In other words; females are crazy and hard to please. What else is new?
I must have forgotten. It's been awhile. Her last secret skill is the best one to use. Try to get Nobunaga in the center of the last few attacks of the skill to land the most damage.
Please, Kenji has infinite health Yukimura has his infinite stab technique Mistunari has crazy speed so he'll never get hurt Kotaro has his giant shuriken which draws Nobunaga in for some easy attacks Ieyasu has his headbutt which can dish out extreme damage when charged Masamune has his one-hit kill move and Saika is broken. He's not so hard, even on the highest difficulty setting.
Silent Hill HD Collection
I was actually going to buy you that as a late Christmas gift. But seeing how you already own it...
And then you woke up and proceeded to play World of Warcraft.
I'm not so bad at multiplayer so it shouldn't be too hard I suppose. But there are some people who pick on lower level players which is annoying. The campaign is sometimes tough though. Especially Chapter 13.
Sounds fine, since I may be busy Thursday and Friday. If Kitty decides to join, then even better. I haven't tried the online yet, but it's anything like U2's multiplayer, then I'll like it.
Sounds good. None of the other people on my PSN list are playing Uncharted 3, except Kitty I think. I'm almost done with the campaign so I'll send you a message when I can play. And yes, I have a mic as well.
Making you smile was enough. No need for rep.
Looks good enough. Although I will miss playing as Starkiller and Darth Vader. Those two were the best characters in SCIV. But if any of the new characters play similiar to them, I might be more excited for this game. Ezio is mainly the reason I want this game right now.
You know, the reason I made this thread in the first place was because I actually had a dream about her in the first place. And having a nice dream is rare for me. I could go on and on about what happened in the dream, but I can tell that people came here expecting a sarcastic thread about me being nicer to fulfill some other agenda instead of trying to make a girl fall in love with me. Which was an impossible task since I am no match for any kind of lady here. I have no good qualities whatsoever and no one should have to put up with me. Alas, a moderator can lock this thread. I was just fooling myself with this fantasy. Again.
Who might this lass be exactly? No.
Ienzo will fall in love with me? I'll do whatever it takes.
No, I hate candy.
I tried playing this the other day, actually. I got up to the inside of some big tree and just gave up. It's not really fun or anything. I may go back sometimes to continue, but I still find this game incredibly overrated so far.
That reminds me, I really need to buy The Lord of the Rings Trilogy on Blu-Ray.
Get off to the little girls.
You may not.