Well people getting into security holes is a pretty frequent event. Moreso for banks and government-owned facilities. It just seems that after the PSN thing, everyone's going to be keen to milk the stories for what they're worth. Kinda makes it hard for people to get any real facts though. Depends. There are plenty of white-hat hackers out there that could use various legal ways to trace any suspicious activities to find a lead. Although hackers are like looters, everyone just lays low until that one person decides to smash open a shop. Then everyone starts going crazy and the situation becomes harder to control.
Memories :'D Still needs more Sven. Tron More Tron It's not quite classic tron, but they are pretty slick.
Decided I wanted to do something simple, so I made 2 new signatures since I haven't even so much as looked at photoshop for over a year. Obviously, tons of CnC would be great.
A short man who loves a sexy porsche. Yes. Unless you can think of something more awesome. Like maybe a wizard.
I would like her to be Richard Hammond. Make her that please.
Agreed. We shall split the speegly-spoosh between ourselves.
This definitely syncs up with my "RvR is a sexy lady" theory from years ago. All according to keikaku.
I could always fly you to my place. Then you can watch me troll CtR. It's been 4 years and counting, and she doesn't even realize that I stole...
I came here specifically to answer a question you asked me nearly 4 years ago....
Well of course. Your dentist is a medic.
Tonight. You.
I would like to become a lurker so that one day I may defeat the 8 lurk-champions and waltz right up to the Elite-Lurks. Then I will punch them in the face. Like a gentleman.
That second signature is mad crazy; It has some serious potential. Bastila itself needs some more life in her, maybe a bit more contrasting and color correction so she doesn't become too bland. Then like Jay said, add some darkness. Even if its a little bit, it'll help that light act as a more realistic source. The background is the best part though. It's totally set-up for maximum flow and would look great with some clean smudge tooling. I can just imagine the splatter brush masks and low opacity c4d bubbles already. And maybe some rebecca black and justin bieber making out. Awwwww yeaaaaah.
Ah well, if you want to add me back, my msn is always memorizedburnbaby@yahoo.com, because like Stonehenge, I am mysterious in my unchanging ways....
The only thing crazier than your imagination are those mad lyrics you drop. It's like whoa, look at this cute butterfly, being all sadistic, and...
You know, without McIntyre, this would be one trippy abstract signature. But like chev stated, C4D's and fractals don't make the whole signature. Try starting out simple first. Use a color that compliments your render without making him blend in too much. Then start building up from there with basic pentooling, brushing, etc. Try to get a little flow going with smudging if you need it. Then use a subtle touch to blend in C4D's as an added effect. Then you can use photofilters or contrast changes to help fine-tune the proper color range for your signature. Like with anything, take it slow. And don't feel forced to use a certain effect if you don't like the outcome. 10 barely noticeable effect layers can sometimes come out better than 2 or 3 drastic additions. Also, Michael McIntyre is pretty awesome.
Julia was looking for you.
Tell your cats I was all like "Hey girl! Gonna come by my place?" Cause you know those cats, always flying around and stuff.
Well it really depends of preference. Personally I got a few mario games, Kirby 64, Toejam and Earl, Mighty Bomb jack, Gunstar heroes, Star Fox 64, Kid Icarus, and other ones like that. You can read the whole list here: VC List
No more heroes Okami Boom Blox (casual, I know, but its pretty fun) Mario Kart Wii Da blob Trauma Center (although you might prefer that on the DS) MadWorld The Conduit There's alot more but thats all I can think of right now. And the WiiWare games are pretty fun too. Dont forget about all those old classics they have for sale on the VC.