No, stop it. Don't even think about it.
You don't like people much if they use a bad avatar and yet you're using a crappy one yourself.
The Doors should come back. I've been waiting for a new album for years.
Damn, that's embarrassing. If I was rejected over and over again by a girl, I would never post it online. You're just asking to be ridiculed.
Ooh, you're hot. I already like you more than 98% of the members in this forum. Post more often and don't get banned.
That's still early you know. It's late if you sleep at 6am and wake up at 7pm though. Which is what I do.
Please don't involve or mention me in these type of threads. I'm not one of your pals you can ship with.
Might as well get mine.
The outcome of this thread is a perfect example of people having too much time on their hands.
I'll pick Retz. My Lord, what a handsome fellow he is.
No Ienzo? Not watching.
I think you are overestimating the importance of a message board.
Too bad they're all hired actors.
Your dream sounds boring.
Used merchandise and opened new accessories may be returned for a refund within 7 days of purchase or exchanged for the identical item within 30 days of purchase. If this doesn't work, get the manager. Just bring the receipt along.
For a ten year old, Ash sure has a lot of sexual activity going on in his head. Horrile theory, just like all the others.
Wrong section. This is supposed to be in The Playground.
In other words; A typical cliche anime. Yep, still terrible.
Good plan. Ignore further discussion due to lack of a answer with a false statement. Keep going at it.
You didn't expect people in here to have bad taste in anime? Tch, and you call yourself a regular.