Sounds weird x3
Make them? <:
I was at Cheal's house during the move, so I couldnt get on with him being all busy and shiz. So yeah, 107 >:
I could've sworn I replied to here lol. Anyways, I totally love that Sheryl Nome cosplayer. The 2nd photo is probably my favorite of them. She even has the little hat for her outfit and everything. The 2D cosplayer was great too. Loving the one with him sitting at the window. But I especially like the one you took. The vignette effect looks nice and isnt too heavy handed. Great photos Hissy~
Bye Miele. I shall miss you. Best of luck in life! <:
Its okay. At least you'll get the chance to slit throat from the shadows again. Now with kung-fu swimming action :D
pfft, sucks to be you Misty, since I must also mention how awesome she is. Girl got skillz.
Ground them up and what does it make? Cocoa powder o:
Well the coloring is a bit weird. And the sig is over-sharpened in some areas. A bit of negative space on the left too. Other than that it's a good sig. The lighting is just right and you used some effects this time :D The flow could be better but its still decent. The bordered version looks better in my opinion, but maybe thats because im used to seeing signatures with borders. Keep shooting for the stars Ritsuka~
And silvery. Cant forget about that~
I wonder how an Aeroblast would sound on a piano o:
If its a guy in a green mask and sharp yellow clothing, then dont worry, he's almost harmless.
Dont worry Reptard, we love you too :D
Im good. Just being my awesome self and stuffs~
Backflip :D
Hell yeah! Space mountain! You win :D
Fixed <:
Pretty much :D