。 言語の罪のおかげで、誰かを殺さなければならないようだ。 *ナイフを見せる* 俺と一生に言え!オートートランスレーターを使うなよぉぉぉ!! *ロクサスソラろ殺す*
Old video is old.
Don't fall for it! He's a psychopath! No, seriously... Am I the only one to notice this?
In Japan, they go "GAO!"
Like him or not (I'm not), you got to admit; he has good reflexes for someone his age.
Kill someone... Oh, wait, you want serious? Okay, kill two people. That's serious, right?
*beats with English book* It's first person plural nominative pronoun!
You're right. It is no longer a celebration of the winter solstice. Now, it is the birthday of a man, if he existed (if he did, he was a good person, don't get me wrong), was really born in the spring. Anyway, I have never met anyone whose parents didn't put presents under the tree days before Christmas. I've also met no-one whose parents didn't go on big shopping sprees during the Christmas holiday. Now, people who believe in Santa, where is your proof? If you say, "Absence of proof is not proof of absence," I'll ask why you don't believe in the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, Cthulu, dragons, Allah (if you're not Muslim), leprechauns, mermaids, Thor, Odin, Ra, Set, or anything that has no proof!
That's their master plan. Don't be fooled. They are not for animal rights, per se. They are merely evolved animals plotting their take over of mankind. It's a conspiracy, I tell you! *gets locked up in straight jacket*