So sab, speaking of babies... ;D
How could you not know! o: It's M.Bison from street fighter. Trigger - This color adjusting, textured style of yours is just too lovely. Something about it always strikes my fancy. Rejectedâ–˛Oblivion - The only thing more impressive than the composition is the limited yet effective color scheme. Ploo-Hems - A simple signature, but it still gives off a strong presentation.
You art does a good job of presenting your theme. It's all lovely and morbid. I especially liked the Vitruvian Cyborg. No matter how many times I see the Vitruvian Man remade, it's still amusing. Plus it's way more serious than the work I did in AP art. Mine was all comics and dead baby jokes.
Awwww Yeaaaaah.
I do the volume thing too, except I can only stand to have it on an even number. I also tend to organize things as much as possible. Alphabetically, colour, shape, size. It only becomes bothersome in bookstores where inept workers shelf books poorly. It's more for ease of access than being orderly though. And I plan out things beforehand. Not really consciously, but if I go to Place A or do Action B, I figure Events 1, 2, and 3 might occur. And if Event 1 were to occur, then outcomes A, B, and C could possibly happen, etc. It's only slightly bothersome because generally nothing of interest happens during mundane activities, making any planning futile. And the large end amount of outcomes makes it pretty impractical.
Silent Hill Origins and Resident Evil 4. But seriously, if you have some friends to play with, Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Wario Ware Smooth Moves are pretty fun to play. Otherwise there are: No More Heroes No More Heroes 2 Metroid Prime 3 Kirby's Epic Yarn Super Mario Galaxy Super Mario Galaxy 2 Super Paper Mario New Super Mario Bros. Wii Sin and Punishment Muramasa Okami Epic Mickey Those are some good ones to start with, most of those being Wii-only games. Then there's whatever classic NES/SNES/Genesis/etc games you might want with the Virtual Console. Although since you already have Monster Hunster Tri, I'm sure you'll be busy enough as it is with that.
Hopefully that is Blueberry. Blueberry is the only master flavor. All others will be stricken down.
Chrono Trigger - One of the most fun RPG's that I've gotten to enjoy. As if having a time-bending story wasn't great enough, the battle system allowed you to combine attacks to really beat down foes. Adding a diverse soundtrack that covers prehistory to futuristic eras, multiple endings, and plenty of side-quests really fleshes out this game. Earthbound - Another great RPG. While there isn't anything particularly ground breaking about it, Earthbound definitely adds weird details to a lot of the game. The battles are pretty average RPG fare, but everything else is quirky. Status effects like being Homesick or getting your head turned into a diamond makes things interesting. Some items can even make your opponents cry. The world is filled with NPCs that will have odd, if not completely confusing conversations with you. And the story involves a lot of tomfoolery and psychic powers. Melty Blood: Act Cadenza B - Normally, I enjoy trying out fighting games but dislike playing them for too long because it all seems to be a futile effort of either easily beating someone or getting easily beat by someone. But I found that while playing Melty Blood, it really makes it easy for new players to get better and adds advanced play for the more battle-hardened. Melty Blood is a fighter based on the universe of Tsukihime, and as such the story mode offers a real treat for those playing it. People who aren't familiar with story can still follow along with the basics while still enjoying the game. Like all fighters, seeing it in action is the best way to explain the game, and people will either love it or hate it. Civilization 4 - You don't have to be history buff to play any of the Civ games, but you sure do have to be patient. As a strategy game, it turns off many people with it's appearance of mirco-managed civilizations. But it allows you expand your cities and technology without having to really get too detail obsessed. You can control your various workers, fighters, and other units manually to get certain jobs done or just set them on one of the automated settings and let them do whats best. The same applies to your cities when deciding what buildings they construct next. Scenarios can last quite a while once you get into the higher difficulties, making this a game that'll provide many hours of gameplay. