I think I would have liked that movie but that' s not the one I watched. And judging from Ridley Scott' s explanations that' s not the movie he meant to make either. Didn' t like it as a horror movie (for the same reasons as Haya I assume), didn' t like it as a SF movie either. Way too cryptic for my taste, and that comes from a guy who loved Lost. The fact that the movie is really the first chapter to a larger story might excuse it though, it was never meant to be a stand alone, so while I did feel hugely let down I' m still looking forward to the sequel(s). Edit : no wait, the android story did match what you said and that was the part of the movie I did like.
I only played the first one on arcade way back when. I think it did have some dudes in its cast, but that was before they went crazy with the boobs. And the bouncing. And did I mention the boobs ? It was pretty good for a fighting game but I was more of a Tekken kind of guy. I' m quite curious to try that VR thing though, horror games will drive people mental with this.
Well there' s been a bit of a misunderstanding. Tabata said once Episode Duscae would be released the marketing of the game would begin full force, so the fans expected they' d finally start showing a lot of new stuff. What he actually meant is that Episode Duscae was their way to market the games to the fans (who tend to care about the gameplay first and foremost), and that the trailer campaign would target the casuals who never ever heard of Versus XIII. I mean let' s face it, what they' ve revealed over the course of, what was it now, six years ? They' ve revealed quite a lot of story bits already. They did take note of the complaints from the fans regarding the trailers, but they don' t seem quite sure what to show without entering spoiler territory. Personally I' ve stopped watching them.
Well ... There you have it. Also, big bad empire, but love and friendship save the day.
Neither did I. But hey, foreigner here, you pretty much have to reach Jill sandwiches levels for me to notice something' s off.
- When I grow up I want to be the first person in human history to teleport himself. - I' m sorry what ? - It' s already possible to transport quantum information from a location to another. Right now there are super computers that can transport quantum information to space, so why not send people to space ? - Well uh ... even if you could build this thing, which you can' t ... - I' ve already built it. Well ... I' m building it. In my garage. - Is it next to your flying car ? - I' m not working on that anymore. Just this now. I call it the biomatter shuttle. - Biomatter ... - Technically I' m shuttling matter from one place to another. Well, first matter. But once I test biological matter I can ... - Well uh ... thank you Mr Richards this is all very interesting, but the assignment was to pick a real career in the real world.
Then I have to wonder if your addiction is really about video games. Would this hit close to home ? http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1805733/ As you can see there' s no reliable treatment, but if you want a short term solution in order to buy that thing you really really want I suggest you ask someone to monitor your spending for a while. Or, as soon as your income pops in, just take the amount you' d like to save monthly and ask someone you trust to keep it for you. Tell them not to give anything back before you' ve saved the amount you need.
Eh, they charged 70 bucks for Type 0 and I think it sold pretty well, even though it wasn' t that polished (not to mention super easy to pirate). I assume Episode Duscae alone has something to do with it. DDD and Chi are the only KH games I have yet to play (I grew tired of their spreading bullshit) so I don' t mind paying full price this time around.
Is it developed by Enix2 or √Enix ?
On my phone ? We call them SMS or texto but I forgot how you call them, I figured this would do.
Oh okay, that was confusing. Well anyway, I guess the exp you gain from those actions is somehow proportional to both your level and that of your enemies (with more tweaks on top of that, otherwise you' d spot the logic pretty easily). The roundings could explain the lower and higher jumps here and there.
Could be obscure equations, could be fixed amounts/proportions, can' t really see a clear pattern emerge here. Do you have one of those graphic calculators that can display graphs when you enter equations ? Back in my days they had low def screens and no anti-aliasing so the graph weren' t really precise, they looked like jagged stairs rather than smooth lines/curves. Well same principle here, if they picked an equation whose results are then rounded up or down to get rid of decimals its graph would look all jagged. You' d have to correlate those numbers with the amount of exp needed for each level up to know what kind of grinding curve they were aiming for, usually one of those three (x is your level, y is the amount of exp/enemies required to level up) : Spoiler It' s a bit weird that the level of the enemies you meet and the exp they net you increases along with yours though, I don' t remember ever playing a game like this. Most games expect you to move to a tougher zone to keep a decent grinding pace. Hell, a lot of of them actually decrease the amount of exp a given enemy nets you as you level up. But then I assume you' re talking about Arc the Lad ? It' s less uncommon for oldies to have exotic methods. The first Kingdom Hearts actually asked you which one of those three graphs suited you best. I' ve always picked the second one (slow beginnings, quicker near the end).
So my sister just gave birth to her second son. She sent me a text mail today, apparently her water broke while she was buying pastries. She said we should have seen the look on the employee' s face. xD
Huh ? B ... but ... what happened to your Hepburn serenity ? Oh that' s the ninja thing isn' t it ? Seriously though : Anthropological uses[edit] Fetishism, the attribution of religious or mystical qualities to inanimate objects, known as fetishes
He' s got a new-found fetish for Audrey Hepburn. Only knew her as a cinema sex-symbol, but apparently she was really an empath zen master ninja or something.
Well you knew it was coming, it hardly came as a surprise at this point. Not that it makes it easy, but in my experience it makes it significantly less brutal. Hang in there.
I' ll wait for second hand copies of MGS5 to be available but that' s just me sticking to my moral code, I don' t delude myself into thinking I' ll have any significant impact. Same goes for DLCs, I bought a grand total of 2 in my entire life and waited for a significant price drop. As for pre-orders, while I didn' t think of them badly before I' m starting to get cautious. But hey, my usual shop usually gives me the pre-orders gifts whether I pre-ordered the games or not, so I might as well wait for the reviews to come up from now on.
I watched "It Follows" last night, this movie is haunting me. Think "The Ring" meets "Halloween". Don' t expect heaps of jump scares and blood though, that one is all about its mood. Its premise is so simple I' m amazed no one thought of it before (not that I know of). I thought this movie was your usual puritanical slasher at first, but on second thought it' s about puritanism.
So ... can you already tell how invasive the micro-transactions are, or is it too soon for you to say ? I mean does it take for-freaking-ever to grind those medals the legit way ? I' m in no hurry for an answer though, as much as I' d like to play the game there' s no way in hell I' ll give Konami a single cent for it.