Every anime listed in this thread is terrible.
What happens?
Looks you want to know how to breka a heart. Want some advice? I'm the master at it.
Uncharted if you want action with some comedy in it, Metal Gear Solid if you want a cinematic experience with tactical gameplay and Nier if you want a real time RPG with a great and depressing story. Out of all of those, Uncharted will take the least amount of time to finish. Just play it on easy unless you want a challenge.
Get Mario Kart 7. It's entertaining to play online if you have internet access. Once you complete Skyward Sword, you'll never touch it again. Mario Kart is everlasting.
I suppose gravity is, but that's stretching it a little.
I don't have anything on my right. This thread is flawed.
You should have spent it with me.
Then it's even more reason I don't deserve them. But the holiday is over. Which means this thread can end as well. Well, it's certainly nice of you to give an explanation. I'm sure anyone who felt that way appreciates your answer.
It was a typo on my part. It's obvious I meant bed though. Happy now?
I'm pretty sure everyone who posts here are the black sheep in their families so don't feel too out of place.
Him being a female actually makes what I said more sense. But if it's wrong, I don't think anyone cares. Nothing to see here.
People like The Grinch, tummer, Saxima and A jealousy are the reason I made this thread. Don't have anything worth celebrating or not in the mood for it? Well, post in this thread and see if it helps in any way. Or try at least.
Not at all. If I wanted anything, I'll buy it myself. I did nothing to deserve a present either.
I stopped celebrating it a long time ago. As to why though, we all have our secrets.
Anyone who isn't, can post here. Along with me of course.
Only a tad? Then you're lucky you're not being completely ignored. Move on.
Never heard of them, fortunately.
Jokes about Friday died off a long time ago. You're just late.
Nothing but spoiled little brats in this thread. It makes me sick how you all still ask for presents.