STOP T34S1NG M3 GUYS. TH1S THR34D 1S TOO D3L1C1OUS >:[ We should probably just stick to using the best language. The Galactic Basic Standard.
Who has two thumbs, is going to have the new SH game first, and is totally leaving you a message here instead of just talking to you directly?...
I thought we already had a king of the drunks. 4LTHOUGH 1 H4V3 TO 4GR33, P'S 31GHTS SM3LL SO GOOD. 1 JUST C4N'T H3LP BUT TO L1CK TH3 SCR33N SOM3T1ME3S >:]
There are plenty of members from this forum that have met their friends in real life. Some of them were old enough to do as they please but others still needed some permission from their parents of course. The best thing to do is to not sour any relationships you have with your parents. You might achieve your goal by being reckless and hasty, but in the long run things might get problematic. Like Saxima stated, letting them get to know the person will ease them into the whole idea. They don't have to become all buddy buddy, but at the very least let them have some idea of who you're having conversations with. They may seem stubborn about letting you travel now, but as long as you remain diligent and keep pursuing your goal, they'll see that you're serious about this. Parent's just want to keep your best interests in mind.
It's alright, the great Cthulu forgives all. Y'glef thbimr oth-kyrin.
And you didn't even get the poor lass a pony. Totally unacceptable.
It's that Crawford Tillinghast's fault. Him and his darned machines.
Couldn't the Premium members and the Reporters just have sex?
Sounds like it's time to bust out wizards. Or maybe various things closely related to the shenanigans of the various acts of wizardry and sorcery. Samurai. Ninjas. Pirates. Possibly a Lovecraft-themed one? Not sure if it would be easier to concentrate on the subjects in a certain story, the themes, or the Lovecraftian Horror genre as a whole. I am uncertain if that would conflict too much with the previous Horror or Mystical Creatures themes. Comedians. Films from the year 2000. The magical, apocalyptic events of 2012. Music was previously done but I suppose you could still have a theme that concentrates on a specific genre like Rock or Techno. Death. Not sure what the opposite of Futuristic would be called exactly. Ancient/Olden? Western. Ocean/Underwater. KH-Vids. Happiness.
So an Ienzian Stallion. Not sure I can ride that kind of horse. Or any horse.
No way, we have to totally remake the original one.
What kind of horse?
SJ for Best Ranter ever. Juicy is all busy being a responsible lass with getting ready for school while keeping up with her other activities. Except for the staying up ridiculously late to play her DS thing. That's not very responsible. And Ashwa is enjoying being lazy before she goes off to college. Also needs more Tallian being all sexy.
Curse you for making me laugh so hard at that.
Mikado is a trap. It's really a squirrel in a man suit.
The less you resist, the easier it'll be for my plan to slide in there and take effect.
I shall wait for CtR's rendition of the song. Go CtR, Go!
Just nominate Spike for hottest female, then our bromance can be that much less awkward.
Watch out for that Mish. She be a deadly pirate indeed. That limey seadog tried to steal all my peppermints. It was a dark day indeed.
ilu2 honeybear.