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - If you've ever played any of the metroid games, you'll know what to expect. As an Action-Adventure game with RPG aspects, it does things very right. The graphics are very dark and gothic, fitting for a game taking place in Dracula's castle. Collecting various weapons, sub-weapons, equips, and upgrades is where the game really shines. After having the Grim Reaper scatter all your powerful relics in the beginning, finding them can be quite a task. But when you do, most of them help you in a dramatic way and definitely drives you on to exploring more and more just to see what shows up. The music is one of the best parts of this game as you travel through the surprisingly large castle. There are even moves and magic powers that you can use that require button input similar to a fighting game. Personally, I just like that one of the capes lets me watch Alucard flutter around in silly colors that I can choose myself. Shadow of the Colossus - If Zelda was more beautiful and the dungeons were replaced with just bosses, it would be like this game. There's not really much to say since most of the game involves riding your horse across empty plains. Nothing but you, a horse, a comatose chick in a temple, and various gargantuan colossi. While the game is straightforward, another playthrough reveals a few things making the game worth playing a second round. But if there's any game that expresses the mentality of "Quality over Quantity", it's this one. Space Funeral - This one is little bit out there. It's an indie PC game that most people will probably never stumble across. It's an RPG with a very interesting graphic-style that would be the result of H.P. Lovecraft using MS Paint. The game itself is a bit like Earthbound in it's weird approach to everything. Even starting the game can be a hassle since the options are Blood, Blood, and Blood which are New Game, Load Game, and Exit respectively. There is quite an interesting story to it, and the ending really puts things in perspective by showing off how important appearances are to people. No More Heroes - An action-adventure game involving a lightsaber beam katana-wielding otaku trying to become a number 1 assassin so that he can get laid. It's a direct game that allows you to get right into the action and slice up various ruffians. You get to upgrade your katanas or buy new ones, along with buying/finding various pieces of clothing and such in trashcans. You also get to upgrade your stats through mini-games so you're more prepared for the next battle. All this makes for a game that I really enjoyed, despite it being a bit short. Dark Cloud 2 - One of the most diverse RPG's I've played. Like Chrono Trigger and Earthbound, the story involves a bunch of time-traveling shenanigans that messes up the past and the future. Fortunately, you play as either a handy inventor or a magic-wielding time-traveling swordsman. Exploring dungeons action-adventure style in order to collect materials and level-up ends up being an enjoyable task when your weapons range from various swords along with guns ranging from pistols to laser cannons. There's a lot of back forth as you use items you've gained to build structures in the present to restore the towns to normal in the future. Definitely one that many people should try out. Kirby Super Star - Serious, world-destroying games start to bog you down after a while. That's why I always come back to this one. It follows the classic side-scrolling platforming of Kirby games, with all his various powers at your disposal. It doesn't really do anything too different from other Kirby games, but it's the quantity of games that makes this one more fun to play. Like Super Mario All-Stars, this game involves a bunch of Kirby games packed into one. But unlike all-stars, these games are unique to only Super Star. They're all different stories covering adventures with Dyna Blade, King Dedede, Meta Knight, and more. And even has some mini-games thrown in. The DS version, Super Star Ultra, adds even more stuff, and makes it a great handheld game to carry along. Mighty Bomb Jack is also the greatest game ever. But if I added it to this list, it would encompass all ten spots at once.
How do your cheeks get so rosey?
Firion's princess is a flower and Bartz thinks about old men. That is all.
I propose a riddle instead. What is Joan of Arc made of?
Make sure to bother CtR. She especially loves it when you poor salt into her drinks.
They are definitely not having sex the correct way.
My spine still hasn't forgave me for doing that.
I always thought Laguna looked more like Squall :lolface:
I had a Cadbury creme egg once. Reading that was similar to enjoying those over and over.
ffffff Stop being so awesome with your soundwave shirt that I am not totally jealous of >:O
I'm sorry, I'll wear the paper bag from now on.
Wow, you got it to install? That's further than I ever managed.
You should probably call Sony so they can help you resolve whatever problems are keeping PS+ active on your account.