Don't do this. You're only embarrassing yourself.
None of these are funny.
Well, this thread got boring fast.
Wow, your life sure is rough.
You edited your post. So you didn't really leave.
In this thread: People who were friendzoned at least once in their lives.
Twilight Princess must have spoiled me. This games look too kiddy for my taste. That and I'm not sure what I should be doing inside the Neku Tree. It gives no help or idea where to go or what to do.
Oh my, I actually agree.
But that's not Naughty Dog.
Exactly. Or it seems forced.
Sounds like a bad copy of Castlevania.
Pretty sure you do the same thing you myron.
Leave the sarcasm to me alright? You're terrible at it.
What are you? Twelve? Of course they do you idiot. Go to the men's section of magazines once in a while.
I think it's just stupid.
Final Fantasy III Chrono Trigger Final Fantasy X-2 These games were very uninteresting, slow and had bad gameplay mechanics. I was actually looking forward to FFIII, but I ending up having to force myself to finish it. And when I got close to the end, it glitched on me. I had to start all over since I couldn't escape. That made me hate the game and never go back to it. FFX-2 had an unbearable story and no Tidus or Auron to play as? I quickly returned it. Chrono Trigger didn't pull me in at all. I played a lot of it, expecting the game to be as good as everyone said it was. But I only ended up being disappointed.
Yes .
This is so damn old. Seriously, did you just find the internet last year or something?
Only ******bags and hipsters buy tablets.
Welcome to Obama's America.